Tag Archives: Israel


The mullahs of Iran have made a New Year’s resolution – in 2018 they will meet Allah. Their wish is about to become reality; the mother of all carpet rides await the turban heads. In the not too distant future these war mongers will get more than they bargained for. Sometimes your wish backfires.

Who would of thought that a Black Swan would appear on Iran’s scene. A mirage no, but what we see from a distance is a very disgruntled public. For they have had their voices stifled and their lives chained by a bunch of old men wearing bathrobes. The revolution that was crushed by Obama has now reared its ugly head. This does not sit well with the mullahs.

According to them the western social media is to blame by provoking the protesters, who by the way are sick and tired of life under autocrats. Demonstrations are spreading quicker than the California infernos. Calls for Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and President Haassan Rouhani’s head are ubiquitous. “Death to Dictators” are shouts from the crowd. The public is sick and tired of the adventurism of the Red Guards. This is only the beginning, once critical mass develops the mullahs will have no choice but to bring out the weapons of mass destruction. Will we see the mother of all revolutions? Time will tell.

A short distance away in Israel, multiple challenges on many fronts from the belligerent nation have been repelled. Syrian arms depots in the hands of Red Guards have been obliterated. However, the most crucial activity is occurring in close proximity to Syria’s border with Israel – that of the Golan Heights. Israel’s RED LINE is not something your want to cross; for they are prepared to counter all comers with weapons that have not yet been developed.

How about a star wars laser weapon that will turn into glass Iran’s nuclear weapons program? And if that won’t impress you, perhaps an army of dragonbots able to penetrate the deepest parts of Iran’s military complex. And Stuxnet, the insidious program that delayed Iran’s development of centrifuges in their cavernous laboratory will be back not to the future, but to the future.  This time it will turn the mullahs on to themselves. Think of silent killers penetrating and at the same time ripping your body into shreds. Think of mass destruction on scale so large it will make the taking out of Egypt’s air force in the 1967 war like child’s play.

Can’t wait for theatrics to play out!


This year, as many of you know, was filled with tumult, outright hostility amid a brutal attempt to bring down our President. Never has such mean behavior been manifest against a freely elected president. Attempts to destroy him and the ideology he stands for have failed. The media’s vitriolic diatribe will continue, but as we have seen before, it will not succeed. President Trump is accomplishing what no other president has done in the past three decades – taking on Big Government by ripping apart the regulations that stifle our economy and us as individuals. He has a message for those who deny our freedom, “we will continue to turn the screws.”

However, this year we are not nominating President Trump for the Person of the Year; he was our Person last year. This year we are nominating several persons. They are the ones who have stood up to the socialist dictators who have caused misery in peoples lives.  Our nominations included persons who took on tyrants and hypocrites. For those who speak the truth as Paul from Tarsus preached the gospel two thousand years ago, we honor them.

Additionally, we are choosing individuals who have sought not only truth but justice in the midst of political upheaval and media barrage. And last but not least we have chosen the nameless individuals who have individually touched people’s lives; they could be your loved ones, mentors or friends – for they are truly Persons of the Year

With all that being said, one individual stands out and merits our PRESTIGIOUS Person of the Year Award, that person is Nikki Haley, the United States Ambassador to the United Nations. For she has spoken the truth and lifted Israel from the bondage of repugnant STATES ruled by deceitful individuals who have towed the anti-Semitic line through their history; continuing to spread lies and falsehoods.

Just as Jesus had done two millennia ago, Nikki Haley has shined through bringing light through truth. This Christmas the STAR of the East shines bright on Jerusalem and Israel. Thank you Nikki Haley. Merry Christmas to you and God bless America.Image result



Saudi academic has voiced backing for US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and called on Arabs to recognize the city’s sanctity to Jews.

Abdulhameed Hakeem, head of the Middle East Center for Strategic and Legal Studies in Jedda, told US-based Alhurra television on Saturday that Trump’s move, which touched off protests across the Muslim world from Tunisia to Indonesia, constitutes a “positive shock” to the peace process.

Hakeem added: “We as Arabs must come to an understanding with the other party and know what its demands are, so that we can succeed in peace negotiation efforts, so that negotiations not be futile. We must recognize and realize that Jerusalem is a religious symbol to Jews and sacred to them, as Mecca and Medina is to Muslims.”

