Rubbing salt in the wound is a metaphor that typifies a situation where a protagonist doubles up by criticizing a target; been going on for years.  The verbal salt assault ramps up pain to such a degree that the receiver can no longer take the scorn; they then lash out, but to no avail. In the case we are alluding to is the new tax law signed by President Trump in December 2017.

SALT is an acronym for State and Local Taxes. According to the new law, State and Local tax deduction limits are set at $10,000 combined when itemizing vs the new standard deduction of $12,000 for singles and $24,000 for marrieds.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) limited the ability of taxpayers to deduct state and local taxes (SALT) from their federal taxable income. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo called it an act of war and California Senate Leader Kevin de Leon inveighed against a “tax scam [that] disproportionately harms California taxpayers.”  PLEASE DON’T CRY FOR ME ARGENTINA!  SALT hurts these progressive maniacs to such a degree that they have to lash out at the President, but IT IS OK FOR THEM TO TAX THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF THEIR TAXPAYERS.  A BUNCH OF HYPOCRITICAL TWO FACED CRIMINALS.

Unlike prior tax cuts or reform, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 ends the longstanding practice of the federal tax code subsidizing high state and local taxes (known as SALT in tax code jargon). Instead of mostly well-off taxpayers being able to take an unlimited deduction for the state and local taxes they pay, the new tax law limits the deduction to $10,000 per family. This operates as if all 50 states changed their tax code all at once, because, unlike typical federal tax code changes, this reform doesn’t treat all states the same.

So what are these progressive malcontents doing about it? They are seeking a work around. How, you say, does that work? In their scheme (they are always scheming) they plan on allowing their taxpaying citizens to donate to a sham charity, set up by the individual state, the amount of SALT taxes due. This the will be treated as a charitable donation for Federal Income Tax. Not so fast says Uncle Sam. You can’t do that, but a valiant try nonetheless. We give them an A for tenacity, but an F for being Jerks. 


Eric “Criminal Gun Running Racist” Holder is touring New Hampshire. And what for? He says the sojourn is to fight gerrymandering. Oh please will you stop calling Americans racists you gun running killer. For those who don’t know the story, Holder thought his plan to supply AR-15s to the ruthless drug lords of Mexico would eventually lead to their capture. What could go wrong did go wrong. “Fast and Furious” as the scheme was known led to the killing of our border patrol agent Brian Terry. This didn’t bother Holder though, for he absolved himself from the crime. BTW Holder was held in contempt of Congress. 

In a dubious reaction to the Trayvon Martin killing, Holder again could not accept the jury acquitting George Zimmerman. Prosecutors in the George Zimmerman trial came under more scrutiny on Tuesday, threatened by a lawsuit from a witness while Attorney General Eric Holder renewed hints the federal government may pick up where the Florida prosecution failed. Zimmerman, 29, remained in hiding on Tuesday after a jury of six anonymous women on Saturday found him not guilty of second-degree murder and manslaughter, ending a Florida state prosecution of a case that has captivated and polarized the U.S. public on issues of race, gun and self-defense laws.

A former employee at the Florida State Attorney office is preparing a whistleblower lawsuit against Zimmerman’s prosecutors after testifying that they failed to turn over evidence he obtained from Martin’s cell phone to the defense, his attorney told Reuters. Holder, the chief U.S. prosecutor and an appointee of President Barack Obama, told the annual convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in Orlando on Tuesday that his office would continue its investigation of the case, which could possibly lead to federal charges against Zimmerman.

We welcome the entrance of Eric Holder into the Trump octagon;  what a thrill it would be to see this racist provocateur get slammed against the mat – to see his head roll will be a treat for all to see. Please Eric, throw your hat into the ring!


The vile of hate

continues to spill from the mouth of the progressive. Pure puke in its natural form manifests the cannibalistic hubris of those on the left. But we aren’t surprised by it at all. You see these guys came out of the hazy cloud of Woodstock’s free love paradyne. It’s been going on for years particularly in the back stage orgies of the elite. Cocaine, Mary Jane, Smack, Ecstasy and LSD has sent the aficionado’s white matter into the unknown oblivion of panacea. The jargon spilling mouths of the star studded Hollywood set is the evidence of slime talk among their peers. Now that it is out in main stream America we finally have conclusive evidence of spinal fluid lathering social media brainwashing of our youth.

Take, well shall we say, take a look at ex-Vice President Joe Biden (check at 1.25 minute mark) to see his euphoric “no big “f’n” deal. We know where all this gutter talk comes from, don’t we? However, nothing better exemplifies the filth better than the invective of Samantha Bee of Full Frontal; she takes the cake or better yet, comes out with egg all over her face. In case you are of the uninitiated we suggest (XXX discourse – adults onlyyou click here to get full frontal picture of a dirty mouth.  Now we can see the effect the gang bangers rap has had on our culture.

Make up your mind if this was appropriate or not.  On the other hand Roseanne Barr got the boot from ABC for her diatribe on Valerie Jarrett. Click here for the clip. 

Barr got fired, but Samantha Bee did not. Double Standard here?

Click here for the foreign connection provided by Fox News.