All posts by thenewbostonteaparty


It wasn’t long ago that a Washington State apple grower touted his use of legal immigrants to pick apples; “they work for less.” But most revealing was his comment on paying American’s to pick apples. “I can’t afford to pay their asking price – my apples will be more expensive, hence I will sell less and make less.” Those were the words of a criminal.  Well, apparently this did not sit well with authorities because an apple grower in Washington State has  been charged with hiring illegal immigrants to pick apples;, the fine $2.25 million dollars.

What we are getting at here is the philosophy of these corporate criminals who are debasing the American standard of living.Why not have every company hire illegals at below prevailing wage rates and off the books to boot? If this becomes commonplace American citizens will be relegated to lining up for three squares at the local soup kitchen. But to tell the truth about these scofflaws who believe they are above the law is necessary to out them; they should be ostracized by their communities – their products boycotted.

Americans will pick apples, tomatoes, cabbage, celery and lettuce, but they demand a higher wage than the illegal. The reason being the illegals send back the dinero to their home country, mostly Mexico where it buys mucho mas. However, we can go out on a limb here and predict that a farmer who holds out a sign which says, “hiring apple pickers for $20 per hour plus benefits” will find millions of Americans ready to fill the job. But this will pinch the profits of those who own vast expanses of orchards and farm land.  Too bad for these grub infested mite who prey on America for their own benefit.



Ergodan’s party suffers a humiliating defeat. The pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) was on track to take more than 12 percent of the vote, according to CNN Turk. The prospect of it clearing the threshold to enter parliament for the first time triggered celebrations in the mostly Kurdish southeast.

The diminutive Turkish dictator with a Napoleon complex

With legislative elections fast approaching in Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan lashed out at foreign media on Saturday, calling on the Guardian to be aware of its limits and accusing the New York Times of being represented by “Jewish capital,” according to AFP.

Erdogan has repeatedly – in the shadow of pending elections – criticized foreign media outlets which expressed concern over the corrosion of freedom of expression in Turkey.

The Guardian criticized his rule in an article highlighting the threat of “Growing autocracy” in “a crucial country;” The New York Times followed suit, writing about “dark clouds” looming over Turkey, and satirizing the Turkish leader with the comical tweet: “Which leader has a 1,150-room palace more than 30x the size of the White House?”

At a political rally in Ardahan Province, Erdogan called the Guardian “impertinent,” and told them to “know their limits”.

He then accused the New York Times of campaigning against Turkey’s leader since the final days of the Ottoman Empire, and accused “Jewish capital” of being patrons to the publication.

Elections in the Middle Eastern nation are set to take place on Sunday.


Erdogan, the diminutive dictator of Turkey is in a fit of rage; basically telling the anti Israel biased NY Times to shut up. Wow, when you get pissed off at the corporate inksters, who in most cases take your position, then you know times are tough. Erdogan is on the way out according to the Times, his ratings are down going into this weeks election. Although Erdogan’s AKP party is expected to remain in power its majority is eroding quickly due to the weak economy. This will prevent him from pushing through dictatorial measures which will give the president a leg up on the Prime Minister.


The latest from Greece; a warning not to impose “HUMILIATING TERMS” from its head honcho Tsipras. Another socialist goon holding a hammer and sickle over their creditors. These malcontents forget that they have lived way beyond their means for two decades, spending everyone else’s money like there was no tomorrow; now they don’t want to pay. Their creditors should act more like the Mafia and break a few legs. 

Keep in mind that the Greeks are at the top of the list when it comes to not paying income tax.

The low life commies vacuumed $500 billion from the likes of the EU and IMF; the time to cough up a billion or two has come. Their commitment to do so is startling, they are telling their creditors to stuff it. Don’t forget that the socialist parasites have padded their wallets while working for the state.

Yes, 25% of the working population works for the state; we call that as close to Lenin’s socialist philosophy as one can get. Mao would be proud. Working for the state is not a sin by itself, but most did nothing for their paycheck; no one would call this work in the private sector.

Secondly their salaries are 50% higher than comparable jobs in the private sector. And don’t forget the Greeks cooked the books when joining the EURO (lied through their Trojan teeth) by taking an oath that their deficits would be in line with the 3% mandated by the EU. However, the deficits turned out to be upwards of 10%.

The billion in change due today is not to be, the Greek spin masters say they will include it in the end of the month payment. They are allowed to do this, but don’t be surprised if they pull a fast one. Currently in deep negotiations to iron out their economic and payment plan going forward, the Greeks are squeezing their EU counter parts like the olives they press to give up its oil. And once again they are doing a good job at it.

The over riding question still remains, will Greece flee the Euro or will the Euro flee Greece?


Once upon a time the United Kingdom ruled, like the Roman legions, its arms extended across the globe. Their currency, the pound sterling, was worth its weight, well in silver. One pound equaled a pound of silver. Down through the centuries the pound was devalued to its present value of $1.53.

At the turn of WWII the pound was valued at $4.86 a year later it was devalued to $4.03 then in 1949 it took a steep drop to $2.80 falling all the way to $2.40 in 1967.  However, the pound was ready to take its deepest dive yet due to the recession that occurred in the 1980’s falling to its lowest point in 1985 to $1.03.

