“The Donald” not only stirred the drink this past week, but in so doing he crushed the ice. Somethings are better said in private provided no open mike is nearby; a lesson that escaped Trump. But telling the truth exposes those who are politically correct. By coming down on Senator John McCain like a cheap suit, Trump has basically imploded his fledging campaign.

“Give them hell, Harry”, referring to Harry Truman who did give them hell.  “The Donald” is bringing it to them by exposing their hypocrisy. However, you can only carry on for so long before it blows back in your face. Trump has no other way but to confront his faux pas’s, but to keep going full steam ahead. After all that is the paradigm that the Clinton’s have utilized over the years. Move on, ignore the flames at your back and go to the next major target. Time will tell if it works for “The Donald.”


Governor Christie P1050726 has taken a left turn off the same bridge Ted Kennedy failed to negotiate at Chappaquiddick. Christie wants to give citizenship to illegal aliens; this is a non starter for those who believe in the law of the land.

What Christie fails to understand is that these illegals have generated 30 million anchor babies who are citizens. Don’t forget that these, mostly Hispanics, have all the rights of any other citizen. But the question remains for Christie, why advocate for citizenship when in fact these illegal “undocumented aliens” are allowed to stay here without any penalty. The probability of them being deported is colder than absolute zero.


Click here for the “real” Indianization of America.

India, with its diverse and plural population, is already the motherlode of modern migration with a diaspora estimated at 30 million worldwide. From farming in South America and Africa to entrepreneurship and academia in the US, to cheese-making in Europe, Indians have been one of the great migratory forces in the 20th century.

But New Delhi needs to facilitate emigration of 300 million or more, not just 30 million, to allow itself some breathing space and gain greater global heft. It has to be in a formulation that constitutes a win-win to both giver and receiver. Already, it is accepted that fears of a brain drain were overblown. India has benefited more on account of its emigrating population. Emigration may yet be seen as an act of patriotism that carries the syncretic ethos of India worldwide.

It does not need repeating here, however it needs to be. To sustain the White America that we know, a total fertility rate of 2.1 is essential. Lower than that the White population is in the throes of a death spiral. TotalFertility The chart clearly highlights the coming armageddon. If nothing is done, not only is the United States in peril, but the rest of the world is too.

The Cult of White Extinction, and How to Reverse It

Clement Astor, American Renaissance, June 26, 2015

The essence of our civilization cannot be sustained by the “things” we have produced. The ruins of ancient civilizations are fascinating, but they are still cold and dead if there are no descendants of the people who created them to give them life and meaning. Other races will not use what we built to continue our civilization. The magnificent Greek Orthodox Church, Hagia Sophia, in Constantinople (now called “Istanbul”) was desecrated and converted into a mosque and then into a museum. We can try to impress the intellectual works of the West on those who are replacing us, but they will follow their own ways and reject ours. The only way to sustain our civilization is through our descendants.


Four United States Marines were slaughtered in cold blood by an Islamic terrorist. This has got to stop, but with Obama’s failure to address the extreme nature of his religion (yes he is a Muslim)  nothing will change. POTUS has never called the Fort Hood killer an Islamic terrorist, but referred to the killings as workplace violence. Politically correctness is what killed thirteen brave Marines. Still, the killer, has not put to death for this heinous crime.

This was not work place violence; it must be called for what it is, Islamic terrorism perpetuated by a violent Jihadist.  Keep in mind that Obama has now traded peace for a nuclear Middle East – war will be the result. Saudi Arabia will not sit idly by, but move quickly to counter the Iran threat. Saudi’s are Sunni, Iranians are Shia.

The days ahead will provide more proof of our leaders cowardness. Do not expect them to address the Jihadist threat that we face on a daily basis. Without a leader willing to defend us, the future in the United States is bleak.




We are surprised that “White” has not been taken out of the White House. Almost every reference to the Confederacy have fast the fate of not being politically correct today. The call of statues of General Robert E. Lee to be taken down are mounting. Other icons of the Civil War are fast becoming extinct. But we never count President Obama out, for he has now taken it upon himself to tell Christians that they must “overcome” their religious beliefs.

This veiled call to arms indicates that the war on conservatives is truly going hot. He has labeled religious people as backward and a hindrance to all others. The left isn’t capable of ‘help’. The socialists accomplishes their ends with verbal and physical assaults wrapped inside lies and corrupt measures.

In other words, Obama is dissing long held cannon of the church while at the same time calling ISLAM a religion of peace.


The Obama administration and P5+1 insist the new 159-page nuclear deal facilitates inspections and true verification capabilities, but critics are alarmed by its concessions, including one that gives Iran a 24-day advanced warning of inspections.

Well America, we don’t have to read it to know what’s in it. Obama sellout of America. A nuclear holocaust awaits the Middle East. We are taking bets on who the first target will be. Hint, starts with an I.

The Diplomats failed in their diplomacy. Their logic is ‘that without a deal’ Iran would be developing a nuclear weapon anyway.. True, but their economy would be squeezed even more perhaps leading to a revolution disposing of the Ayatollah and the Revolutionary guards.If it can happen in Egypt, it can happen in Iran.  With this bad deal a nuclear weapon will be developed out of the starting gate; wait and see.


What a lovely sight to see, the socialist parasites back stabbed by one of their own. Who would of thought such a thing was possible? Well, well they caved. Now the hard work begins as the taxman cometh. Don’t forget, the Greeks still owe the money, there was no debt haircut, but a loan extension to help them surmount the proverbial bump in the road. But darker days still lie ahead. The retirement age has been pumped up to 67, taxes increased and other fiscal measures which will dig deep into the Greek way of life – the dolce vita.

During the bank shut down the economy has not collapsed; depositors were allowed to take out 60 Euros a day from the ATM’s. We can hazard a guess that many Greeks did not have to resort to the ATM because they hid much of their underground money in the mattress. This was a very savvy position to take for those entrepreneurs, for they knew that paying taxes on under the table work would involve a transfer of wealth;  paying for the life of leisure parasites, many who were on the government dole, was not their cup Ouzo.


They are all Congenital liars.

  • In the 1985 film Max Headroom, the title character comments that one can always tell when a politician lies because “their lips move”. The joke has been widely repeated and rephrased.
    • In the film Big Fat Liar, the story producer Marty Wolf (a notorious and proud liar himself) steals a story from student Jason Shepard, telling of a character whose lies become out of control to the point where each lie he tells causes him to grow in size.
    • From the Godfather II, “It was all lies”

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