All posts by thenewbostonteaparty


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During Thursday night’s California gubernatorial debate against Republican Neel Kashkari, California Governor Jerry Brown (D) revealed that nearly 30% of the state’s schoolchildren are either illegal immigrants or do not speak English.

Brown, who recently said that illegal immigrants from Mexico were “all welcome in California,” praised his administration’s immigration policies. He said that California is “setting the pace” on immigration laws and mentioned bills he signed that gave driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, made California a sanctuary state (Trust Act), and granted in-state tuition to illegal immigrants (CA DREAM Act). Brown then said that these policies were necessary because “about 30%” of schoolchildren in California are “either undocumented or don’t speak English.”

A California Immigrant Policy Center report found that there are 2.6 million illegal immigrants in California (or 26% of all immigrants) while illegal immigrants make up nearly 10% of the state’s workforce, including “38% of the agriculture industry and 14% of the construction industry.”

According to The New York Times, 28% of Californians were born outside the United States in 2012 and, according to Pew Research, “Latinos make up nearly 40% of the state’s population and have made California ‘only the second state, behind New Mexico, where whites are not the majority and Latinos are the plurality.'”


Governor Chris Christie of the Garden State was flush with taxpayer’s cash, went “all in” throwing good money after bad in Atlantic City. The results, four casinos were swept away, not by the Atlantic waves, but by the winds of time. A metaphor for other do-gooders, mostly of the liberal bent who continue to throw billions upon billions into public education. It just doesn’t work – stupid is stupid.P1050726

Perhaps the next stop for Governor Christie is Las Vegas, the city of dreams. A guy by the name of Adelson, knows a little bit about winning after all he owns the Sands, most likely will tell Christie that the way to win is to know when to walk away from the table.

Looking forward to 2016, Christie has to face the facts, his state is facing a 7% unemployment rate, Atlantic City’s rate is approaching 15%, Newark is in Detroit class and citizens are picking up and leaving before more of their savings are confiscated by big government. Can anyone imagine a Christie presidency? What would you have, Obama light.”

The Revel, the most recent casino, cost $2 billion and change folded up like a cheap suit. This was Christie’s biggest gamble, one where he said that Atlantic City is back. Actually, the casino industry in Atlantic City had their back up against the wall for the past decade. Revel Atlantic City from boardwalk.jpg

Revel’s next door neighbor also folded, the Showboat is no more. The Trump Plaza crapped out closing its doors after the Miss America Pageant on September 16.  What is left are the memories. Perhaps the collapse of Atlantic City’s icons are a good thing, less places to lose your money means spending on things you need may jump start the economy.

When will those who gamble on casinos creating jobs realize that bottom line “that casino and all forms of gambling  are not net job creators.



The old saying goes like this, “if you tell a lie so many times you will start to believe it yourself.” And to a politician of the Democrat stripe, this not only goes for them, but they have indoctrinated many Americans and the news media that this is true. The latest examples are the IRS scandal and Benghazi.

For instance, the administration pushed out Susan Rice to brief the public that the terrorist attack on our Benghazi embassy was triggered by a film. Funny thing was no one saw the film or even heard of it. As the story matriculated so did the lies. Hillary Clinton, a wanna be liar in chief, then said the film was responsible for protests around the globe; not embassy specific. Again questioned about the killing of Ambassador Stevens, Clinton resorts to obfuscation when she admonishes the listeners that the attack was spontaneous and we did not have assets on the ground to neutralize the attack. Now it has come to our attention that we did have assets on the ground only one mile from the compound, but their mission was delayed by a CIA command. Who will you believe, the political distortion of the Obama administration or the men on the ground?  More to come on Fox Saturday night.

Women are always a good subject, brow beaten over and over again in every election. You heard the allegations, Republicans are against women’s health, Republicans are for paying women lower wages, Republicans have a Muslim philosophy when it comes to women preventing them from breaking through the glass ceiling. This is a lie of a gargantuan portion. When it comes to women’s health we are all on board, but the Democrats persist by saying women should be free to have an abortion.  Dissecting these unfounded allegations is a lot easier than the procedure most abhor, but most feel that sometimes an abortion is necessary to protect a women’s health. Only the left wing agitators and far right religious zealots, the triumvirate of Obama Reid Pelosi constantly beat the drums on this subject. Enough already.  And this week the Democrat party head Debbie Wasserman-Schultz said that Governor Walker gives women the back of his hand. A disgusting comment later retracted, but without an apology and with it the same lying allegations continued. Vitriolic diatribe dished out under the guise of the same old mantra.

One of the largest lies is that the Republicans will make you breath poisonous air, drink contaminated water. This is the most preposterous of allegations one can imagine. Every Republican is for clean air and potable drinking water. Republicans are fisherman and most of all they love open space, big sky type country, clean rivers and uncontaminated fish. Another blasphemous and unfounded allegation. What the Republicans are against are unrestrained regulations and unnecessary burdens that prevent economic progress. Think Keystone XL.

