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The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, “enlightened”) is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name usually refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776.


The Republican Debate was all bare knuckles, no pulled punches, but Trump hit  Jeb Bush in the jaw. Jeb said, “stop attacking my family.”  The audience was stuffed with Bush supporters as the video portrays. The pundits say Trump had a bad night, but listen to the content rather than the one liners. But according to recent polls Trump is front by a large margin. Cruz and Rubio went at like cats spitting in each others face. The people in America know that Donald Trump means business; he is the only Republican who can win the Presidency by pulling Democrat voters to vote for him.

By Anthony Salvanto, Fred Backus, Jennifer De Pinto, Sarah Dutton

The CBS News Battleground Tracker poll shows that Donald Trump keeps a large lead in South Carolina, bolstered by support from conservatives and also from evangelical voters, who make up a large share of the electorate here.


Ted Cruz is in second place, but well behind Trump. Cruz has the support of those who consider themselves very conservative, but trails Trump among all conservatives as well as moderates.

John Kasich has gotten a little bounce out of his surprisingly strong showing in New Hampshire, but he may be limited here by the fact that evangelical voters are not as strongly in support of him as non-evangelicals.

For Trump voters, who have been relatively steadfast in their support over the last few months, the percentage who say they’ve firmly decided on Trump has increased. Trump’s lead among evangelicals is up from January, and he has widened his lead among conservatives, too.

In a contest marked by divisions among so-called “insiders” and “outsiders,” South Carolina Republicans show a strong preference for campaigns running as the latter, and this poll helps illustrate why. By four to one, South Carolina Republicans describe the “establishment” as a bad thing, and few describe it as a group that knows how to get things done.

On the metric of being “prepared” to be president, Trump and Cruz do well, and Jeb Bush and John Kasich do relatively well, but Marco Rubio trails in this regard, suggesting that last week’s debate in New Hampshire may have had an impact.

Hillary Clinton keeps her large lead in South Carolina, which has narrowed only slightly from last month, and she is bolstered by strong support from the African American voters who comprise most of the Democratic electorate here.


Hillary thinks she is doing good; well folks for a 100% shoe-in six moths ago with 59% support that is not doing good, it is pathetic. horseracedemsc-1.jpg

We knew it, now confirmed, audience stacking.

GREENVILLE, South Carolina — The chairman of the local Republican Party here confirmed to local television that 2016 frontrunner billionaire Donald Trump’s concerns—and those of his closest competitor Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)—with the Republican National Committee (RNC) allocation of debate audience tickets are well-placed.

Vox even admits that Trump’s claim on stage that the odd—and unrepresentative of the party’s voting base—audience was made up of “Jeb’s special interests and lobbyists” was really not “that far-fetched.”

“Prior to the debate, the Republican Party decided not to use a lottery system to decide who should be in the audience,” Lopez wrote. “Instead, most tickets went to elected Republican officials, donors, and other workers for the party picked by local, state, and national party officials. The result, it seems, is the room was packed with Republican voters who overwhelmingly dislike Trump.”

Click here for the story.



As this reprint from the WSJ shows, Donald Trump spent 1/8 of a cent for each vote he won. On the other hand Bush spent a whopping $276. This is a eye popping number. And there is no doubt on the Republican side Hillary Clinton spent 20 to 30 times that of Sanders. Keep this in mind folks when voting, do not be swayed by False Gods.



The Myths of Black Lives Matter

Heather Mac Donald, Wall Street Journal, February 11, 2016


To judge from Black Lives Matter protesters and their media and political allies, you would think that killer cops pose the biggest threat to young black men today. But this perception, like almost everything else that many people think they know about fatal police shootings, is wrong.

The Washington Post has been gathering data on fatal police shootings over the past year and a half to correct acknowledged deficiencies in federal tallies. The emerging data should open many eyes.

For starters, fatal police shootings make up a much larger proportion of white and Hispanic homicide deaths than black homicide deaths. According to the Post database, in 2015 officers killed 662 whites and Hispanics, and 258 blacks. (The overwhelming majority of all those police-shooting victims were attacking the officer, often with a gun.) Using the 2014 homicide numbers as an approximation of 2015’s, those 662 white and Hispanic victims of police shootings would make up 12% of all white and Hispanic homicide deaths. That is three times the proportion of black deaths that result from police shootings.

