CNN was under fire for omitting the words “Muslim extremists” in their report on Tuesday about the child compound case in New Mexico.

Police found 11 missing children starved and abused in New Mexico and in court documents, they reported that the men were training the children to commit mass school shootings, as reported by The Daily Caller.

On Tuesday, Taos County Sheriff Jerry Hogrefe said that he believed the men who ran the compound, Siraj Wahhaj and Lucas Morten, are “extremist(s) of the Muslim belief.”

According to Biz Pac Review, Hogrefe reaffirmed that FBI analysts also said that the suspects are “extremists of the Muslim belief.”

Wahhaj’s father also has ties to Muslim rights groups and “was an un-indicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing.”

TRENDING: CNN Under Fire for Omitting Key Detail About School Shooter Training Compound

When CNN first reported on the incident, they had the original police statement with the Muslim extremist phrase included. However, they decided to delete the phrase later on, with no editor’s note to explain that they had deleted the “Muslim” reference.

It didn’t take long for people to notice the change in CNN’s report.

CLICK HERE for the Jihadist training camp; Imam related to 911 attackers. 




At first nobody gave heed on what was to transpire, but a freshman Senator from Illinois was tapped to be the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Drip by drip the history of this next president surfaced. But through it all the media gave him a pass. Associating with Muslims was thrown under the rug, attending church service administered by a Black demagogue, dismissing attempts to target him as a Muslim passed as quickly as the summer in Norway. Elected on the shibboleth “Hope and Change” was the tag that brought millions into the political arena, many of those were self defecating whites and racist minorities. As it turned out we found out that this pariah was a liar from the get-go. However, a liberal progressive at that, he became the darling of the media. A new kid in town who would lay the framework for the socialist agenda for years to come.

After eight years of lies, race bating and Muslim patronage Patriotic Americans turned down his message. This led to Donald J. Trump being elected as the 45th President of the United States. Trump wasn’t elected on any banner or philosophy, but the slogan MAGA. (Make America Great Again). Remembering back to the 2009-2010 Tea Party heyday we heard the slogan many times, “Take Our Country Back.” That was the message again and that is what President Trump is attempting to do. Don’t forget the obstacles in place. They have a long legacy going back to FDR and by lying Democrats and their heathen brothers.  Little by little Trump and his team are slowly whittling them away and you guess it, surmounting many of them.

In today’s paranoia of identity politics, liberal progressive smear campaigns and socialist ideology permeating the atmosphere, it is not a surprise to see a deep schism developing in our country. For example we only have to look at million dollar athletes taking to the knee. What they need is a knee in the groin. Those who were irresponsible and lazy of  their own fault deserve to be on the bottom rung of the proverbial latter. There is no guarantee for lazy good for nothings.

Rabble-rouser politicians on the far left inciting riots, ANTIFA taking the cue and causing malicious destruction of property continue their wares by causing injuries to innocent protesters is a good example of their antics. Be that as it may, we look at trigger tempered segments of the population who are ready to destroy, destroy and destroy more. We are see the beginning of mass smash and trash campaigns which, although in their infancy, are close to coast to coast to destruction.

Bottom line here, IT IS US AGAINST THEM.May a piece be with you!


Corrupt in Every Sense of the Word

For years, now, many of us have pointed out that much of the radical leftist activity here and abroad has been instigated and funded by a secretive group of fascist Democrat millionaires. Of course, the left, as it always does when confronted with damning truth, had its rabid attack dogs in the Propaganda Ministry, aka the “mainstream” media, label us all as tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy nuts. Now, according to an article in the Washington Free Beacon (, a shadowy group that calls themselves the Patriotic Millionaires is moving from behind the scenes funding to out front activism.

Their agenda appears to be classic fascism – a partnership between an uber-wealthy elite and government, with the masses (read: We, the People) providing the labor under a socialist system. In furtherance of this goal, one of their members, Scott Wallace, is running for Congress as a Democrat in a Republican district in Pennsylvania. As is often the case with Democrats, he has not resided in his district, but moved there from, of all places, South Africa where he managed the Wallace Global Foundation, a funding source for all sorts of odious leftist groups and projects. One of the groups his foundation funded, Zero Population Growth, advocates abortion and families be “taxed to the hilt” for “irresponsible breeding.” They blamed overpopulation on the “white middle-class” that “use up more than their share of resources and do more than their share of polluting” ( South Africa, by the way, has just declared open season on white people and is moving to confiscate all the white owned farms. But I digress.

