Tag Archives: illegals


Governor Christie P1050726 has taken a left turn off the same bridge Ted Kennedy failed to negotiate at Chappaquiddick. Christie wants to give citizenship to illegal aliens; this is a non starter for those who believe in the law of the land.

What Christie fails to understand is that these illegals have generated 30 million anchor babies who are citizens. Don’t forget that these, mostly Hispanics, have all the rights of any other citizen. But the question remains for Christie, why advocate for citizenship when in fact these illegal “undocumented aliens” are allowed to stay here without any penalty. The probability of them being deported is colder than absolute zero.


We are not talking about the devastating loss suffered by the Seattle Seahawks, but the Supreme Court decision legalizing Obamacare. Questions arise about the kingpin who cemented the victory.  Supreme Court justice John Roberts, always smirking, was vilified by the Right for unleashing a socialist scheme on America. But questions remain;  did Roberts know in advance that the Affordable Care Act would be so distasteful to so many Americans that the public would rise up from the ashes and hand Congress over to the Republicans. In hindsight did he do America a favor?

Many conservatives including the New Boston Tea Party were gleeful when the decision came down, for we realized that this was going to be a future albatross around the anointed one’s neck. And it came to pass, the Democrats lost control of Congress. If the ACA was shot down by the court there was the probability that Congress would have remained split. So now we are waging a much bigger war, one that pits Obama and his un-Constitutional edicts against Congress. repeal and Replace is now the Republican message.

However, Obama is facing a much larger problem,  (click)State Attorney’s General have entered the fray; law suits questioning Obama’s carte blanche deferral of allowing illegals to stay here are set for the Supreme Court stage.  And again Roberts will be front and center. Don’t forget Roberts dislikes Obama to such a degree that he weighed in on Obama’s 2010 State of the Union speech. (Very important talkback- click here)Samuel Alito was so taken back by Obama’s lack of decorum that he shook his head in disbelief during the 2010 State of the Union speech. What to expect next is?

Speculation would indicate that Obama’s over reach will be decided by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional which obviously sets up a confrontation with the White House and a possible Constitutional crisis.  We anxiously wait the outcome of this once in a lifetime duel between the two most savvy government branches.  Good luck on this one Mr. President.


Please read the previous post by Michael Oberndorf, absorb its contents. Then read this post over and over again, CLICK HERE FOR  OBAMA’S SHOT AT YOUR BROW. When our government answers to NO one, it is time to revolt. According to Judicial Watch, the Obama anti-American administration, spent $87,000 per child to house illegal aliens for four months; this is money that ordinary hard working citizens, Veterans and the afflicted could have used, but Obama shows his true colors; bring in illegals to water down our culture and fabric of our country. This calls for Revolution.

Judicial Watch announced today that on September 9, 2014, it CLICK received documents from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revealing that the Obama administration paid Baptist Children and Family Services (BCFS) $182,129,786 to provide “basic shelter care” to 2,400 “unaccompanied alien children” (UAC) for four months in 2014. The BCFS budget included charges for $104,215,608 for UACs at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and an additional $77,914,178 for UACs at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas.IMG_4021


Hey liberal, like paying higher taxes? Soon you will see a surge in amigos from Central America entering school. Yes, look for budgets to be bludgeoned by new hires, police, teachers, nurses, doctors, administrators, counselors will be part of the mix. Instead of concentrating their efforts on helping Blacks move forward, Obama’s order has killed their learning curve. Expect more Blacks to drop out due to the influx of the illegal invader and failure of educators of the past to improve their educational experience and future. .


Amnesty? No, Treason!

After committing a long list of well documented crimes against the people of the United States, the man – and I use the term advisedly – occupying the White House and the formerly respected office of President, has finally topped his shameful list with the penultimate political felony, treason. With clear knowledge that declaring his so-called amnesty for millions of criminal invaders – including countless murderers, rapists, child molesters, violent thieves, pimps, prostitutes, drug dealers and addicts, virtual slavers, and terrorists – is a totally unconstitutional act, and therefore, totally illegal, Marxist revolutionary Barack Hussein Obama has committed an act that will wreck our economy, put us more trillions into debt, destroy our educational and health systems, and permanently put more millions of American citizens out of work. Black people, the group he has lied so often about caring about, will be especially hard hit, with those at the bottom of the pile, socially and economically, doomed to stay there in perpetuity.

