During the first half of 2014 much ink has been poured by the lame stream media on the Syrian conflict, the Crimean theft, the Iraqi meltdown and most recently the failed Middle East peace talks. But what has surprised the movers and shakers the most has been the resilience of gold coming to the fore.  Apparently its death was greatly exaggerated; based on the predictions of Goldman Sachs (notice the preeminence of gold in their name) gold should have collapsed by now.  However, as with predictions gone wrong by the most savvy of soothsayers we are reminded of Thomas Watson, the then head of IBM, who in 1943 said, “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” 

In the scheme of things we allude back to the days of old when gold reigned supreme. The almighty dollar as with the pound had gold and silver at their back. As things change they usually revert to days gone by.  And now it is dollar’s turn to face the unpleasant music.  Apparently the world has caught on to the vice, at least South Korea, but again the major news is hidden in the forbidden city of the Federal Reserve which has put a scare into their corrupt monopoly.

What gets us excited about gold’s new fortune is the trading in the Chinese yuan (aka renminbi) by American companies.  Obviously this does not sit well with the Jane Yellens of this world and for good reason. If the dollar becomes a secondary reserve currency interest rates will shoot to the moon with inflation following in the chemtrail. Not a good thing for the wallpaper hangers.  


A Scary Obituary


In 1887

Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of

Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some

2,000 years prior: “A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply

cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue

to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote

themselves generous gifts from the public

treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates

who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, *with the result

that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which

is) always followed by a dictatorship.”*


The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning

of history, has been about 200 years*. During those 200 years, these

nations always progressed through the following sequence: From bondage to

spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to

liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to complacency; From

complacency to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into



The Obituary follows:

Born 1776,

Died 2016

Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul,

Minnesota, points out some interesting facts concerning the last

Presidential election:


Number of States won by:

Obama: 19 — Romney: 29

Square miles of land won by:

Obama: 580,000 — Romney: 2,427,000

Population of counties won by:

Obama: 127 million — Romney: 143 million


Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by:

Obama: 13.2

Romney: 2.1


Professor Olson adds: “In aggregate, the map of the territory. Romney won

mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.


Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low-income

tenements and living off various forms of government welfare…”


Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the

“complacency and apathy” phase of Professor Tyler’s definition of democracy,

With some forty-two percent of the nation’s population already having reached the

“governmental dependency” phase.


If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal

invaders called illegals – and they vote – then we can say goodbye to the

USA in fewer than five years!


If you are in favor of this, then by all means, delete this message.


If you are not, then pass this along to help everyone realize just how

much is at stake, knowing that apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom.


When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a




Reminiscent of the days of Scarface, Chicago today awakens to the expectation of gang blood shed. Carrying on the legacy of the Chicago mob, the gang banger of today fights for territory and prestige. Putting fear into his adversaries the banger kills with a rattlers venom. No bad deed goes unpunished.

He who steps into my path will face deadly consequences. And there is no stopping the violence, Rahm, Barack, Eric are passive voyeurs. Afraid to step into the fray for they fear for their lives, but  Otis McDonald did not wait for the inevitable.

Celebrating the 4th of July was like any other day; a bang bang affair, one hit after another. When the weekend was over and tallied up, 14 did not escape the salvo, another 82 lived to tell about it. This is the town that Big Government Democrats built, Chi-town, a patronage city, a dangerous city, a mobster turned into a gang banger city. The South Side of Chicago, so dangerous that the Mayor fears to tread.

Inner city life in Chicago is a microcosm of the inner cities across the nation, urban ghettos filled with drugs, gangs and manifestations of the liberal progressive result of entitlements. A vote for Democrat will continue the legacy of Al “Scarface” Capone. Yes, Chicago is truly the “HOG BUTCHER OF AMERICA“.

We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.


The New Boston Tea Party where “REVOLUTION IS THE SOLUTION”


May a Piece be With You


The United States is under attack, being raided by illegal insurgents from Latin America. They are given succor by none other than the Obama government. The raiders have reached our southern border with the help of drug cartels; the majority of them have come without their parents: diseases permeate the accumulation.