Hakeem – who in a March article for the Washington Institute for Near East Policy stressed that Israel and Saudi Arabia face a common Nazi-like threat in Iran – said the “Arab mind must liberate itself from the legacy of [former Egyptian President] Gamal Abdul-Nasser and the legacy of both the Sunni and Shi’a sects, which has instilled for political interests the culture of Jew hatred and denial of their historic right in the region.”

 US President Donald Trump recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and announces embassy to relocate

The London-based al-Araby al-Jadeed website reported that Hakeem’s comments touched off an angry response on social media. One user, A. Elmhay, wrote, “The Zionizing Arabs are a greater danger than the Zionists themselves.”

 Hakeem’s statements came after Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz revealed earlier this month the existence of covert Israeli-Saudi contacts. The Saudi website Elaph, meanwhile, broke a taboo by publishing interviews with IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eisenkot and Transportation Minister Israel Katz.

Last week, a delegation from close Saudi ally Bahrain, made an unprecedented visit to Jerusalem as guests of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, which is organizing a trip to the tiny Gulf kingdom by a group of Israeli businessmen for next month.


Millions of people have fallen for the greatest lie of the twenty first century; it found its birth 50 years ago.  The lie, “there are a Palestinian people.”  History says otherwise. A country was never named Palestine.  During the past 2000 years there were never a people called Palestinians.  However, in 1967 Arabs who resided in Israel, the West Bank (Samaria and Judea) and Gaza began to call themselves Palestinians.

The name Palestine was a new name given to the country of Israel by Roman Emperor Hadrian. It was punishment for the Israeli revolt which started in 70AD and lasted until 135AD.  The name has endured for the past 2000 years.  So the question remains, where did all of those Palestinians of today come from?

To quote Mark Twain, who visited Israel in 1880? He described what he saw in three words, “Palestine is desolate.”  The Holy Land was occupied by the Ottoman Turks in the 1800’s; they settled Turks in Palestine to farm and strip the forests for Turkish export.  From 1840 to 1920 the Turks brought in 506,000 Arabs.  In 1920 The British Mandate approved by the League of Nations in 1922 opened the floodgates to more foreigners. The British allowed 36,000 Syrians to enter the land in 1934. From 1924-1947 the British secretly brought in 440,000 Arabs from Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon and Iraq. During the Holocaust, the British smuggled in 200,000 more Arabs.

Of the 1,303,000 Arabs living in Palestine in 1947, 1 million were illegally brought in and the other 300,000 were born to those brought in after the Zionist movement in 1882 was born.  The lie continues to this day.  One question remains to be answered; why is the western media continuing the perpetration of this lie?


Seal of the Jewish community of Jaffa (1892), bearing the biblical phrase: “Unto the Great sea shall be your coast”

Jaffa or Yafo is the southern and oldest part of Tel Aviv-Yafo, an ancient port city in Israel. Jaffa is famous for its association with the biblical stories of JonahSolomon and Saint Peter as well as the mythological story of Andromeda and Perseus, and later with oranges.


NOT GOOD: Erdogan is making OMINOUS THREATS to the US and Israel over Jerusalem

The Middle East has been blowing up since President Trump last week changed US policy to recognize Jerusalem as the official capital of Israel.

There has been much strife in Jerusalem and the West Bank with Palestinians violently protesting against the move. And, of course, Israel has had to use violence at times to keep order.

Erdogan himself has been using dangerous rhetoric to keep the situation as hot as possible, calling Israel a terrorist state that kills Palestinian children:

“Israel is a perfect invader state,” Erdoğan said. He also called Israel “a terrorist state.” “We won’t leave Jerusalem to the mercy of a child-murdering country.”

Netanyahu hit right back, saying:

I‘m not used to receiving lectures about morality from a leader who bombs Kurdish villages in his native Turkey, who jails journalists, helps Iran go around international sanctions and who helps terrorists, including in Gaza, kill innocent people…”

As usual, Netanyahu nailed it.

This morning Erdogan was at it again, this time attacking the US and making ominous threats against the ‘owners of Jerusalem’:

DAILY SABAH – President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Monday that the U.S. is responsible for the bloodshed in Jerusalem after clashes erupted in the city following U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize it as the capital of Israel.

“Those who turn Jerusalem into a prison for Muslims and members of other religions will never be able to clear the blood off their hands,” Erdoğan said at an event held in the capital Ankara.

