Tag Archives: Trump


Gregg Jarrett: Did the FBI and the Justice Department, plot to clear Hillary Clinton, bring down Trump?

By Gregg Jarrett | Fox News

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There is strong circumstantial evidence that an insidious plot unprecedented in American history was hatched within the FBI and the Obama Justice Department to help elect Hillary Clinton and defeat Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.

And when this apparent effort to improperly influence the election did not succeed, the suspected conspirators appear to have employed a fraudulent investigation of President Trump in an attempt to undo the election results and remove him as president.

However, this apparent plot to keep Trump from becoming president and to weaken and potentially pave the way for his impeachment with a prolonged politically motivated investigation – if proven – would constitute something far more nefarious and dangerous.

Such a plot would show that partisans within the FBI and the Justice Department, driven by personal animus and a sense of political righteousness, surreptitiously conspired to subvert electoral democracy itself in our country.

As of now, we have no proof beyond a reasonable doubt of such a plot. But we have very strong circumstantial evidence.

And as the philosopher and writer Henry David Thoreau wrote in his journal in 1850: “Some circumstantial evidence is very strong, as when you find a trout in the milk.”

Newly revealed text messages about the apparent anti-Trump plot are the equivalent of a trout in the milk. It smells fishy.

The Plans

The mainstream media and Democrats dismiss talk of an anti-Trump conspiracy by the FBI and Justice Department as right-wing nonsense – paranoid fantasies of Trump supporters with no basis in facts. But there are plenty of facts that lay out a damning case based on circumstantial evidence.

Recently disclosed text messages between FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page suggest there may have been two parts of the apparent anti-Trump plot.

“Part A” was to devise a way to exonerate Clinton, despite compelling evidence that she committed crimes under the Espionage Act in her mishandling of classified documents on her private email server.

Absolving Clinton cleared the way for her to continue her candidacy at a time when all polls and just about every pundit predicted she would be elected president in November 2016. If Clinton had been charged with crimes she would likely have been forced to drop her candidacy, and if she remained in the race her candidacy would have been doomed.

But “Part A” of the apparent anti-Trump plot was not enough. A back-up plan would be prudent. It seems the Obama Justice Department and FBI conjured up a “Part B” just in case the first stratagem failed. This would be even more malevolent – manufacturing an alleged crime supposedly committed by Trump where no crime exists in the law.

And so, armed with a fictitious justification, a criminal investigation was launched into so-called Trump-Russia “collusion.” It was always a mythical legal claim, since there is no statute prohibiting foreign nationals from volunteering their services in American political campaigns.

More importantly, there was never a scintilla of evidence that Trump collaborated with Russia to influence the election.

No matter. The intent may have been to sully the new president while searching for a crime to force him from office.

But thanks to the discovery of text messages, circumstantial evidence has been exposed.

The Texts

The text messages exchanged between Strzok and Page, who were romantically involved, confirm a stunning hostility toward Trump, calling him an “idiot” and “loathsome.”

At the same time, the texts were filled with adoring compliments of Clinton, lauding her nomination and stating: “She just has to win now.”

One text between Strzok and Page dated Aug. 6, 2016 stands out and looks like the proverbial smoking gun.

Page: “And maybe you’re meant to stay where you are because you’re meant to protect the country from that menace.” (This is clearly a reference to a Trump presidency).

Strzok:  “Thanks. And of course I’ll try and approach it that way. I can protect our country at many levels .…”

It is reasonable to conclude that Strzok had already taken steps to “protect” the country from what he considered would be a dangerous and harmful Trump presidency.

Just one month earlier, then-FBI Director James Comey had announced he would recommend that no criminal charges be filed by the Justice Department against Clinton. Given all the incriminating evidence against Clinton, Comey’s view that she should not be prosecuted made no sense by any objective standard.

This is where Strzok played a pivotal role. As the lead investigator in the Clinton email case, he is the person who changed the critical wording in Comey’s description of Clinton’s handling of classified material, substituting “extremely careless” for “gross negligence.”

As I explained in an earlier column, this alteration of two words had enormous consequences, because it allowed Clinton to evade prosecution. This removed the only legal impediment to her election as president.

