Tag Archives: Donald Trump


Against all odds Donald Trump has done the impossible, captured the Republican nomination. Along the way he left a plethora of road kill. One particular cry baby by the name of Jeb, still in diapers, Bush can now enter the “liars hall of shame.”  His word means nothing. Like his father before him, “Read my lips, no new taxes.”

So we take you back a moment in time where Bush the Younger emulated his father by telling the Big Lie. Trump slammed Jeb Bush for not honoring his pledge; like father, like son.

Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump on Tuesday hit on Jeb Bush for not honoring his pledge to support the Republican nominee.

“I actually felt badly for him. He’s talking about upholding the Constitution, but he doesn’t uphold his pledge,” Trump said on “The O’Reilly Factor,” in response to the former presidential candidate saying he can’t vote for either major party’s presumptive nominee.
“He signed an irrevocable pledge. It was a pledge not subject to whims and whatever he might think or his loss. He signed a pledge. If you read that pledge you will see it is a strong statement that he will support the candidate, the nominee.”

Cleveland the home of the NBA champion Cavaliers is to be the sight of America’s Champions, Donald Trump and Mike Pence. They will be entering the BIG TOP.Image result for the big top Barnum & Bailey clowns and geese2.jpg

Trump takes centre stage – Jane O’Brien, BBC News, Washington

Introducing a vice-presidential candidate to the nation is usually a well-choreographed affair. Joining Mr Trump on the podium, Mr Pence said: “I come to this moment deeply humbled but with a grateful heart, grateful to God for his amazing grace.”

He said his new boss was someone who understood the frustrations of ordinary Americans in a way reminiscent of former President Ronald Reagan.

Quoting the former president, who is still a hero to many Republicans, he said: “We’re tired of being told that a little intellectual elite in a far distant capital can plan our lives better for us.”


Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has finally spewed hateful invective from her socialist twisted mind. Freedom loving Americans knew it before hand that she did not interpret the law, but was the law in her own mind, twisted it to suit her own liberal philosophy. Her decisions were examples of a vicious socialist with a Marxist/Lenin bent. There is nothing worse that a twisted liberal thinker sitting on the bench adjudicating hot button issues with a predisposed outcome. Once again she proved here mouth is in reverse proportion to her brain.

From the New York Times: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s well-known candor was on display in her chambers late Monday, when she declined to retreat from her earlier criticism of Donald Trump and even elaborated on it.

He is a faker,” she said of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, going point by point, as if presenting a legal brief. “He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. …”I can’t imagine what this place would be — I can’t imagine what the country would be — with Donald Trump as our president,” she had said in the Times interview published Monday.
Time for the lady to go, her mind is paralyzed, she is senile, hospice is the only place for her.

But after being roundly criticized for a remarkable series of interviews in which she mocked Donald J. Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, Justice Ginsburg on Thursday did something highly unusual for a member of the nation’s highest court: She admitted making a mistake. Barry Friedman, a professor of law at New York University who describes himself as a friend of Justice Ginsburg’s, said her comments were a stark example of a breach in the neutrality that justices must adhere to.

“Judges should avoid commenting on a candidate for public office,” she wrote in a brief statement issued by the court, admitting her remarks were “ill advised” and expressing regret. “In the future I will be more circumspect.”

Click here for the NYPOST story. Our take, Ginsburg did more to help Donald Trump than anyone else ever could. In another words she did what Obama did for gun sales, SENT THEM THROUGH THE ROOF.” Great job Ginsburg, pack your bags for New Zealand.



Mr. Trump, “CALL THE CRIMINAL OUT.” You are the “man” to do it. Demand the “Bird to be Jailed.” Challenge her at every rally, turn the tables; Soros disrupts your rallies, do the same to hers. Start the chant, “JAIL THE BIRD”, “YOU ARE A CRIMINAL.” Turn over those emails.

Former Secretary Hillary Clinton failed to turn over a copy of a key message involving problems caused by her use of a private homebrew email server, the State Department confirmed Thursday. The disclosure makes it unclear what other work-related emails may have been deleted by the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

“Contrary to her statement under oath suggesting otherwise, Mrs. Clinton did not return all her government emails to the State Department,” Fitton said. “Our goal is to find out what other emails Mrs. Clinton and the State Department are hiding.”

Here are our other recommendations from A to Z. BRING IT ON MR. TRUMP, the time is now.

Start with Loretta Lynch  and emailgate; the question here is why are they protecting her? Why does a simple investigation drags on for months? Why is it that a thousand lawyers and investigators have not concluded and reported their findings?

A. Women’s issues – Saudi Arabia gave $50 million to the Clinton Foundations. Where are your principles on this one? Taking money from a country that subjugates women to second class citizens. Admitted Clinton, you are not for Clinton, you are only for Hillary Clinton. 