The Patriotic Millionaires are affiliated with the Agenda Project and the Democracy Alliance, both founded by raging, unapologetic fascist, George Soros. They want bigger government, higher taxes, and the proven disastrous guaranteed minimum wage – absurdly and euphemistically called the “universal living wage”. It would be interesting to see how much of their sub-rosa funding goes to groups like Antifa and BLM and openly communist unions like the SEIU.

Meanwhile, back in The Swamp, aka Washington D.C., the FBI Office of the Inspector General, released a report that describes what to a normal person appears to be incredibly corrupt and possibly criminal actions by an FBI Special Agent ( If you or I or an average government employee had committed similar acts, we’d have been fired immediately and probably indicted on criminal charges. So far, from the DoJ and the FBI…crickets. I predict a wrist slap, but would love to be proved wrong. In any case, what we are seeing here is more of what is clearly a pattern of endemic fiscal and political corruption in an agency once known for being “untouchable”.

We seem to have reached a point in present day America where the Rule of Law can be ignored with impunity. Each day, those out to undermine and subvert the Constitution and our constitutional republican form of government commit new outrages that are not merely covered up by the Propaganda Ministry and politicians on both sides of the Aisle, but rationalized and “justified” and actively encouraged.

People like Scott Wallace, James Comey, Robert Mueller, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Maxine Waters, etc., etc., ad nauseam are unquestionably violating the 1st Amendment civil rights of Americans. In addition, they are clearly part of a widespread conspiracy to do so, and thus should be charged under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). Moreover, the groups they are aiding and abetting with money, propaganda, and manipulation of law enforcement without question fall under the USAPATRIOT Act definition of domestic terrorists:

A person engages in domestic terrorism if they do an act ‘dangerous to human life’ that is a violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United States, if the act appears to be intended to:  (i) intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping (

Thus, those providing the aid and comfort to these terrorists are also guilty of domestic terrorism.

The Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, needs to get out of the Swamp, do his job, and go after these people, or resign. If he won’t, then President Trump needs to fire him and replace him with a REAL Attorney General who will. Trey Gowdy would not be a bad replacement. However, I trust The Donald implicitly and am certain he has learned from his Sessions mistake, and that whomever he chooses, it will be a vast improvement.


Death to the Rule of Law

Michael Oberndorf, RPA imageBy  —— Bio and ArchivesAugust 6, 2018

Guns-Crime-Terror-Security | 5 Comments | Print Friendly | Subscribe | Email Us

Once upon a time, boys and girls, there was a country, unique in the world and in history, where the people were not subjects of the whims and delusional rule of tyrannical kings and other potentates, but lived free under the Rule of Law, laid out in a constitution written by the People themselves. It clearly enumerated the powers they granted to the government, not the other way ‘round. It also listed rights granted to them by God, not by government, and thus, “unalienable”.

Downhill slide into fascist, globalist, far left government totalitarianism
This happened not “long ago and far away”, but right here, a mere 230 years ago. The power granted to We, the People, the unprecedented liberty guaranteed under the constitutional Rule of Law, made the United States of America into the Beacon of Freedom, the Shining City on the Hill, and attracted people from all over the world to our shores, eager to become Americans and improve the lives of their children for generations to come. Then, in late 1963, something happened.

Our president, John F. Kennedy, was assassinated and the killers have never been caught. A scapegoat knee-jerk communist, Lee Harvey Oswald, was blamed, but he, too, was killed before he could talk. Kennedy was a Democrat, but if he were around today, his policies would have made him a moderate to conservative Republican. Many believe this was why he was killed, and the direction the country was taken in by is successor and vice president, racist, far leftist Lyndon B. Johnson, reinforces this idea.

Johnson quickly veered to the left at home, creating the Great Society, a grandiose welfare state that still hangs like an albatross around the necks of black people, women and other minorities. His foreign policy, ostensibly anti-communist, led to having nearly half a million troops in the little country of Vietnam, and yet, ultimately losing the lives of 58,000 young Americans and the war. Instead of trying to actually win, Johnson let civilians, not the military, run the war, and allowed the military/industrial complex that Eisenhower had warned about, to grow into an overwhelming behind-the-scenes power.

For We, the People, it’s been a downhill slide into fascist, globalist, far left government totalitarianism ever since.

Fast forward to today. Well over 500 – and growing daily – documented incidents of leftist violence against supporters of our legally, duly elected president, Donald J. Trump. The attacks have all been unprovoked. Period.