Stressing that Washington is also responsible for the bloodshed in the area, the president said of Trump’s decision to move the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem: “The U.S. has become a partner in bloodshed by recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. We definitely do not recognize this decision, we will not recognize it. President Trump’s statement does not bind us, nor the world of Islam.”

Erdogan then said something that I would characterize as ominous:

Erdoğan underlined that the continuation of vandalism and oppression in Jerusalem is not possible. The president warned that those who deem themselves as the owners of the city will not even be able to find a tree to hide themselves behind.

Does that sound familiar? Maybe you’ll recall a similar passage from the words of Muhammed in the Hadith:

The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him…

Now it sounds like Erdogan himself is using his very own apocalyptic texts in his threats. That is not good.

Erdogan continued:

The president vowed that the struggle will not be finalized until a Palestinian state with the borders of 1967 is established. “This struggle will not end until the establishment of a sovereign and independent Palestinian state, whose capital is the city of east Jerusalem, within the borders of 1967. There is a role of the U.S. and European politics that supports Israel’s unjust occupation and settlements in what is happening today.”

So we have what I believe are three very important and ominous threats from Erdogan.

First he calls Israel and “invader state” and says he will not leave Jerusalem to the mercy of the Israelis.

Secondly, he uses apocalyptic language in telling the Israelis they will have nowhere to hide.

Lastly, he says this ‘struggle’ over Jerusalem won’t end until a Palestinian state is established with east Jerusalem as its capital.

Now you know as well as I do that there will likely never be a peaceful agreement that ends with a Palestinian state with east Jerusalem as its capital, especially after this move by Trump in standing with Israel.

But the reason this is so ominous is that we know from Ezekiel 38 that Turkey and Iran leads an invasion of Jerusalem. Jesus talks about in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 that the antichrist will invade and warn that when they see armies surrounding Jerusalem, they should run for the mountains.

In Joel 4 God judges those nations who scattered his people and divided up his land:

For see, in those days and at that time,
when I restore the fortunes
of Judah and Jerusalem,
I will gather all the nations
and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat.
There I will enter into judgment with them
on behalf of my people, my heritage, Israel;
Because they scattered them among the nations,
they divided up my land.

My point is that while we are not yet at the point where Turkey and Iran lead an invasion of Jerusalem, I believe we are seeing the very beginnings of these events.

Just in Istanbul over the weekend, hundreds of thousands of Muslims gathered in Yenikapi park in the name of Jerusalem being Muslim and chanted slogans like “we will liberate al-Aqsa, even if our blood flowed.” They are referring to the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem.

Or as another account put it, they will sacrifice their blood for Jerusalem.

It’s clear that the ‘ground’ in Turkey and other areas of the Middle East is very fertile when it comes to anger over the so-called Israeli occupation of Jerusalem. And if there is one thing that can unify the Muslim world like no other, this is it.

I would definitely call this a sign of the times, and those ‘times’ may be on us quicker than we realize.


The Muslim Brotherhood Jihadist ruling Turkey has gone to far.  NATO members are serupticiously holding talks on heaving this murder out of the organization. Blaming the United States for the attempted coup, all the while accusing us of harboring Fethullah Gulen have caused a major schism in our relationship. He is sought by the Turkish government for alleged involvement in the 2016 coup attempt.  Additionally, there is no love for Israel as this Napoleon complex diminutive can’t get over the controversial and war like provoking  Mavi Marmara incident. Realpolitik played a part in Israel’s latent response and regret of the incident. Note that Obama put the proverbial gun to Netanyahu’s head.

NATO in the past has looked the other way when it was to their advantage, Turkey is strategically located enabling NATO and the U.S. coalition to use Turkish airspace; Turkey needs to be fore warned that their place in history will be dictated by their actions against the NATO countries and their diplomatic transgressions. In the latest act of incitement Erdogan spews from his rabid mouth that Israel is “playing with fire” concerning their actions on the Temple Mount.  However, Erdogan fails to mention the real crime against humanity is the actions regarding the Hagia Sophia. Once the center of Eastern Christendom, Constantinople competed with Rome.

