Tag Archives: DNC


In a Washington Post opinion piece, former Obama-era State Department official Jonathan Winer acknowledged he had regular contact with ex-British spy Christopher Steele, the author of the controversial anti-Trump dossier.

Winer said that Steele alerted him in the summer of 2016 about “disturbing information regarding possible ties between Donald Trump, his campaign and senior Russian officials.” The two met in Washington in September 2016 to discuss what is now known as the “dossier.”

After he reviewed the documents, Winer said, he shared a summary with Victoria Nuland, the former assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs.

In February, Nuland confirmed to CBS News’ “Face the Nation” that the Steele dossier came to the attention of the State Department in July 2016.

“He [Steele] passed two to four pages of short points of what he was finding, and our immediate reaction to that was, ‘This is not in our purview,'” Nuland said. “‘This needs to go to the FBI, if there is any concern here that one candidate or the election as a whole might be influenced by the Russian Federation. That’s something for the FBI to investigate.'”

Nuland went further, saying that “our reaction when we saw this [was] … we can’t evaluate this. And frankly, if every member of the campaign who the Russians tried to approach and tried to influence had gone to the FBI as well in real time, we might not be in the mess we’re in today.”

Another person caught up in the dossier handoff is David J. Kramer, a former State Department official and associate of the late Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. In November 2016, he traveled to Surrey, England, to meet with and be briefed by Steele on the dossier. According to British court records reviewed by Fox, Steele told the British court that an arrangement was made so that Fusion GPS’s Simpson would provide hard copies of the dossier to McCain via Kramer.

In January 2017 the late Senator’s office posted to their website: “Late last year, I received sensitive information that has since been made public. Upon examination of the contents, and unable to make a judgment about their accuracy, I delivered the information to the Director of the FBI. That has been the extent of my contact with the FBI or any other government agency regarding this issue.”

Earlier this year, in an interview with Fox News’ Bret Baier, former FBI Director James Comey seemed vague about the dossier, when he learned about it as well as its political origins.

“Sometime in the fall (2016), I don’t remember exactly when,” Comey said, “I remember they briefed me on it, explained that it came from a reliable source I remember being given a copy of it I don’t know if it was September (sic) October some period in that time.”

Other information about Russian hacking was also provided to the FBI in 2016 by lawyer Michael Sussmann, whose firm, Perkins Coie, commissioned Simpson’s firm for the dossierThe FBI’s former general counsel, James Baker, recently confirmed that revelation during a closed-door deposition on Capitol Hill, say sources close to the congressional investigation.

A spokesman for Sussmann said in a recent statement: “Prior to joining Perkins Coie, Michael Sussmann served as a cybercrime prosecutor in the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice during both Republican and Democratic administrations. As a result, Sussmann is regularly retained by clients with complex cybersecurity matters.

“When Sussmann met with Mr. Baker on behalf of a client, it was not connected to the firm’s representation of the Hillary Clinton Campaign, the DNC or any Political Law Group client.”

Senate Oversight Committee Chairman Ron Johnson, R-Wis., sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray on Friday requesting all documents about Sussmann’s contact with the FBI, as well as the memos that document allegations Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein considered secretly taping the president. Rosenstein and the House Judiciary panel failed to agree on terms for his Capitol Hill appearance this week.

Fox News asked Sussmann’s spokesperson for additional comment in light of the Senate letter, but there was no immediate response.


“The Donald” defeated a left wing progressive criminal in 2016; this lying “B” would be in jail now if it weren’t for the politicized FBI; a cover-up that makes Watergate look like a candy store heist. Any other person would be doing time and a lot of other things. But she is still mouthing off like nothing happened. Having the FBI, once a sacred institution, become an arm of a political party is pure unadulterated Treason. Trump won fair and square, they lost and now have suffer the consequences. However, this is not the case with a swarm of do nothing liberal progressive criminals. They will do anything, including murder, to stifle Trump and his agenda. Insiders loyal to Clinton crushed any evidence that would confirm here guilt. This was an independent agency of the U.S. government involved in a KGB scheme to protect one of their own. Remember the progressive agenda of Socialism is actually a true and tested autocratic dictatorship the likes of Marx, Lenin, Chavez and Castro.

