Trump takes command in the Year of the Rooster. Click here to BIG JOE tells it all. Go Big Joe. My Man tells it like it is.  Listen up you Deplorable losers, if you don’t like it here go to Cuba; go to Venezuela.

  Trump is hitting the road running. He has put a stake in the ground, a line in the sand. However, this does not sit well with the illegals and their cohort liberals who continue to seek the destruction of our country. Round em up, put them in jail and send them back to where they came from. That is our rallying cry.

These people aren’t Americans. Why are they coming here? The one simple truth is for “economic reasons.”  Why don’t they go to Venezuela? Because the economy is a disaster, the people work for a pittance, the economy is in shambles.

The Syrian fiasco is over; why come here when you can build anew. It is your country, you belong there, not here. The United States is a melting pot – integration has always been our policy. Your philosophy is segregation, not assimilation. Very few of you will ever accept our culture; Europe is a proving ground – Islamic ghettos abound in France, England, Belgium. Your ultimate objective is the takeover of Western Civilization. It won’t happen on the Trump watch – count on it. 

Vetting those who want to come to the United States is the sane thing to do. Seven countries are on the list that Trump identified as being the home of Islamic Jihadists whose intent is to destroy America. BTW, these seven countries are the same ones Obama focused on.

The progressive destroyers of America now find themselves on the outside looking in. Muslims have been caught in the lurch. Homeland Security is doing the job they are charged with.  Chaos reigned! You come to America, you obey our laws. Simple as that. We are not a stepping stone for those who seek our demise. We suggest that those who choose to come here, don’t. Go to Venezuela, they love Muslims. You will receive a very warm welcome there. The socialist destroyed the country perhaps you can build it back up with the help of Allah. 



Demonstrations have inundated America with demands; from women’s rights to protecting illegals, to opening the borders, to abortions for all including the support of the LBGTQ agenda.  The Rainbow coalition has become the main stream of the Democratic party. There is no middle ground here, only radical political speak. They are now on the outside looking in; a shame to be in the prone position.

Democrat hubris has manifested itself, not only in cities, but in the ongoing process in the legal arena. Trump’s picks for cabinet positions have been blasted from the left, leaving them in the lurch. Don’t forget that all of Obama’s were given the green light in short order. Cry baby Democrats will never accept defeat; one that was brought on by themselves in smoke filled rooms at that.

Blaming the past for present actions has become paramount. What happened 200 years ago and for the matter what happened five, ten, twenty, thirty, forty or fifty years ago was to blame events for their belligerent behaviour. The excuse “I am not to blame” past circumstances made me do it.”  Anarchy in the streets prevails. It will continue on but we won’t despair.  Trump’s victory has incited these  Kent State type revolutionaries to protest an America that has given them everything for free.  But they are not satisfied, their fictional desires are only a pipe dream, they live in fantasyland. Only a few years removed from diapers they see a villain in their midst and go into tantrums. We have a solution for these Castro/Ché sucking rebels, go to Cuba, go to Iraq, go to Iran, go to Syria. Your one way ticket is waiting for you.

Hillary Jail the Bird did not win. She is a two time loser. Get over it! However, we can tell you if she did win what would have happened. THE MILITARY WOULD OF HAD NO CHOICE BUT TO STEP IN. For one, the Supreme Court would have been stuffed with liberal progressives with similar agenda’s as Kagan and Sotomayor. Ones that legislated from the bench, not by precedent(stare decisis), but by their own personal experience. The welfare state would have been launched -FREE EVERYTHING; free tuition, free food, free clothes, free medical care, free homes, free flats, free drugs and free sex – Bill would like that. And in the end we would have been ANOTHER VENEZUELA. Of course that is not about to happen under Trump.

Nirvana is not coming in from the clouds. Additionally, Israel would have been forced to go it alone; and we know the mushroom cloud would soon rise in the Middle East. The early formation of the mushroom cloud.No stopping North Korea from its nuclear exuberance, no Mad Dog Mattis in charge, but leftover peaceniks ala Dr. Moonbeam Brown from the California Institute of the Insane as he continues blowing smoke up the butt hole of America’s enemies. Under Clinton, the military industrial complex would be caput, the United Nations would be our comrade in arms. In other words, the HEADS OF WOODSTOCK Woodstock poster.jpgwould prevail in setting the agenda. And so it is not to be: thank God.