That this action will likely bring on economic and social collapse, race wars (see his involvement in Ferguson, MO), and perhaps another civil war is just fine with him, and with many of his fellow-travelling Democrats like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, and their billionaire puppet masters like George Soros and son, and Tom Steyer. The destruction of America as an independent, sovereign nation and the subsuming of it as a subservient source of raw materials and cheap labor into a global fascist dictatorship has been their goal since at least 1913. It appears the fascists are about to realize their dream – and our worst nightmare.

In the meantime, the supposed opposition, the Republican Party, is doing what in the days since the departure of Ronald Reagan it does best: Nothing. Beyond mealy-mouthed cheap talk, they are allowing this to happen, right on prime-time TV. Well, not quite prime-time TV since the major networks didn’t cover it. The traitor didn’t want legal Americans to find out what he was up to right away, so it was only on Spanish-speaking TV. He didn’t want We, the People, to find out until it was too late to stop his coup d’état.

The Constitution, for all intents and purposes, is dead. Barry Soetoro, the Marxist Indonesian citizen and apostate or taqiyya Muslim, posing as Barack Hussein Obama, and the co-conspiratorial revolutionists in his administration, Congress, and the judiciary have made a dirty joke of their oaths of office, repeatedly and with impunity, violating every article of it, including the amendments. Instead of the Rule of Law, lawlessness rules and we are living under the Rule of Lies. And rather than taking a forceful and steadfast stand against these traitors, our self-proclaimed “leaders”, our supposed conservative, patriotic, elected representatives have gone into their usual dithering and caving mode, promoting their own Big Lie that this isn’t really all that bad, and they’ll fix it all at some amorphous point in the future that will never arrive.

We, the People, have once more been conned and left to twist slowly, slowly in the wind.

However, we are not totally without recourse. It is still quite possible that the States will find the patriotic backbone that the federals so clearly lack. The States can refuse to recognize the authority of the lawless usurper and his aiders and abettors. They can refuse to obey the unconstitutional dictates from Washington and instead, enforce the immigration laws that stood our country in good stead until the Democrats and Republican fascists falsely declared the system “broken”. Our county sheriffs can assert their vested authority and tell the feds to _____ (fill in the blank). If We, the People, apply the pressure and don’t let up – calling, writing, emailing, showing up individually and in mass marches – even Democrat governors may stand up and do what is right. Who among them wants to go down in history as presiding over a state that was turned into a Third World sewer due to their cowardly siding with totalitarian destructionists?

Every state has a National Guard that is for the most part made up of patriotic, middle-class Americans, the exact people that the traitor Obama-Soetoro and Co. have been targeting for the past six years. Should the traitors in Washington decide to try to use force to gain compliance with their lawless dictates, the Guard, in conjunction with the millions of We, the People, who actively still support the 2nd Amendment, and very likely, many local units of the Reserves should be quite adequate for our defense. One hope that things will never get to this point, but it’s not something to be feared to the point of backing down and giving up.

Our federal government has turned on us, like a rabid dog. Now, it’s up to us to make sure it doesn’t bite us.


The rent a riot rabble rouser Al Sharpton of Tawna Brawley fame is stirring up the racial divide. Obama has sent him to Ferguson with match in hand, so at the precise moment he can torch the town the minute the Grand Jury’s decision not to indict Officer Wilson is announced.

However, the main stream medias focus on Sharpton has not caused others to speak out on the dire employment situation of young Blacks; not a Sharpton priority. Exemplary Blacks have moved into the void, Case in point is Joe R. Hicks, former executive director of the Greater Los Angeles chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference who said, ” President Obama strode into the White House promising to give the American people the audacity of hope.  What we are witnessing instead, with his immigration agenda, is an audacious grab for power and an evisceration of the Constitution.”


