President Bill Clinton hammers illegal immigrants in the State of the Union – “we are a nation of laws”
Tag Archives: illegal aliens
At a Trump rally in Albuquerque, New Mexico, hundreds of illegal aliens protested the Trump visit and in turn went on a rampage attacking police and other law enforcement officers.
The protesters in New Mexico were thugs who were flying the Mexican flag. The rally inside was big and beautiful, but outside, criminals!
Trump’s supporters responded with chants of “Build that wall!” At one point, a female protester was physically dragged from the stands by security. Other protesters scuffled with security as they resisted removal from the convention center.
The altercations left a glass door at the entrance of the convention center smashed. During the rally, protesters outside overran barricades and clashed with police in riot gear. They also burned T-shirts and other items labeled with Trump’s catchphrase, “Make America Great Again.”
Caroline May, Breitbart, May 2, 2016
CIS reveals that the cost per “unaccompanied alien child” has more than doubled since FY 2010, when the cost per UAC was $8,217. CIS projects that the cost in FY 2017 will reach $17,613.
CIS senior researcher Nayla Rush, the author of the report, reached the cost per UAC by looking at the total budget requests for UACs in FY 2017 and the number of UACs expected to illegally cross into the U.S. in FY 2017.
“The Unaccompanied Children (UC) program FY 2017 request is $1.226 billion in funding, which is an increase of $278 million from the FY 2016 enacted level of $948 million,” the report reads. “Also included in this FY 2017 Unaccompanied Children program budget request is a contingency fund triggering additional funds not to exceed $400 million. It is expected $95 million will be used from this contingency fund in FY 2017.”
The Obama administration is projecting that it will need to cope with at least another 75,000 UACs illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in FY 2017.
Islamic terrorists struck hard in the center of Paris; yesterday evening was the scene akin to what one calls a barbaric blood bath, over 150 people were slaughtered. French intelligence was asleep at the wheel; their failure led to the carnage. ISIS, who planted a bomb on the Russian plane, took credit for terrorist act. Sending chills down the rest of France, President Hollande called for emergency measures. Bringing those who were not killed in the massacre to justice is their number one priority.
This was a concerted effort to disrupt the freedom of Parisians. Keep in mind that the Charlie Hedbo incident may have been the match that ignited these savages. France as well as Europe will soon learn that Islam is not compatible with Christianity, Freedom and Liberty. Many areas are in lock-down. Question arise on who is next: Germany, England, United States. Of course President Obama does not call it a terrorist act.
The irony here was that the majority who were killed were at the Bataclan, a concert hall where most of the fatalities occurred, fans were listening to American rock band Eagles of Death Metal when the shots rang out.
Paris attacks: What we know so far
It is time that the free world rid themselves of ISIS and others whose objective is to reek terror throughout the free world. A concerted effort is needed to bomb these terrorists back to kingdom come. There is no other way. As Syrians, Afghans, Africans roam the streets of Europe and the United States one could not be certain of the objectives of any individual. Of course we get the usual diatribe from the the politically correct libtards. But when a President or Prime Minister is killed, only then will the free nations address the threat with abandon.
The fuse responsible for igniting WWI, from Wikipedia. On 28 June 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife,Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, were shot dead in Sarajevo by Gavrilo Princip, one of a group of six assassins (fiveSerbs and one Bosniak) coordinated by Danilo Ilić, a Bosnian Serb and a member of the Black Hand secret society. The political objective of the assassination was to break off Austria-Hungary‘s South Slav provinces so they could be combined into a Yugoslavia. The assassins’ motives were consistent with the movement that later became known asYoung Bosnia. The assassination led directly to the First World War when Austria-Hungary subsequently issued an ultimatum to the Kingdom of Serbia, which was partially rejected. Austria-Hungary then declared war.