We bring you this information as a back drop to where the almighty dollar is headed; there will be no sanctuary when the tide turns; and as history provides an anecdote for sure, the GREEN BACK will not have anything to back stop it in the coming free fall.

To measure its descent we advise the uninitiated to keep a keen eye on the price of gold visa vi the price of the dollar. Because when the flight from Eagle begins there will be no stopping its descent; just ask Hugo down in Venezuela, may he rest in peace, what has happened lately to the peso.

The difficulty of catching a falling knife usually leads to more blood letting. But for now times are a bit sanguine, however looking across the pond gives one a clue on things to come, storm clouds are gathering on the horizon. China, Russia and the Mid-East are viable threats to the American legions that ruled after WWII. Pause for a moment to survey the ever changing landscape and you will see the harbinger that awaits a dollar collapse. baldeagletalons

In 1931 the dollar was worth 1/20 of an ounce of gold (today that is $60), two years later on June 5, 1933 , theUnited States with a stroke of of FDR’s pen, the dollar was debased to where it is today; not worth the paper it is printed on. $20 Gaudens Double Eagles



Confirmed, the TSA offers valid proof that typical government agencies employee workers who are asleep at their job; not qualified to hold their positions.  Sixty Seven out of seventy attempts to pass through TSA security stations with weapons and bombs were not detected.nyontherunway

Many of the TSA employees just barely qualify to hold their positions. Where did these people come from, who hired them, what was their previous experience and who trained them? God only knows. Now that they have been outed, their boss has been reassigned; not fired mind you, reassigned. Can you imagine if a backpack suicide bomber was able to slip through and carried out his/her mission.icebadge

Before announcing the reassigning of Carraway, an 11-year TSA veteran, Johnson issued a statement outlining a series of actions he had ordered in response to the findings, including more training for all transportation security officers, re-evaluation of airport screening equipment and continued covert testing.


The city of Baltimore is undergoing a siege, not by ISIS, but by the criminals running the Justice Department. The mayor and Baltimore’s chief prosecutor have given the criminal element full reign over the city. They condone the violence by pouring more fuel on the fire (telling police to hold off) enabling it to reach critical mass.

Black deaths have been mounting, 40 as of May 29, with nothing in their way to stop the onslaught from continuing. However, we must point out that there is no concern for dead black people among the powers to be. Because Black deaths matter little when killed by Blacks. But to have a White kill an “innocent” Black, the rabble rouser race baiter types such as Sharpton turn away from such mayhem. For them these Black deaths are monuments to the inequity of their pitful lives. The more that die a violent death gives fodder for DeBlasios, Shaprtons, Obamas, Holders and Lynch’s.

But most Americans know the truth, the killings have nothing to do with what is wrong with America, they have a lot to do with what is wrong with the Black community who are subservient to the liberal agenda of keeping Blacks on the plantation.


China leadership most never takes a calculated risk, their adventures are planned decades ahead. Case in point, Boeing has made a deal with the Chinese devil transferring jet engine technology and trade secrets to the Chinese. This is no checker game it is for real. And the controversy continues as the United States is set to sell and transfer nuclear reactors along with technology to suppress submarine detection. This vividly brings to mind the iconic saying by Vladimir Lenin, “The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.”  Lenin was most prescient.

Over the years we have bought Chinese made products manufactured by slave labor thereby transferring trillions of dollars to China. In turn they have purchased manufacturing firms, oil companies, mining companies, software-computer companies and technology. Their industrial espionage is well known .  On their way to equivalency in many industries China now is an existential threat to the United States and its neighbors. Take the most recent Spratly Island dispute for evidence of such.

The sad part about all of this is that the United States cannot do anything about it. We owe China three trillion dollars, we have a debt obligations close to 100 trillion, many of our states and cities are bankrupt. Our defense establishment has withered on the vine. In sum the United States has sold the rope which in the end will be used to hang us.


“Hog butcher to the world – And they tell me you are crooked and I answer: Yes, it is true I have seen the gunman kill and go free to kill again.” Carl Sandberg had it right, Chicago is a town of killers. These aren’t the mafia types of lore, but the murderous thugs born of liberal profligacy where families don’t exist. The gang is the father and mother, they provide the love to the sworn killer whose thirst for blood has no end. Revenge is the fodder that feeds the blood lust. But don’t despair, the political crack heads yearn for more. Why else do they continue to condone gang violence?

This past weekend, our dead servicemen were remembered, perishing in battle to save us from tyranny. They are heroes. Chicago did not let the weekend go quietly as it should, a solemn day for the families who lost loved ones in battle, no Chicago is the butcher of men not beef.

Twelve people were killed and at least 43 — including a 4-year-old girl — were wounded in shootings across Chicago this Memorial Day weekend, police said. Don’t expect the killings to cease anytime soon; liberals hold roost as it is their sworn duty to perpetuate the myth of “more money will solve the problem.”

CLICK HERE FOR THE DETAILS.  Chicago is my kind of town.

CLICK HERE for the streets of Baltimore where 28 shootings occurred leading to 9 deaths over the Memorial Day weekend.