Documents made available by the Senate Homeland Security Committee also show that Comey intended to declare that the sheer volume of classified material on Clinton’s server supported the “inference” that she was grossly negligent, which would constitute criminal conduct. Yet this also was edited out, likely by Strzok, to avoid finding evidence of crimes.

This seems to be what Page and Strzok meant when they discussed his role as protector of the republic. It appears that Strzok was instrumental in clearing Clinton by rewriting Comey’s otherwise incriminating findings.

Were Page and Strzok also referring to the investigation of Trump that was begun in July 2016, right after Clinton was absolved?  After all, Strzok was the agent who reportedly signed the documents launching the bureau’s Trump-Russia probe. And he was a lead investigator in the case before jumping to Robert Mueller’s special counsel team.

If there is any doubt that Strzok and Page sought to undermine the democratic process, consider this cryptic text about their “insurance policy” against the “risk” of a Trump presidency.

Strzok:  “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office – that there’s no way he gets elected – but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.…”

The reference to “Andy” is likely Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, who was also supervising the investigation of Clinton’s emails at the same time his wife was receiving roughly $675,000 in campaign money in her race for elective office in Virginia from groups aligned with Clinton.

What was the “insurance policy” discussed in Andy’s office? Was it the FBI’s investigation of Trump and his associates?  Or was it the anti-Trump “dossier” that may have been used by the FBI and the Justice Department as the basis for a warrant to wiretap and spy on Trump associates? Perhaps it was both.

The Dossier

The “dossier” was a compendium of largely specious allegations about Trump, compiled by the opposition research firm Fusion GPS. The dossier was funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Comey called it “salacious and unverified.”

Various congressional committees suspect the dossier was illegally used to place a Trump campaign associate, Carter Page, under foreign surveillance. When asked about that on Wednesday during a hearing on Capitol Hill, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein refused to answer, which sounds like an implicit “yes.”

Using a dubious, if not phony, document in support of an affidavit to obtain a warrant from a federal judge constitutes a fraud upon the court, which is a crime.

The dossier scandal recently ensnared Bruce Ohr, a top Justice Department official, who was demoted last week for concealing his meetings with the men behind the document.

Ohr’s wife worked for Fusion GPS. This created a disqualifying conflict of interest for Mr. Ohr. He was legally obligated under Justice Department regulations to recuse himself from the Mueller investigation of Russia’s role in the election, but he did not.

Congress needs to find out whether the dossier was exploited as a pretext for initiating the Russia probe against President Trump. It would also be unconscionable, if not illegal, for the FBI and Justice Department to use opposition research funded by Clinton’s campaign to spy on her opponent or his campaign.

Both agencies have been resisting congressional subpoenas and other demands for answers, which smacks of a cover-up. Since the Justice Department cannot be trusted to investigate itself, a second special counsel should be appointed.

This new counsel should also reopen the Clinton email case and investigate the conduct of Strzok, Page, Comey and others who may have obstructed justice by exonerating Clinton in the face of substantial evidence that she had committed crimes.

If Strzok or anyone else allowed their political views to shape the investigations of either Clinton or Trump and dictate the outcomes, that is a felony for which they should be prosecuted.

The Mueller investigation is now so tainted with the appearance of corruption that it has lost credibility and the public’s trust.

It is very much like a trout in the spoiled milk.


CNN imploded once more.  A self inflicted wound right through their bleeding liberal heart. What was it this time? Apparently they were so eager to get out the FAKE NEWS they forgot to verify the veracity of it. What is it in a name, what is it in a date? Well a lot. CNN pushed out for anti-Trump consumption a news item relating to Wikileaks. The problem here was that CNN indicated that the Trump team had access to a secret Russian bull diatribe attributable to Hillary “jail the bird” Clinton on September 4, 2016. However, the information became available on September 14. And once again CNN was caught with their pants down.File:CNN.svg

CNN’S slogan is CNN, THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN NEWS.” Trump tweeted. “Everyone knows this is not true, that this could, in fact, be a fraud on the American Public. There are many outlets that are far more trusted than Fake News CNN. Their slogan should be CNN, THE LEAST TRUSTED NAME IN NEWS!”

“Fake News CNN made a vicious and purposeful mistake yesterday,” Trump tweeted. “They were caught red handed, just like lonely Brian Ross at ABC News (who should be immediately fired for his ‘mistake’). Watch to see if @CNN fires those responsible, or was it just gross incompetence?”

