Tag Archives: ISIS


Muslims by the (click) hundreds of thousands are on the loose in Europe; there is no telling where they will show up, what they will do and who they will kill. European Jews are worried, they will be the target as Antisemitism comes back with a vengeance.

As author-blogger Pamela Geller noted this week, citing German press reports, more than one in two refugees from one camp went missing and are now unaccounted for and considered “on the run.”At least 580 refugees initially were reported to have disappeared from Camp Shelterschlefe. Now, in a “terrible new twist,” the disappearances are spreading. “It’s become an epidemic,” Geller said. “7,000 migrants have left the Brandenburg shelters. Where are they going? Who is sheltering these illegals, many with ties to ISIS?”
Muslims are no strangers when it comes to the harassment, beating and killing of Jews; their skills have been honed since the days of Mohammad whose edict was to kill infidels, Christians and Jews. Expect suicide bombers showing up at synagogues, Jewish establishments, knife attacks and outright terrorism. The European Union has unleashed the devil; the unintended consequences are yet to be known.


The Pope’s message of peace falls on deaf ears (Muslim ears) when the world around him goes up in flames, Middle East Christians are slaughtered like sheep, the Pope prays. Islamists have infiltrated the United States from Syria, ISIS, Iraq and Iran; Italy which hosts Vatican City is one step away of being 50% Muslim. But this does not seem to worry the Most High.

Don’t count on him to lead the 1st Crusade of the 21st century to recapture the Holy Land.  Pope Francis is leading his flock to the chopping block to be slaughtered like animals. Click here for the U.S. policy on Christian refugees fleeing the Caliphate. The U.S. denies refugee status to (click)Chaldeans, this is not only insane, it is unjust and a blemish on the Muslim President.

Click here for the Pope praying with Muslims for peace. ISTANBUL— Pope Francis further demonstrated his commitment to improving relations between Christians and Muslims on Saturday, as he prayed in Istanbul’s historic Blue Mosque and visited the Hagia Sophia—two powerful symbols of the Muslim and Christian faiths.


 American Renaissance

The proliferation of other races dooms our race, my race, irretrievably to extinction in the century to come, if we hold fast to our present moral principles.

—Jean Raspail, The Camp of the Saints, 1973

Forty-two years ago, the great French author Jean Raspail wrote a deeply prescient novel. A flotilla of rusty ships packed with beggars sets sail from the Third World. They head for the French Riviera, where a million wretched, brown-skinned people hope to storm the beaches and feed on the wealthy white West. Will the French army fire on the invaders or welcome them as refugees? In the end they do neither; soldiers throw down their weapons and run away as the mob stumbles ashore. Millions more follow, and Europe is snuffed out.

The Camp of the Saints has never gone out of print, and has been translated into all major European languages–and yet the coverage of the European “migrant” crisis goes on as if it had never been written. The masses pouring in from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and a host of African countries are doing exactly what Mr. Raspail predicted they would and, tragically, so are the Europeans.

The underlying problem–and one that cannot be solved–is that whites have built the most pleasant places to live in human history while, with only a few exceptions, everywhere else is a dung heap. In some cases, such as Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, Western meddling has made things worse, but even without that, hundreds of millions of non-whites in a hundred different countries would move to Europe or America if they could.

And now, they can.CampOfSaints


Our first Muslim president, Barack Hussein Obama has extended greetings to millions of fellow Muslims. As reported by Breitbart News, hundreds of thousands have been allowed to enter the United States annually.

A Breitbart News review of State Department and Homeland Security data reveals that the United States already admits more than a quarter of a million Muslim migrants each year. President Obama intends to add another 10,000 Syrian migrants on top of that.

In 2013 alone, 117,423 migrants from Muslim-majority countries were permanently resettled within the United States— having been given lawful permanent resident status. Additionally in 2013, the United States voluntarily admitted an extra 122,921 temporary migrants from Muslim countries as foreign students and foreign workers as well as 39,932 refugees and asylees from Muslim countries.


Germany, England and France have allowed millions from Muslim countries to infiltrate their societies. Most of the Muslim immigrants live in ghettos. Germany for instance had an insatiable need for Turks to do their dirty work. France allowed Algerians to enter the country from their once colony. England the same, Indians, Pakistanis and Afghans have come to Great Britain in droves. All of this immigration would be of no consequence except for the culture of these immigrants; mostly Muslim, they do not subscribe to Christian values.

Now it is too late to stop the surge. Due to ISIS grabbing parts of Iraq and Syria with Turkey on the horizon, the influx of refugees have become overwhelming. Cultural diversity does not sit well with many of the European countries. In fact there is a major upheaval brewing.  This is only the start. Once the bills start coming in we look for mass demonstrations across England, Germany and France. Why pick up the tab for them? These countries will be the first to lose their Christian culture. Not today, but tomorrow can bring civil wars throughout Europe.