The hearings go on and soon Kavanaugh will be sitting on the Supreme Court. This will be a milestone for the conservative movement. Since the court took a left turn with Earl Warren and continued on through Kennedy the social anarchists have basically gotten their way. Now, it is in our grasp to change the courts political philosophy. The ANTIFA crowd is out for the kill; they see their hedonistic political agenda taking a big time hit that will last for decades. They can’t get things done on the legislative side so they relied on the courts at every level to legislate from the bench.

Republicans let Obama’s two picks, Sotomayor and Kagan, slip right through – no protests from the conservatives. (from the Washington examinerDemocrats are upset about where the Supreme Court has been heading not because it isn’t doing its job, and not because it is overly partisan, but because they don’t like the fact that cases going there are increasingly being decided based on the Constitution and the law and not on motivated reasoning in search of liberals’ pet causes.

Any outside observer with a minimal intelligence knows full well that the FBI colluded with Hillary Campaign to bring down Trump from the get go. This inner coup started with the hiring of Fusion GPS.  SEE BELOW FOR PREVIOUS POSTS.


Finally, the truth has come out – how, when and why? We are not of the uninitiated, we are well informed, knowing full well a bald face lie from the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The guilty have been outed notwithstanding the Mueller investigation. By the way his investigation is a complete sham. He is a shill for Comey and company, protecting the guilty while harassing the innocent, therefore any indictments he brings or arrests he makes borders on collusion.

They have delved into areas that were never authorized, squeezed heads with far fetched codes, but they will never come clean on why they have failed to investigate the Russian colluding democrats under Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, the Podesta Group head honcho Tony Podesta, Fusion GPS, Wasserman-Schultz, Huma Abedin, etc.  For instances bringing a charge against Michael Flynn for lying to the FBI is a farce. His whole investigation is built on animosity against the Republicans and specifically Trump. But we must move on because the real criminals are escaping from the grasp of the law.

Back to Attorney General Sessions – yes he recused himself from the Russian investigation, not relevant to what has to come, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have the power to arrest Hillary “jail the bird” Clinton, Wasserman-Schultz, Rice, Slick Willie, Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin, Loretta Lynch, Koskinen, Strozk, McCabe, Tony Podesta and any other number of lying, cheating, thieving players in this scam of scams.

The question we have regarding Sessions; has somebody threatened to chemically alter his manhood?


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The original script read like this,  “grossly negligent” when referring to Hillary Clinton’s crimes. Those pivotal words have a distinct legal meaning, and are drawn directly from a federal statute, 18 U.S.C. 793(f), which makes it a felony to handle classified documents in a “grossly negligent” manner. But what happened?

Under questioning, Comey admitted to the Inspector General Michael Horowitz that he authored the May 2 statement and penned every word of it himself. But then he offered the implausible claim that “he did not recall that his original draft used the term ‘gross negligence,’ and did not recall discussions about that issue.”

Metadata shows that on June 6, the FBI’s lead investigator on the case, Peter Strzok, sat down at his office computer to cleanse his boss’s statement of the vexing term, “gross negligence.”  With the help of his paramour and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, the words “extremely careless” were substituted to make Clinton appear less criminally culpable. Page told the IG that “to use a term that actually has a legal definition would be confusing.”

Strozk and Page also expunged from Comey’s statement his reference to another statute that Clinton had plainly violated. She should have been charged under the statute’s “intent” provisions.  With Comey’s consent and encouragement, the pair sanitized his findings of fact and contorted his conclusions of law. Clinton, who had not even been interviewed by the FBI yet, was free and clear. The investigation was a sham.

Comey may not have remembered writing the words that should have indicted Clinton, but he had complete recall of his inability to read the law. He told the IG he thought “Congress intended for there to be some level of willfulness present even to prove a ‘gross negligence’ violation.” If Comey had ever read the legislative history, he would have known that in 1948, Congress amended the original Espionage Act of 1917 to add a “gross negligence” provision that did not require intent or willfulness.

