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Monthly Archives: February 2018
We all know what Obama, the Jew hating Muslim Brotherhood aficionado, did everything in his power to give the Mullahs in Iran a nuclear bomb. It is clear as a day in the Iranian desert. Obama did his job well. However, the new administration did not take kindly to the deal. And so it is that the Iranians have been testing our resolve. But this is not the only thing they have been testing, for instance their intrusion into Syria is testing Israel’s resolve too.
Yesterday, Iranian provocation resulted in one of their drones downed by an Israeli helicopter. This was not an ordinary drone, but one with stealth capabilities including transitional operations most likely including surveying Israeli territory. However, Israel was not fooled by the Iranian drone which was blasted out of the sky.
This incident was the start of what could be a major confrontation in terms of destruction. Iran may talk big, but currently don’t have the muscle to back it up. According to think tanks, Israel is in possession of numerous weapons, some of them nuclear, that are ready for the time when needed to address a threat. That time is coming closer by the second. Don’t count out the Israel air force, who by the way is second to none, that possesses technology only scene in video games. They are itching to show off their prowl. In yesterday’s confrontation one of their F-16 was hit with the pilot and gunner parachuting to safety; the jet landing in Israeli territory. Israel is not going to let this encounter go without punitive action.
The infiltrator drone was discovered to have been part of a whole fleet of advanced armed Saegheh UAVs housed at the T-4 base. The second wave of Israeli air strikes against 12 Syrian and Iranian targets decimated this fleet. Most importantly, the drone intrusion and its sequel exposed the incident to have been no one-off, but part of a calculated Iranian plot against Israel at the highest level, that was coordinated in advance with the Russian air force, which shares the use of T-4, and the Syrian air defense systems, which operate under Russian command. It is equally important to note that Iran brought its Saegheh UAV’s to Syria with Moscow’s consent.
The current theater is Syria which is the focus of Israel, but that may change because of the brazen act by Iran of flying a drone over Israel territory. Israel is licking their chops at a chance to destroy Iran’s ballistic missile program and their heavy water research labs that Iran believes are bomb proof. Bunker buster bombs have been used before by the United States. Don’t put it past the United States to pass one on to Israel for use in Iran. When one of these drops it sends a message loud and clear.
If that doesn’t get the mullahs attention for sure a fissionable heater will. These types of armaments take no prisoners. And if one of these sees action it will set in motion a far greater conflict. Iran can’t afford to be the testing ground until they perfect their Big Boy in seven more years. However, we believe their means of transportation will be targeted by Israel a lot sooner.
Make no mistake about it, liberals are against freedom of the press, freedom of religion, the right to bare arms. It goes without saying that the liberal agenda is to suppress alternate view points. This is the same authoritarian thinking of tyrants. We point to the dictators of the past.
Five people were arrested as fights broke out and at least one American flag was burned Saturday after a college Republican rally in Seattle drew counter-protesters. This is another example of the vehement hate of the Left. To allow alternate views is an attack on them. Therefore, they must stop free speech that speaks the truth at all costs.
After a raucous 2017 event featuring Gateway Pundit writer Lucian Wintrich, conservative author Ben Shapiro was allowed to speak at the University of Connecticut on Wednesday.
Shapiro said that campus security and law enforcement did their job and that he did not have a lot of disruption during his speech. However, Shapiro told Laura Ingraham that the college restricted access to his speech and decided to offer formal counseling to those hurt by the fact he was visiting the Storrs, Conn. campus.
Click here for Ben Shapiro at Berkeley (a worthwhile youTube video).
The campus and surrounding Berkeley streets were under tight security after a series of previous events turned violent.
City and campus officials anticipated protests against Shapiro, and prepared for possible violence with a variety of new strategies and tightened security. It was not immediately clear whether the people arrested Thursday were protesters.
The Berkeley College Republicans invited right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos to speak last February, but the event was abruptly canceled when masked left-wing anarchists rioted outside the event to shut it down.
A planned speech by author Ann Coulter was canceled in April.
Police with riot gear surrounded the plaza outside Zellerbach Hall, where Shapiro spoke.
For the first time in two decades, officers were armed with pepper spray after the city council modified a 1997 ban at an emergency meeting this week.
“We have seen extremists on the left and right in our city,” said Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin, a Democrat who backed the police request to use pepper spray. “We need to make sure violence is not allowed.”
