You all heard of Vatican City, right there in the center of Rome. There are plenty of walls surrounding the city for protection against invaders. Map of Vatican City

“It isn’t all surrounded by walls, and it’s not like you need a separate visa or a passport to enter,” he said. “You wouldn’t know, almost, when you even entered Vatican City. There is a white line painted on the ground in St. Peter’s Square, but that kind of thing is not obvious everywhere.”

There are, to be sure, formidable walls in Vatican City, and much of of the site, including the gardens and the modest guesthouse that is home to Francis, is set behind them. But the walls do not entirely enclose the city-state, and in the modern era they are not meant to, historians said.

“Anybody can walk into St. Peter’s Square — that’s the whole point of it,” said Dr. Mannion. “It was designed to be welcoming and to draw people in like two open arms, to draw them into the heart of the church.”

Some of the walls in Vatican City were built in the ninth century by Pope Leo IV in an attempt to protect it from attacks by pirates and other marauders, historians said. But other stretches of wall were built during the 15th and 16th centuries, Dr. Mannion said, less as a defensive measure and more as “a political and cultural statement” about the cultural and political power of the pope.

As highlighted above, there are some walls that were built to protect the Vatican from attacks by pirates and marauders; sounds like the wall proposed by Trump will do the same thing. And in ten decades there may be no need for the wall. 


As the world turns in its axis so does the Pope; a traveling satellite so to speak. Touring one country after another. An Argentinian, Pope Francis has been there and not done that. Francis is the first Jesuit pope, the first from the Americas, the first from the Southern Hemisphere and the first non-European pope since the Syrian Gregory III in 741.

He led the Argentine Church during the December 2001 riots in Argentina, and the administrations of Néstor Kirchner and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner considered him a political rival. This was a good thing, similar to the fall of Communism in Poland.

The international relations field knows Pope John Paul II for his temporal leadership in the Roman Catholic Church, but less is known about his pivotal role in the rise of Poland’s independent trade movement of Poland standing firm against Communism.

Yet Soviet “liberation” of occupied Poland brought only further repression. And for 33 years, Wojtyla would promote Christianity and religious freedom under threat of  a regime attempting to squash any opposition to atheistic totalitarian rule. Rising to the position of archbishop of Krakow in 1963, he carefully avoided direct criticism of the government, but spread his philosophy of Christian “humanism” through a series of poem-cycles that, in effect, worked to undermine the Marxist foundation of Communism. Yet clashes were inevitable—he encountered fierce opposition in his efforts to create 11 new parishes through door-to-door evangelism, and Soviet authorities tried to stop him from publicly leading Catholics in Poland’s Corpus Christi procession, a medieval feast day celebrated every June.

Wojtyla’s election as pope in 1978 armed him with an international following that, in retrospect, cowed even the Soviet empire. “Be not afraid” became his rallying cry, and following a 1979 address to the U.N. General Assembly in which he challenged the free world to defend human rights, he embarked on a courageous but dangerous nine-day public pilgrimage to “strengthen the brethren” in Poland. There he warned Communist authorities that the papacy would watch them closely, and he reminded them of their responsibility “before history and before your conscience.” The people responded to John Paul II’s visit with loyalty borne of years of shared suffering—banners with the Communist party slogan “The Party Is for the People” sported the daring addition, “. . . but the People are for the Pope.”

John Paul II’s example encouraged other leading church authorities, such as the Czech Cardinal Frantisek Tomasek, to become fierce critics of Communism. His visit also inspired an unemployed electrician named Lech Walesa to form in 1980 the Soviet Union’s first and only trade union—Solidarity.

Instead of coming to the border and lambasting Trump, Pope Francis should pilgrimage in all the countries of Latin America run by Communists and dictators. Of course rabble rousing among the people in the drug infested waters Columbia, El Salvador, Nicaragua has risks. Lecturing Trump on a wall is a non starter. Walls, just like Robert Frost said, make good neighbors. Letting more druggies, murders, killers, rapists, leaches into the United States is the wrong thing to do. Trump is right, the Pope is wrong. We do not need a lecture on what is right and what is wrong.