The tweet came one day after CNN reported that the president’s son Donald Jr. and others on the Trump presidential campaign received an email on Sept. 4, 2016, telling them in advance about the release of some yet-to-be published WikiLeaks documents. These included emails from the Democratic National Committee.

However, the date was erroneous. The email was in actuality dated Sept. 14, one day after the WikiLeaks document dump.





By now it is apparent that the Deep State (Swamp) has infiltrated government to such an extent that the only way to correct this egregious situation is to call for Mueller and the rest of the FBI crew to step down. We call for a MILLION MAN/MARCH on Washington, exercising our Constitutional right. We demand the Criminals that make up the DEEP STATE to either be relieved of their positions or brought to justice. Government employees are employed by the people and must under all circumstances be politically neutral.

In recent days we have seen the outing and firing of FBI employees who either worked on the Lock Her Up campaign or were related to people in government who squashed investigations or employed methods detrimental to President Trump. These actors (Hillary Apparatchiks who were convinced of her win) thought they would never be caught. WE WANT JUSTICE NOW!

Peter Strzok, an insider, who hated Trump more than any other FBI agent was caught sending anti-Trump messages to his mistress. This Democrat lackey was demoted, but that is not all. The FBI provided cover for him. But more importantly this criminal was head investigator under James Comey in the Russian investigation, On top of that this morally turpitude insider led the Hillary email investigation. We know how that turned out; he gave her a pass expecting her to be his next boss.

Then we find out that the FBI person on the other end of these anti trump emails was none other than Lisa Page; she worked for Mueller and deputy director Andrew McCabe. This dude was accused of conflict of interest when it was found out that Clinton allies donated to his wife’s campaign.  The FBI is still covering up, they will not releases these scathing emails. Time for us to protest large. And then we have the Clinton and later FBI financed Steele dossier. They have not come clean on this fabrication.

Back to Comey who used a word game to exonerate a criminal by the name of Hillary Clinton. And Rod Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney General, who has not come forward to answer questions by the House Oversight Committee. And new FBI director Wray, he too, is in contempt of Congress.

Mueller must go, Mueller must go!





President Donald Trump on Wednesday said the US recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and would move its embassy there, upending decades of a diplomatic consensus over the status of the city pioneered by his predecessors.

Citing a 1995 law, the Jerusalem Embassy Act, compelling the president make the move absent national security risks, Trump said the time had come to recognize what everyone already knows to be true. “Jerusalem is the capital the Jewish people established in ancient times,” he said. “Today Jerusalem is the seat of Israel’s government.”

Jerusalem is Israel’s capital – Trump

Tearing up convention, the US president recognises Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.



At one time the Christians were berated as fools – believers of a foreign God bent on secret rituals. Paganism still ruled the land of Caesar. Anti-Christian policies in the Roman Empire occurred intermittently over a period of over two centuries until the year 313AD when the Roman Emperors Constantine the Great and Licinius jointly promulgated the Edict of Milan which legalised the Christian religion. The persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire was carried out by the state and also by local authorities on a sporadic, ad hoc basis, often at the whims of local communities. Starting in 250, empire-wide persecution took place by decree of the emperor Decius. The edict was in force for eighteen months, during which time some Christians were killed while others betrayed their faith to escape execution.

The Torches of Nero, by Henryk Siemiradzki. According to Tacitus, Nero used Christians as human torches.

But what goes around usually comes around. The Christians of yesterday are the Jews of today. They have been ostracized for millennia for their faith. At last count there were only 12 million who believed in Judaism. However, small their lot they continue to be blamed for the world’s problems. Let it be said that the Holy Bible is well documented. It records biblical history in minute detail, spelling out who occupied the Holy Land from time immemorial till 70 A.D. when the Romans sacked Jerusalem and ran the remaining Jews out of the country.

However, there were always Jews living there surreptitiously. And History records Judah and Israel as the map shows.Image result for ancient israel map Click here for more maps of ancient Israel. It is very important to mention that when the Ottoman Turks controlled the Levant (Palestine – in actuality Israel and Judah) there was never a cry by the Muslim population for statehood. It wasn’t until the Jews pressed for their right did the pseudo Palestinians (MADE UP PEOPLE – “FAKASTINIANS” if you will, demanded blood.)



