Tag Archives: Loretta Lynch


Corporations who donate to the Clinton campaign are to be outed. If, this is a big if, she wins patriotic Americans must take it upon themselves to start the mother of all boycott campaigns. Economic boycotts work. The only way to get these “in bed” with the Clintons is to eviscerate their bottom line.

Shareholders will go berserk as the share price implodes wiping out billions of dollars. For instance, can you imagine boycotting Coca Cola, which by the way pumps their sugar water at Mickey D’s. This is a consumer product that can be easily targeted, of course there are many more. But you get the gist of the situation.

Democrat puppet organizations have in the past used the threat of boycott successfully. Now is the time to threaten those corporations who do not support the Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump.

The terrible ten, they confirmed Loretta Lynch, now is the time to send them to the unemployment line.


The Senate voted 56-43 this afternoon to confirm Loretta Lynch as Attorney General. Ten Republicans voted for confirmation: Kelly Ayotte, Ron Johnson, Mark Kirk, Rob Portman, Thad Cochran, Susan Collins, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch and Mitch McConnell. Those highlighted in RED are up for reelection and must be defeated.

They are solely responsible for Loretta Lynch becoming attorney general. As we have seen, Lynch has operated in a partisan way, going after Republicans but given Hillary “Jail the Bird” a free pass. She is the most corrupt attorney general in the history of the United States. Brow beaten by Slick Willie on the tarmac in Arizona. This egregious act disqualifies her and makes any decision she renders suspect to bias. 


Two questions Hillary Clinton hasn’t answered, are you an expert in the “art of the deal” or the “art of the steal?” With no respect to Hillary, her track record speaks for itself; how can you separate her from Slick Willie, they are one and the same, both lying criminals; scams, concealment, bribes, frauds, swindles, flim-flams, schemes are all part of the Lying Clintstonewall’s repertoire. They have honed their skills over the years by understanding one simple fact,  laws are to be broken with gusto. In other words, “they are too big to fail.”  FBI Director Comey saw to that.

They spread fear into their enemies, but as we have just seen THE PASS given to them by FBI Director Comey, the Clintons are above the law. Comey admitted that Ms. Clinton previously lied under oath, but to no avail. He recommended no indictment. Loretta, the Lying Lynch, immediately weighed in by closing the case. She had an out, but did she? Loretta Lynch had the authority to over ride whatever the FBI director recommended. This is a clear case of CLINTON OVER REACH.

By the way Bill Clinton left a present for Lynch when he secretly met her on the tarmac in Arizona. A 22 Derringer with one bullet in the chamber. His instructions were quite clear, “step on Hillary at your own risk.” She got the message. We don’t have to go into names here, but it is quite clear that there are laws that are enforced and those that are not. Laws for the little people to obey and laws that the elite ignore without consequences.

We are living in the perilous times. Dallas can attest to that.. Contrary to any ongoing investigations, charges to be brought against HRC are a figment of her enemies imagination. She is too big to jail. 


On going investigations aside, having Attorney General Loretta Lynch secretly meet with Slick Willie on the tarmac in Arizona goes beyond the pale. Lying Hillary undergoing a criminal investigation by the Justice Department, the focus of a more than year long investigation, the Clinton Foundation too being investigated for violations of American law for receiving inauspicious donations from foreign entities. Click here for Trump’s take on the meeting. Now Attorney General Lynch can be classified as Lying Lynch. Does anybody truly believe that their meeting was a coincidence? does anybody believe they disgussed Bill’s grandchildren and his golf game? This meeting manifests the chutzpah of Slick Willie and his wife. There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that Lying Hillary pushed her husband out to talk to Lynch. 

This meeting is a perfect example of why Lynch should not have been chosen as attorney general. She is an “air head.” The investigation into Lying Hillary has now been compromised. The story continues as Lynch says she will accept “the final recommendation.” We will be patiently waiting for their recommendation.

