Tag Archives: Hillary Clinton


Ex Attorney General Loretta Lynch is now the focus of an investigation culminating in her affair with Slick Willie.  “The MATTER” rather than the investigation is at the heart of investigation. We know what happened behind closed aircraft doors. President Clinton put it to Lynch. Slick Willie is the author of the new Webster dictionary; depends on what the definition of what “is is“. So Lynch was given an ultimatum to do what must be done to help Hillary’s run for the White House. In the meantime Hillary was able to tell America that she was not under investigation.

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch should testify before the Senate, top Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham said Sunday, in the wake of fired FBI Director James Comey calling into question her handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe.

“I want to hear from Loretta Lynch,” Graham said.

The call follows Comey’s claim during a Senate committee hearing that Lynch once directed him to describe the email probe as a “matter” and not an “investigation” — an alleged intervention Comey said made him “queasy.” He also said that directive, combined with Lynch’s unusual Arizona tarmac meeting with former President Bill Clinton, led him to make his independent announcement regarding the Clinton email probe last July.

Asked Sunday on CBS News’ “Face the Nation” whether he wants Lynch to appear before the judiciary committee on which he sits, Graham, R-S.C., said: “Absolutely.”

Several GOP lawmakers have shown interest in learning more about Lynch’s actions following Comey’s testimony.

Lynch and former President Clinton met on a tarmac in Phoenix, Ariz., on June 27, 2016, which immediately raised questions about whether she — or the Justice Department — could be impartial in the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Days later, Comey called Hillary Clinton’s actions “extremely careless” but declined to recommend charges.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that she would have had a “queasy feeling, too.” She said lawmakers need to know more about that, and the judiciary committee should “take a look” at it.


What happened to Obama’s Syrian Red Line? Result 500,000 killed by Assad, the Middle East overrun by ISIS.

Obamacare: you can keep your doctor and save $2500. Result, most if not all insurers have opted out of the exchanges or will opt out by 2018. Premiums up 100 to 500 percent.

Obama flew into Cairo touting Islam, but never addressed the Jihad killing machine as he apologized for America’s past sins. A president bowing to the killers of millions of Christians. Obama then continued his Muslim love affair by supporting the Muslim Brotherhoods Morsi and their takeover of Egypt. The coup by al-Sisi was brought on by the  Brotherhoods’ strict tenants of Islam that did not allow for free speech, democracy and freedom of religion.  If he continued in office the end result would have been another Iran on the footsteps of Europe.

While we are talking about Egypt, let us look at Iran. Was it Obama who signed on to the 150 billion dollar giveaway. Nuclear weapons are a given. Nuclear war in the Middle East is a given. Israel has prepared for the Mother of all Armageddons which is inevitable.

China has been belligerent to the oomph degree, violating previous freedom of the sea agreements. The Spratly Islands are a flash point which will be the site of the next conflict; sort of like the Gulf of Tonkin. Bottom line, there are powder kegs all over the world ready to blowup.

But we steer you to Hillary Rodham Clinton, the magnanimous liar of the 21st century.  She sold out the state department to all comers. The Clinton Foundation (folded like a cheap suit after her stunning loss) repeated millions of dollars from foreign countries; where are they now? Why isn’t the bird in jail.

So the left wing is having a party; the one they missed on November 8. Now they have nothing left celebrate sans bust Trumps b…s. The public is not taken to sore losers. Eventually the hearings, subpoenas and other shenanigans will come back to haunt them.

The REAL COLLUSION was between James Comey and Loretta Lynch. They colluded by letting Hillary go Scot free. That is where the rubber meats the road. Bring a RICO indictment into the Hillary pay for play scheme. 


No love affair exists between President Donald Trump and the Fourth Estate. The liberal mafia has pursued Trump from the get-go. The Press Corp, made up of foaming from the mouth journalists, has questioned every move POTUS makes. During press briefings these attack dogs pursue their agenda loading their questions for that  gotch-ya moment. We expect no less of them. They are in pursuit of political hay that lay dormant during the Obama years. Their cup of tea is to expose the enemy.  However, things have not gone well for these habitual blowhards as they faced off with the White House.

