It wasn’t long ago that a Washington State apple grower touted his use of legal immigrants to pick apples; “they work for less.” But most revealing was his comment on paying American’s to pick apples. “I can’t afford to pay their asking price – my apples will be more expensive, hence I will sell less and make less.” Those were the words of a criminal. Well, apparently this did not sit well with authorities because an apple grower in Washington State has been charged with hiring illegal immigrants to pick apples;, the fine $2.25 million dollars.
What we are getting at here is the philosophy of these corporate criminals who are debasing the American standard of living.Why not have every company hire illegals at below prevailing wage rates and off the books to boot? If this becomes commonplace American citizens will be relegated to lining up for three squares at the local soup kitchen. But to tell the truth about these scofflaws who believe they are above the law is necessary to out them; they should be ostracized by their communities – their products boycotted.
Americans will pick apples, tomatoes, cabbage, celery and lettuce, but they demand a higher wage than the illegal. The reason being the illegals send back the dinero to their home country, mostly Mexico where it buys mucho mas. However, we can go out on a limb here and predict that a farmer who holds out a sign which says, “hiring apple pickers for $20 per hour plus benefits” will find millions of Americans ready to fill the job. But this will pinch the profits of those who own vast expanses of orchards and farm land. Too bad for these grub infested mite who prey on America for their own benefit.