From the date of its construction in 537 until 1453, it served as a Greek Orthodox cathedral and seat of the Patriarch of Constantinople, except between 1204 and 1261, when it was converted to a Roman Catholic cathedral under the Latin Empire. The building was a mosque from 29 May 1453 until 1931. It was then secularized and opened as a museum on 1 February 1935.Hagia Sophia Mars 2013.jpg

In 1453, Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Turks under Sultan Mehmed II, who ordered this main church of Orthodox Christianity converted into a mosque. By that point, the church had fallen into a state of disrepair. Nevertheless, the Christian cathedral made a strong impression on the new Ottoman rulers and they decided to convert it into a mosque. The bells, altar, iconostasis, and sacrificial vessels and other relics were removed and the mosaicsdepicting Jesus, his Mother Mary, Christian saints and angels were also removed or plastered over. Islamic features—such as the mihrabminbar, and four minarets—were added. It remained a mosque until 1931, when it was closed to the public for four years. It was re-opened in 1935 as a museum by the Republic of Turkey. Hagia Sophia is currently (2014) the second-most visited museum in Turkey, attracting almost 3.3 million visitors annually.

Before the world pays attention to this Turkish imbecile they must demand that the Hagia Sophia be restored to its rightful place in history. It is noteworthy to remind those Christians that Turkey once 100% Christian is now outnumbered by Muslims, 80,000,000 to less than 200,000. this is a manifestation of the treatment Christians receive in the Muslim world.

Currently and subsequent to the defeat of ISIS in Syria and Iraq, Erdogan has gone on the warpath against the Kurds. Especially in Syria does he have little tolerance for a Kurdish enclave on its border. The foaming at the mouth war monger is intent on crushing any kind of Kurdish control of territory, be it in Turkey, Syria or Iraq.  U.S. backing for the Kurdish YPG fighters in Syria has infuriated Turkey, which views their growing battlefield strength as a security threat due to a decades-old insurgency by the Kurdish PKK within in its borders.

In an August 2017 interview Erdogan said, “We will not leave the separatist organization in peace in both Iraq and Syria,” Erdogan said in a speech on Saturday in the eastern town of Malatya, referring to the YPG in Syria and PKK bases in Iraq. “We know that if we do not drain the swamp, we cannot get rid of flies.”

The YPG denies Turkish allegations of links with Kurdish militants inside Turkey, saying it is only interested in self-rule in Syria and warning that any Turkish assault will draw its fighters away from the battle against Islamic State which they are waging in an alliance with local Arab forces.

Erdogan’s comments follow the appointment of three new leaders of Turkey’s army, air force and navy last week – moves which analysts and officials said were at least partly aimed at preparing for any campaign against the YPG militia.

Turkish forces swept into north Syria last year to seize territory from Islamic State, while also cutting off Kurdish-controlled northeast Syria from the Kurdish pocket of Afrin further west. They thereby prevented Kurdish control over almost the whole sweep of the border – Ankara’s worst-case scenario.

Ankara considers the YPG an extension of the PKK, which is designated a terrorist organization by Turkey, the United States and European Union.

Can Kasapoglu, a defense analyst at the Istanbul-based Center for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies (EDAM), said the YPG “remains at the epicenter of Turkey’s threat perception”.

However, the cuddling up to Iran and Russia maybe the straw that broke the camel’s back. Erdogan has gone too far. NATO is alarmed at the new Turkish posture; they are now considering booting Islamic Turkey from their association. Why defend Turkey if attacked? That is the question.

Russia, Turkey and Iran will hold summit talks on Syria next week as Ankara threatens a possible attack on U.S.-allied Kurdish forces and tensions rise between Moscow and Washington over the future of the war-torn state.

Russian President Vladimir Putin will host his Turkish and Iranian counterparts, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Hassan Rouhani, on Nov. 22 in the Black Sea resort of Sochi to discuss Syria and regional developments, Turkey’s state-run Anadolu news service said Thursday. The three powers are key players in Syria, where they’ve spearheaded a cease-fire initiative and are now cooperating on a political settlement.


You can’t deny empirical evidence; it teaches us that belligerent countries who sign on to treaties of appeasement do so to buy time. Those who deny history are doomed to repeat it. In most every case before the ink is dried they have violated the agreement. History is fraught with examples of countries run by rogue regimes who rule by threat. It is no different with Iran and North Korea; the fight they are itching for will inevitably occur; it has to occur. Provocation has a price.