Back in time when Brandeis University of all places prevented Ayaan Hirsi Ali from speaking on campus. This was a deplorable decision by the University named after a Supreme Court Justice. It cast a black mark across the iconic University.
Islam critic Ayaan Hirsi Ali speaks out on Brandeis decision to withdraw degree
Exclusive: Ayaan Hirsi Ali on withdrawal of honorary degree
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a staunch critic of Islam and its treatment of women who was supposed to receive an honorary degree from Brandeis University only to have it withdrawn amid criticism of her political positions, told Megyn Kelly Wednesday that she wasn’t surpised by the school’s decision.
“Everytime I say, ‘hey, it’s important that we talk about this’ … you have people like (the Council on American-Islamic Relations) who deny this,” Ali said on “The Kelly File.” “This should be addressed.”
Ali said she wasn’t surprised that the degree was rescinded, though she said she was surprised it was offered in the first place.
“I’m used to it,” Ali said. “What surprised me is the decision by Brandeis, first to say we want to give you this honor, we know what you do. In the age of Google, all of this is out there, it’s all public.”
She went on to speculate that the decision was motivated in part by a fear of offending Muslims.
Keith Ellison was put forward as the new head honcho of the DNC by none other than top Jew Charles Schumer. Who ever would believe that a pro Israel liberal progressive, remember he voted against the Iran deal, would support an anti-Semite. Well he did! But there was blowback – in the end it didn’t happen. However, new information has surfaced that ties Ellison to Farrakhan and Iran’s mullah in chief, Hassan Rouhani.
Ellison turns out to be a liar when addressing his everlasting love for anti-Semites like himself. He previously disavowed hi anti-Semite ways during the heated DNC contest. When it came out that he met with Farrakhan and Rouhani, he did what all liberals do when accused, he called it a smear campaign. But it happened. He was an invited guest of Rouhani’s to a dinner after addressing the United Nations in 2013. Also at the dinner was Muslim brother Andre Carson of Indiana.
When asked to comment about these meetings, Mr. Schumer, Ellison and Carson had no comment. Why do Jewish members of congress keep their mouth shut when their colleagues continue to sow hatred? Time for Schumer and others in the Jewish community who supported Ellison answer why?
The Chinese checker game claimed another victim this past week. Yes, the Pope was eaten by the Chinese Dragon. China policy is Marxist and hard line Communist. There is no room for religion in China. The Holy See has acquiesced to the demands of Xi, he acknowledged the appointment by the Chinese government to select seven Bishops. Effectively the Pope is now a pawn, no longer King Maker. China, a habitual violator of religious practices, is tightening the grip on Catholics and their freedom to worship. The Pope has sold out the 250,000,000 Chinese who pray to God for their right to practice their religion in the Communist country.
We don’t have to go into the crimes committed by the government of Turkey, but we will. Turkey has killed millions of Christians over the past dozen centuries, but their most heinous crime is the murder of 1.5 million Armenians during WWI. Turkey, to this day, will not admit to their crime. Read the Hagia Sophia story below. The savage beast now is exchanging spit with the Pope who denounces the United States stance on Jerusalem. We call on President Trump to recognize the Armenian Genocide and finally announce to the world world what these Turkish Nazis did.
Anadolu Agency, a state-run Turkish news agency, said Erdogan and Francis also expressed the need to avoid “provocative statements that link Islam with terrorism.” Can you believe this saying? Erdogan is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, a recognized terrorist organization across the world.
The pope and Erdogan previously met when Francis visited Turkey in 2014. The Vatican communique issued Monday made no mention of the widespread international criticism of Turkey’s human rights’ record, including the arrests and firings of tens of thousands of Turkish citizens after a failed coup in 2016.
Turkey last month launched a military offensive in a Kurdish-held enclave in Syria. The Turkish government says the U.S.-backed Syrian Kurdish militia there to be a terrorist organization and an extension of Kurdish insurgents fighting within Turkey.
Both the Turkish and Vatican sides described the private talks as cordial. Francis and Erdogan have made plain their concern over the Trump Administration’s decision two months ago to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
The diminutive saber rattler head of Turkey talks big, but the U.S will soon make him back them up and walk big. What brings us to this conclusion? Two fold, first of all this Muslim Brotherhood anti U.S., Jew hater, Israel basher demands the United States stay out of the Syrian north (Afrin). A demand that will fall on death ears.