Turning swords into plowshares. Year right; Obama has done a good job at that. The world is now in chaos. The libs have opened up jails and all hell has broken loose. We don’t hear much about Egypt right now – the General has decimated the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama didn’t like having the Muslim Brotherhood outlawed; he said it was undemocratic, coup d’etat.   Iraq and Syria are being burned to the ground by a barbaric Muslim caliphate condoned by Obama. Not standing ones ground as we should have unleashed a world wide enemy hell bent on our destruction. Obama has given them the key and invitation to plunder and wreck carnage throughout the Muslim world.  Vladimir Putin has stared Obama down in the Ukraine conflict. As the country shudders under today’s lying administration we watch impatiently as Rome burns.

What more evidence do we need to understand the threat that exists to our very survival and way of life than the daily warped vision of the Obama et al administration. Expect more of the lies going forward because it is US against them. And we are a mortal threat to the multitude of lying naysayers who threaten our freedom and liberty.


The al-Shabaab network of Somalia ShababLogo.pngsuffered a devastating blow when their leader Ahmed Abdi Godane was incinerated by a United States hellfire missile. Godane was on the United States most wanted list being responsible for the Narobi Kenya mall attack that left 67 people dead.

The hit was reminiscent of the Israeli smoking of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. Ahmed Yassin.JPGAlthough wheelchair bound, Yassin posed an immediate threat to Israel. Cremated by an Israeli missile eliminated that threat. Yassin, the co-founder of Hamas was responsible for many suicide bombing.  

Target killings put the leaders the world terrorist organizations on notice that they are always in the sights of their enemies. 


The Ferguson, Missouri crowd rage, the Murietta protest against the illegal alien dump, Attorney General Holder playing the race card, President Obama’s pronouncement of  whitee’s guilt before a trial are just a few examples of the underlying cultural dichotomy simmering beneath the surface.  In the days, months and years ahead the probability of a major cultural class type of warfare is assured.  There is a common denominator here, not the least of which highlights the problem. Those who seek knowledge and learning, the law abiding citizens who built America who came from many countries are now in a fight for their common culture. Communities of moochers and ghettoized cities where its inhabitants are told that their plight in life is the fault of others breeds animosity to the boiling point.

The education gap continues to grow easily highlighting society’s fracture obviously the blame can be placed on the inbred liberalism of the education industry, the kind practiced by Democrats and many Republicans alike. For forty years trillions of dollars have gone down the education sewer pit without any tangible results.  Black and Hispanic students are much more likely than white students to fall behind in school and drop out, and much less likely to graduate from high school, acquire a college or advanced degree, or earn a middle-class living.  A growing problem if there ever was one.

A whole section of society bears the truth that a society without a common culture will soon collapse under its own wait. Weak leaders who fail to address the problem are the provocateurs of the coming cultural war where cities will be trashed at random. Once this nuclear reaction begins the only defense against the onslaught is individual armaments. Holding up in ones home while waiting for the police to arrive is only a hope and prayer.

ISIS easily provides a blue print. Only a few thousand believers in jihad marched through Syria and Iraq uncontested. In Ukraine, Russians had the Ukrainian army on the run with one shot of a Kalishnikov. It is often the case where the fire fighter lets the building burn because there is little chance of saving it. We are now at that point. ” Take America back” is a shibboleth of the Tea Party, but more important it is a target for the progressive divider – Democrat.

“Take America Back” to what they say, to Jim Crow is their answer.  This has a racial connotation, tainting the Tea Party as heathens when that is the farthest from the truth. We must overcome the naysayers to succeed. Our message needs to come across. Individual responsibility with limited government was the philosophy of our founding fathers; certain segments of our country despise that philosophy, they are to be our focal point. Their leaders must take responsibility for the uncivilized beings they harbor.

America can be great again if we as Americans bring together a coalition of like minded individuals from all nationalities to focus their efforts on why a cultural problem exists and what plan of action is needed to reverse the trend.  Without a plan we will disintegrate before the 21st century comes to a close. Just pay a visit to any major city and you will not only get a glimpse of the third world you will experience it first hand. Those who inhabit this space are easily recruited for the jihad with the sole purpose to destroy America;  for them killing is their means to an end of total domination.


(Please click) David Cameron, the Prime Minister of England, is an asset to his country.  A man who takes a stand when the going gets tough is a man that will stand for the principles that made Great Britain great. Contrary to the disgusting stance Obama has not taken; our long time friends the world over know where he is coming from. Time for an Egyptian style coup d e’tat here in the United States.