The following is a list of the Ten Republicans who voted for Lynch to be Attorney General. The Senate voted 56-43 this afternoon to confirm Loretta Lynch as Attorney General. Ten Republicans voted for confirmation: Kelly Ayotte, Ron Johnson, Mark Kirk, Rob Portman, Thad Cochran, Susan Collins, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch and Mitch McConnell.



Mr. Trump, “CALL THE CRIMINAL OUT.” You are the “man” to do it. Demand the “Bird to be Jailed.” Challenge her at every rally, turn the tables; Soros disrupts your rallies, do the same to hers. Start the chant, “JAIL THE BIRD”, “YOU ARE A CRIMINAL.” Turn over those emails.

Former Secretary Hillary Clinton failed to turn over a copy of a key message involving problems caused by her use of a private homebrew email server, the State Department confirmed Thursday. The disclosure makes it unclear what other work-related emails may have been deleted by the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

“Contrary to her statement under oath suggesting otherwise, Mrs. Clinton did not return all her government emails to the State Department,” Fitton said. “Our goal is to find out what other emails Mrs. Clinton and the State Department are hiding.”

Here are our other recommendations from A to Z. BRING IT ON MR. TRUMP, the time is now.

Start with Loretta Lynch  and emailgate; the question here is why are they protecting her? Why does a simple investigation drags on for months? Why is it that a thousand lawyers and investigators have not concluded and reported their findings?

A. Women’s issues – Saudi Arabia gave $50 million to the Clinton Foundations. Where are your principles on this one? Taking money from a country that subjugates women to second class citizens. Admitted Clinton, you are not for Clinton, you are only for Hillary Clinton. 

B.  You lied about Benghazi, tried to cover up, tried to blame a film. Do you think Americans are as gullible as you think. Contrary to the Muslim film push which was promoted by Susan Rice on national T.V. the embassy siege was well planned in advance. Why didn’t you tell the truth?

C. You talk about the economy, how you would do that? Print more money like Obama; tax the rich more and more; give money to the parasites; put the oil and gas companies out of business; continue the largess.

D. Do you actually think that our Servicemen and Woman will take orders from you? You can fool some of the people some of the time but not all the people all the time. They hate your guts, you killed four of our guys.

E. Are you proud of yourself regarding the Obama Red Line in Syria? Failure to control Assad led to the birth of ISIS. This led to 500,000 people being killed and 10,000,000 migrants flooding Europe and the United States. Do you realize what you did? Our country is now the go to country for Muslim rapists, criminals, drug dealers and murderers.

F. And Iran, we won’t even go there. Seriously are you a Jew hater? Do you hate Israel? Are they the cause for all the worlds ills? We can’t hear you Hillary, something wrong with your throat? Speak up, a little louder; no you can’t crawl under the desk. Just wait when Israel bombs the nuclear facilities in Iran, its coming. The sky will glow like never before. You could have stopped that.

G. Good job on North Korea. You certainly harnessed their nuclear ambitions, didn’t you. What was your objective here? Giving them time to develop a ballistic missile so they can bribe us for more food.

H. Education, our foot. Under the Obama administration charter schools were left in the lurch. Didn’t you get endorsed by the Teacher’s Union? Yes, Union! So now when you assume the throne they will dictate more education policy, you know the ones that have failed for the past 50 years. What do you say about than?

J. Illegal Aliens! Aren’t you a lawyer? Seems simple to me to understand the world “ILLEGAL.” Is there something that caught in your throat. Did you know that over 45% of these illegals, mostly men, have been charged with a crime. Certainly keeps the DHS busy. But why do these guys keep coming back? Are you going to protect our borders better than Obama?

K. Oh BTW, what do you think about the 49 Pulse goers murdered by a Radical Muslim? They say homegrown; what? The guy was from Pakistan, on the no fly list, made two visits to Saudi Arabia, swore allegiance to ISIS. Your political correctness was responsible for this. Admit it Hillary, you are in love with Pakistanis. Isn’t Huma a Pakistani?