Imagine a neutered steer up against a bull; no contest. As we have posted in the past concerning this Napoleon wannabee, we soon will see the bull converted to a steer (a steer is a bull without the cajones) by the KURDS coalition forces. We look forward to it. Threatening the United States on more than one occasion has tested our patience. Now he threatens us large.
Syria war: Turkey denounces US ‘terror army’ plan for border
Key powers involved in Syria’s civil war have criticised US plans to help an allied Kurdish-led militia set up a 30,000-strong “border security force”.
Turkey’s president vowed to “suffocate” efforts to begin training members of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and create what he called a “terror army”.
(click)Ankara considers Kurds fighting for the SDF to be part of a terrorist group.
Syria’s government decried the “blatant attack” on its sovereignty, and Russia warned it could lead to partition.
With the help of air strikes from a US-led coalition, the SDF has captured tens of thousands of square kilometres of territory from Islamic State (IS) militants.
In October, the alliance took full control of the northern city of Raqqa, the de facto capital of the “caliphate” declared by the jihadist group in 2014. Since then, SDF fighters have been advancing south-eastwards along the Euphrates river valley.
The coalition said on Monday that its goal was to create a force with about 30,000 personnel “over the next several years”. About half will be Kurdish and Arab SDF fighters and the other half new recruits.
We have previously addressed the suicide bomber who rules Turkey; a wild man with an iron fist rule. A trouble maker consistently fanning the flames of all those who hate Islam. A Muslim miscreant, he has now drawn the wrath of Germany and the Netherlands. How? by calling Netherlands policy of stopping Turkish rallies a Nazi tactic. Germany is aghast, Merkel was shocked that the term Nazis was used. In fact the Nazi is Erdogan, he is guilty of stifling free speech, jailed thousands, firing hundreds of thousands of judges, police, military, imams, foreigners, intellectuals, elitists and the usual suspects; he shut down the free press and demand the United States hand over Fetullah Gulen.
Turkey is now run by the same thugs that toppled Egypt’s Morsi. One thing stands out here, Turkey is a member of Nato. Obama never weighted in on the Turkish situation because, like Erdogan, Obama is a secret member of the Brotherhood.
Remember his reaction when the General al-Sisi interrupted Morsi’s reign of suppressing the freedoms of its citizens. Obama went berserk, stopped military aid, halted imports and pulled our Diplomatic core. This did not happen in Turkey and we know why. Obama is one of them. But now Trump rules – he is not about to bow to Allah.
NATO and the United States looks the other way when it is to their advantage, Turkey is strategically located enabling NATO and the U.S. coalition to use Turkish airspace; Turkey needs to be fore warned that their place in history will be dictated by their actions against the NATO countries and their diplomatic transgressions. For instance their sending weapons to the Palestinians aboard the MV Mavi Marmara. Israel intercepted the MV in international waters during its voyage to Gaza. Fighting erupted and 9 members on the MV were killed.
Click here for Israel and the Kurds. Could this be the reason why Erdogan hates Israel.
The Kurds and Kurdish-speaking Yezidis are once again caught in the grip of the Sunni-Shia vice · Against this background and often isolated, their special relationship with Israel stands out for the good: military advice, equipment and training are only some of the ways Israel has helped the Kurdish struggle for independence · “They only have trust in Israel,” says Brigadier General (res.) Tzuri Sagi, the man who led the Kurds to their stunning victories against Iraq in the sixties and seventies.
Erdogan has unleashed a tirade on the Kurds who make up a substantial number of citizens living in Turkey – approximately 20,000,000. Turkey is afraid of them breaking away. Kurds in Turkey and Iraq have defended themselves against outside forces, particularly the Iraqi shias and the pro-Assad forces.
In the latest act of incitement Erdogan spews vile from his rabid mouth that Israel is “playing with fire” concerning their actions on the Temple Mount. However, Erdogan fails to mention the real crime against humanity is the actions regarding the Hagia Sophia. Once the center of Eastern Christendom, Constantinople competed with Rome.