TOPSHOTS Participants hold flags and a banner during an anti-immigration rally organised by an initiative called "Stop Islamisation of Europe" and backed by the far-right "People's Party-Our Slovakia" on September 12, 2015 in Bratislava, Slovakia. AFP


ISIS celebrates their forth of July with a bang; welcoming in Ramadan ISIS commanded their ruthless suicide bombers in three continents to carry on the work of Mohammad;  ISLAM is a religion of peace. You are either subjugated or killed.

In France, where else would the beheading be more appropriate – France was once known for the severing of heads by the guillotine. ISIS is on a roll, nothing is in the way as their assault on innocents continues. Not bowing to their commands means certain death. Their recruitment of malcontents continues. Targeting future jihadists in the Muslim communities is facile.

Out of work and leading a life of misery many miscreants (blaming others for their lot in life)  want to make a name for themselves and what better way than being a martyr. Living is a death sentence where martyrdom is the promise of ever lasting life.

The Caliphate crusade threatens the western world, gobbling up parts of Syria and Iraq with an appetite for more. Sending defense establishments from the United States to Saudi Arabia into a frenzy. The question remains who will stop the force? Will the righteous make a stand? The current violence pervades the minds of worthless wanna bees. European countries have been inundated with Muslims fleeing the death squads in their own countries only to force local communities to bow their heads to the new comers. Soon Europe will fall to the almighty Allah. 

Click here for the new Demographic; a most shocking video.


Vlad is one bad dude, a bully machine throwback to the 1900’s; mentored by Uncle Joe. First it was Crimea, next Ukraine, now he is sending defensive missiles to Iran.Vlad has his eye on the Baltics too.  Hey, you got to hand to him, with the likes of Obama mired in quick sand, thugs are given free rein; this is the new reality.

On the cusp of an Iranian deal  and the Ayatollah has Obama eating out of hands;  Vlad the bad warns the United States to take that, a virtual thumb in the eye by selling the missiles to the rug merchants. Vlad is not through with his aggressive rhetoric, he warns Israel not to sell weapons to Ukraine. Covering all the bases while Obama wets his pants.

And then Vladimir intones that the missile deal to Iran is of a defensive nature. Well, ho ho ho to that! Defensive means that any violation of the pending nuclear deal will prevent the destruction of Iran’s nuclear facilities. Throwing that in the face of Obama before the Iranian deal is inked is one more shot across the bow. Squeezing Iran more by increasing the sanctions is the correct approach, not eliminating sanctions. In time Iran will beg on their knees for relief. And then again by squeezing them there is a possibility of a green revolution over throwing the Iranian trouble makers.

Soon, very soon Israel will have to make a move if the United States likes it or not. Israel has been put into this awkward position by the weakness of Obama. Make no mistake about it the evil ventures of Muslim terrorists, be they the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Boko Haram, al Qaeda or the Taliban, it is Obama who has given them the go ahead.

Case in point, China and Russia have large Muslim populations, but very little terrorist attacks. The common denominator is a tyrant government with muscle and when necessary they are not afraid to use it. This has not happened in the Middle East and Africa where government have fallen because they failed to act when the first terrorist attack hit.

There is only one way to neutralize the threat from these Islamic killers; carpet bomb them to death by blowing them to kingdom come.


The General has laid down the gauntlet, but Obama will not take it. General Al-Sissi, the President of Egypt says that ISIS must be defeated now and begs for American help.

The Egyptian leader spoke with Fox News’ Bret Baier in an extensive interview conducted in Cairo. He addressed the need for what he called a religious “revolution,” urging moderate Muslims around the world to “stand up” against terrorists twisting their religion.

But in the short term, he said more military might and funding will be needed to confront the extremist threat and questioned whether the U.S. was doing enough for Egypt. He said the suspension of U.S. equipment and arms to his country has sent a “negative indication to the public opinion that the United States is not standing by the Egyptians.”

Here we are at a pivotal point in time, one that General Al-Sissi has made clear to the United States; “if you are not with us,  you are against us? ” Obama so far has not admitted that the overthrow of Muslim Brotherhood Morsi was a necessary coup in order to protect Egypt from an ISIS catastrophe. The subsequent facts on the ground have bared him out.

El-Sisi told Fox News the need for weapons and equipment remains “dire,” and Egyptians “would like to feel that the United States is standing by them.”

Asked directly how he and other Arab allies view U.S. leadership in the region, he answered briefly in English: “Difficult questions.”

Here we are, the United States of America, has a chance to make the world more safe, but Obama will not embrace Egypt’s offer of help. American should question why; Congress should question why. We know why, Obama is a TRAITOR.