B.  You lied about Benghazi, tried to cover up, tried to blame a film. Do you think Americans are as gullible as you think. Contrary to the Muslim film push which was promoted by Susan Rice on national T.V. the embassy siege was well planned in advance. Why didn’t you tell the truth?

C. You talk about the economy, how you would do that? Print more money like Obama; tax the rich more and more; give money to the parasites; put the oil and gas companies out of business; continue the largess.

D. Do you actually think that our Servicemen and Woman will take orders from you? You can fool some of the people some of the time but not all the people all the time. They hate your guts, you killed four of our guys.

E. Are you proud of yourself regarding the Obama Red Line in Syria? Failure to control Assad led to the birth of ISIS. This led to 500,000 people being killed and 10,000,000 migrants flooding Europe and the United States. Do you realize what you did? Our country is now the go to country for Muslim rapists, criminals, drug dealers and murderers.

F. And Iran, we won’t even go there. Seriously are you a Jew hater? Do you hate Israel? Are they the cause for all the worlds ills? We can’t hear you Hillary, something wrong with your throat? Speak up, a little louder; no you can’t crawl under the desk. Just wait when Israel bombs the nuclear facilities in Iran, its coming. The sky will glow like never before. You could have stopped that.

G. Good job on North Korea. You certainly harnessed their nuclear ambitions, didn’t you. What was your objective here? Giving them time to develop a ballistic missile so they can bribe us for more food.

H. Education, our foot. Under the Obama administration charter schools were left in the lurch. Didn’t you get endorsed by the Teacher’s Union? Yes, Union! So now when you assume the throne they will dictate more education policy, you know the ones that have failed for the past 50 years. What do you say about than?

J. Illegal Aliens! Aren’t you a lawyer? Seems simple to me to understand the world “ILLEGAL.” Is there something that caught in your throat. Did you know that over 45% of these illegals, mostly men, have been charged with a crime. Certainly keeps the DHS busy. But why do these guys keep coming back? Are you going to protect our borders better than Obama?

K. Oh BTW, what do you think about the 49 Pulse goers murdered by a Radical Muslim? They say homegrown; what? The guy was from Pakistan, on the no fly list, made two visits to Saudi Arabia, swore allegiance to ISIS. Your political correctness was responsible for this. Admit it Hillary, you are in love with Pakistanis. Isn’t Huma a Pakistani?

I. Well Hillary, isn’t it time for you to head to jail, they are waiting for you; singing the Jail House Rock. we can’t wait till the whole cell block sings the Jail House Rock. Let’s rock, everybody, let’s rock Everybody on the whole cell block They was dancing to the jailhouse rock. Turn in your cell phone, you won’t need it.  No servers allowed in the pen either. Hume Abedin will alert you when need be. One thing for sure, one guy will be happy to see you behind bars. Who you may ask? Stupid question, no, no, no,  not Donald, but Slick Willie. He has been waiting for this along time for this. Finally he can be his own man.


A closet is full of skeletons chanting “crooked Hillary the liar” are Clinton’s biggest fear. One by one they are starting to march to Donald Trump’s tune. Advice to Clinton: don’t bring up foreign policy, yours was a “total disaster, worse than that of Neville Chamberlain.”

“Oh when the Skeleton go marching out, America wants to be in that number, when the skeletons go marching out, America wants to be in that number.” First to make their appearance are our four brave men killed by Muslim terrorists when our embassy was seized in Benghazi;  Ambassador Chris Stevens was among them. Clinton’s blood is on their hands.

Failures of monmouth magnitude include Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Syria,Saudi Arabia, Russia to name a few. Cuba, exchanging spit with Raul Castro was beyond the pale. Throwing Israel under the bus like they were America’s arch enemy was another hit and run operation. Standing by while Crimea was gulped by the big bear. But America is taking notice of the Obama foreign policy which was implemented by Clinton and under her watch.

Egypt, Syria and Iran, the three biggest foreign policy failures of the last half century. Obama pushed hard for his brother Morsi, a virulent Islamist in the same vein of the Turkish Dog Erdogan. Morsi took the helm of the land of the pyramids and immediately stacked the courts with members of the Muslim Brotherhood. However, General al-Sisi had none of it, he watched from behind the scenes, knowing that he had to act and he did. Jailing Morsi and the rest of the Brotherhood thugs. Egypt now is in the sphere of Russian influence.

In Iran, kerry and Obama were operating behind America’s back; making side deals while the Mullah killing machine was murdering our men in Iraq and elsewhere. Watching from afar Saudi Arabia jumped ship, so did Baharain and the Emirates. Countries that were once friends have become skeptical – they had no choice but to go their own way. All their marbles in one basket was a risk they no longer could afford.