Attacks, too, on the police all over the country have increased exponentially.

Growing number of Democrat politicians complicit in the violence

However, what should concern Americans the most is the growing number of Democrat politicians complicit in the violence.

The most recent is the far left Democrat mayor of Portland, Oregon, Ted Wheeler, who refused to give police protection from violent protesters outside the federal building housing the ICE offices in Portland. Under his leadership, Portland has become a safe home for Antifa and the scene of now-predictable violent attacks on Americans exercising their 1st Amendment rights.

Another example is the mayor of Oakland, California, Libby Schaaf, who publicly warned illegal aliens of upcoming immigration raids. This in a city with one of the highest violent crime rates in the country, a large percentage of which are committed by said illegals. It’s also the site of numerous violent leftist protests and riots.

And, of course, while there are lots of others we could name, the one that tops the list is Democrat California Congressman, Maxine Waters, a corrupt, multi-millionaire representing south-central Los Angeles, a low-income neighborhood she chooses not to live in. On June 23, Waters, in a rabble-rousing speech and again later in a TV interview said, “Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.” This is an extremely thinly veiled call for violence against members of President Trumps administration, and by extension, to anyone, repeat: anyone, who supports him.

It cannot be denied that the attitudes, statements, and actions of high ranking Democrats have encouraged their wacked-out, far-left fascist base to feel empowered and free to use “any means necessary” to shut down anyone who disagrees with them. Their motto is “The ends justify the means,” even if the ends are pie-in-the-sky fantasy that most of them can’t define, articulate, or even coherently describe.

According to the leftist ACLU, “Section 802 of the USA PATRIOT Act (Pub. L. No. 107-52) expanded the definition of terrorism to cover ““domestic,”” as opposed to international, terrorism.   A person engages in domestic terrorism if they do an act “dangerous to human life” that is a violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United States, if the act appears to be intended to:

  1. intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
  2. influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion;

…” This very accurately describes what Antifa and the Democrat base and numerous Democrat politicians are engaged in. Our largely ineffectual Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, needs to either start charging these people with USA PATRIOT Act violations, and civil rights violations of the 1st Amendment rights of the victims of their violent acts of terrorism, or resign. NOW!

Michael Oberndorf, RPA — Bio and Archives | 5 Comments

The son of a German immigrant, I am an archaeologist by profession, with a BA from Metropolitan State College of Denver, and an MA from Leicester University, in England.  Over the years, I have lived and worked all over the country, and traveled in Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, Europe, Australia, and Japan. I sincerely believe in the old saying, “America, love it or leave it.”


Iran crowds reportedly chant ‘death to the dictator!‘ as US sanctions increase economic unrest

German central bank blocks $400 million cash delivery to Iran ahead of crippling US sanctions

The U.S. campaign to rein in Iran has scored a victory in the German financial sector, after the Deutsche Bundesbank− the country’s central bank− imposed a rule stopping a $400 million cash delivery to Tehran.

Iran’s cash-starved economy desperately needs hard currency ahead of crippling U.S. bank sanctions that will be introduced in November.

Germany allows the Iranian-owned European-Iranian trade bank (EIH) to operate in Hamburg. The EIH holds more than $400 million that Tehran wants to receive in cash ahead of a second wave of U.S. sanctions due in November that impact banks and Iran’s energy sector.

There will be no hiding from today’s heat wave, neither air conditioning nor God will protect them the blazing firestorm that awaits. No, we are not talking about the Trump noose, we are alluding to the bottoms up people’s revolution. The Iranian public is one step away from a violent confrontation with the Revolutionary Guards. This confrontation will be the Mother of all Confrontations, pitting the government against the people.

What brings Iran to this unfortunate circumstance is the Mullah’s bellicose ways. Instead of helping the  Iranian people in their daily lives, the ruling Mullahs find it necessary to spread revolution to their perceived enemies, via threats, military assistance and providing personnel to do battle. Only crumbs left for the common folk.

Things are about to get a whole lot worse, today (click here)August 7 at midnight, Trump went all in; the Iranians regime, the target of added sanctions will see the exponential pressure while the President presses down on the Mullahs cajones. This will cause undue hardship to the Iranian people (we have no sword in the fight with them) but the possibility of them suffering will inevitably trigger a mass revolt, one that implodes the ruthless regime.