The lower proportion of black deaths due to police shootings can be attributed to the lamentable black-on-black homicide rate. There were 6,095 black homicide deaths in 2014–the most recent year for which such data are available–compared with 5,397 homicide deaths for whites and Hispanics combined. Almost all of those black homicide victims had black killers.

Police officers–of all races–are also disproportionately endangered by black assailants. Over the past decade, according to FBI data, 40% of cop killers have been black. Officers are killed by blacks at a rate 2.5 times higher than the rate at which blacks are killed by police.

Some may find evidence of police bias in the fact that blacks make up 26% of the police-shooting victims, compared with their 13% representation in the national population. But as residents of poor black neighborhoods know too well, violent crimes are disproportionately committed by blacks. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, blacks were charged with 62% of all robberies, 57% of murders and 45% of assaults in the 75 largest U.S. counties in 2009, though they made up roughly 15% of the population there.

Such a concentration of criminal violence in minority communities means that officers will be disproportionately confronting armed and often resisting suspects in those communities, raising officers’ own risk of using lethal force.



Supreme Court Justice Scalia dead at 79

Think what Obama accomplished with Executive Orders, then think of what he could do with the Supreme Court in his pocket.

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, the judicial standard-bearer of the conservative movement and the court’s most provocative member, died Saturday. He was 79.

‎His death means President Obama could have an unprecedented chance to try to shift the balance of the court during his final year in office — setting up a Senate battle in the heat of an election year.

Obama said he planned “to fulfill my constitutional responsibility to nominate a successor in due time.”

The U.S. Marshals Service in Washington confirmed Scalia’s death at a private residence in the Big Bend area of south Texas.

The more defining question is “what will happen next.” We now will see what the Senate does. Do they have a backbone or are they a an Obama Rubber Stamp. This fight is going down to the finish. There is no way in hell that the Republicans should take up a vote to fill Scalia’s spot on the court. We are talking war here. Just check the Venezuelan situation by clicking here. Then America will understand the consequences of a Senate vote.gadsdenflag


Venezuela is in the throes of an economic meltdown; peasants cooking their leather shoes, making broth laced with field grass,  The Red Blooded socialist citizens are calling for Maduro’s head, Venezuela leader gets emergency powers, Chavez’s hand picked successor has continued the revolution, chasing out the capitalists, entrepreneurs, doctors and those who work for a living; with them gone the economy has gone into a tailspin, tanking deeper than Chavez’s grave.Chávez meets with Hillary Clinton at the Summit of the Americas on 19 April 2009.

Venezuela has stolen the means of production, nationalizing industry after industry. Forget no inflation or slight deflation Venezuela takes the cake, 700% forecast in 2016. Murder by drug gangs, political opponents assassinated, robberies gone bad, knife attacks, what ever,  the Chavista nation comes in second with 90 murders per 100,000; compare that to the U.S. with four per 100,000.

The past Chavez/Maduro voter have now reaped what they sowed, Socialism, the worst poison known to man. But please my fellow revolutionaries, don’t be alarmed at what is going down in Marti square, this is a dress rehearsal of what could happen here if the likes of Clinton seize the White House. A continuation of dollar printing will eventually break our bank too, it always does.

Although blood has not flowed in Venezuela as of yet, it soon will.. The army and national guard will no doubt bring it on. After all, smash and grab (actually there is nothing to grab) so it will be smash and burn as control for for levers of power will ultimately result in guerilla warfare once again. We hope most of us will stand by and let the Venezuelans delight themselves in the game of anarchy. Do you want hard currency? Put it on the internet, pay per view, this will bring in some hard currency; wouldn’t you say.hugoobama

Dire straits mean dire action, we suggest they call Joe Kennedy for help, you can always count on him to return the favor. Interesting arrangement between Joe and Hugo is, well shall we say, very enlightening.

From 2009. Over the past four years, Citizens Energy Corp., the signature nonprofit founded by Kennedy in 1979 as a political launching pad, has grown from a local charity serving 10,000 Massachusetts homes a year into a national effort delivering free fuel to 200,000 households in 23 states.

And Kennedy, a former U.S. representative, has relied almost exclusively on Chávez, a vociferous critic of the U.S. government, for that growth.

Since 2005, Citizens’ 877-JOE-4-OIL campaign has been sustained by the oil fields of Venezuela. Chávez, who controls the industry there, has delivered crude oil at no charge to a Citizens affiliate, which has resold it and used the money to pay for oil deliveries to America’s poor. In the past two years, Citizens has been given 83 million gallons of crude by Chávez and sold it for $164 million – money used to fund almost its entire philanthropic mission.