Yes we did it, we talked the talk and now Trump is talking the walk.  Only a week has gone by and President Trump (doesn’t that sound good?) has instituted several measures through the use of “Executive Orders.” He had a good teacher, Barack Hussein Obama. Obama’s rule was best described as a dictatorial in your face like it or not.  Most if not all of his actions were partisan; Not one Republican signed on to Obamacare. That is where the problem lies, what can be done by one man can be outdone by one man. Orders were given this week by Trump to eviscerate the individual mandate sending a shiv right into Obama’s heart. By no means is this the end, but the beginning.

Orders went out to prevent citizens from several countries, mostly Muslim, to enter the United States. Of course there were cries from the far left. Their concern was that Trump was singling out Muslims. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Yemen and Somalia topped the list. Referring to Christians Trump said, “We are going to help them.” “They’ve been horribly treated. Do you know if you were a Christian in Syria it was impossible, at least very tough, to get into the United States?”

He didn’t stop there by including countries south of the border, including Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and more. He knows who commits the most crime in America. This is no laughing matter. United States agencies, sanctuary cities, judges and other law enforcement officers (get it – law enforcement officers – that is a misnomer if we every saw one, either fail to enforce the law or maximize sentences or kick the criminals out for good. How can we be safe if illegal criminals continue to live here.

However, this is the start, it gets better. For instance, orders were put out to stop the global warmers at the EPA fro talking climate change. From the past anecdotal evidence public comments were biased, facts skewed and agenda pushed. Those with facts contradicting the warmers were silenced or fired. Big Government was silenced too; orders went out regarding a hiring freeze. Regarding Obamacare, all public relations, public announcements and such were to be vetted before issued. See below for the edict given to “SQUEAKY”

From “Will There Be An Internal Revolt Against Trump?” by Tevi Troy, in the February issue of Commentary:

My first face-to-face encounter with the federal bureaucracy came on January 22, 2001. I was the deputy director of a “parachute team” for incoming president George W. Bush, and our job was to “secure the beachhead” at the Department of Labor on the first day of the new administration. (The political realm loves to borrow military metaphors.) That meant stopping the department from issuing guidance, rules, and statements that reflected the views of the departing Clinton administration. The most important tactical objective in this mission, we were told, was this: Secure the fax machine! (It was 2001, after all.) At that time, there was one specially designated fax machine used to send new regulatory language to the Federal Register, which publishes all newly minted regulations. There was a bureaucrat I’ll call Mitchell Sykes whose job it was to man that fax machine. We were to find Sykes and stop him from doing anything.

We were barely in the door when the cultural differences between the federal bureaucracy and the rest of America became apparent. We arrived at 8 a.m. The vast majority of career officials, we learned, did not arrive at 8 a.m. So we had trouble finding Mitchell Sykes. We began asking around and were met with shrugs and unknowing looks. The director of the parachute team began to grow agitated. His face reddened, his voice rose, and he slammed the table once or twice. Finally, well after 10, more than two hours after we had first arrived, we were told that Mitchell Sykes was outside our office. With great anticipation, we looked to the door to catch our first glimpse of the all-powerful bureaucratic potentate, the man who controlled the entire Federal Register for the $12 billion, 17,000-strong behemoth called the Department of Labor. And in walked . . . a nebbish. Balding, bespectacled, with J.C. Penney slacks hiked up above his waist. In a somewhat high-pitched voice, he introduced himself: “Hi, I’m Mitchell.”

The parachute team director looked at him and hesitated a moment, wondering if this could really be the man we were seeking, then asked, “Are you Mitchell Sykes?”

“Yes,” he responded meekly.

The director said: “I want you to stop sending all regulations to the Federal Register right now.”

“OK,” Sykes squeaked.


Agenda 21, World Without Borders, the zeitgeist of George Soros and the United Nations. All of their programs will force the elimination of secure borders. Their commonality is the destruction of Western Civilization. It goes without saying that the Climatologists have the same agenda; going back in time to the age of Wilma and Freddie FlintstoneThe Flintstones.jpgTrump has has already eviscerated the climate change agenda from the White House web site.

We see the carnage that has taken place in Europe due to the refugee crisis; rapes, murders and suicide bombers have laced the land. Animals behavior prevails, young women are hunted by Muslim extremists, sections of cities are off limits to local governments look the other way. Their failure to act has only hardened the populist movement to stop the globalist in his tracks. The refugee now dictates policies.  The globalist ultimate aim is the subversion and the ultimate destruction of the Nation State.