We won’t go into Eastern Europe, but you get the picture, countries like Poland and Romania are running scared, not to mention the Baltics; Russia even has their eye on Finland.

Bottom line here, Hillary Clinton has gone yellow pants time and time again; she sold us down the toilet like America was nothing. Now is the time for Trump to do the flushing, sending Hillary Clintonstonewall into the cesspool she came out of. hillarysuckersvoteTRUMP


‘We’re running a f—ing casino:’ Politician tells all in manifestoIMG_6683

(click here for the full story)An anonymous congressman has dropped a bombshell election-year book that confirms why Americans hate their national government and have rallied to anti-establishment presidential candidates like Donald Trump.

The veteran politician lays bare a rotten and corrupt Congress enslaved by lobbyists and interested only in re-election in an anonymous, 65-page manifesto called “The Confessions of Congressman X.”

“Like most of my colleagues, I promise my constituents a lot of stuff I can never deliver,” he admits. “But what the hell? It makes them happy hearing it . . . My main job is to keep my job.”


The Old Boy’s Network has been blind sided due to their near sighted malady. While pandering to the masses an outsider am-bushed them with the zeal of a hungry lion. Roaring he said, “I am the King of the Jungle.” The Old Boys thought he was a joke and gave him little chance of success. But then he started capturing the attention of more and more of those who have been ignored for way too long.  Toiling in the field, fighting for their daily bread, these men and women, the salt of the earth types would not accept anymore the scraps of political correctness stuffed down their throat.

Not spending a dime on P.R. his advance men laid the groundwork for the coming ascension, crowds gathered, people from all over came to see him. Barnstorming the nation he flew into small towns where thousands upon thousands were there to greet him. The ink purveyors had no choice but to cover him. This was no mirage, but a phenomena. His language was down and dirty, but what do you expect from one who did not toe the gentlemanly line. He was a businessman, making deals with vultures living in the animal kingdom.

The also rans had recognizable names, like Bush, and Rubio, they lying in wait for the past four years ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice. But their story was old and didn’t play well to the mainstream; they heard this non-sense before. Even their hundreds of millions of dollars spent on false advertising didn’t help. And by the way, what did they know about capitalism, having built nothing but careers built on hot air, family connections and the lame stream media.

Like the Phoenix arising from the ashes, TRUMP has taken flight not being held back from the obstacles thrown in the way. “The Donald” is the Third Party, get over it Ryan, support him or you too will end up like Eric Cantor. 

Trump touched the Third Rail, something hs politically correct opponents failed to do. Americans have seen the pandering politician long enough; finally coming to the conclusion it is time to “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.” We can’t wait for the circus coming to Cleveland, it will be a show of shows, the Big Top waiting for the LION to roar.TRUMP



The night of Donald Trump’s big Indiana Republican primary win, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., was ready. She tore loose with a series of late-night anti-Trump tweets in which she accused him of racism, sexism, xenophobia, narcissism and a host of other faults.

Two weeks earlier, after being asked about another Warren tweet storm in which she accused him of being “a loser,” Trump fired a warning shot across Warren’s bow. “Who’s that, the Indian? You mean the Indian,” he responded, referring to a well-known political controversy over Warren claiming Indian heritage.

The exchanges signal the start of what could be a nasty surrogate side-battle as the general election campaign begins to take shape. Warren is poised to be an aggressive Trump critic, for the Democrats and Hillary Clinton, should she lock up the nomination. And for Trump, who thrives off detecting weakness and pouncing, Warren is a target-rich environment.

From 1986 to 1995, she listed herself as a minority in the Association of American Law Schools directory. Harvard Law School cited her alleged Indian heritage in dealing with criticism that it lacked a diverse faculty. Her recipe in the “Pow Wow Chow” cookbook became the subject of derision, after charges it was plagiarized from a New York Times cookbook.

“I think she’s a fraud,” said longtime nemesis and Boston conservative talk radio host, Howie Carr. “I think her entire success in academia and in politics is based on a lie that she’s a Native American. She refuses to take a DNA test. She doesn’t even call herself Native American, anymore,” he said.

Asked what the purpose of that alleged fraud would have been, Carr said, “She was basically going nowhere in her academic career. She was an instructor at the University of Texas Law School in Austin. Suddenly she began checking the box and she was a tenured professor first at the University of Pennsylvania, and then she got a job at Harvard University law school. “


The Jeb Bush’s and Marco Rubio’s, although they are Republicans, felt the Bern this primary season; panderers both. Only two words brought them down, “POLITICALLY CORRECT.”  Hillary Clinton is an expert on politically correctness, for instance, “if I knew then what I know now I wouldn’t have voted for the Iraq war.” However, Ms. Clintstonewall has upped the ante in coal country.