Joe R. Hicks is not one to pull punches, even against one of his kind; he is not a step in line foot soldier, adhering to the Democrat-Progressive-Socialist line of POTUS. Infact Mr. Hicks is very much upset at Obama’s tenure in the White House. What has Obama done for the Black since mounting the thrown, to Mr. Hicks, nothing.

Charles Butler, talk radio host:

“The fact is President Obama will do with the stroke of a pen what 300 years of slavery, Jim Crow and legal segregation could not: destroy the hopes and dreams of millions of black Americans.  His position on illegal immigration and reform is not tenable given the numerous sources of information that warn of the negative impact of immigration reform on black Americans and low-income Americans.”

Click here for more of the influential Blacks who are speaking out. They are most disgusted at the White House. Don’t forget that many of the relatives of the 100,000 plus Blacks who fought on the side of the Union during the Civil War are in need of a job. Now with the flood gates open their chances become slim indeed.


President Obama, the Dictator in Chief, has unleashed 11 million criminals into America’s town and cities. Many of you have seen them, standing on street corners, others selling flowers and many more working the gardening and construction trades. Check your local welfare office, pay a visit to the Social Security office or better yet check the emergency room of a local hospital. Living in a small city that is not culturally diverse may limit ones exposure to the society Obama is trying to build. But do yourself a favor, pay a visit to a nearby big city, you will be both amazed and frightened in what you will see.


With the political tide turning against Potus on November 4th, Barry decided to take the matter into his own hands. Instead of deportation he has offered them a green card and a hand shake. Another words, those who are guilty of breaking and entering are given the house for free even though they don’t have the title.

Yes, they are illegal by any sense of the word, but their  offspring, if born here, are American Citizens. There are few countries in the world that would give citizenship to “anchor babies.” In fact the United States stands out as one of the few.Most importantly of the 11 million illegals, 30-40 million of their offspring are citizens. This is the travesty. Empirical evidence suggest that learning curve of these southern invaders puts them in the bottom quartile of intelligence.

The problem here is two fold, dropouts and grade repeaters. The cost to society cannot be calculated. Incarceration of the border jumpers is at an all time high; rapes, robberies, drug dealings and murder are common place. Social norms that pervaded the European immigration of the 18th and 19th centuries is not inbred in them. Cultural difference can be traced back centuries exacerbating the cohesiveness of society. Obama’s edict will cause major imbalances in some communities and in a few years they will represent the drug and gun ridden gang infested communities of Latin America.


Attorney General Holder is sending out his Tonton Macoutes forcing local voting officials in eighteen states to allow illegals to cast ballots. Challenge the suspicious voter, keep a vigilant eye on those who will do anything to win.

Still in our memory is the failure of Holder to prosecute members of the New Black Panther Party from intimidating voters. 


Tuesday is going down to the wire. The difference in the Senate going Red will be the illegal voter. Time and time again courts have given succor to the illegal invader, allowing them to vote with impunity. Liberal judges condone the illegal, perpetrators of fraud carrying the socialist water that eventually bring America down to a Latin American Standard; crime, killings and a flaunting of the law is common place. America is now set on the same road. Latin American gangs threaten our peace and tranquility.  Big cities cannot cope with gangs, police are afraid of entering the hood where MS-13 type gangs hold sway over the locals.

There are two ways to eliminate or slow the problem. While only U.S. citizens can vote, only four states require proof before registering: Kansas, Arizona, Georgia and Alabama. States can also compare voter rolls to a federal immigration database known as SAVE, or the Systemic Alien Verification System for Entitlements. Four states tried, but the ACLU and others sued, stopping Virginia, Iowa and Florida from purging voter rolls of non-citizens.

In Maryland, a voter integrity group obtained a list of residents who were removed from jury duty because they were non-citizens. Among them, 509 were also registered to vote. The group, Virginia Voters Alliance, claims up to 7 percent of Maryland’s registered voters could be non-citizens.

Therefore, to bring sanctity to our most sacred right challenges at the voting booth are necessary. Republicans must challenge voters who they feel are casting an illegal vote.