Just as Comey, Strzok, Page and company conspired to clear Hillary Clinton, they likewise concocted their “insurance policy,” a scam investigation of then-candidate Donald Trump. The FBI had no legal basis to initiate its investigation into Trump and his campaign. Facts were invented or exaggerated. Laws were perverted or ignored.  The law enforcers became the law breakers.  Comey’s scheme to leak pilfered presidential memos in order to trigger the appointment of his friend, Robert Mueller, as special counsel was a devious maneuver by an unscrupulous man. Comey’s insinuation that the president obstructed justice was another canard designed to inflame the liberal media.  Sure enough, they became his witting accessories.

Compare all of this – that there was never any credible evidence that Trump or his campaign collaborated with Russia to win the presidency – with the fact that there was ample evidence that Clinton had broken the law.

This is the story of “The Russia Hoax.”


To protect Hillary “lock her up” Clinton in the run for the White House FAKE information given to pugnacious Senator, “Harry Black Eye” Reid was the meal ticket utilized to sabotage the Trump run for the Presidency of the United States.  JOHN BRENNAN! Yes Brennan, under the head of the CIA under Obama told Reid not to release it, but did he?

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) sends a letter to then-FBI Director Comey voicing concern over Russian interference in the election and asking Comey to open an FBI investigation.

 – The Washington Times – Saturday, May 12, 2018

Then-Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid released a letter in the heat of the 2016 election alleging Trump-Russia collusion even though the CIA director at the time urged him not to, according to a person familiar with their conversation.

Mr. Reid’s Aug. 27 letter to the FBI appears to mark the first time a Democrat officially accused President’ Trump’s campaign of colluding with the Russian government to hack his party’s computers.

The letter has come to represent for conservatives the “deep state” — Obama loyalists leaking unproven allegations to the press against Mr. Trump and his people to ruin the campaign, the transition and the White House.

“The evidence of a direct connection between the Russian government and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign continues to mount,” Mr. Reid wrote to FBI Director James B. Comey.

Mr. Reid wrote and leaked his letter after receiving a secret telephone briefing from then-CIA Director John Brennan.

The retired senator has portrayed the letter as having the blessing of Mr. Brennan, a fierce Trump critic who suggests the president is beholden to Russian President Vladimir Putin for fear of blackmail.

But now the Brennan side rebuts Mr. Reid’s contention that the then-CIA director was actively trying to leak damaging anti-Trump information during the election.

Nick Shapiro, former deputy chief of staff for Mr. Brennan as CIA director, told The Washington Times that his ex-boss considered the information sensitive. He expressly urged Mr. Reid to confine the information to private discussions with Mr. Comey.

That August, Mr. Brennan was briefing the so called “gang of eight” congressional leaders on Russian computer hacking and on suspicious that Trump people were involved.

Mr. Shapiro, now a Brennan adviser, provided this version of the Brennan-Reid phone call:

“Brennan used the same exact notes to brief Reid as he used with the other members of the Gang of Eight. In fact, most of the conversation was spent with Senator Reid telling Brennan what he had heard about Russians and the Trump campaign. Senator Reid informed Brennan that he was in the process of drafting a letter to Comey about his concerns. When Senator Reid asked Brennan whether he could reference this information in the letter to Comey, Brennan said ‘no,’ as the intelligence was being tightly controlled and he was worried that the letter would get out into the public. Brennan told him that Comey had been fully briefed on the intelligence and if he wanted to, it would be better to talk to him about it in a secure manner when he returned to D.C. instead of putting it in a letter.”

Mr. Reid, Nevada Democrat, wrote the letter anyway. And it was leaked to The New York Times and then migrated throughout the mainstream media.

It contained references to a Trump aide traveling to Moscow and allegedly meeting with two sanctioned Kremlin figures — an allegation contained in the Democratic Party-financed dossier written by ex-British spy Christopher Steele. The unnamed person is Carter Page, who has denied under oath he ever met the two people named by Mr. Steele.