“To Moses We [Allah] gave nine clear signs. Ask the Israelites how he [Moses] first appeared amongst them. Pharoah said to him: ‘Moses, I can see that you are bewitched.’ ‘You know full well,’ he [Moses] replied, ‘that none but the Lord of the heavens and the earth has revealed these visible signs. Pharoah, you are doomed.’”

“Pharoah sought to scare them [the Israelites] out of the land [of Israel]: but We [Allah] drowned him [Pharoah] together with all who were with him. Then We [Allah] said to the Israelites: ‘Dwell in this land [the Land of Israel]. When the promise of the hereafter [End of Days] comes to be fulfilled, We [Allah] shall assemble you [the Israelites] all together [in the Land of Israel].”

“We [Allah] have revealed the Qur’an with the truth, and with the truth it has come down. We have sent you [Muhammed] forth only to proclaim good news and to give warning.”

[Qur’an, “Night Journey,” chapter 17:100-104]

I trace the origin of today’s war against the west to the post World War I period, 1918-1921. This was a time when new sovereign nations were emerging in Europe and the winds of freedom and hope were sweeping across a Middle East that had been suppressed for centuries by the recently defunct Ottoman Turkish Empire.

In those heady years, many Arabs and Muslims reverently hoped that new and modern sovereign Arab nations would develop alongside a Jewish State existing in the ancestral homeland promised to the Jews by the almighty in a Torah that was, and is, considered to be divine by Muslims and Christians as well as by Jews.

In fact, like the Christian New Testament, the Koran, the holy book of Islam, recognizes Israel as a Jewish State in the following passages:

…. “the words of Moses to his people. He said: “Remember, my people, the favors, which Allah has bestowed upon you…. Enter, my people, the holy land which Allah has assigned for you.” (Sura V) …. “When the promise of the hereafter cometh to pass (at Judgment Day) we shall bring you as a crowd gathered out of various nations.” (Sura XVII: 104)

CLICK HERE for more information on the 1919 peace agreement. 

When the British took over the land of Israel, suddenly the dream of a homeland for the Jews became a real possibility as opposed to a fervent hope.

By this time, there were between 85,000 to 100,000 Jews living in the Land of Israel, of a total population of 600,000. (See History of the Jews by Paul Johnson, p. 430.) Most of the Arabs living in the land had migrated there only in the previous thirty years attracted by the jobs created by the Jews who were building and farming. (Note that when Jews began to immigrate to Palestine in large numbers in 1882, fewer than 250,000 Arabs lived there.

To capture the essence of the conflict the Jews don’t have use hyperbole to validate their point. The facts going back five thousand years are well documented and support the Israeli position. This does not sit well with the Arabs who in most case fail to accept history.

Bluntly stated the Jewsish Democrats who got succered in backing Obama for the past eight years, they no who they are, must be defeated in their reelection bids.

If these Jews were Catholic, there is no doubt they would be asking the Priest for absolution, for they COMMITTED A MORTAL SIN AGAINST ISRAEL AND GOD.



British PM rips Trump for re-tweeting Muslim attack videos from UK account

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Once Great Britain Under Occupation

Gregory Hood, American Renaissance, December 1, 2017

Will President Trump help liberate it?

The Roman Republic was born when a Roman woman, Lucretia, was raped by the Etruscan king Lucius Tarquinius Superbus. Humiliated, Lucretia killed herself. The outraged noble families of the city avenged their ravaged daughter and drove out their foreign overlords, establishing a new state that would endured for centuries and built an empire that would define Western Civilization.

“Lucretia” (Rembrandt, 1664)

The reverse is occurring in the United Kingdom. Once the seat of an empire on which the sun never set, the United Kingdom hosts an insular, hostile, foreign population that is colonizing the home islands. The “grooming,” assault, and rape of English girls in Rotherham and elsewhere, explicitly motivated by racial contempt, occurred for over a decade. More than one victim committed suicide. Yet the aristocrats of once-Great Britain, those with titles and those who simply enjoy wealth and power, did not rise in anger and revulsion to avenge their daughters. The public officials who looked the other way were not even punished.

What did rouse the guardians of British virtue to fury was President Donald Trump’s Twitter feed. President Trump, as he often does, retweeted some videos he found interesting. They had been posted by Jayda Fransen, deputy leader of a small British political group called Britain First.