Don’t say it can’t happen, funnier things have. The United States is at a major turning point, the usurper in the White House has turned on the American people, thrown in with the Jihadis and ISIS. Obama is a ticking time bomb. Will a General with a strong constitution stand up and do America a favor? Please military, help us in our time of need. Enough destruction has occurred in the past six years, you cannot waste any more time deciding what to do. The Patriots of today, the Sons and Daughters of Liberty patiently wait for your charge. Please do not let us down.


The world better wake up and quick. Hey Europe, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden we have a message for you: Don’t think this can’t happen to you. Liberal societies are sucker bait for ISIS. Does anyone think this would happen in Russia, Putin would unleash the power of the military wiping them out in a split second. In reality these jihadists wouldn’t even try it. The world is running wild because they know the white flag Obama will not empty the magazine on terrorists.

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Obama is sleeping at the wheel while the rest of the world burns. Americans are beside themselves wondering why we stand still in wake of this threat.   Click here for the Muslim scum in Sweden attacking Swedish citizens. Click here for more politically correctness gone wrong. Swedes lie down in the face of adversity. “What happened to the Sweden I knew?” The Muslims are robbing, raping, ravaging and no one will stop them.

(click here for the most reveling agenda of Islamic radicals)Radical Islam in America, supported by Barack Hussein Obama.  The destruction of Western Civilization from within. One million Muslims in America,  250,000 potential suicide bombers waiting for Allah to call. 

Prime Minister Cameron plans on stopping Jihadis in their tracks by forbidding their return to England.



EX-CIA employee admits President Obama is a radical Islamic enemy of America

It’s an explosive charge, one that practically accuses the president of treason.

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Today, a former CIA agent bluntly told the newspaper, World Net Daily, that America has switched sides in the war on terror under President Obama. Clare Lopez was willing to say what a few members of Congress have said in private, but declined to say on-the-record.

Clare M. Lopez is the Vice President for Research and Analysis at the Center for Security Policy and a Senior Fellow at The Clarion Project, the London Center for Policy Research, and the Canadian Meighen Institute. Since 2013, she has served as a member of the Citizens Commission on Benghazi. Also Vice President of the Intelligence Summit, she formerly was a career operations officer with the Central Intelligence Agency, a professor at the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies, Executive Director of the Iran Policy Committee from 2005-2006, and has served as a consultant, intelligence analyst, and researcher for a variety of defense firms. She was named a Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute in 2011.

Lopez said the global war on terror had been an effort to “stay free of Shariah,” or repressive Islamic law, until the Obama administration began siding with such jihadist groups as the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates. Lopez believes that the Muslim Brotherhood has thoroughly infiltrated the Obama administration and other branches of the federal government. One of the most outrageous of those appointments is Mohamed Elibiary, a senior member of the Department of Homeland Security Advisory Council. According to a report by the Center for Security Policy, Elibiary supports brokering a U.S. partnership with the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group. Two months ago, a firestorm erupted online after Elibiary tweeted that a “Caliphate” is inevitable and compared it to the European Union.

Ms. Lopez also believes Obama had essentially the same goals in the Mideast as the late Osama bin Laden: “to remove American power and influence, including military forces, from Islamic lands.” The former CIA operative’s perspective affects her prescription for what the U.S. should do about the terror army ISIS, as she called for caution and restraint.

While there has been a sudden chorus of politicians and military experts calling for the immediate elimination of the terrorist army after it beheaded American journalist James Foley last week, Lopez believes the U.S. should have an overall strategy in place before fully re-engaging in the Mideast militarily.Any military action would be further complicated, she told WND, if it were not clear which side the U.S. is on, either in the short term or in the overall war on terror.

Lopez felt it was impossible to understand why the president and some of his top appointees, such as CIA Director John Brennan, who is believed to be a Muslim convert, “consistently seem to apologize for Islam, even in the face of such atrocities as the Foley beheading,” adding, they “take pains to assure the world they don’t think IS, (or the Islamic State, also called ISIS) or whichever perpetrator it was, has anything to do with Islam. How can they possibly believe that genuinely when everything these jihadis do tracks directly to the literal text of Quran, hadiths and Shariah?”

“In any case, and for whatever motivations, there is no doubt this administration switched sides in what used to be called the Global War on Terror,” she said.

I wonder if those who don’t want to go ‘on the record’ will finally speak out.


Vlad is saber rattling, his talk has gone large, some big words, the kind you don’t expect, but are not surprised that he went nuclear. When your back is up against the wall you have no alternative but to throw some gasoline on the fire. Putin does that well. Taking a cue from some of the previous high priests of Putindom. Czar Vlad picks his vocabulary very carefully not a wasted word, putting boots on the ground instead are worth a thousand words. This is the complete opposite of President Obama who had a lot more flexibility this term if you know what we mean.

In the days leading up to the November election POTUS will have to make a choice, do something or our military may have to. This is not idle banter and secondly it is not out of the realm of possibility.