The dossier at that point had not been published. The FBI possessed copies and had opened a counter-intelligence investigation into Russia meddling the previous month.

Mr. Reid’s version of his phone call from Mr. Brennan is contained in the best-selling book, “Russian Roulette,” which embraces the Trump-Russia conspiracy and promotes the Steele dossier.

The book says:

“Reid also had the impression that Brennan had an ulterior motive,” the authors said. “He concluded the CIA chief believed the public needed to know about the Russian operation, including the information about the possible links to the Trump campaign. When Reid later was asked if Brennan directly or indirectly had enlisted him to push information held by the intelligence community into the public realm, he told an interviewer, ‘Why do you think he called me?’ “

Mr. Shapiro, Mr. Brennan’s adviser, said that specific book excerpt is inaccurate. He also told The Times that rather than trying to sell Trump-Russia collusion during the campaign, the Obama White House and Mr. Brennan stayed silent.

The Washington Times submitted questions to Mr. Reid’s associates at a public policy institute in Nevada where he serves as co-chairman. The queries went unanswered.

Mr. Reid did not stop his drumbeat on Trump-Russia. After Mr. Steele leaked his dossier narrative to selected reporters in Washington, Yahoo News, whose Michael Isikoff co-authored “Russian Roulette,” wrote a story.

But The New York Times dampened the narrative with an Oct. 31 story headlined, “Investigating Donald Trump, FBISees No Clear Link to Russia.”

Mr. Reid was furious

Adam Jentleson, his deputy chief of staff, tweeted, “I’ll say it: NYT interviewed Reid for this story. He said things contrary to the story. NYT discarded the interview.”

“Maybe some want to know why the NYT seemed to cover for Comey’s FBI? Maybe even some at the NYT? Maybe not? I’m just asking questions,” Jentleson said. The New York Times would go on to become one of journalism’s chief proponents of Trump-Russia collusion.

The Washington Times has examined Mr. Steele’s series of collusion charges and found that none has been confirmed independently and publicly at this point. Special counsel Robert Mueller continues to investigate.

However, the FBI’s investigation remained a secret during the campaign. Despite public pressure, including public letters from then-Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid on August 29 and October 30, 2016, the latter claiming that the FBI was concealing “explosive information about close ties and coordination between Trump and his top advisers, and the Russian government,” the FBI did not disclose its investigation until after the election. In fact, on October 31, 2016, The New York Times reported that FBI officials had not found evidence demonstrating links between the Trump campaign and Russian officials.
David Kris is a founder of Culper Partners LLC. He previously served as assistant attorney general for national security, associate deputy attorney general, trial attorney at the Department of Justice, general counsel at Intellectual Ventures, and deputy general counsel and chief ethics and compliance officer at Time Warner. He is the author or co-author of several works on national security, including the treatise National Security Investigations and Prosecutions, and has taught at Georgetown University and the University of Washington.

The Carter Page FISAs are out via the Freedom of Information Act. Here are a few observations, relatively brief but still just a bit too long for Twitter.

First, a huge amount of information is redacted in these FISA applications, but they still represent a monumental disclosure to the public. The government considers FISA applications to be very sensitive—and their disclosure, even heavily redacted, may have long-term, programmatic consequences long after we’re finished with President Trump. The government seems to have accepted that FOIA applies to FISA. Without taking a position on the issue it made me recall this Lawfare post that argues to the contrary.

Second, for those who don’t remember, the controversy about these FISA applications first arose in February when House intelligence committee Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes released a memo claiming that the FBI misled the FISA Court about Christopher Steele, the former British secret agent who compiled the “dossier” on Trump-Russia ties and who was a source of information in the FISA applications on Page. The main complaint in the Nunes memo was that FBI whitewashed Steele—that the FISA applications did not “disclose or reference the role of the DNC, Clinton campaign, or any party/campaign in funding Steele’s efforts, even though the political origins of the Steele dossier were then known to senior and FBI officials.”

In response to the Nunes memo, the Democrats on the committee released their own memo. That memo quoted from parts of the FISA applications, including a footnote in which the FBI explained that Steele was hired to “conduct research regarding Candidate #1,” Donald Trump, and Trump’s “ties to Russia,” and that the man who hired him was “likely looking for information that could be used to discredit [Trump’s] campaign.”