From the date of its construction in 537 until 1453, it served as a Greek Orthodox cathedral and seat of the Patriarch of Constantinople, except between 1204 and 1261, when it was converted to a Roman Catholic cathedral under the Latin Empire. The building was a mosque from 29 May 1453 until 1931. It was then secularized and opened as a museum on 1 February 1935.
In 1453, Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Turks under Sultan Mehmed II, who ordered this main church of Orthodox Christianity converted into a mosque. By that point, the church had fallen into a state of disrepair. Nevertheless, the Christian cathedral made a strong impression on the new Ottoman rulers and they decided to convert it into a mosque. The bells, altar, iconostasis, and sacrificial vessels and other relics were removed and the mosaics depicting Jesus, his Mother Mary, Christian saints and angels were also removed or plastered over. Islamic features—such as the mihrab, minbar, and four minarets—were added. It remained a mosque until 1931, when it was closed to the public for four years. It was re-opened in 1935 as a museum by the Republic of Turkey. Hagia Sophia is currently (2014) the second-most visited museum in Turkey, attracting almost 3.3 million visitors annually.
Before the world pays attention to this Turkish imbecile they must demand that the Hagia Sophia be restored to its rightful place in history. It is noteworthy to remind those Christians that Turkey once 100% Christian is now outnumbered by Muslims, 80,000,000 to less than 200,000. this is a manifestation of the treatment Christians receive in the Muslim world.
Kurt Sutter wants heads to roll after Sons of Anarchy spoiler leak
Mueller and Sessions are testing America’s patience. What gives? The investigation has gone on long enough.
Mueller, a Democrat mole who will continue the farce of protecting the guilty. Sessions has had his cajones severed many moons ago, once a bull now a steer.
Time to cut bait and while we are at it the time has come to bring in the FIRING squad. Trump’s ratings are soaring, Americans will understand if he takes action. We have witnessed more corruption by the Obama administration than seen in all Latin American countries combined. This internal corruption continues till this day; in all departments stuffed with Democrat partisans who want to take down our PRESIDENT.
Dear President Trump, we sympathize with you. We know that you are burning inside watching this incestuous WITCH HUNT continue on and on.
Please go to Mass Media in prime time and tell your story to the American people; you have been forced to fire Mueller and his team including Rosenstein for sedition; and while at it, Session for incompetence.
Out the FBI employees who tried to take you down. At the same time bring in the big GUN, Chris Christie as Attorney General. An expert when it comes to shooting fish in a barrel. DO IT MR. PRESIDENT, DO IT NOW!
FBI lovebirds’ newly revealed texts appear to link Obama to Trump surveillance
Newly revealed text messages between FBI paramours Peter Strzok and Lisa Page include an exchange about preparing talking points for then-FBI Director James Comey to give to President Obama, who wanted “to know everything we’re doing.”
The message, from Page to Strzok, was among thousands of texts between the lovers reviewed by Fox News. The pair both worked at one point for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.
Page wrote to Strzok on Sept. 2, 2016 about prepping Comey because, “potus wants to know everything we’re doing.” Senate investigators told Fox News this text raises questions about President Obama’s personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation.
In texts previously revealed, Strzok and Page have shown their disdain for Republicans in general, as well as Trump, calling him a “f—ing idiot,” among other insults.
The Obama administration filled its coffers with criminals from A to Z. Obama called on Lois Lerner to deny, delay and refuse to process Tea Party tax exempt applications. Koskinen was in contempt of Congress for his failure to provide IRS records including emails relating to Lerner’s cover-up. Remember that she took the fifth; guilty as charged.
Holder, a gun runner provocateur, responsible for the killing of our border agent Brian A. Terry, 40, was killed northwest of Nogales, Ariz., on Wednesday, Dec. 15, 2010. by a AR-15 that Holder sold to a drug gang. Fast and Furious was the undercover operation; guilty as charged.
Loretta Lynch was whipped hard by Slick Willie on that tarmac in Arizona. He gave her an option, “shut up” or “your brains will be splattered on the tarmac.” Lynch laid down like a cheap whore. This encounter and its suggestion of conflict of interest led FBI director James Comey to take the unorthodox step of holding a press conference on July 5, 2016, where he announced that the bureau’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server would not result in a recommendation to the Department of Justice to indict her. Comey later recalled that Attorney General Lynch had directed him not to call the investigation an “investigation” but instead to call it a “matter.” A direction, Comey said, that “confused me and concerned me.” both her and Comey are guilty as charged.
