Happy New Year. Since January 1, 2008, long before Rick Santelli’s rant from the floor of CBOE, the New Boston Tea Party engaged the public with their first blog entry. The question we posted then and still do is, is a “Revolution” possible? It is happening right now. Donald Trump has changed the paradyne; out with the old (political correctness) and in with the new (don’t let anyone beat you when you are down”. His message, “Make America Great Again!”
Marx’s philosophy was such that he thought it best that socialism prevail over capitalism; that is the profits of labor be distributed by the state to the people rather than kept by the capitalists. Well today we find ourselves in a similar position, but the profits are no longer being kept by the capitalists, sure some are, but it is the government (local, state, federal) that is picking the pockets of the middle class via a burdensome tax system (fees, regulations, excise) and distributing the profits to the government employee and society’s loser. This has to stop.
We are entered a new phase in 2016, Republicans control Congress, but they did not exercise their power. In fact they were treated like dirt, run over by President Obama. The Tea Party is responsible for them taking power; for we mad it plain and simple that the past way of doing business, compromising our principles, will no longer be tolerated, but this did not happen, thus paving the way for the Trump onslaught. Just ask Jeb Bush what happened to him, Mr. Low Energy does not have a clue.
Happy New Year Patriots.