Based on this back and forth between the HPSCI partisans, I wrote on Lawfare at the time that the FBI’s disclosures on Steele “amply satisfie[d] the requirements” for FISA applications, and that the central irony of the Nunes memo was that it “tried to deceive the American people in precisely the same way that it falsely accused the FBI of deceiving the FISA Court.” The Nunes memo accused the FBI of dishonesty in failing to disclose information about Steele, but in fact the Nunes memo itself was dishonest in failing to disclose what the FBI disclosed. I said then, and I still believe, that the “Nunes memo was dishonest. And if it is allowed to stand, we risk significant collateral damage to essential elements of our democracy.”

Now we have some additional information in the form of the redacted FISA applications themselves, and the Nunes memo looks even worse. In my earlier post, I observed that the FBI’s disclosures about Steele were contained in a footnote, but argued that this did not detract from their sufficiency: “As someone who has read and approved many FISA applications and dealt extensively with the FISA Court, I will anticipate and reject a claim that the disclosure was somehow insufficient because it appeared in a footnote; in my experience, the court reads the footnotes.” Now we can see that the footnote disclosing Steele’s possible bias takes up more than a full page in the applications, so there is literally no way the FISA Court could have missed it. The FBI gave the court enough information to evaluate Steele’s credibility.

There’s also more detail on the previous disclosure from the House intelligence committee Democrats’ memo on how Steele went to the press with the “dossier” when FBI Director James Comey sent his October 2016 letter to Congress disclosing the possible newfound importance of the Weiner laptop in the Clinton investigation. According to the FISA applications, Steele complained that Comey’s action could influence the election. But when Steele went to the press, it caused FBI to close him out as an informant—facts which are disclosed and cross-referenced in the footnote in bold text.

While I am sure people will try, my initial impression is that with all the redactions it is going to be very tough to figure out the full scope of information supporting the Court’s repeated finding of probable cause to believe that Carter Page was an agent of Russia. There is a mention of two Russians, one of whom pleaded guilty to being an unregistered agent of a foreign government and was sentenced to 30 months, but even that is disconnected from the redacted discussion that precedes it. Substantively, the government seems to have hewed as closely to the prior disclosures as it could in applying FOIA.

But it is worth noting that—and as the Democrats previously pointed out—the judges who signed off on these four FISA applications were all appointed by Republican presidents, including one George H.W. Bush appointee (Anne Conway), two George W. Bush appointees (Rosemary Collyer and Michael Mosman) and one Reagan appointee (Raymond Dearie). I know some of those judges, and they certainly are not the types to let partisan politics affect their legal judgments.

This illusion to the Republican appointed judges is in fact not telling the whole story because,  the FISA applications did not “disclose or reference the role of the DNC, Clinton campaign, or any party/campaign in funding Steele’s efforts, even though the political origins of the Steele dossier were then known to senior and FBI officials.”


BRUCE OHR is an operative who like many “cloak and dagger” guys keeps out of the limelight; a shady character – that is till now.

Who is Bruce Ohr?

Ohr wrote that Christopher Steele, the ex-British spy who wrote the salacious dossier, was “very concerned (abt) about [former FBI Director James] Comey’s firing — afraid they will be exposed.”

The Ohr documents shed more light on Steele’s activities before the presidential election. While Steele shopped the dossier to multiple media outlets, he also appeared to ask Ohr for help with a Russian oligarch — Oleg Deripaska — after rumors the U.S. might impose sanctions.

Ohr had a conflict of interest during the presidential campaign and transition, congressional investigators say, because his wife  Nellie worked for Fusion GPS. Steele, an ex-British spy, was a key source cited by the FBI and Department of Justice to obtain a FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) warrant to monitor Page.


After the FBI dropped Steele as a source in November 2016 over his contacts with the media, the Republican-led House Intelligence Committee found that Steele had maintained contact with government officials by effectively using Ohr as a back channel.