The result was outrage from the entire British political class. In one of the mildest reactions, Prime Minister Theresa May simply called President Trump wrong. Scotland’s First Minister argued a state visit planned by President Trump should be halted, explaining that the presidential retweet “risks legitimizing those who want to spread fear and hatred.”

Some politicians went further, with Chris Bryant of the Labour Party demanding Donald Trump be arrested if the President of the United States ever visits our ally. It should be noted that Mr. Bryant is a former vicar of the Church of England. The archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Anglican Communion, is demanding Donald Trump delete his tweets.

Other members of Parliament claimed the presidential retweets constituted a crime.

I asked the Home Secretary this morning if the US President or indeed Twitter have committed a crime for inciting racial religious hatred. The Home Sec says she will not comment on individual cases. I think he has committed a crime.

One of the strongest condemnations came from London Mayor Sadiq Khan, who also wants the state visit cancelled. This is ironic considering a highlight of Mayor Khan’s career as a lawyer was trying to get the United Kingdom to lift a travel ban on Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Mr. Khan described Minister Farrakhan as a “the leader of a vast section of the black community” and denied that Mr. Farrakhan was anti-Semitic or preached a message of “racial hatred or antagonism.”

What Mr. Khan evidently does consider a message of “racial hatred” include three videos of:

  • A “Muslim migrant” attacking a Dutch boy on crutches
  • Someone smashing a statue of the Virgin Mary while making pro-Muslim declarations
  • A man being pushed off a roof in Egypt

The mainstream media have declared the videos “discredited,” especially the first. The Dutch Embassy noted proudly in a tweet that the lout attacking the boy on crutches had been “born and raised in the Netherlands.” That would certainly not stop him from being a Muslim. A Dutch source did deny the dusky attacker was Muslim, but offered no evidence or identification.

The other two videos show what they appear to show, with one probably taken in Syria, and the other during a time of political turmoil in Egypt. Those responsible for the killing in Egypt were punished years later.

But the real outrage seemed to be less about the videos and more about the signal boost President Trump provided to Britain First, universally described as a “far-right” group. Needless to say, Britain First goes out of its way to deny “racism.” Indeed, the first thing you will find at its website is a lengthy explanation of why the group is not racist, and a rather embarrassing collection of blacks supposedly attending the group’s rallies.

However, Britain First does insist on the “maintenance of the indigenous British people as the demographic majority within our own homeland” and the support of “Christianity as the foundation of our society and culture.” These views were self-evident until the recent past; today, they are virtually illegal.

Indeed, Miss Fransen is facing charges because of speeches she made during a rally opposing terrorism in Northern Ireland. The terse announcement by the police did not identify what Miss Fransen did that they claim is illegal. She had said: “The world is at war with Islam. Every single Muslim is obligated to kill you and your husbands and your wives and your children.” She also condemned the violence of Irish republicans, whom she described as “not Christian.”

Miss Fransen has been in legal trouble for other speeches. As Vice gleefully reported, she was convicted of a “hate crime” for saying Muslim men force women to cover up to avoid being raped because “they cannot control their sexual urges.” This, she added, was “why they are coming into my country, raping women across the continent.” She was also charged with “religiously aggravated harassment” because of “the distribution of leaflets and the posting of online videos during the trial of Muslim men who were subsequently found guilty of rape.”

Such rhetoric may sound uncouth to some, but it is hardly criminal in a free country. Even her most confrontational statements and tactics pale in comparison to the antics of groups such as FEMEN, which are celebrated by the same Western media that professes such outrage today.

Miss Fransen asked President Trump for help:

And she is right to do so. For Britain can in no sense be called a free country. Policing online social networking sites for “hate speech” is now a routine job for British law enforcement. As English author David Webb notes, such “hate speech” restrictions are far more strictly enforced against white men than against non-white minorities. These campaigns are cheered on by the mainstream and non-white volunteer commissars, who urge the police to become involved if they read things they don’t like online. More than 3,000 people were arrested for online speech in 2016. A determination of whether a “hate crime” took place depends on the feelings of the “victim,” meaning that even “unfriendliness” can justify charges.