I. Well Hillary, isn’t it time for you to head to jail, they are waiting for you; singing the Jail House Rock. we can’t wait till the whole cell block sings the Jail House Rock. Let’s rock, everybody, let’s rock Everybody on the whole cell block They was dancing to the jailhouse rock. Turn in your cell phone, you won’t need it.  No servers allowed in the pen either. Hume Abedin will alert you when need be. One thing for sure, one guy will be happy to see you behind bars. Who you may ask? Stupid question, no, no, no,  not Donald, but Slick Willie. He has been waiting for this along time for this. Finally he can be his own man.


Our Armed Forces, Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines will never forget what happened in Benghazi. Hillary Clinton did not answer the call at 3 a.m. resulting in four Americans, including our Ambassador Chris Stevens to die when a pre-planned Terrorist attack by Islamists attacked our embassy. Clinton then lied about what happened blaming a Muslim film.

In a speech on foreign policy on April 27, Trump hearkened back to Clinton’s famous “3 a.m.” campaign ad in 2008 in which she claimed she was more “tested” and prepared than Barack Obama to handle a late-night call to the White House about a dire emergency.

We know the truth, despite what Clinton’s lap dog Susan Rice spilled out on national TV the following Sunday. Clinton will follow Obama’s path of arguing for stronger defense, but she will continue to let our equipment and technology rust taking defense spending to an all time low filling up the government coffers.  In return she will pump up the welfare state, her legions of parasites eatie there is no tomorrow. Click here for Clinton on Benghazi. 

We know that the men and women in our Armed Forces are smart and intelligent; they know a Trojan Horse when they see one. Crooked Hillary is not only a liar but a criminal. We wait for the FBI to recommend indictment. But don’t hold your breath, Loretta Lynch will not bring charges. Blame the ten Republicans who voted for her confirmation.

Commander in Chief Hillary Clinton, “no way” says our Servicemen – we will never work for you, you are a traitor. Only a Trump Win will resolve the criminal enterprise she and Slick Willie run. RICO application to their shakedown operation is a must. JAIL THE BIRD, in this case TWO BIRDS.






hillarysuckersvote“Guccifer” the Romanian hacker,  has been arrested for breaking into the former Secretary of State’s home alone computer. He has been interviewed, spilled the beans and sincerely we hope and gave the prosecutors some very valuable information in return for a lesser sentence.

What puzzles us is why a two bit hacker from Romania was extradicted in the first place; then arrested and convicted, well actually he did a plea deal for a petty crime. But on the other hand the Secretary of State who deleted documents, top secret ones at that, broke the law on securing them, ran her own server, lied about it for the umpteen time and she is walking free? Something is wrong with this picture.

Clinton was running a secret ‘shakedown operation’ which was beyond the sight of government. She struck deals with foreign entities, skirted the pay to play rules, ran a criminal organization with tentacles spread far and wide, yet she has not been arrested. Why?

If Loretta Lynch does not bring charges against her, we will finally understand that that the State Department and Justice Department are run by the same CROOKS.hillarydressedup

The most egregious crime Clinton has committed is failure to have a secure server.  Former State Department watch dog report concluded Clinton’s use of a private server and account was not approved, and broke agency rules. The report said by the time she became secretary, the rules had repeatedly been updated, and were “considerably more detailed and more sophisticated.”

The time has come to JAIL THE BIRD 

Click here for the latest on Cheryl Mills deposition brought to you by Fox News. Another blabber mouth but when it comes time to release the pearl her mouth closes tight as a clam.


Hillary is one step ahead of three pursuers, Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders and the FBI; all three waiting to get a piece of her tail.  Like a rapist who leaves DNA at the scene then proceeds to flee with blood dripping from the victims knife wound, America knows that Hillary has raped America. She has been caught, will she be arrested, indicted and jailed? Both Clinton’s are running a Criminal Enterprise. Ask Loretta Lynch.

Her only hope is to become President where she will be immune for the years of the presidency, but this is not likely to happen. Donald Trump will enter the White House in triumph come January 2017; count on it. 