Russia connection, Obama’s Open Mic is the real deal here. Tell moy drug ( ‘мой друг‘ )Vladimir, that “I will have more flexibility  after the election.”  Imagine if that was Trump caught saying this? How about the belonging to Reverend Wright’s church – “God damn America.”  Again a free pass from the lame stream media. The Obama gift to Hezbollah of $400 million, a terrorist organization bent on killing Jews, Christians and Americans, was never systematically explored.  Why not? And please don’t even mention Hillary (jail the bird – lock her up) Clinton. Hopefully a room awaits her at the iron bar motel.

We can go on and on with hypocritical examples, but what is the us?  True Americans know the truth, they are not easily conned by fake news. The main stream media has been exposed as another left arm of the Democrat party, something that has been a long time coming. “We the People” are standing strong in the wake of Trump’s unprecedented victory. Trump’s team is on the move – we have full confidence that he will take our country back and the rule of law will prevail.  This alone has driven the media nuts.


Let’s figure this one. Attorney General Loretta Lynch exchanges spit with Slick Willie aboard a United States jumbo jet parked on the tarmac in Arizona. We know the guy is slick, he didn’t get moniker for being goodie two shoes, but for the life of us we can’t understand Loretta Lynch accommodating the ex-President when in fact the FBI was in the thick of an investigation into Hillary (jail the bird) Clinton. The FBI director Comey, usurps Lynch’s call and declares Hillary careless, but not in violation of any crime. This scenario is not a pipe dream.

When Comey broadcast the news exonerating Clinton, the Democrats gave him a standing ovation. Their crook was off the hook. The campaign now can move on toward victory, but wait – Comey wasn’t through, he was waiting in the wings with another bombshell. Two weeks before the election a determination was made that the investigation still had legs. Apparently Huma Abedin and her perv husband shared computers. And HRG on several occasions emailed Huma instructions to print out emails. What? Are we to believe that Hillary trusted nobody except Huma. Well apparently so. When the election turned on Hillary, the Democrats smelled blood, Comey’s blood. He went from receiving an Oscar to a persona non-grata; another words the Democrats wanted his head.  

Moving forward to Trump’s swearing in, the liberal press and their acolytes have gone to war; protesting, crashing and burning everything under the sun. It is obvious that these childish antics are due to being on the losing side, something they aren’t use to. Taking candy from a baby will create much anguish, fits and tantrums. With all that being said, the most disturbing thing is the Lynch – Clinton rendezvous.

We didn’t recalling hearing the Democrats calling for a special prosecutor to investigate their love-in? In all of years of government investigations there has never been a situation where the chief law enforcement officer met privately with the husband of the accused. No explanation can explain such a breach. However,  expect the new FBI director teaming up with Attorney General Jeff Sessions to  get to the bottom of Spitgate.Jail the Bird!




Democrats, louts as they are, got what they deserve, took a bloody beating in 2016, not a TKO, but a vicious pounding; a near death experience. For the Clinton campaign it was a devastating defeat, one they will never ever forget; couldn’t have happened to a nicer person.

Their latest temper tantrums tell us much about their hate for democracy and the hate that resides in their bones. These people are raging maniacs; deserving to be incarcerated at the nearest psych ward. Shouts and demands to end the Electoral College are common place. Who was it that said that the next President be allowed to make a Supreme Court nomination, but could not accept Trump being the one. In January 2006, then-Sen. Obama joined 24 colleagues in a futile effort led by Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., to filibuster the Supreme Court nomination of now-Justice Samuel Alito.

And it was Joe Biden who said, ” in a speech on the Senate floor in June 1992, Mr. Biden, then the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, “there should be a different standard for a Supreme Court vacancy “that would occur in the full throes of an election year.” The president should follow the example of “a majority of his predecessors” and delay naming a replacement. If he goes forward before then, the Senate should wait to consider the nomination.” So again, we have those sore losers who can’t get over the mother of all losses. Now that the shoe is on the other foot they seek to rewrite the rules that have bode us well through history.

However, they are not taking this defeat lying down. Protests by hooligans across the country have erupted. Pugnacious rabblerousers have incited the crowds who trash and burn cities across the land; the likes of George Soros have paid for agitators to disrupt the political agenda of Trump. Socialist infiltrators, illegals and Democrat filth have doubled their efforts in protecting the illegal community, offering them an underground railroad.

The illegal is responsible for pillaging the United States of America in two ways; anchor babies that Americans have to educate and mothers who collect welfare and free medical care. Secondly the hombre works under the table sending back the dinero to Mexico without paying taxes or buying anything while here. There are whole towns in Mexico void of the hombre;

When ABC News gathered together a group of children from the town and asked how many had relatives in the United States, all of them raised their hands — for fathers, brothers, uncles, even grandfathers all working in places like New York, Oklahoma, Utah and Florida.