Such speech laws are especially chilling because British police were recently given unprecedented powers to spy on the electronic communications of the Queen’s subjects. The number, variety, and reach of “equality laws” has also vastly increased since Tony Blair’s “New Labour” government opened Britain to mass Third World immigration. These laws are now being used to prohibit white people from applying for jobs within their own country.

Yet even as the traditional liberties of the English people have dwindled, security cameras are ubiquitous, police are trying to enforce “knife control,” and crime is increasing nationwide, with London now more dangerous than New York City. Police, unable to cope, are simply releasing suspects and “hoping for the best,” according to Police Federation chairman Steve White.

The threat of terrorism has also grown so dramatically that the security state is practically useless. The British press has reported tens of thousands of jihadists in Britain, and those are only the ones known to the authorities. Hundreds of “British” fought for the Islamic State while actual British soldiers were cursed and jeered by Muslims upon their return. Terrorism, of course, is the excuse for even further crackdowns on freedom of speech, which, naturally, can be directed against the “far right.”

Indeed, even as Islamic radicalism goes unchecked, attempts by the indigenous British to organize have been met with persecution, as people such as former English Defense League leader Tommy Robinson can testify. The British police also used what has been termed “exemplary sentencing” to break white working class resistance to Muslim immigration, with the British government imposing harsh punishments against any crimes perceived to be directed against immigrants. At the same time, the violent activists known as antifa enjoy all but unanimous support from the political establishment; former Conservative Party leader David Cameron signed the founding statement of Unite Against Fascism.

Given this repressive atmosphere, it’s not surprising that the only people in the country who can draw attention to serious problems are those like Miss Fransen who are called “far right” and who aren’t afraid of legal sanctions or media scorn. For example, it was the British National Party that first drew attention to the Muslim grooming gangs in Rotherham. Then-party head Nick Griffin denounced what was happening in a 2004 speech that was recorded by an undercover reporter. Not only did the reporter not appear concerned about the truth of Mr. Griffin’s words, he used his surreptitiously obtained evidence to have Mr. Griffin prosecuted.

Today, Muslim grooming gangs are still raping people in Rotherham as well as throughout the country. Yet anyone who speaks up about this or any other ethnic/racial problem has much to fear. A whistleblower could be attacked by Muslims themselves. He could be attacked by antifa. Or he could simply be arrested by a government that seems far more hostile to the indigenous population than those being imported to replace it. It’s hard to imagine even a Soviet government not only allowing such crimes against its people, but arresting those who complain about it.

As John Derbyshire pointed out:

At all points from the 1968 defenestration of Enoch Powell onwards, and still today, the attitude among the European governing and intellectual classes has been that everything will work out just fine so long as native Europeans stop complaining. If they won’t stop, they must be stopped, so that . . . everything will work out just fine.

Great Britain is at least as repressive as an Eastern Bloc country during the 1980s. In actively concealing crime, promoting disorder, and deconstructing the indigenous culture, it may be worse. Even Orwell’s subjects of Big Brother were never angrily told that it was an offense against equality to complain when their children were raped by foreigners. The hysteria of British politicians about President Trump should be treated with no more respect than Soviet boilerplate at a Party Congress.

The likes of Mayor Khan and Prime Minister May are infinitely more contemptible than General Secretaries Brezhnev or Andropov. The British government has long since shirked its duty to ensure the liberty and security of the British people, and it should not be regarded as any more legitimate than the government of East Germany or of the “Polish People’s Republic.”

The priority for the United States should not be to repair the “special relationship.” It should be to explore strategies to liberate our Anglo-Saxon cousins from what is a de facto occupation government. And as leftists are looking enviously at how British politicians have their political opponents arrested for dissident speech, this occupation government is more ideologically dangerous to American liberties than the Warsaw Pact states we faced a generation ago.



NO, NO NO, we are not going to denigrate the Democrats, but the lying RINOS, you know the oneS, they campaigned on tax reform, ridding us of Obamacare and most of all Building a Wall. Turns out they were all liars; one by they will be BURIED  for good in 2018.  We will punish the lying bastards.

John McCain, Susan Collins, Jeff Flake, all of these bags of hot air need to be taught a VERY HARD lesson. Remember that these politically correct RINOs kool-aid drinkers are no more Republicans than Saul Alinsky.