And if he is so concerned about the poor, have the Vatican, with three to four trillion in assets, start selling their wares and distribute the proceeds to the poor. Ain’t gonna happen folks. Stay tuned.


Hillary Clinton is in the midst of the greatest collapse in political history. Her run for the White House was essentially to be a cake walk. A waltz in the night leading to a triumphant march down Pennsylvania Avenue. However, the walk will not happen, but the ride to Sing Sing or Alcatraz is more likely. The latest Bonnie and Clyde duo, Hillary and Bill, are about to get busted; not one law broken but hundreds, a thriller, with death thrown in, murder in Benghazi and emails disappearing quicker than a magicians wand.

Bernie Sanders is now running neck and neck with the once invincible Clinton. He has connected to the people, where is Hillary has disconnected. Sort of like Bush, she brings in the family, but that doesn’t matter anymore. The emperor has no clothes is an apt description of this contemptuous liar. So many email/server stories have come out, even Hillary does not no which one is true.

Americans are patiently waiting for the FBI to bring out the bracelets. We are at wits end on why they have not acted yet. How much more evidence do they need to recommend an indictment? Why are they stalling, why is the State Department stalling? These are valid questions the American people deserve to know.


Since Trump has vaulted to the front of the pack, which by the way was completely unexpected, Fox News has done everything in its power to stop him. Poll after poll has Donald Trump running well ahead of the pack, but Fox News/Wall Street Journal did not see it that way, or at least according to their day old poll. The poll has Cruz in front which is not confirmed by any of the other polls.

In fact, Trump is increased his lead over the runner up, whoever that might be. Now Fox News has dug deep into their archives to find that Trump supported the Iraq War, but tepidly. Folks the mudslinging is getting dirtier by the day.

However, not pulling punches, “THE DONALD” is in front according to the latest poll, up by 16 to 17 points in the Palmetto State of South Carolina and nationally. Watch out America, a new beginning is in the cards.


Two venerable foes enter the Octagon, the Senate and the Anointed One,  the crowd cheering from the peanut gallery, not a person sitting in their seat; clamoring, cheering,  shouting, fists in the air for their man. In the Red Corner is Mitch McConnell, in the Blue Corner is Barack Hussein Obama. The Judges are the audience, the American people; this will be a blood match, Winner take all.

Does McConnell have any swagger in his clinging/clanging bones or will he lie down waiting for the Barack steamroller to flatten him like a wabbit? Soon the outcome will be known.


On the campaign trail Hillary Clinton belted out the bark. Click here for the commodity like video. 

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Newsmax Media

Hillary Clinton revealed a new talent on the campaign trail this week: She can bark like a dog.

At a rally Monday in Reno, Nevada, the Democratic presidential front-runner jokingly discussed how her GOP rivals could be called out whenever they bent the truth, Time Magazine reports.

And she recalled one of her “favorite, favorite” political ads that aired on the radio station when she lived in Arkansas.

“The announcer said, ‘Wouldn’t it be great if somebody running for office said something, we could have an immediate reaction as to whether it was true or not? Well we’ve trained this dog and the dog, if it’s not true, he’s going to bark,'” Clinton told her supporters.

“And so people were barking at each other for days after that. I’m trying to figure out how we can do that with the Republicans, you know? We need to get that dog and follow him around and every time they say things, like, ‘Oh, the great recession was caused by too much regulation’ — Arf! Arf! Arf! Arf! I think we could cut through a lot of their claims.”
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Clinton is the second presidential candidate to reference Man’s Best Friend during the 2016 campaign.

Last December, Carly Fiorina who has since dropped out of the race, was seen in a video, playing with a small army of puppies and informing one of them, “Ya know, President Obama ate one of your cousins.”

The bizarre remark was a reference to the commander-in-chief’s confession that he ate dog meat as a young boy in Indonesia.

In the same video, titled “Why Dogs Are Better than Cats with Carly Fiorina,” the former Hewlett-Packard CEO is seen chewing on a bone, telling another dog, “I always used to eat Milk-Bones as a kid. I thought they were very good.”