There are signs of American influence everywhere. The town’s welcome sign is both in Spanish and English. There are American cars and pickup trucks all over the village, TV sets and DVD players in many living rooms, satellite dishes on many rooftops.

The men from El Epazote send thousands of dollars back home every month — enough to build new homes that now dot the landscape. It is money that buys new clothing for their children and puts food on their table.

To remind the losers that during the past eight years, the conservative groups, including the Tea Party patiently waited for the right time, working with the grassroots and developing a ground game that resulted in victory. We were not out there calling names, gang banging, looting, calling people racists, trashing towns and disrupting public discourse. We accepted that Obama won, but now when Our Man wins, all hell breaks loose. This goes to show you something – freedom is not free. 

Churches, many of them in the Hispanic community have offered sanctuary, legal organizations have come forward with pro bono assistance. And calls for fines rather than arrests are on the table in New York. So a criminal illegal commits a felony which obviously will place him at the top of the list for deportation, Di Blasio and company will now levy a fine to erase any record that would cause deportation. SICK – Di Blasio is a sick man, ready for institutional debriefing via a frontal lobotomy. Bottom line, they are not taking it lying down. So we must be prepared for the next down and dirty slug fest.

We know the Democrat party all to well. It is made up of criminals, illegals and sore losers. Criminals such as John the swift boat Kerry, Hillary jail the bird Clinton, Debbie email Wasserman- Shultz, Barry Soetoro aka President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and La Raza. Aztlan flag rb.jpg

Supported by organizations that would have qualified as full blown communists in the ’50’s; there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that they would have been subject to investigations by the “The House Un-American Activities Committee . These groups consist of those seeking to overthrow the United States. Disintegration, overthrow and start anew are their ultimate goals. Molotov cocktails, trash and burn at every turn when rulings, laws and regulations go against them. Anarchy is their soup d’jour.

Eight years of Obama were disappointing, a laid back aloof president who sought conflict rather than accommodation; one who sought to divide and conquer rather than reconciliation; one who failed in his duty to protect the United States and its allies. The American people had it with him and his ilk. This paved the way for the humiliating defeat of Jail the Bird Clinton. She sought to implement “Rules for Radicals“, but the word got out quickly that this malcontent would bring evil to the land. America had it with Obama and time was ripe to “move on” in another direction. But the loss did not sit well with the radical thinkers of the Democrat hierarchy, now they seek to stifle the new administration. However, the wind is not in their favor and it will blow back the sheets of dirt in their face.

The ides of March are upon us, hearing for the Supreme Court nominee will be in full swing. Neil Gorsuch is a very fine Judge, an honorable man with a great wit. It is obvious that he will be approved one way or another. This will bring a swing man back into the decision making process. However, to fully implement our Constitutional agenda we wish and hope for the departure of one of the other justices. Either it be Kennedy or Ginsburg we don’t know, but one thing we do know, another Trump appointee will take us back (actually forward) to what we want to be, what we should be and what we will be. Law and order will prevail in the Trump era. Count on it, bank it. The wall will be built.


The word CHOKE has from time to time elicited many reactions, but the word also have many definitions. For instance you can choke to death on a chicken bone – you plain old choked up during a speech or somebody can choke you to death. However, Choke can also describe a circumstance where an inevitable outcome was assured, like they Choked. Two instances during the past 90 days invariably defines and puts the words into pictures more vibrantly.

The first big Choke was the devastating defeat suffered by Hillary Clinton; not only was she the odds on favorite from the beginning, but her victory was a “done deal” right up to election eve. Matter of fact plenty of the news organizations reporting that infamous evening of November 8, had Ms. Clinton at a 98% probability of winning as the early voting results came in. As the outcome became more apparent that this was not to be. Ms. Clinton, from what we hear, choked up real bad – this prevented her from giving a concession speech to her most ardent supporters, who by the way were shedding tears themselves. So in this instance we see two Chokes, her losing and here failure to speak.

And this past weekend, what some consider the Mother of all Chokes, the Atlanta Falcons who were given a 99% probability of winning the Super Bowl, CHOKED BIG TIME. Up by a score of 28-3 they ended up on the losing end of a 34-28 overtime victory by the New England Patriots. The 2nd half rout which ended in OT sealed their fate. Some will consider this the greatest Choke of all time.