So the alert goes out to all free thinking Americans, the ones who take responsibility for their own lives, to rid ourselves of these RINOs. It is better to have a Democrat in office because you know where they stand on America – that is to take it down; we don’t need a Republican to lie his/her way into a job then double cross us.

Make no mistake about it, ten months after Trump has taken the reins of government, he has shaken things up. His greatest accomplishment to date has been the appointment of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. This is a monumental achievement because when the court adjudicates, Americans of all persuasions must obey the law.

Ginsburg is on her death bed and Kennedy ready to retire, gives Trump an opportunity that not many Presidents have had; he can set the stage for years to come by appointing two more judges of the conservative bent. This is where the rubber meets the road.

So congratulations to President Trump on the Anniversary of your stunning Victory. More victories will come.

God Bless America.

Image result for trump wins headlines


Time for Trump to bring down the hammer on Mueller. In 2009 the FBI had evidence that Russian officials were engaged in numerous schemes of bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering on the orders of Vlad Putin. The FBI kept this information from Congress and the public. In the mean time Hillary Clinton’s State Department approved a deal to sell 20% of our uranium to Russia. Russia, in turn sent millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation. Mueller was the FBI director at the time. THIS IS THE GREATEST COVER-UP OF ALL TIME. 

Fire Mueller Now!


We are speaking once again about two criminals; Debbie Wasserman Schultz and John Podesta. They don’t know diddley squat. Their brain has turned into mush when questioned, a typical Democrat convenient reply.  They did no evil and saw no evil. Yeah right! Once head of the DNC, Wasserman Schultz and the ex-campaign manager of the disastrous Clinton implosion know nothing about the $12 mil they paid for a Russian dossier. Like all denials coming from their lips, this one is too hard to digest. It falls in the same category as Hillary’s email convulsion, “like with a cloth.” However, this time is different because they meant to entrap Trump by the utilization of a foreign propaganda machine. Joseph Goebbels would be so proud of them. BTW he was a German Nazi politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. And we can’t forget Saul Alinsky who mentor these two sleaze bags. Rules for Radicals.pngJust imagine the s..t these mental midgets would have pulled if Hillary mounted the throne. A Stalin archipelago would have been prepared for conservatives. That was not out of the realm of possibility. We know now what they had in mind, total control of the government; from judges on down the line to the local police force. It didn’t happen and that is a good thing.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta and former Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz both privately denied to congressional Russia investigators that they had any knowledge about an arrangement to pay for opposition research on President Donald Trump, three sources familiar with the matter told CNN.



The old saying, “what goes around comes around” has suddenly bit the Democrats and their cohorts in the butt. Democrat governors and their attorney generals have gone to court over Trump’s executive order halting subsidies to insurance companies; these subsidies lower the premium cost to those who purchase health insurance through exchanges. The subsidies are illegal; the courts have ruled on that. No appropriation by congress to allow the government legally to make these payments exists. But this didn’t matter to Obama who violated the law. About 6 million Americans benefit from the subsidies.

Trump weighed in six months ago, “I’ve been saying for the last year and a half that the best thing we can do politically speaking is let Obamacare explode,” Trump said. “It is exploding right now.”

Experts said the ACA wasn’t “exploding,” but that it needed fixes to help incentivize insurers to stay in marketplaces.

But now, six months later, Obamacare may actually be on the road to “exploding” – catalyzed by an accelerant poured over it by President Trump.

This decision has fired up the mouths of Pelosi and Up-Chuck Schumer who are fiercely blowing smoke into the wind and some other place. It was OK for Obama to issue numerous executive orders when he felt necessary; the executive order was Obama’s prime legislative weapon. If congress didn’t pass the law, he “the anointed one” would get it done; for instance the dreamers putsch. So he went E.O.

Now the shoe is on the other foot.  The Democrats think they have a winning hand; yeah right – didn’t they think that on November 8, 2016? Please bring in the clowns.

The White House argued the subsidies are illegal, because they are not appropriated by Congress. House Republicans sued the Obama administration hoping to stop the payments. As noted above the court ruled the payments to be illegal.

That’s not all the Trump administration has done that could pull the rug out from under the ACA — it has also shortened the sign-up period for health care; closed the federal exchange on Sundays; and cut the budget for marketing efforts, including ending advertising to urge sign ups.