During recent congressional testimony, now-fired FBI agent Peter Strzok confirmed that “the FBI received documents and material from Mr. Ohr.”

On Wednesday, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders announced that President Trump had terminated former CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance, and was reviewing the clearances of several other former officials. Sanders read a statement from Trump that cited what he described as Brennan’s misleading testimony before Congress and his increasingly partisan rhetoric, saying Brennan improperly traded on his access to classified information.

“For this reason, I’ve also begun to review the more general question of the access to classified information by government officials,” Trump’s statement read. “As part of this review I’m evaluating action with respect to the following individuals: James Clapper, James Comey, Michael Hayden, Sally Yates, Susan Rice, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and Bruce Ohr.”

Ohr is the only official on that list still working in the U.S. government.

During closed-door congressional testimony last year, the co-founder of Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson, claimed he had no contact with Ohr until after the presidential election. But Ohr’s work emails conflict with Simpson’s testimony, and show contact months earlier.

Ohr’s notes also indicate that in December 2016, there was a meeting in Washington, D.C.’s Chinatown between Fusion GPS’ Simpson and Ohr, with Ohr writing, “Glen(n) gave me a memory stick.”

Reacting to the news late Thursday, President Trump suggested the disclosures were more proof of a “witch hunt” against him.

“DOJ’s Emails & Notes show Bruce Ohr’s connection to (phony & discredited) Trump Dossier,” Trump wrote. “A creep thinking he would get caught in a dishonest act. Rigged Witch Hunt!”


FROM THE The Washington Post

Fusion GPS was started by investigative reporter Glenn R. Simpson  among others. They started investigating Trump under a contract with the Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website financially supported by GOP megadonor Paul Singer in 2015. That assignment ended once Trump was on track to win the nomination. But in April 2016, Fusion was hired by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee to keep funding the research. Look at this another way; a lawyer represents a husband in a divorce proceeding then turns around and represent the wife once the divorce is settled. Is that legal? Is there a code of ethics addressing these types of situations?  However it is apparent that no code of ethics exists in the blood sport of politics.

Steele, a former British intelligence officer with ties to the FBI and the U.S. intelligence community, was hired by Fusion to examine Trump’s ties in Russia. Steele was the author of the “dossier” alleging ties between Trump and Russia; the dossier is actually several memos, based on conversations with Russian sources, that were written between June and December of 2016.

The probe into the Trump campaign originally was sparked by a separate matter that Steele never wrote about — a tip from an Australian diplomat that a Trump campaign aide, George Papadopoulos, appeared to know Russia had obtained damaging emails on the Democrats. Ohr, head of Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF) was associate deputy attorney general until late 2017, when the DOJ learned of his contacts with Steele. 

Ohr’s wife, Nellie, is a consultant and Russia specialist who has done some work for Fusion GPS.  The majority report of the House Intelligence Committee said she was “employed by Fusion GPS to assist in the cultivation of opposition research on Trump. Also, Bruce Ohr and Steele knew each other, apparently because of organized-crime issues. Simpson knew Ohr as well,

In testimony before the House Intelligence Committee, Simpson said Steele suggested he speak to Ohr after the “very surprising” victory by Trump. But on July 1, 2016, shortly after Steele filed the first report for Fusion and only a few days before he met with an FBI agent to discuss his findings, Steele wrote to Ohr: “There is something separate I wanted to discuss with you informally and separately. It concerns our favorite business tycoon!”

On July 30, Steele met Bruce and Nellie Ohr for breakfast in Washington. And Bruce Ohr apparently spoke to Simpson on Aug. 22, according to phone logs reviewed by York.

The House majority report pointedly notes: “In September 2016, Steele admitted to Ohr his feelings against then candidate Trump when Steele said he ‘was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.’”



Finally, the truth has come out – how, when and why? We are not of the uninitiated, we are well informed, knowing full well a bald face lie from the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The guilty have been outed notwithstanding the Mueller investigation. By the way his investigation is a complete sham. He is a shill for Comey and company, protecting the guilty while harassing the innocent, therefore any indictments he brings or arrests he makes borders on collusion.