The Boy-man of Pyongyang is in for a desperate need of gelding. To let him develop a nuclear capability any further is a grave mistake. Trump must take military action now, tomorrow is too late. The maniacal suicidal lunatic has cast the die. To bring him to heel, the only way he will understand, is by a show of force. What will this entail? A quick surprise attack from all sides targeting military installations – using our most powerful weapons, including MOABs;  bringing the fight to a quick end before it gets out of hand is the only way.

Pulverization and saturation are the key. Sand must be turned into glass. Electronic infrastructure, including power plants and military installations are the main targets. The United States has hundreds of thousands of ICBMs, medium range missiles and star war type munitions at the ready. Submarines fitted with the newest in warheads, warships fitted with the infamous rail gun are at stand-by, waiting for orders from the President of the United States.  This is not his fight, for he inherited the situation from Obama. A mess that owed its beginning to Slick Willie. Turning back is not an option.

And to Iran, the carpet weavers did a number on Obama. Or can we say that Obama did a number on the United States. Obama had no love affair for America. His biases are well known, documented in black and white. A Mullah lover of first resort, he gave them what they wanted. He was warned but to no avail, signing away the ability of a rogue regime to become nuclear in ten years. What happened? They stuck a missile in our eye. Gratitude! Now this serious situation is in Trump’s hands. However, Israel waits on the sidelines because they have no option. Their country is at stake. Iran will be the first battleground; will Israel go nuclear is the question?



The Turkish dictator Erdogan, a diminutive pea brain with a  big mouth, who has taunted NATO members for years, exasperating the E.U. with his belligerent invective, has reached the end of the line. Germany is one step beyond the last warning to Erdogan; there is no love lost between Merkel and the diminutive Jihadist.

Even Israel is on the verge of sending the last warning shot to the warmonger. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan joined with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas last week, echoing his incitement for Muslims worldwide to “defend al-Aksa.” Minding someone the business of someone else could get you into a spot not easily extricable. Just repeating this calumny was not enough for the Turkish dictator, who added fuel to the fire by calling Israel’s removal of metal detectors from the entrances to the Temple Mount “not enough” and saying that IDF soldiers were “dirtying” the site with their boots.

 Israel’s foreign ministry’s apparently new approach to Turkish relations that we should all agree with Yesh Atid chairman Yair Lapid, that Israel should support the creation of a Kurdish state. We should also finally go public and recognize the Ottoman Armenian genocide.

Lapid pulled no punches, adding to his disparagement of the Turkish leader by declaring that Israel should also drop the idea of a gas pipeline to Turkey. It is time, he said, to show Erdogan that he cannot bully Israel.

“The time has come to stop ingratiating ourselves to the Turks, who every time come and kick us harder,” Lapid told journalists during a briefing in Tel Aviv. “We need to say, ‘Okay, we understand, now we have to run our own policy: From now on we support the establishment of an independent Kurdish state, we need to recognize the Armenian genocide, we need to do all the things that we didn’t do when we had good relations with Turkey, because we don’t, and we will not have in the future,” he said.

Turkey’s 15 million Kurds represent nearly 18% of the country’s population. Like most of their fellow Muslim citizens, they are Sunnis, but it is their cultural distinction, their ethnic identity, that they are fighting to preserve. Some of the actual fighting is conducted in their name by Kurdish rebels, the PKK, which has resulted in scores of thousands of deaths over recent decades.

Between July 2015 and December 2016, some 1,200 civilians and 800 members of Turkish security forces were killed, and more than 500,000 were displaced. Erdogan has arrested hundreds of members of the Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP) on trumped-up charges of collaborating with the PKK, whose physical destruction he pursues, refusing to negotiate.

Erdogan has a violent accusatory mindset, blaming the Kurds, Israel, ISIS for his country’s ills. He sees a conspirator, coup or assassin behind every Mosque. Erdogan’s own words there is “absolutely no difference” between ISIS, Kurdish rebels and the movement behind the U.S.-based cleric Fethullah Gulen, calling them terrorists. There is only one word to describe this anti American despot, “KILLER.” 

The Europeans have it right so far, rejecting Turkey’s entrance into the European Union (EU). What sets Europe apart from Turkey is their Islamic identity while Europe on the whole is Christian.  And don’t forget that Turkey, mainly consisting of an Asian people, was an invading country under the Ottomans; Greece, Bosnia and Spain fell in their wake. That brings us to Turkey today. A NATO member under the iron hand of Islamist Erdogan who has no trouble stirring the pot of racism, blaming others for his faults.