Fusion GPS was an arm of the Democrat Party and also colluded with members of the FBI. “It is troubling enough that the Clinton campaign funded Mr. Steele’s work, but that these Clinton associates were contemporaneously feeding Mr. Steele allegations raises additional concerns about his credibility,” Grassley and Graham wrote in the Jan. 5 referral. The Democrat National Committee (DNC) hired and paid for information (the Dossier) that was the basis for a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court order to spy on the Trump campaign. Carter Page was the targeted guy. But as it turned out the closet was empty. The information put forth on getting the FISA order was nothing but hearsay and innuendo. However, we must be reminded that Hillary Clinton controlled the DNC and most likely ordered her phalanx of soldiers to get TRUMP anyway you can.
- Key DoJ official’s wife gathered opposition research on Donald Trump for Fusion GPS
- Nellie Ohr was on Fusion GPS staff
- Her husband, Bruce Ohr works at the DoJ and presented that info to FBI officials
Under a contract from the Clinton campaign, the Fusion GPS research firm was paying the wife of a senior Department of Justice official as part of its efforts to gather opposition research on Trump, and the same official then brought that research to the FBI.
Knowledge of the relationship has raised questions about the extent to which the firm may have paid for heightened access to the criminal justice system, and whether they would have hired Nellie Ohr absent her spousal connection to the DoJ.
A declassified memo said Bruce “Ohr’s wife was employed by Fusion GPS to assist in the cultivation of opposition research on Trump. Ohr later provided the FBI with all of his wife’s opposition research, paid for by the DNC and Clinton campaign via Fusion GPS. The Ohrs’ relationship with Steele and Fusion GPS was inexplicably concealed from the” court when it was used to obtain a surveillance warrant.
EXCLUSIVE: Adam Schiff sent his staff to try and collect ‘classified materials for the FBI’ after Russian pranksters told him Putin has NAKED blackmail pictures of Trump
Russian Hustle grabs Adam Schiff
- Adam Schiff, the ranking Democratic member of the House Intel Committee was recorded speaking to Russian pranksters who spun elaborate ‘kompromat’ tale
- He told Vocan and Lexus, two radio pranksters who have also hit Nikki Haley, that he would pass their claims to the FBI in a call made last year
- The duo posed as a fake Ukrainian politician to say Trump had sex with Russian glamour model Olga Buzova after a Miss Universe pageant in 2013
- In the call they said Putin had been passed naked pictures of Trump and now-president had used secret codes for talks with Russians
- Duo gave emails to which showed Schiff’s staff trying to arrange to collect ‘classified’ documents from Ukraine’s embassy in D.C.
- Schiff’s office claimed he was not fooled by the call and reported it to ‘authorities’ but did not explain why his staff kept up correspondence
- Call posted in April 2017 surfaced as Schiff waits to see if Trump will declassify his Democratic version of the Devin Nunes memo which shamed the FBI
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Slang. a contemptibly objectionable or worthless person
Pelosi fits the description to a “T”. To her the tax overhaul which will put billions of dollars in the pockets of Americans of all stripes has earned her contempt. What ever it is, $2000, $3000, $4000, $5000 or more, they are crumbs to Pelosi. Better yet we knew all along that Pelosi is lower than dirt; a despicable human being. One who thinks that illegals have more rights than the citizens of the United States. To call her a crumb does not even describe her.
President Trump: Nancy Pelosi’s Crumbs Remarks On Worker Bonuses Could Be The New Deplorable Slur
I guess the silver lining here is that Democrats seem to be shifting away from trashing American workers by saying their $1,000+ bonuses, some companies are handing out $3,000 checks, are “crumbs.” The Democratic Party tried to screw Trump over, and it’s failed miserably. For starters, they voted against a middle class tax cut, the American worker, and economic growth. Since the GOP tax cut bill was signed into law, over three million workers have received bonuses, over 250 companies have handed them out, while announcing that they will increase employee investments and charitable giving.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is being shunned by members of her own party for downplaying the benefits of tax reform. Rep. Joseph Crowley (D-NY) informed Pelosi that $1,000 bonuses were not “chump change.”