According to intelligence reports three teams of attackers were instrumental in carrying out the attacks. The only way to prevent this type terrorism to continue is to carpet bomb ISIS day after day until they surrender. Then after all is said and done, the Muslim population which has not integrated into European society (they are ticking time bombs) needs to be exported once and for all. Why live in a Western Civilization when your political philosophy (Islam) says, “kill Christians, Jews and infidels.” There is no way their religion is compatible with Western ways.
Click here for the latest Trump interview. “Make America Great Again”
Jeb Bush, legalize illegals. Apparently Bush fails to realize that the illegal alien progeny is responsible for over thirty million (30,000,000) anchor babies. That is the gift we gave these illegals. Isn’t that enough already? No other country would give citizenship to the (important read) anchor baby.
In light of Donald Trump’s disparaging remarks regarding illegal immigrants, either Mexican or Latin American, the news has bared him out. Exhibit 1 was the killing in San Francisco, exhibit 2 is the illegal activity of criminal license applications in New Mexico. But no subject is without controversy, the progressive politician who condoned the sanctuary city and provided fodder by inviting more illegals into the country – think Obama not enforcing the borders – leading to the United States becoming a sanctuary country; mass violations of the law have resulted.
Hypocrites at best, lying swine at worst. Presidential contender and former Secretary of Hate Hillary Clinton, Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer are the worst of the worst. However it even gets worse as the Obama administration’s talking puppet Josh Ernest blames the Republicans for not passing immigration reform. That is beyond the pale. More diatribe coming from the White House is expected. Loretta Lynch is not doing her job by enforcing the law. Wait for more killings, rapings and thefts by illegals. This controversy is not over.
A high-profile case in 2012 saw five Albuquerque residents federally indicted in a multi-state license distribution scheme. Federal investigators said 30 people from five states were involved in the ring that provided false documents to illegal immigrants who had resided in South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia to fraudulently obtain 164 New Mexico driver’s licenses.
Without mincing words Donald Trump has given the Republicans something to worry about – POLITICAL CORRECTNESS (PC). For years now the establishment has paid homage to progressive movement; little by little they have inserted their foot in the door.
This week the Donald has caused much ink to be spilled, the cause being his remarks concerning law breaking illegal aliens that have committed crime after crime while in the United States. Unfortunately a couple of days subsequent to Trump’s remarks a criminal from Mexico (five times this murderer was deported according to ICE) shot dead in cold blood an innocent young woman. Read about it here. The city of San Francisco is culpable to this murder. They released him knowing full well that he was to be handed over to ICE.
According to the Center for Immigration Studies, 23 percent, more than 43,000 illegal aliens, were convicted of drug offenses. The violent crime category of assault, robbery, sexual assault, and family offenses comes to 12 percent. The non-violent crime grouping of larceny, fraud, and burglary totaled seven percent, and on the list goes — equaling 100 percent of illegal aliens who have been through the criminal justice system and inflicted thousands to millions in cost per alien on the system, for issues having nothing to do with their illegal entry into the country.
An FBI crime study also shows heavy illegal alien involvement in criminal activity revealed these statistics:
- 75 percent of those on the most wanted criminals list in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.
- One quarter of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals, as are more than 40 percent of all inmates in Arizona and 48 percent in New Mexico jails.
- Over 53 percent of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens.
- 63 percent of cited drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that number, 97 percent are illegal aliens. 66 percent of cited drivers in New Mexico have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 66 percent, 98 percent are illegal aliens.
- Click here to read more. Mexico has exported the drug violence, drug culture, criminal activity to the United States under the auspices of President Obama and political correctness. The time has come to call a spade a space. .
Ten un buen dia amigo.
- Look for politicians to come to the aid of the Latino community, pandering to them. Of course we know why? There is a Presidential election next year and without the Spanish vote no Republican will see the light of day. Jeb Bush weighs in on Trump’s remarks. One thing which is worth noting, Trump has not walked back his comments. Although they may hurt him financially he has been steadfast in telling it like it is.
Obama the Robbin Hood President. Stealing from the middle class then transferring their wealth to the enabled parasite.