(click here for Joe for oil)


During the past six months we have tried to educate the sceptics that the United States dollar is not worth the paper it is printed on.  The likes of Goldman-Sachs (with a name like Goldman, why would they be bearish on Gold – very confusing to us) forecast a $1000 ounce of gold, others saw an implosion to $500, not so fast says the market. When Goldman speaks people listen or do they? Today gold mounted a robust rally closing over $50 higher as it continues to close in on $1250 per ounce. In the last 30 days gold was as good as gold rising over $150.

To the naysayers out there, look what is happening in the world; in one word it is defined as TURMOIL. Globally people have lost confidence in their leaders – why do you thing Trump is doing so well and on the other side, Hillary the Liar, her momentum stopped dead in New Hampshire. Oh don’t worry she says, we are going South and the FBI, me worry. A little kick-ass by that Sanders fellow in the Palmetto State may be in the cards. Talking about the cards, Hillary then heads for Nevada – Ok Harry Reid is going to be shoveling the manure for Hillary, but what good will that do. Sanders may have a trick or two up his sleeve.

Anyway you look at it, oil tanking, zero interest rates and in some cases negative rates, one would think boom times are here. The average family is saving at least $1000 a year on gas, plus oil and natural gas to heat the abode. Doesn’t seem they are too anxious to spend the savings though. Europe on edge, suicide bombers perfecting their craft, Syria going down in flames. Latin America’s bargain with the devil is not working out so well; just ask the people in Venezuela. And we forgot to mention the dictator in North Korea, shooting his mouth off again. Guess he figures that do to his lack of manhood he would shoot off a missile. Lot of good that did.

Keep your hopes up, things can only get better.  The higher gold goes the worse it will be for the status quo. Remember, the Central Banks were set up by politicians to print money ostensibly to feed their minions, this became the loop for reelection; it continues today. Once the printing stops, the true revolution begins, the free-loaders will no longer be in control, but the men/women of conscince and integrity will once again rule. Work will be rewarded not the other way around.


*TRUMP 34% KASICH 16% CRUZ 11%




These are exciting days, especially to see the likes of Clinton being tossed overboard like a drunken sailor; and she is, drunk on politics, drunk on power, drunk on telling lies over and over again, drunk on Wall Street money, drunk on everything that is wrong with the country. Hillary Clinton is plain old drunk. LOCK HER UP ALREADY, SHE IS A KILLER. One added note, Hillary flew too close to the sun and was Bern’d real bad.

The people in New Hampshire said it all, “Hillary you don’t represent us, get our of town now and never come back.” Yeah, did you see Hillary, she said, “I will fight for New Hampshire, I love New Hampshire.” The lies continue to flow from her mouth like diarrhea. Turn back the clock one year to Sanders jumping into the race. They thought he was a fool, a old codger turning back Mother Time to Marx and Lenin. However, his message is gaining traction and fast with the young, they see a rigged system and want change now; know your enemy says Bernie they are Big Banks, Big Corporations, Big Pharma. All of these Bigs are friends of Hillary Clinton and the American people are fed up with it, fed up with the Clintons and Bushes too. 


On the Republican score, Trump won a hhhuuuggge victory. The surprise was Kasich coming in a distant second by 19 points. Christie’s balloon was popped unable to crack the top four. Our advice Christie, drop out before it is too late; they don’t like your New Jersey accent. P1050726 Cruz found it tough to win, a minimum of Evangelicals live up there. The Rubio fella was out of his league; Bush is old hat.

Now the contest heads to the Palmetto State of South Carolina where we think Trump will win a decisive victory because of vote splitting between the also rans. Secondly, Trump has the MO. On the Democratic front Sanders has the Mo, a great ground game and the common people who like his message. Clinton thinks the Blacks will put her over the top. We ask the question, what has she done to help the Blacks, not only lately, but ever. Mind you she is backed by the National Education Association which hates Charter Schools which Blacks love.

Teachers Union Backs Clinton for President

The National Education Association follows the American Federation of Teachers in endorsing the Democratic front-runner.

The above headline was from October. Guess they didn’t get the message in New Hampshire where the students score in the top ties and education dollars is in the lowest tier. Advice to Hillary, “go back to school.”



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