None the less we put both the Falcons and the Clinton Chokes as  a toss-up for NUMBER ONE ON THE CHOKE list; now to be proverbial known, both of them as CHOKE ARTISTS

The opposite of these two chokes though was the climatic victory of Donald J. Trump who had a 1% chance of becoming President and the New England Patriots, who at all odds pulled Victory from the Jaws of defeat. Glad that the New Boston Tea Party was not only alive to witness these two surreal events, but relish in the fact that our guys did not Choke.


Demonstrations have inundated America with demands; from women’s rights to protecting illegals, to opening the borders, to abortions for all including the support of the LBGTQ agenda.  The Rainbow coalition has become the main stream of the Democratic party. There is no middle ground here, only radical political speak. They are now on the outside looking in; a shame to be in the prone position.

Democrat hubris has manifested itself, not only in cities, but in the ongoing process in the legal arena. Trump’s picks for cabinet positions have been blasted from the left, leaving them in the lurch. Don’t forget that all of Obama’s were given the green light in short order. Cry baby Democrats will never accept defeat; one that was brought on by themselves in smoke filled rooms at that.

Blaming the past for present actions has become paramount. What happened 200 years ago and for the matter what happened five, ten, twenty, thirty, forty or fifty years ago was to blame events for their belligerent behaviour. The excuse “I am not to blame” past circumstances made me do it.”  Anarchy in the streets prevails. It will continue on but we won’t despair.  Trump’s victory has incited these  Kent State type revolutionaries to protest an America that has given them everything for free.  But they are not satisfied, their fictional desires are only a pipe dream, they live in fantasyland. Only a few years removed from diapers they see a villain in their midst and go into tantrums. We have a solution for these Castro/Ché sucking rebels, go to Cuba, go to Iraq, go to Iran, go to Syria. Your one way ticket is waiting for you.

Hillary Jail the Bird did not win. She is a two time loser. Get over it! However, we can tell you if she did win what would have happened. THE MILITARY WOULD OF HAD NO CHOICE BUT TO STEP IN. For one, the Supreme Court would have been stuffed with liberal progressives with similar agenda’s as Kagan and Sotomayor. Ones that legislated from the bench, not by precedent(stare decisis), but by their own personal experience. The welfare state would have been launched -FREE EVERYTHING; free tuition, free food, free clothes, free medical care, free homes, free flats, free drugs and free sex – Bill would like that. And in the end we would have been ANOTHER VENEZUELA. Of course that is not about to happen under Trump.

Nirvana is not coming in from the clouds. Additionally, Israel would have been forced to go it alone; and we know the mushroom cloud would soon rise in the Middle East. The early formation of the mushroom cloud.No stopping North Korea from its nuclear exuberance, no Mad Dog Mattis in charge, but leftover peaceniks ala Dr. Moonbeam Brown from the California Institute of the Insane as he continues blowing smoke up the butt hole of America’s enemies. Under Clinton, the military industrial complex would be caput, the United Nations would be our comrade in arms. In other words, the HEADS OF WOODSTOCK Woodstock poster.jpgwould prevail in setting the agenda. And so it is not to be: thank God.





The HRC Cold case file has been ICED since November 8, 2016. But don’t expect it be on ice much longer. The Spring thaw is coming with a vengeance and all eyes will be on the Server located in Chappaqua, New York, the home of Hillary Clinton. 

Do not think for one moment that the damsel in distress will walk. Investigators working the case are now free to pursue justice since Loretta Lynch has been axed. This case was sand bagged from the beginning; the icing on the cake came when Slippery Bill exchanged spit with Lynch while on the tarmac in Arizona. A breach of professional conduct no doubt, but more than that this was a high-jack in broad daylight.

Clinton and her cadre of complicitors must be held to the same standard that all of us are. These criminal believe that the law will not catch up with them. Wrong! Hillary can’t protect them now. Comey is a lame duck, soon to be a rubber duck. Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, (click here to get the story of collusion and deceit, double dealing and theft of government records)  Heather Samuelson and the rest of the co-conspirators must face the full arm of the law.

This was a cover-up from Day One. Hillary knew it, lied about it, lied again and again. It is now up to the the Trump Justice Department to bring these criminals to justice. America will not remain silent until the Bird is jailed!