They have delved into areas that were never authorized, squeezed heads with far fetched codes, but they will never come clean on why they have failed to investigate the Russian colluding democrats under Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, the Podesta Group head honcho Tony Podesta, Fusion GPS, Wasserman-Schultz, Huma Abedin, etc.  For instances bringing a charge against Michael Flynn for lying to the FBI is a farce. His whole investigation is built on animosity against the Republicans and specifically Trump. But we must move on because the real criminals are escaping from the grasp of the law.

Back to Attorney General Sessions – yes he recused himself from the Russian investigation, not relevant to what has to come, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have the power to arrest Hillary “jail the bird” Clinton, Wasserman-Schultz, Rice, Slick Willie, Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin, Loretta Lynch, Koskinen, Strozk, McCabe, Tony Podesta and any other number of lying, cheating, thieving players in this scam of scams.

The question we have regarding Sessions; has somebody threatened to chemically alter his manhood?


Why hasn’t the pay for play scheme” under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, where foreign money was fed into the Clinton Foundation,not on the radar. The three impediments to what happened during the Clinton tenure regarding the uranium deal, Benghazi, email whitewash investigation by the FBI where no records were kept, interviews not taped and cell phones disposed of, Loretta Lynch going down on the tarmac when Slick Willie made her an offer she couldn’t refuse, the DNC GPS Fusion escapade paid by none other than Lock Her Up Clinton (WHAT DID OBAMA KNOW ABOUT THIS? WAS HE INVOLVED?) and last but not least the influence Huma Abedin had on Middle East policy, all leads us to Rod Rosenstein, Wray and Sessions. All shills for the Democrats. Trump must act now and fire Jeff Sessions, Christopher Wray and Rod Rosenstein.

Lets see what information is released today by the  internal investigation completed by Inspector General Michael Horowitz.


Lava flow is emanating from the fissures of Kilauea destroying property along the way. Volcanic ash is raining down on the Big Island with vigor and aplomb. Although this feature of Mother Nature is intriguing to watch from a scientific perspective the violent nature of this phenomena is a sight to behold. To a religious zealot the destruction is the result of an angry god pouring forth deserved punishment.The Soputan volcano spews lava and ash during an eruption on Indonesia's Sulawesi island in January 2016.Reuters Photo

A volcano of a different sort is ready to blow in Washington D.C. – it is of the man made variety. Sometimes they are more dangerous than a natural one. What we are talking about is a FBI-CIA cabal that infiltrated the Trump campaign early on. Smoke is pouring out of the FBI building as we speak; this is a tell tale sign of more volcanic activity about to be released. From information flow leaking from the fissures atop the J. Edgar Hoover edifice warns of a violent eruption about to roar and destroy anything in its path. Stay tuned!


A pathetic (CLICK)Democrat goes brown pants failing to answer the question of “why is the DNC bringing a suit for collusion against the Republicans, Wikileaks and the Russians for collusion in the 2016 election.

Click here to listen to another pathetic individual complicit with the DNC collusion regarding the hiring of GPS Fusion in employing another criminal by the name of Steele to provide a fake Dossier in an attempt to frame Trump. Yes, we are speaking about Charles Schumer. But no mention of Hillary Clinton who by the way is above the law and destroyed evidence, washed her disk drive, murdered four of our best soldier who showed valor under attack; the same Hillary Clinton who gave 20% of our uranium to the Russians. Again the same Hillary whose husband put a gun to Loretta Lynch’s head to squash the investigation into his wife.

And how about the laws the Clinton campaign broke when shoveling money through various PACs who channeled the donations to local Democrat entities that in turn returned the favor by sending the same amount back to the DNC run by Clinton.

But don’t forget the ongoing Jim Comey comedy hour, a tragic individual with a megalomaniac personality, who gave Hillary a free pass because she was careless. This is the same excuse he will use on himself when leaking top secret information to the press via his Harvard professor buddy.


