Democrats pulled out all stops to prevent the Trump campaign from succeeding. They torched Comey, they threatened Lynch, they accused Trump of everything under the sun. Most of all they SPIED ON TRUMP through electronic surveillance (1984 is here) of THE TOWER. But that was not all they LIED ABOUT IT and continue to do so up to this day. Clapper is either guilty of perjury or stupidity; time for him to face the music – waterboarding works. Trump and his team are now hitting back; count on heads to roll in this 2017 version of OBAMAGATE.
The Clinton disaster was in the making, to prevent Trump winning the White House; Obama directed a covert cloak and dagger operation. The objective was to gather intelligence which would associate Trump and a secret Russian spy operation on the United States that sought to influence the presidential election. Crazy as it seems it was Obama and Clinton who cooperated with Russia rather the other way around. The approval of selling 20% of our uranium supply to Russia may not have depended on Clinton giving the OK, but when smoke comes from the barrel of a gun assumptions are made that secret money was involved. And so it was.
It is also true that large donations to the foundation from the chairman of Uranium One, Ian Telfer, at around the time of the Russian purchase of the company and while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, were never disclosed to the public. The multimillion sums were channeled through a subsidiary of the Clinton Foundation, CGSCI, which did not reveal its individual donors.
Such awkward collisions between Bill’s fundraising activities and Hillary’s public service have raised concerns not just among those who might be dismissed as part of a vast right-wing conspiracy.
CLICK HERE FOR LIEUTENANT TONY SCHAEFFER’S TAKE on the newest controversy involving electronic surveillance of Trump Tower.
The alt-left is in a frenzy, true barbarians for sure. Destruction, trash and burn are left in their wake. 
Rage mode is their paradigm. Beaten to a pulp, their legacy hangs in the balance. Soon it will be Ginsberg entering her eternal rest. The Constitution again will rise from the ashes. The 14th Amendment must be adjudicated in its proper fashion. The Supremes will declare that anchor babies are not United States Citizens. The Founding Fathers never meant it to be.
A man-made stream or watercourse on a family farm should not be the concern of the EPA. The reckless affirmative action laws, statutes and regulations must be eviscerated. Illegal immigrants are ILLEGAL, there are no two ways about it; round them up and ship them out. It is time we got some backbone and dictated to them not the other way around. Let them stand in line like everyone else. No free get out of jail card.
Well what about the dreamers? We don’t want to be called racist so to be fair to them; a routine has to be worked out, one way or another. We are a compassionate nation, bring them in to the mainstream, after all they did not commit the crime, their parents did. And the Latino gangs, they are a grave threat to the Latino/Hispanic community, but also a threat to the communities across the country. Prosecute, jail and deport. Get them out of here now.
OK, what about the Democ-rats. Call them out, go after them with a vengeance. Bring those who treat our laws with impunity to justice. Arrest the politician who thinks that they are above the law they took a pledge to honor and obey. Those harboring illegals are a threat to our county more so than the illegals. They believe that laws that they don’t agree with don’t have to be enforced. Not so! Activate the National Guard, round up the scofflaws, arrest them, try them and jail them. What a sight to see, sitting governors and mayors in the clink.
Clorox the bureaucracy. They have paralyzed the country with regulations. Free us from the Blue Hand of Big Government.