Case in point, the Kurds who have been clamoring for their own country without success. Turkey is adamant that the Kurds are Turks and not minorities, therefore by acquiescing to their demand it would open the floodgates for others. That is a self serving argument. And with ISIS one mile from the Turkish border on the ready to massacre the Kurds in Syria, Erdogan says let them die, we will not help with their defense.


Eight years of Barack Hussein Obama was enough – a community organizer, a deplorable president, race provocateur, divider par excellence. A destroyer of nations, a president who trashed the Constitution and at the same time started the nuclear process that obviously is intended to blow up the Middle East. Generations to come will pay for his misdeeds. Red lines were only words, treaties were to be laugh at and long time relationships dissolved like blood in water. This is the world Trump inherited. Fluidity, changing dynamics and new paradigms are the soup d’jour.  But don’t despair, Team Trump is up for the job.

For starters he took the bull by the horns in seeing that Neil Gorsuch became a Supreme Court justice. Rex Tillerson, the Secretary of State is no fluzzie like Hillary (jail the bird) Clinton. He does not speak softly and does carry a big stick. Our defense establishment is in good hands with James Mattis and the Attorney General is in the hands of a no nonsense player in Jeff Sessions. So look out world, the United States is on the mend; no longer seen as a patsy it was under the Obama administration. Expecting more action in the weeks to come, we wait for a new FBI director. And in the months ahead it is conceivable that a Supreme Court justice will recognize that the time has come to retire.

Those who earn a living prognosticating, guessing, estimating, forecasting and contemplating what is to come are in a mercurial state. Waiting for Trump’s surprise is driving them to the next degree of insanity. Will we drop the MOAB on North Korea, what is the next step for the Boyman? And the mullahs in Iran have gone to the rug, praying to Allah for guidance. Are they to see a MOAB too? And we can never forget the tyrant in Turkey, playing both sides against the middle. Partnering with Russia and Iran against the United States and the YPG in Syria will definitely have consequences. The Kurds are our friends, Turkey’s Erdogan is a diminutive tyrant with a big ego seeking to rule the caliphate will find it time to take sides – US or Russia; you can’t have it both ways.

No world view is complete without mentioning Venezuela. Soon Maduro will face the blade. Blood will spill from his neck like a chicken ready for the pot. Of course Israel is always a hot spot. Abbas, a demagogue extraordinaire, has minced worlds once again. Like Hitler negotiating with the Jews while sending then to the chambers. Abbas turns children into martyrs via the suicide bomb. We wait with patience to see how the visit with Trump works out. Netanyahu waits in the wings as it is he who determines Israel’s fate. Don’t expect him to move an inch. Land for peace never works out; give an inch and they want a yard. Gaza is the quintessential example. Netanyahu has no reservations on what will happen if a Palestinian state is to be; the next war will be fought on Jerusalem’s doorstep.


 Maduro in the middle.


North Korea, Iran, Israel, Syria and Venezuela have entered the big stage. One more provocation by the Boyman will most likely be addressed sooner rather than later. The pressure is now on China, who by the way is an existential threat to the world. The Chinese have won the checker game hands down, jumping from country to country. Spreading their web throughout the world is the main concern. However, they have been stymied at times because of their aggressive and ruthless tactics. Yes, they do bring in technology, capital and physical labor (all Chinese), but this has not sat well with the locals – fights have erupted due to their management style.

The Boyman, a spoil kid indeed; what father gives a country to their first born? For the bowl hairdo is more reminiscent of a punk rocker; what’s next a Mike Tyson tattoo.  Having his cake and eating it too will be short lived. As we see Venezuela crumbling quicker than the walls of Jericho, the North Koreans will soon take to the streets demanding food for their skeleton bodies. But that event will trigger the release of numerous fireworks headed toward the South. Waiting and watching demands patience, but as night follows day, patience is beginning to wear thin.

Syria, the cradle of death which is basically in the eyes of many, Tombstone territory. Cadavers piling up like logs in local mortuaries. The undertaker al-Assad loves the smell of burning flesh so much he has turned his palace into a crematorium. Good for him – when the whistling missile pierces his fallout shelter he will be where he wants to be; no hearse need calling.