This was the plan by Obama all along. How can we reject children who seek a better life? Currently the stream of parasites has reached 50,000 per month. Estimates are high as 2 million so far this year. Governor’s of  Texas and Arizona are beside themselves because there is little they can do or have done so far. Apparently they do not want a confrontation with the DHS. icebadge

However, without taking a firm stand the queue will continue unabated.  To add insult to injury the Secretary of Homeland Security has refused to answer questions pertaining  the status of the invaders.

Johnson said everybody who crossed the border faces a “pending” deportation proceeding but also repeated recent administration talking points about looking at ways to “create additional options.”

“There’s deportation proceeding pending against everybody coming illegally across the border,” he said, while also repeating the administration’s argument about dealing with a 2008 law that gives some protection to illegal immigrants from non-bordering countries.

Click  here for the Washington Times story on illegal alien raping a doctor in Philadelphia, one of many sanctuary cities in the United States.


Under the Obama administration the reputation of the United States has weakened to such an extent that the world no longer holds us in high esteem; they can’t take us at our word. For defending Eastern Europe, forget about it, for defending our borders, forget about it, for defending Israel, forget about it and last but not least, for defending our Constitution, forget about it. We are a paper tiger sword rattler.  The world no longer sees the United States as a player on the world stage. We have become in less than six years a truly banana republic. This is of great concern to all of us; our future is in doubt.

Eighteen trillion dollars in debt owed to the company man. But behind the scene another story is evolving. Nations waiting in the wings begin to see a crippled country – some are in the planning stage waiting to step into the void.  We have wall papered the world with worthless currency baldeagletalons and have very little means to pay it back. 1933 eliminated the citizens right to change dollars for gold, in 1971 the elimination went full circle for good; the gold window was closed, dollar convertibility was not longer available to foreign countries.

From 1950 to 1969, as Germany and Japan recovered, the US share of the world’s economic output dropped significantly, from 35 percent to 27 percent. Furthermore, a negative balance of payments, growing public debt incurred by the Vietnam War and Great Society programs, and monetary inflation by the Federal Reserve caused the dollar to become increasingly overvalued in the 1960s.

By 1966, foreign central banks held $14 billion, while the United States had only $13.2 billion in gold reserve. Of those reserves, only $3.2 billion was able to cover foreign holdings as the rest was covering domestic holdings.

Of little notice though has been the parabolic climb in our national debt – from a paltry $1 trillion to the $18 trillion of today. There is no stopping this explosion by big government. But that is half the picture, the other half is our growing entitlement state.

The parasitic moocher enabled by the progressive mindset of criminal politicians will bring us down quicker that a pheasant hit by a hunter’s shotgun. 

The basement fire has been smoldering for years but now the first floor is engulfed and in the not too distant future it will be too late to save the building as flames reach the attic and burst through the roof. Many of us, the ones who made prior preparations will come out of this unscathed, but the others will go down in flames.

The United States has a choice, the proverbial “Y” in Yogi Berra’s road, but will they take it. The answer is no. They will continue to spend on entitlements fearing the inner city torch – a scant allocation for military upgrades will test the readiness of our military; putting this scenario into the proper prospective one has to look at China’s military buildup. They are testing our resolve in the South China Sea. Our response so far is minimal. Further ventures are expected. Japan is worried, manifested by their defense policy realignment.

And we must not forget that China is our biggest creditor, you really don’t want to chill their appetite for worthless dollars. And they are worthless, China knows that more than anybody else. How so? They immediately exchange them to unwitting buyers for oil, minerals and other hard assets, while we continue the printing. China has patience that we can ill afford. The clock is running and we are being shut out.

What brings us to this most pessimistic conclusion is the recent deal China struck with South Korea. Patience is a virtue in Asia, small steps lead to great things. After all the Great Wall was not built in a day. What the future can expect is more convertibility in yuan and less in the once almighty dollar. The long term consequences are an Argentinian style regime where interest rates compete with the highest mountains in the Andes range. There is always calm before the storm.The Andes

We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.

The New Boston Tea Party where “REVOLUTION IS THE SOLUTION”


May a Piece be With You


A Call to the States

It’s time. No. It’s way past time, for the various States that comprise the United States of America, to stand up and show some patriotic backbone. They apparently think that since their federal congressmen and senators are corrupt turncoats and cowards, Marxists and fascists, out to destroy our freedom and American way of life, that they must meekly follow along, exhibiting the same behavior. To this notion I say, in lieu of cruder, more vulgar verbage: Balderdash! Poppycock! Twaddle! Claptrap!