The European Union Circle of 12 gold stars on a blue backgroundcame into being with the same goal in mind, open borders, cross country travel without vetting. EU policies aim to ensure the free movement of people, This has paved the way to Brexit in addition to the rise of nationalist parties. Marie Le Pen in France and Geert Wilders in the Netherlands have stated their case. The America people have stated their case. Obama’s world vision has been trashed.Agenda 21 Cover.gif

Americans are fed up with Big Government, fed up with the Political Elite forcing us to accept their vision of the world, fed up with being pushed around by Washington, fed up by inner city crime, fed up by Latin American gangs infesting major cities, fed up when governments condone the criminal, fed up when liberal judges let criminals go, fed up with generations on welfare, fed up with parasites leaching off government subsidies; WE ARE FED UP.


This is High Noon! A marshall, personally compelled to face a returning deadly enemy, finds that his own town refuses to help him. This theme remind us of the Republicans who failed to get on the Trump bandwagon early on? The deadly enemy in this case was Obama’s alter ego, Hillary “Jail the Bird” Clinton. Well, High Noon is here, coming to Washington D.C. on Friday. There is a New Marshall in town, his name, Donald J. Trump. His charge, to drain the swamp once and for all.High Noon Poster

TRILLIONS of DOLLARS a year are sucked out of the economy. Programs such as agriculture which administers school lunches, feasts on one billion a year in fraud. The Earned Income Credit, an IRS boondoggle shoves out another billion a year to illegal aliens; our money. Welfare to the rich, tax breaks and ubiquitous write-offs will be rationalized, leveling the playing field. “Take Our Country Back.”

Talking about welfare to the rich we would be remiss without mentioning farmers and their sacrosanct government subsidies.. Their fields must be fertilized with their dollars not ours; the average farmer is worth $2.5 million dollars. The new administration needs to cull their fields once and for all. We say peanuts to peanut farmers and all the rest of the cry baby farmers eating caviar from our table.

Yesterday, fear spread quickly across government agencies. They heard the possibility of 10 to 20 percent cuts across the board. Rationalization is a long time coming, the hammer and sickle is necessary to separate the wheat from the chaff. 

Departments of energy, education and agriculture are on the table; Trump will cut them to the bone. To repeat we will be remiss if we did not bring up the (click)Mother of All Frauds, Social Security Disability. Millions upon millions are collecting from the government. Click here for a prior post on the Disability fraud in Puerto Rico.

The taxpayer pays for government employees to feast like a hog while they give their sweat to make ends meet. Time to stop this nonsense. Money for workers, scraps for government employees.

Click here for Donald J. Trump’s website. Make America Great Again stop Big Government now!

Trump will be the Action Jackson PresidentAction Jackson film poster.jpg


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
Garbage still inhabits the streets of our inner cities. Dr. King would be appalled at the number of murders in Chicago and Newark in 2016. Have the leaders of his movement shown any progress in solving the hood problem? And why? Because they don’t care! They only give lip service to those who seek help. But times they are a chang’in.


John Gotti was crowned the head the Gambino Crime Family becoming the “King of the Volcano” by knocking off those who did not know the way of the street. You could say that Donald Trump knows the way of the street better than all of the Republican and Democrat challengers he faced in 2016. The street is composed of regular people, not those elitists who who dictate to them.

November 8 turned out to be a wake-up call to those mental midgets. Many Republicans failed to grasp the Trump movement, some of them are sore losers, such as Kasich from Illinois. Others now find themselves not in the backseat but on the running board. Democrats on the other hand are now living in fear and they should be. These pollywog buffoons no how to destroy a good thing; America. And they have paid for it in spades. Congratulations to their self immolation. We enjoyed their flameout. They can protest until hell freezes over, but it won’t do them any good. Instead of working with moderate Republicans during the past eight years, they snubbed them. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi armed themselves to the teeth, pulling every trick in the book to pass Obamacare. Obama in a rage stood down at the United Nations when the stakes for Israel were the highest. John Kerry, another lying snake in the grass, tries to explain the United States stance against Israel and their rightful place in Jerusalem. History records the facts not Obama’s pipe dream.

Friday will come, but it will not be gone. It will be a day that lives in infamy; Washington will be turned upside down. 


RONALD REAGAN‘s warning of future Obamas.



President-elect Donald Trump’s pledge to build a U.S.-Mexico wall has touched off a fierce debate in the U.S. border towns that would be most affected – with local Democrats vowing to fight Trump tooth and nail if he proceeds.

“Mexico is an ally, not an enemy,” Rep. Filemon Vela, D-Texas, told “It is our second-largest trading partner, and building a wall between two countries with such important ties is a senseless and wasteful exercise.”

Vela is a colorful Trump critic. He made headlines after calling the president-elect’s illegal immigrant policies “hateful, dehumanizing, and frankly shameful.” In a public letter, he also advised Trump to “take your border wall and shove it up your ass.”