Trump signed an executive order on Monday to restore some of the sanctions that were lifted under the 2015 nuclear deal during the Obama administration, targeting transactions that involve U.S. dollars, as well as the country’s automotive sector, the purchase of commercial planes and metals including gold.



An alleged drone attack on Maduro Chauvanista of Venezuela missed their man. What a shame! But in the aftermath of the incident (click here) we can see the Tonton Macoutes running like scared dogs.Image result for tonton macoute Apparently they are not paid enough. This is a good sign for the opposition.

President Nicolás Maduro has been elected to a second six-year term in office amid allegations by the international community and Venezuela’s opposition that the polls were neither free nor fair.

His victory comes amid a deep economic crisis which has been driving hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans from the South American country.

Venezuela’s oil revenues account for about 95% of its export earnings. This means that when oil prices were high, a lot of money was flowing into the coffers of the Venezuelan government.

When socialist President Hugo Chávez was in power, from February 1999 until his death in March 2013, he used some of that money to finance generous social programmes to reduce inequality and poverty.

Now, many of the policies introduced by Hugo Chávez also backfired. In order to make basic goods more affordable to the poor, his administration introduced price controls – capping the money people pay for such staples as flour, cooking oil and toiletries.People have some soup distributed during the campaign rally of Venezuelan opposition presidential candidate and evangelical pastor Javier Bertucci, in Catia, a Caracas neighbourhood, on May 12, 2018.

 The cult of personality has caused misery to thousands of Chavistas. Pictured here is a typical Chavista looking for a handout.  Even God can’t help the common man.  Another one of Obama’s friends is on the brink.  Maduro is in the middle. 


This tribalism ethnic conflict wave moving from the west coast to the  east coast is nothing more than liberal ideologues lighting a fire in bush country. What they attempt to do is debase the Caucasian in their vain attempt to up theirs. For every injustice, no matter how minor, there is a cause celebre. Take for instance the swamp rat, we bet there are thousands of swamp rat aficionados ready to vomit their signs across the land in a hustle and bustle protest. But what is happening now is the start of a forest fire, it is a disease of the left which infected those who have no iron in the fire. How is that you say?

Imagine the poorest of the poor Dalit,  the “untouchable” living in an Indian sewer pit. Oh you never heard of those dahibs cleaning the raw sewage from the pipes? Sorry we had to bring this obscene subject up. India’s constitution outlawed discrimination against the Dalits in 1950. The Dalits make up 17% of India’s population and have emerged as a powerful voting bloc. Now the Dalits are the quintessential  example of discrimination. There is no comparison to the denizens of the left who protest inequity in the United States.Image result for dalit

Lynching of boy underlines how the curse of caste still blights India

Sai Ram, burned alive because of a stray goat, was just one of 17,000 Dalits to fall victim to caste violence in the state of Bihar His alleged killer, currently being held by local police, is from a higher landowning caste. He took offence when one of the teenager’s goats strayed on to his paddy field and grazed on his crops. Ram was overpowered by the landowner and a group of other men. He was badly beaten.

Click here and view movie India’s Dalit Revolution 101.  Now these are people with a gripe!

This brings us back to the United States. Certain members of society, those not on the Dalit level, but in the 1% upper crust, have felt it necessary to debase our Flag, National Anthem and the millions of Americans who served to give them the  right to be a free; yet they aren’t happy. And do you believe that others have joined them in protest. Protest for what? Oh they feel that majority parts of society, the Caucasian who doesn’t ascribe to the White guilt philosophy, have not treated them with the respect they deserve.

Additionally, they feel that others in their Caste are being denied their rights too. What rights are those? They are not enumerated because none are denied. However, they are emotionally disturbed because the mainstream (Caucasians) sees them as second class. A sensitive lot they are. In other words they want Whitey to love them for what they are. OK, we will do that if you behave.

We recall Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s words, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”  Many of those do not have character at all, so why would we judge them to be more than what they are.

As the protest mounts, those who are subject of the protest become less to embrace their cause. And why should they. Pampered millionaires complaining of the injustice felt by their brethren. If there is an injustice it is the fault of those who suffer one. As we read the Sunday paper today, we are again reminded of those left behind.

CHICAGO (CBS) — Four people were killed, and 24 others were wounded in shootings across the city over the weekend.

The most recent fatal shooting happened Sunday afternoon in the Austin neighborhood on the West Side. Police said, around 12:15 p.m., a 23-year-old man and a 19-year-old man were standing on the sidewalk near Haddon and Central, when someone opened fire from the alley.

