Tag Archives: Russians


The “din” today is what did he reveal? There are always two sides to every story. Did Trump reveal TOP SECRET information to the Russians. According to sources in the know, Trump showed his hand in a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

Is Trump sly as a fox? Did he reveal sources that didn’t exit in order to throw the Russians off track? Are many of the Trump supporters jumping ship? Will there be a cover-up? Why were the Russians in the White House in the  first place? Who is behind the smear campaign?

CLICK HERE for Obama’s Open Mic video on more flexibility.

Obama told Medvedev it was important for incoming President Vladimir Putin to “give me space” on missile defense and other difficult issues and that after the 2012 presidential election he would have “more flexibility.” Medvedev said he would “transmit” the message to Putin.