As the far left has come to dominate the Democrat Party over the past 80 years, and the Republican Party in the past 25, Americans have been slowly de-educated regarding the history of our once great nation. We have been made to forget that it was the States and their elected representatives who were the driving force behind our world-changing revolution. We have been taught that it was simply some individual white slave-owners, acting out of personal greed and racism, who accidentally created the land of the free and the home of the brave.

The truth is that these men represented the people of their States, and saw the advantage of uniting to a limited degree. A very limited degree. The Constitution, written by men looking out for the common interests of their various States, gave few and well defined powers to the new federal government. Well defined and clearly separated too, were the three branches of the new system, separated to prevent exactly what we have been witnessing in the past six years. The States and their people were unequivocally given power over everything not included in the short list of federal powers, implying also the power to tell the federal government to – insert preferred phrase of choice – when federal acts and actions were deemed by the States –not necessarily the Supreme Court – to be unconstitutional.

Over the past six years, Americans have been subjected to a wave of governmental lawlessness unprecedented in our history, a crime wave largely unopposed by the federal establishment that threatens to “fundamentally change” America into a monolithic fascist police state. It’s time for the States that, unlike Obama, the Democrats, and the Republican Establishment, still believe that the Constitution is the ultimate Law of the Land, to take a stand. They need to tell the federal government that it must – repeat, must – obey the Constitution and the laws passed by Congress.

Internal scandals aside – and these alone are enough to have in the past sent hundreds, if not thousands of federal “officials” to prison – the invasion of our country by foreign nationals is a crisis of major proportions. It’s been intentionally created by Obama and his puppet masters, and genuinely puts the continued existence of America as a free nation in jeopardy. It’s estimated that some 51 million foreign nationals, a number equal to nearly 20 percent of our total population, have entered the country illegally. Put another way, nearly one in five people in America is a criminal, someone who made it clear from the beginning their disdain for our laws.

It’s recently come to light, too, that these criminal invaders are bringing a variety of potentially lethal diseases with them – TB, adult chicken pox, measles, H1N1 influenza, dengue fever, Ebola, and others. The threat is so serious that the Center for Disease Control has activated its Emergency Operation Center to deal with it ( Funny, though, this fact seems to have slipped by the TV network news and the rest of the “mainstream” media. Seems they don’t think it’s important that diseases that had been pretty much wiped out in America are being reintroduced by the criminals that Obama, the Democrats, and the Republican establishment want to make U.S. citizens. They also seem to have overlooked the fact that medical personnel at the facilities where the criminals are being housed have been threatened with arrest by the civilian security force Obama has created to guard them. And at the risk of being called a paranoid conspiracy nut (actually, a compliment nowadays), the federal government could easily use a real or faked epidemic to quarantine cities, counties, states, regions, or even the entire country, and impose martial law to “maintain law and order.” With the current crowd in D.C., this is not far-fetched.

Since law enforcement at the federal level has become corrupt and refuses to obey the Constitution, the States must intercede. What needs to happen, and now, not next week, or next month, or after we do a study, or after the next election, is for the legislatures of the various States to make it unmistakably clear that they will enforce federal immigration law. In addition, they need to authorize their attorneys general to empanel grand juries to look at bringing charges against the federal “officials” responsible for breaking our laws and endangering We, the People, the citizens of these States. They need to authorize the arrest of these lawbreakers, up to and including Barack Hussein Obama. To wait is to court disaster.


The American people have had it – the time has come for the American people to relieve the usurper in the White House of his duties. The DHS continues to allow the free entry into the United States of  illegal aliens. ICE has been given orders to define these illegals as unaccompanied childrenThose who do not tow the line will be fired on the spot.

America is under attack. We are being  invaded by aliens who have come to the United States to parasite  off the system. Obama has opened the flood gates.  This validates the Republican stance on immigration reform. It is dead for the next two years. They knew full well that Obama would never enforce the border; we now see the proof.  The President is a liar, his word means nothing.

If this continues The Patriots may have to take the law into there own hands.