Yes, left behind by the failure of the system, the Democratic system, run by Democrats, embraced by Democrats, embraced by them. By the way those in the deep hood are living by their own devise. Their failure is not the fault of White oppression but of the community leaders who have failed them.

Blaming Others brings class division and group identity. Ethnic conflict resolution is best served by embracing the values of those who gave you the right to protest, not the other way around. 


Interesting Times

It is said that there’s an old Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times”, wherein “interesting” appears to be sarcastically ironic. Well, folks, I can’t speak for anyone else, but as I look around each day, I cannot help but conclude that we are, indeed, living in “interesting times”.

China, on many levels, second only to the United States, has performed the Great Leap Forward that Mao dreamed of, but since he was a raging, dogmatic communist, couldn’t pull off. They’ve gone from a Third World, blatant, heavy handed, rigidly communist police state to a First World, semi-capitalist, relatively free – the police presence is still very much there, but is toned way down – world power. However, what has never changed with the Chinese, for some 5,000 years, is the certainty that they are the rightful rulers of the world. They now have the economic, technical, and military wealth to move aggressively toward that goal, and are doing so at a disturbingly rapid pace.

Russia, while no longer the Number 2 Superpower in the world, is still a potential hostile and bellicose force to be reckoned with. Their new alliances in the Middle East, made during the American presidencies of two far leftists – Clinton and Obama – and a die-hard globalist – Bush – have wreaked havoc with the balance of power there. They have been saber rattling all along their borders with Eastern Europe, threatening to take back the subject states that were freed when the Soviet Union collapsed. Indeed, the Crimea has been re-subjugated and the Russian military has interfered in Ukraine directly. During the Obama administration, Russian warplanes, ships, and submarines were often reported at, or within, our air and sea territorial boundaries.

Iran, thanks to the outrageous submission of Obama – an apostate or closet Muslim – is on the verge of developing useable nuclear weapons. They have been a well-known state sponsor of terrorism, supplying money, weapons, and expertise to jihadists and militant Islamists all over the world. Obama removed the sanctions we had placed on them, unfroze their assets, showered them with billions of dollars, and virtually required nothing from them in return. The result has been a resurgence of support for worldwide Islamic terrorism, and an escalating stream of threats from the mullahs in Tehran. It is thought the at least some of the rumored missing “suitcase” tactical nukes that disappeared from Russia at the end of the Cold War ended up in Iran. Their threats to “destroy all you possess” in the “Mother of All Wars” suggests that while they may not have full-blown nukes, they may have the capability of creating an EMP attack, launched from commercial vessels at sea.

The Islamic invasion of Europe, aided and abetted by leftist/globalist European governments has raised, too, the very the possible collapse of Germany, France, Britain, and the Scandinavian countries. The poorest nations in the world are Islamic and Europe seems hell-bent on joining them.

Here at home in the Good Ol’ USA, the left has gone into an insane panic and a violent rampage over the re-emergence of American pride, the election of Donald Trump as president, and his remarkable and undeniable success in undoing much of the damage done by Obama over the past eight years. On Capitol Hill, the leftist Democrat Party has become openly “socialist”, encouraging the violence from their shrinking base, very reminiscent of the National Socialist German Nazis in the late 1930s. They’ve been colluding with the RINO Republican misleadership to block and undermine Trump as he works to Make America Great Again. This communist/fascist alliance is also aiding and abetting a criminal invasion of America by foreigners, one that is aimed at destroying traditional American culture and capitalism by overloading it with ignorant, uneducated, unskilled cheap laborers who have no understanding of our Constitution nor loyalty to our laws, or systems of government and economics.

These are just the most obvious examples of the apparent slide into turmoil that is occurring all over the world. Many more localized, but equally disturbing examples could be cited, but I’m sure your get the idea.

All this, to me, adds up to nothing less than “interesting times”. We’ve had them before, and America has, so far, survived. As with Britain which had Winston Churchill during WWll, we have Donald Trump. In spite of the constant denigrating attacks from the leftist propaganda machine – aka, the “mainstream” media – and Democrat seditionist politicians like Adam Schiff and Maxine Waters, Trump is proving himself to be one of the most competent and extraordinary presidents in history of the nation. He has not failed yet and I, for one, trust him implicitly. If anyone can bring America through these “interesting times”, he can. And I, like millions of other real, patriotic Americans, will support him in every way I can.