Israel is always in the news. And why should it not be. Eight million Jews out of a world population approaching 8-9 billion, say 1/10 of 1% have caused the Middle East to go up in flames. Hey blame them for the  world ills. But the real facts are completely different because those who do the blaming are fragile dictators holding on to power for they have nothing else to offer but words, death to their critics and disaster to their countries. For instance the latest jerk by the name of Erdogan, a Turkish devil of sort, Jew hater, NATO blasphemer and soon to be taken out by not the  military, but by the will of the people. A similar coup d etat is waiting for him, just like the Muslim Brotherhood pimp Morsi of Egypt.

Turkey by the way has unleashed bombs on the Kurds, our team does not take these killings lightly. Trump and his team are waiting for the moment to threaten the diminutive back stabber. His latest threat to Israel is a call for Muslims to visits the al-Aqasa mosque in Jerusalem. As our defense establishment processes the most recent proclamations, there can be no doubt the United States will have to choose sides. Turkey or the Kurds, it can’t be both. We go with the Kurds.  By the way where is the Pope on this one. He should call for all Christians to immediately visit the Hagia Sophia. Hagia Sophia Mars 2013.jpg


From the date of its construction in 537 AD, and until 1453, it served as an Eastern Orthodox cathedral and seat of the Patriarch of Constantinople, except between 1204 and 1261, when it was converted by the Fourth Crusaders to a Catholic cathedral under the Latin Empire. The building was later converted into an Ottoman mosque from 29 May 1453 until 1931. It was then secularized and opened as a museum on 1 February 1935. Famous in particular for its massive dome, it is considered the epitome of Byzantine architecture and is said to have “changed the history of architecture”. It remained the world’s largest cathedral for nearly a thousand years, until Seville Cathedral was completed in 1520.

The current building was originally constructed as a church between 532 and 537 on the orders of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I and was the third Church of the Holy Wisdom to occupy the site, the previous two having been destroyed by rioters. It was designed by the Greek geometers Isidore of Miletus and Anthemius of Tralles.The church was dedicated to the Wisdom of God, the Logos, the second person of the Trinity,[6] its patronal feast taking place on 25 December, the commemoration of the birth of the incarnation of the Logos in Christ. Although sometimes referred to as Sancta Sophia (as though it were named after Sophia the Martyr), sophia being the phonetic spelling in Latin of the Greek word for wisdom, its full name in Greek is Ναὸς της ἉΑγίας τουῦ Θεού Σοφίας, Naos tēs Hagias tou Theou Sophias, “Shrine of the Holy Wisdom of God”. The church contained a large collection of relics and featured, among other things, a 15-metre (49 ft) silver iconostasis. The focal point of the Eastern Orthodox Church for nearly one thousand years, the building witnessed the excommunication of Patriarch Michael I Cerularius on the part of Humbert of Silva Candida, the papal envoy of Pope Leo IX in 1054, an act that is commonly considered the start of the East–West Schism.

In 1453, Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Empire under Mehmed the Conqueror, who ordered this main church of Orthodox Christianity converted into a mosque. By that point, the church had fallen into a state of disrepair. Nevertheless, the Christian cathedral made a strong impression on the new Ottoman rulers and they decided to convert it into a mosque. The bells, altar, iconostasis, and sacrificial vessels and other relics were destroyed and the mosaics depicting Jesus, his Mother Mary, Christian saints and angels were also destroyed or plastered over. Islamic features—such as the mihrab, minbar, and four minarets—were added. It remained a mosque until 1931, when it was closed to the public for four years. It was re-opened in 1935 as a museum by the Republic of Turkey. Hagia Sophia was, as of 2014, the second-most visited museum in Turkey, attracting almost 3.3 million visitors annually.[11] According to data released by the Turkish Culture and Tourism Ministry, Hagia Sophia was Turkey’s most visited tourist attraction in 2015.

From its initial conversion until the construction of the nearby Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Blue Mosque of Istanbul) in 1616, it was the principal mosque of Istanbul. The Byzantine architecture of the Hagia Sophia served as inspiration for many other Ottoman mosques, such as the aforementioned mosque, the Şehzade Mosque, the Süleymaniye Mosque, the Rüstem Pasha Mosque and the Kılıç Ali Pasha Complex.