We are one day closer to the overthrow of the United States Government. This is a call to arms. There are no two ways about it. From picking and choosing what laws to obey, to failure to honor their oath of office and most of all not enforcing our borders from an invasion of criminals,   Obama/Holder are guilty of treason.  The military stepped in and arrested Morsi of Egypt, we call on our military to do the same. Action is demanded by our Armed Forces for they are being led by a criminal.

The Generals can act for they took an oath to support the Constitution, to defend the United States from threats within, it is they who can arrest both Obama and Holder. Impeachment is not an option in this case; only the immediate arrest can save our country from anarchy. Why, if the President and Attorney General don’t obey our laws, why should the average citizen?

Hundreds of thousands of illegals have been granted a stay in America. Most of them are from Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua. However, some have come from the Mid East; it has been reported that prayer rugs have been abandoned on the Mexican side of the Rio Grand. Obama has welcomed Islamic terrorists. America is being turned into a third world country.

This has been Obama’s plan from day one. He hates the Caucasian culture and is using every means necessary to make it the minority, to steal our country right from under us. We cannot let this happen. Obama has replace the heads of all federal agencies with a cancerous element,;  TSA, DHS, IRS, EPA, FBI, CIA are all headed by Obama flunkies. They are condoning Obama’s anti American policy and enforcing illegal executive orders. The IRS cover-up proves to what lengths Obama will go to stifle free speech. He has honed his skills from dictators past. hugoobama

The time has come for the Supreme Court to speak up and stop him before it is too late.


We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.

The New Boston Tea Party where       “REVOLUTION IS THE SOLUTION”


May a Piece be With You


July 4th 1776 saw the country elated as the Declaration of Independence was formally signed;  patriots erupted in cheers and celebrations that  included pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations. In 1777, Philadelphians remembered the 4th of July. Bells were rung, guns fired, candles lighted, and firecrackers set off. 

The Declaration of Independence is a justification of the American Revolution, citing grievances against King George III. It is also a landmark philosophical statement, drawing on the writings of philosophers John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau. It affirms that since all people are creatures of God, or nature, they have certain natural rights, or liberties, that cannot be violated.

The Declaration and the American Revolution have since inspired freedom-seekers the around the world.

What to expect from the  Obama Independence Day propaganda speech .


Click here for the singing of the National Anthem. You will not be disappointed as this 7 year old will bring tears of joy to your eyes.



President Obama is on his way to Texas for a fund raising event next week. We have a border crisis, but the President is shying away from a photo op with illegal aliens. His lame excuse, “prior engagements;” Of course the excuse holds less water than the desert terrain the immigrants trudged through to reach the U.S.

The influx is overwhelming the INS in a number of ways. Texas, California and Arizona have been the targeted states for resettlement. But as reported by Fox 25 that has changed. ICE officials confirmed on Friday that at least six commercial, agency-owned charter flights have transported detainees to the Boston area.

The agency told the station that moving detainees from the southern borders to other areas of the country is routine. Muchas Gracias Amigos.  Governor Rick Perry comes out swinging, but whiffs. 

IMG_4021 muchasgraciasamigo

Quotes from four decades ago.

“The new governor of California, Jerry Brown, was very concerned about refugees settling in his state. Brown even attempted to prevent planes carrying refugees from landing at Travis Air Force Base near Sacramento. . . . The secretary of health and welfare, Mario Obledo, felt that this addition of a large minority group would be unwelcome in California. And he said that they already had a large population of Hispanics, Filipinos, blacks, and other minorities.”


In fact, then Senator Joe Biden complained about the Ford administration’s move to bring Vietnamese refugees to the U.S., saying the White House “had not informed Congress adequately about the number of refugees.” Liberal presidential icon George McGovern told Newsweek, “I think the Vietnamese are better off in Vietnam.”

And Governor Moonbeam’s new approach. Presently, Governor Brown approved a measure allowing non-citizens to get driver’s licenses in California. He also signed a law titled the Trust Act, which bars law enforcement from detaining a foreign national they arrest for a period of time, so that immigration officials can pick up the person(s) charged and start deportation proceedings. Additionally, another law Brown signed allows illegal immigrants to get a law license and practice law in the state and included measures that would restrict who could charge illegal immigrants for aiding them with legal work, Fox News Latino reported in October of 2013.




"Where Revolution is the Solution" Taking back the Empire