Tag Archives: Tom Tancredo


It does not seem possible! Who would have thought that millions of Muslims fleeing civil wars, ISIS killers, anarchy would end up in Europe. None have opted to go to Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iran, Bahrain, Emirates not even Egypt. The countries inhabited by predominantly caucasian populations, for instance Sweden, Germany, France, Austria, England, Norway have beared the brunt of the refugee invasion. We do not understand why those fleeing the mayhem haven’t gone to Russia, China, not to mention Afghanistan or Pakistan. The influx will have a very negative impact on the taking-in countries. We would not be surprised if Right Wing parties rise from the ashes.

Return of Kings many critics will label this website, once again, as a supposed hotbed of inveterately “racist” activity. Yet they won’t proffer any explanation as to why SJWs are not devoting 0.0001% of the attention to combating actual, institutionalized ethnocentrism in a host of non-white countries where GDP is north of US$35,000

European colonization, not refugee resettlement

Started by Robert M

by Tom Tancredo

URL: http://wp.me/p2oBxg-2ls