America has paid a terrible price for the horrendous mistake made in 2008 and again in 2012. During his eight year term (two to go) Obama has irreparably harmed the United States. One look at the map after the 2014 election will validate this conclusion.
The United States is divided more now than it was fifty years ago. The fault lies with Obama and Holder, two of America’s race baiting duo. Add in a cadre of Czars and one can see the destructive nature of his administration. Both believe that a Dred Scott environment still exists, that Blacks and Hispanics are second hand citizens. We weigh in that Spain was guilty of murdering millions of Latinos as they colonized the Americas. Why are they then given preferential status?
To rectify their naive and biased way of thinking the two anti-American usurpers want immediate retribution. Obama trashed Zimmerman in the stand your ground affair and then doubled up on the Garner death. And don’t forget Holder is still fuming over the Supreme Court decision regarding North Carolina’s newly enacted voter registration law. Holder lives in the wrong century still believing that a poll tax still exists.
The North Carolina case, unlike those in Ohio and Wisconsin, is tied to the Supreme Court’s 2013 ruling that struck down the formula used by Congress to decide which states must pre-clear all changes in voting procedures with the federal government. That ruling allowed the Tar Heel State and others, mostly in the South, to act without federal approval.
Back to Obama’s violating the Constitution by allowing millions of illegals to stay in this country by a policy of deferred action. Such policy has never existed on a global scale. The new Congress set to meet this week will have to address the Obama’s illegal action. We expect this fight to be adjudicated by the Surpeme Court. When they decide that Obama has exceeded his power under the Constitution there will be no excuse to not deport the millions of illegals, specifically those who ran rampant over our borders, invading our country from Central American countries.
President Obama, the Dictator in Chief, has unleashed 11 million criminals into America’s town and cities. Many of you have seen them, standing on street corners, others selling flowers and many more working the gardening and construction trades. Check your local welfare office, pay a visit to the Social Security office or better yet check the emergency room of a local hospital. Living in a small city that is not culturally diverse may limit ones exposure to the society Obama is trying to build. But do yourself a favor, pay a visit to a nearby big city, you will be both amazed and frightened in what you will see.
With the political tide turning against Potus on November 4th, Barry decided to take the matter into his own hands. Instead of deportation he has offered them a green card and a hand shake. Another words, those who are guilty of breaking and entering are given the house for free even though they don’t have the title.
Yes, they are illegal by any sense of the word, but their offspring, if born here, are American Citizens. There are few countries in the world that would give citizenship to “anchor babies.” In fact the United States stands out as one of the few.Most importantly of the 11 million illegals, 30-40 million of their offspring are citizens. This is the travesty. Empirical evidence suggest that learning curve of these southern invaders puts them in the bottom quartile of intelligence.
The problem here is two fold, dropouts and grade repeaters. The cost to society cannot be calculated. Incarceration of the border jumpers is at an all time high; rapes, robberies, drug dealings and murder are common place. Social norms that pervaded the European immigration of the 18th and 19th centuries is not inbred in them. Cultural difference can be traced back centuries exacerbating the cohesiveness of society. Obama’s edict will cause major imbalances in some communities and in a few years they will represent the drug and gun ridden gang infested communities of Latin America.
Thousands if not hundreds of thousands, if Obama has his way, will be entering elementary school. Most have no education beyond kindergarten, most are illiterate, most are pawns in an illegal enterprise; Condoned by liberals, we still can’t understand why the Black Caucus has not raised a voice, with the true cost to be the ravaging of millions of dollars from hard working Americans.
To venture a guesstimate we put the dollar amount per child at a minimum of $400,000 including housing, food, health care and education. In a dozen years each and everyone of this illegal will cost local taxpayers somewhere in the neighborhood of $40,000 per year. And the liberals sit in their easy chair while the taxpayer is sweating bullets. By the way, most of these illegals have been settled in Democrat run states, but some are being dumped in Texas and Louisian. Would anyone expect otherwise? Hey Liberal, have you had enough already? Time for the governors of Red States to say, “hell no they must go.”