Loretta Lynch, the Attorney General, having the consent of 10 Republicans, was approved by the Senate. Remember who they are come November. Voting 56-43 to confirm Loretta Lynch as Attorney General the ten Republicans are: Kelly Ayotte, Ron Johnson, Mark Kirk, Rob Portman, Thad Cochran, Susan Collins, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch and Mitch McConnell

The reason we called your attention to these RINO Republicans is because they are guilty of collusion with the enemy. Currently the evidence, lies, cover-ups and even murder, does not only point to Clinton violation the law on record keeping, but she sold out America during her stint as Secretary of State. And who benefitted from this? None other than the Clinton Foundation. If this is not a RICO CASE, we don’t know what a RICO case is.

In the final analysis, Loretta Lynch,  Obama’s alter ego, way not indict Clinton; we know where she is coming from. However, Trump will appoint a new Attorney General who will pursue the Clintonstonewalls to the end of the earth. 


The Justice Department, yes the department run by Loretta Lynch, another patsy of the Democrats, won’t tell you what the cost of the investigation into the Clintons’ illegal server cost, but the back of the envelope calculation yields $100,000,000. Yes folks, this is not a rounding error.

Don’t forget the Obamacare Affordable Care Act website cost Five Big ones ($5,000,000,000). We, along with another 300,000,000 Americans will be surprised if the Lying Clinton is indicted. The reasoning behind this is not conjecture, but facts. Republicans are indicted, Democrats are applauded. To tell you the truth we can’t think and our memory spans years, when a Democrat has been indicted.As we recall, 50% of the murders in Chicago do not result in an arrest. That alone makes us think that a free pass will be given to Ms.Lying Clintstonewall.

Thank the eight gullible Republicans who voted for Loretta Lynch. At election time we know what to do to them. If you need a hint, the Attorney General’s last name might provide a clue. The defeat of a too coy Virginia Congressman by the name of Eric Cantor was the last dude who shocked to death, actually met his fate on election day; those eight who voted for Lynch can expect a similar end to their political careers. Do you hear that Kelly Ayotte. 

The word from Al Jazeera, yes they are still in business, is that Hillary Clinton will be interviewed by the FBI in the very near future, so will another liar, Cheryl Mills. As we said before, our advice to the FBI, hook the Lying Clintstonewall up to a polygraph machine. An electric malfunction is in order whence the needle goes bezerk. Shocking as it may be, but a what a sight it would be watching a presidential candidate go yellow pants.


Obama appointed Loretta Lynch and the Senate confirmed her as Attorney General. However, and this is a BIG IF, did the eight Republican Senators vet her properly? We bring up this question because according to WND, the law firm she was employed by represented the Clintstones on several occasions.

Lynch was with the Washington-headquartered international law firm Hogan & Hartson LLP from March 2002 through April 2010. According to documents Hillary Clinton’s first presidential campaign made public in 2008, Hogan & Hartson’s New York-based partner Howard Topaz was the tax lawyer who filed income tax returns for Bill and Hillary Clinton beginning in 2004. But that is not all, the firm filed a trademark request for Denver-based MX Logic Inc., the computer software firm that developed the email encryption system used to manage Clinton’s private email server beginning in July 2013.

It becomes more serious though because Lynch was nominated n 1999, President Bill Clinton nominated Lynch for the first of her two terms as U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York, a position she held until she joined Hogan & Hartson in March 2002. While there is no evidence that Lynch played a direct role either in the tax work done by the firm for the Clintons or in linking Hillary’s private email server to MX Logic, the ethics of the legal profession hold all partners jointly liable for the actions of other partners in a business.

These instances are more than enough to disqualify Lynch with the decision to charge Hillary the Liar Clintstone. One other question remains, why are the likes of Ryan and McConnell NOT blowing the horn on this one.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/03/loretta-lynchs-law-firm-tied-to-hillary-clinton/#ftKv0G8HpyH2Th7z.99