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The Pope, on his recent visit to Latin America has found time to stop by the United States/Texas border. This did not sit well with many of us in the United States; mixing religion with illegal invasion of a sovereign border is something reserved for politicians. These invaders from Mexico are sanctioned by the President of Mexico and Obama, both blood brothers in crime. Taking down the United States is Obama’s number one goal.

Pope Francis’ border trip

Pope Francis dispatches ‘super confessors’ around the world

The Vatican responded late Tuesday to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s criticism of Pope Francis’ plan to visit the border wall that separates Mexico from the U.S.

The pope is scheduled to visit the fence between the border cities of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico and El Paso, Texas Wednesday. He is expected to stop at the fence, give a blessing in honor of asylum-seekers on the other side and pray for those who died trying to get there.


In an interview with Fox Business Network last week, Trump said that he did not believe Francis understood what he called “the danger of the open border we have with Mexico.”

“I think Mexico got him to [visit the border] because Mexico wants to keep the border just the way it is because they’re making a fortune and we’re losing,” Trump added.

In a statement, Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi said, “The pope always talks about migration problems all around the world, of the duties we have to solve these problems in a humane manner, of hosting those who come from other countries in search of a life of dignity and peace.”


It doesn’t surprise us one ruble of Russia’s adventures in the Middle East and power play in Crimea, plus saber rattling in the Ukraine; the Baltics are looking over their shoulder too.  China lauding North Korea behind closed doors, plus the taking of the Spratlys. And the recent shove it in your face Iran on the receiving end of banned weapons from Russia.Image result for nuclear symbol

The United States pumps out words while the others pump out weapons. And for Hillary Clinton, do not think for a moment that she is capable; it is her who lit the Middle East up in flames. Syria, Iran, Crimea, Iraq, devastation everywhere on her watch. We are closer now to a nuclear disaster than ever before.

Iran to get missiles from Russia.

When push comes to shove and it will come, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt will, or should we say must coalesce around the threat of the Sunni warlords. WW III is on the horizon; no doubt about it.

Barry McGuire had it right we are “On the Eve of Destruction.


The eastern world it is exploding
Violence flarin’, bullets loadin’
You’re old enough to kill but not for votin’
You don’t believe in war but whats that gun you’re totin’?
And even the Jordan River has bodies floatin’

But you tell me
Over and over and over again my friend
Ah, you don’t believe
We’re on the eve of destruction

Don’t you understand what I’m tryin’ to say
Can’t you feel the fears I’m feelin’ today?
If the button is pushed, there’s no runnin’ away
There’ll be no one to save with the world in a grave
Take a look around you boy, it’s bound to scare you boy

And you tell me
Over and over and over again my friend
Ah, you don’t believe
We’re on the eve of destruction

Yeah my blood’s so mad feels like coagulating
I’m sitting here just contemplatin’
I can’t twist the truth it knows no regulation
Handful of senators don’t pass legislation
And marches alone can’t bring integration
When human respect is disintegratin’
This whole crazy world is just too frustratin’

And you tell me
Over and over and over again my friend
Ah, you don’t believe
We’re on the eve of destruction

Think of all the hate there is in Red China
Then take a look around to Selma, Alabama
You may leave here for four days in space
But when you return it’s the same old place
The pounding of the drums, the pride and disgrace
You can bury your dead but don’t leave a trace
Hate your next door neighbor but don’t forget to say grace

And tell me
Over and over and over and over again my friend
You don’t believe
We’re on the eve of destruction
Mmm, no, no, you don’t believe
We’re on the eve of destruction


Ted Cruz continues lobbing missiles at The Donald. Trump threatens to sue Cruz if they are not retracted. Trump believes that Cruz is not a “natural born citizen.” This has not been adjudicated, but needs to be. Any sensible person would question Cruz’s right to run. The point here being that there are long term implications that have not been addressed; and they must be.

Article II Section One says, “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.


We salute the General today for all that he did in shaping our country. Obama is doing his part in destroying the legacy of our Founding Father, a man of integrity, wisdom and belief; a man of honor.  These traits are not found in the present person sitting in the White House. Gilbert Stuart Williamstown Portrait of George Washington.jpg

December 14, 1799) was the first President of the United States (1789–97), the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War, and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. He presided over the convention that drafted the current United States Constitution and during his lifetime was called the “father of his country”


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