James Comey and his memoir are tripping the media light fantastic, though what’s defined that trip so far is its lack of news. Mr. Comey explains the many and varied ways that he does not like President Trump. Mr. Comey explains the many and varied ways that he does like himself. Tell us something we don’t know.

People forget that directors of the Federal Bureau of Investigation — by necessity — are among Washington’s most skilled operators, experts in appearing to answer questions even as they provide pablum. Yet the publicity tour rolls on, which means that upcoming interviewers still have an opportunity to do the country — and our profession — a favor. Here are a few basic questions Mr. Comey should be expected to answer:

You admit the Christopher Steele dossier was still “unverified” when the FBI used it as the basis of a surveillance warrant against Carter Page. Please explain. Also explain the decision to withhold from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that the dossier was financed by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

You refer to Mr. Steele as a “credible” source. Does the FBI routinely view as “credible” sources who work for political operatives? Did the FBI do any due diligence on his employer, Fusion GPS? Were you aware it is an opposition-research firm? If not, why not?

Keep reading Kimberley Strassel’s column in the Wall Street Journal.


Been going for years – FBI Democrat phalanx embedded at the highest level of government have an Omerta , the silent code about criminal activity and a refusal to give evidence to authorities which will expose the their mission.  What was their mission? It was to stop at all costs an external threat which would expose their incestual relationship with the Democrat machine. This was manifested in the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton and her conspiracy cronies. No records of those interviewed have been kept, no affidavits and computer/phone evidence destroyed.

The code began in Sicily around the 16th Century A.D. as a way of opposing Spanish rule. The continuous invasions left the Sicilians with feeling of helplessness, mistrust and rage at the government. They believed that the government was there not to help them out, but to make things even more difficult.  As a result, the Mafia’s golden rule of Omerta was born. It became an unwritten law to keep the government out of their private affairs. Crimes began to be considered personal and justice was received through personal vengeance and vendetta, not by the decision of the government.

So here we have it, the silent code practiced by the top officials of government. All departments from the executive branch to the legislative to the judicial have a surreptitious mission to undermine the Constitution by continuing to take down anyone who interferes with their efforts. One of their prime weapons has been leaks to the media.

However, this Omerta thing was exposed by the election of Donald J. Trump. He presents a clear and present danger to the status quo of government institutions controlled by the progressive hierarchy. This is the reason for the Mueller probe. He is digging deeper and deeper to find a violation of law or some we bit of nothing to taint Trump’s collusion with the Russians using a fake dossier to continue his quest of taking down Trump.

Tell you what folks this Mueller has already spent $50 million in the past year and a half with nothing to show for it. Time for him to stop the taunting, fabricating and ruining lives of innocent citizens including the President of the United States. Fire Mueller now; he has gone overboard. 

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “The Mueller probe should never have been started in that there was no collusion and there was no crime. It was based on fraudulent activities and a Fake Dossier paid for by Crooked Hillary and the DNC, and improperly used in FISA COURT for surveillance of my campaign. WITCH HUNT!”



Image result for HEADS TO ROLL

Kurt Sutter wants heads to roll after Sons of Anarchy spoiler leak

Mueller and Sessions are testing America’s patience. What gives? The investigation has gone on long enough.

Mueller, a Democrat mole who will continue the farce of protecting the guilty. Sessions has had his cajones severed many moons ago, once a bull now a steer.

Time to cut bait and while we are at it the time has come to bring in the FIRING squad. Trump’s ratings are soaring, Americans will understand if he takes action. We have witnessed more corruption by the Obama administration than seen in all Latin American countries combined. This internal corruption continues till this day; in all departments stuffed with Democrat partisans who want to take down our PRESIDENT. 


Dear President Trump, we sympathize with you.  We know that you are burning inside watching this incestuous WITCH HUNT continue on and on.

Please go to Mass Media in prime time and tell your story to the American people; you have been forced to fire Mueller and his team including Rosenstein for sedition; and while at it, Session for incompetence. 

Out the FBI employees who tried to take you down. At the same time bring in the big GUN, Chris Christie as Attorney General.  An expert when it comes to shooting fish in a barrel. DO IT MR. PRESIDENT, DO IT NOW!