Appearing at a CNN town hall in Columbus, Ohio, on Sunday, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton promised that in her administration, “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.

Clinton tried to walk back the insanity of that statement, but it didn’t happen. Indiana punished her bad, Sanders pulled a once unthinkable upset of the Lying Clinton. The more times she opens here mouth, the more times she puts her foot in it by trying to be “politically correct.

However, the electorate is on to these lying double talk politicians as noted by the success of Donald J. Trump, the next president of the United States. Trump will have a field day with the Ms. Lying Clinton. And BTW don’t expect Clinton to win any of the Big Coal States. They are the grave that Hillary Rodham Clinton has dug for herself. Out of work coal miners, many of them of the Democratic persuasion and members of the United Coal Workers Union to boot know what side their toast is

buttered on.trumptime

Trump has thrown politically correctness to the wind by telling it like it is. Garnering support across all demographics is the result. Americans are sick and tired of double-speak, double-talk politically correct lying politicians.


Tonight’s victory by Donald Trump will seal the deal. Out spent by a billions including a posse to stop him and the Republican stalwarts ganging up on him from the get-go “The Donald” will take the podium tonight in victory. California will be an after thought – up by 30 or so points.

Jeb Bush and all the rest are road kill now, Trump dispatched these RINO’s like a hit and run driver – important for today’s politician to recognize the anger of the electorate. You, the entrenched schemer, doing deals behind the back of the American people are next to go.

Riding the back of pent up anger Trump has invigorated, gave hope, energized America. Boy/Girl we can’t wait to get our hands on Hillary Clinton. One way or another, if it isn’t the American people, it will be the FBI. Hillary, a word of advice for you, quit white you are ahead. It’s time to jail the bird.



‘Make America Mexico Again’: Why Americans are fed up with illegals

Matt Finn/FNC

Matt Finn/FNC

There is something a bit unsettling about watching violent, foul-mouthed protesters waving the Mexican flag on American soil.

Over the weekend, Hispanic children lined the streets in Fort Wayne, Indiana – hurling filthy insults at Donald Trump supporters.

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 “F*** you,” the youngsters shouted as they flipped off passerby. “F*** you.”

Video captured images of the angry protesters wearing sombreros and holding signs that read, “Brown Pride.”

What kind of a parent would allow their child to behave that way in public?

A similar protest turned violent last week in Southern California – as a horde of illegals and their supporters violently attacked Trump supporters, police and even a horse.

NOW PLAYINGFar left violence out of control in America

Yes, a horse.

Cole Bartiromo, identified by local media as a Trump supporter, needed a half-dozen stiches after the mob bashed open his head.

“Suddenly, out of nowhere I felt this thud in the front of my head,” Bartiromo told CBLA.com. “I started panicking – getting scared, thinking, ‘When are they going to stop? Are they going to kill me? I mean, these aren’t rational people.’”

The California mob spilled into the streets – blocking roadways and smashing police cars. They intended to shut down a Trump rally. They intended to silence Mr. Trump and his supporters.

They were angry about the wall he plans to build – to secure our border from the invading **horde** of illegals. They were angry about Mr. Trump speaking the truth – about how illegals are killing Americans – on American soil.

One of the most disturbing images in recent days came from California – a small child – holding a sign. It read, “Make America Mexico Again.”

There was a time in this nation’s history when having 13 million people breach your border would have been considered an invasion. We used to fight wars over such a hostile act.

But these days instead of repelling the invaders, the Obama administration gave them food stamps, free health care, and a voter registration card.

We’ve been invaded and our government has provided aid and comfort to the enemy.

In both Indiana and California the protesters tried to bully and intimidate law-abiding Americans into silent submission. They tried – but they failed.

You see, the illegals need to understand something – “We the People” will no longer be silent. We will not allow our sovereignty to be violated anymore.

The American taxpayers have reached a boiling point. We are tired of illegals taking American jobs. We are tired of illegals living off our tax dollars. We are tired of illegals causing mayhem in our streets.

And more than anything, we are tired of lawmakers who refuse to defend American sovereignty.

The truth is we don’t know who or what has been coming across our southern border. We don’t know what dangers lurk in our neighborhoods.

And we want a president who will put American lives first. We want a president who will do whatever it takes to keep our families safe. We want a president who will defend our sovereignty.

And if I see one more foul-mouthed protester waving a Mexican flag on American soil – I’ll personally donate a pile of bricks to help build Mr. Trump’s wall.

Todd Starnes is host of Fox News & Commentary, heard on hundreds of radio stations. His latest book is “God Less America: Real Stories From the Front Lines of the Attack on Traditional Values.” Follow Todd on Twitter@ToddStarnes and find him on Facebook.

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