*TRUMP 34% KASICH 16% CRUZ 11%
These are exciting days, especially to see the likes of Clinton being tossed overboard like a drunken sailor; and she is, drunk on politics, drunk on power, drunk on telling lies over and over again, drunk on Wall Street money, drunk on everything that is wrong with the country. Hillary Clinton is plain old drunk. LOCK HER UP ALREADY, SHE IS A KILLER. One added note, Hillary flew too close to the sun and was Bern’d real bad.
The people in New Hampshire said it all, “Hillary you don’t represent us, get our of town now and never come back.” Yeah, did you see Hillary, she said, “I will fight for New Hampshire, I love New Hampshire.” The lies continue to flow from her mouth like diarrhea. Turn back the clock one year to Sanders jumping into the race. They thought he was a fool, a old codger turning back Mother Time to Marx and Lenin. However, his message is gaining traction and fast with the young, they see a rigged system and want change now; know your enemy says Bernie they are Big Banks, Big Corporations, Big Pharma. All of these Bigs are friends of Hillary Clinton and the American people are fed up with it, fed up with the Clintons and Bushes too. 
On the Republican score, Trump won a hhhuuuggge victory. The surprise was Kasich coming in a distant second by 19 points. Christie’s balloon was popped unable to crack the top four. Our advice Christie, drop out before it is too late; they don’t like your New Jersey accent.
Cruz found it tough to win, a minimum of Evangelicals live up there. The Rubio fella was out of his league; Bush is old hat.
Now the contest heads to the Palmetto State of South Carolina where we think Trump will win a decisive victory because of vote splitting between the also rans. Secondly, Trump has the MO. On the Democratic front Sanders has the Mo, a great ground game and the common people who like his message. Clinton thinks the Blacks will put her over the top. We ask the question, what has she done to help the Blacks, not only lately, but ever. Mind you she is backed by the National Education Association which hates Charter Schools which Blacks love.
The above headline was from October. Guess they didn’t get the message in New Hampshire where the students score in the top ties and education dollars is in the lowest tier. Advice to Hillary, “go back to school.”