Don’t be fooled by biased opinions and sleazy editorials, Trump has the  winning hand, even if the Republicans balk and the Democrats look to the debt ceiling as a bargaining chip. The bottom line is this, the Democrats won’t negotiate – their feeble effort to blame Trump and the Republicans will go nowhere but up in ashes like the hundreds of homes in Santa Rosa.

If the government shuts down won’t have the slightest effect on most Americans, in fact this will be a good thing. They realize that a bloated government is not too big to fail. GO TRUMP 




Who’s to Blame for the Mess in Puerto Rico?

American Renaissance

Alex Witoslawski, American Renaissance, October 4, 2017

Not Donald Trump.

Puerto Ricans are blaming President Trump for the fact that two weeks after Hurricane Maria, their island is still a mess: power outages, flooding, fuel shortages, spotty cell service, washed out bridges, roads blocked by fallen trees. But who is really to blame for the island’s paralysis?

Consider this: Puerto Rico has a population of only 3.4 million but their elected government has run up a debt of over $70 billion and pension obligations of $50 billion. That’s more than $35,294 per resident and over 100 percent of GDP. Puerto Rico has already defaultedon a $58 million bond payment in 2016, due to its already-high taxes and unwillingness to cut government spending. It fell into crushing debt despite the $21 billion annually the island receives in aid from the United States, much of it spent on welfare programs such as Head Start, public housing, and food stamps. That’s over $6,000 per capita in federal welfare that the islanders consume. And due to the special status of the island, Puerto Ricans do not even pay federal income tax.

Borrowing and US handouts sustained the welfare habits of the people, but Puerto Rico left its infrastructure embarrassingly outdated. According to the Los Angeles Times, Puerto Rico’s electrical grid is so starved of physical and human capital that it suffers from power outages four-to-five times the average—even in good weather. Puerto Rico also failed to invest in infrastructure to protect against flooding. The island has few floodwalls and dangerously weak dams—a dam on the island cracked following the hurricane, forcing the evacuation of more than 70,000 people.

These problems were foreseeable and preventable, but liberals and Puerto Rican officials are blaming Donald Trump. Perhaps he is being too nice. Puerto Rico created its own problems; why should we be on the hook for them?

(Credit Image: © Erik Mcgregor/Pacific Press via ZUMA Wire)

After acquisition by the United States following the Spanish-American War in 1898, the island’s residents never integrated with Americans culturally, linguistically, or racially. Puerto Ricans are culturally Hispanic, racially a mix of Spanish colonists, African slaves and Taino natives, and most of them don’t speak any English. They may technically be United States citizens but they share little common history or ancestry with Americans and are clearly a nation that developed separately from our own. And what could indicate a clearer sense of alienation from the United States than the fact that Puerto Rico has its own Olympic team?

Puerto Ricans, meanwhile, have many gripes with what they perceive as their American overlords. For example, even before this latest hurricane-induced crisis, a major problem for Puerto Rico was their inability to conduct trade independently. According to U.S. law, goods must travel between Puerto Rican and mainland American ports on American-made vessels before they are exported or imported. This weakens Puerto Rico’s economy.

The best solution would be to let Puerto Rico become an independent country, free to make its own decisions and responsible for its own problems. This could be done amicably and generously. Since we pay the island tens of billions of dollars every year in welfare payments, we could easily pay off their debt and give them post-hurricane humanitarian aid as incentives to independence.

We could also offer remigration cash incentives for Puerto Ricans living in America who are willing to give up their U.S. citizenship and move to the island. This would not only be an opportunity for the Puerto Rican diaspora in the United States to reunite with their people, but also a great way to reverse the brain-drain. Over the past century, many of the more intelligent and hard-working Puerto Ricans moved to the mainland for better opportunities. The 2010 U.S. Census counted the number of Puerto Ricans living in America at 4.6 million, making it America’s second-largest Hispanic group after Mexicans. This represents a tremendous loss in cultural, economic, and human capital for the island.

Finally, we could offer military protection and economic advice for a couple decades. Chile took economic advice from free-market economists from the University of Chicago and the economy boomed. With the right advice and incentives, Puerto Rico could experience a similar economic rebound.

Separation would come with an expensive up-front price tag for us, but it would save Americans money in the long run and would give Puerto Rico full control over its culture and destiny.

CLICK HERE – Trump tweets that “federal aid won’t last forever.”