According to the United States Census Bureau Supplemental Poverty Measure, California has the highest poverty rate in the country. One in five people in California are living in poverty and the state’s residents account for 33% of all those on welfare in the United States, despite the state only being 12% of the country’s population. The state spent $958 billion on welfare programs between 1992-2015. According to the study, 60% of Californians are jobless and living in poverty.
One contributing factor to their high poverty levels is their lack of affordable housing. Housing in California has become increasingly out of reach for the middle class due to building regulations and space constraints. This has caused housing to consume far more of the average residents income than in other parts of the country, leaving them with less money for food, transportation, healthcare and other services.
Deep Destruction by the Enemies Within
The phony hue-and-cry from the disloyal Democrat Party, that Trump and the Republicans are out to smear and besmirch the ever-so-pristine FBI is just the latest in their massive cover-up of criminal corruption of our government that has been going on since at least the 1990s. Today’s college students and millennials were too young, or not even born, when the Clintons were caught with as many as 900 FBI files containing security clearance information on individuals considered political enemies of the Clintons. Hillary Clinton’s actual – not figurative – fingerprints were found on the documents. But like everything else where Democrats have been caught red-handed (pun intended?), the Clintons were “exonerated”. The person(s) at the FBI responsible for providing the files was never named, much less disciplined/fired/prosecuted. Thus, the notion that the FBI is squeaky clean, and that the Democrats have not turned it into a political bludgeon to bash conservatives and Republicans with, is pure, unadulterated, bald-faced lying, ________(fill in the blank).
The list of Clinton “scandals” is huge (, and they got away with all of them. The cover-ups were crude, but when the political Establishment on both sides goes into Protect Your Own mode, We, the People don’t stand a chance of seeing justice done. Occasionally, a low-ranking scapegoat will be sacrificed, but the real guilty parties, the high level politicos, never even get a slap on the wrist.
G.W. Bush, for whatever reason(s) allowed the Democrats to continue their destructive rampages throughout his two terms as president. He rolled over and let them drive two of his attorneys general out of office, and hamstring him in his pursuit of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars among many other things. And then came Obama.
Obama is the epitome of political fraud and corruption. His entire personal history was locked up, safe from the prying eyes of the American Public. Instead of the true picture of a dope and cigarette smoking, radical Muslim sympathizer, and racist, America-hating communist, the media created a totally fake image of a brilliant scholar, concerned only with the well-being of the country he wanted to destroy. With the total backing of the Ministry of Leftist Propaganda, aka, the “mainstream” media, and orders from myriad fascist puppet-master Democrat billionaires and multi-millionaires like George Soros and Tom Steyers, Obama and his cronies, including Hillary Clinton, proceeded to compile their own list of “scandals”:
Fast and Furious Mexican cartel gun running scheme
Solyndra, and many more “green energy” scams
Obamacare website scandal
Seal Team chopper shot down
Clinton foundation fleecing Haiti earthquake funds
IRS targeting conservatives
Uranium One, U.S. uranium sale to Russia
Benghazi attacks and the rape and murder of gay American Ambassador and personal Clinton friend, J. Christopher Stevens
Iran Deal with Cash Bribery, and Hezbollah drug running allowed
Massive influx of illegals and refugees invited in by Obama to transform the USA
Boston marathon, Orlando, San Bernardino Islamic Jihadist attacks
Kate Steinle murder, brought massive illegal immigrant violent crime wave to the forefront
The botched handling of the Syrian Civil War intervention that allowed the rise of ISIS
Massive migrant/refugee crisis
EU plagued by massive migrant invasion and militant attacks
Clinton email scandal in which Team Clinton “loses/destroys” 30,000 emails, and over 20 devices ordered turned in
Planned parenthood busted selling body parts, but not charged, much less prosecuted
Police officers attacked all over the USA by Black Lives Matter sympathizers
Wikileaks revelations on inside DNC/MSM propaganda machine
Weiner laptop National Security scandal
Voter fraud and foreign investment in Clinton campaign
Awan brothers scandal
Comey / Lynch cover up
Violent, Brown-shirt Antifa rises up…
…just to name a few of the more obvious ones. Few, if any Democrats, and certainly zero higher-ups, were ever held responsible for these outrages and flagrant violations of ethics and the law.
Given what he has been up against since he first announced his candidacy for president, Donald Trump has done a truly remarkable job. However, he has committed one major error. He has allowed WAY too many Obama hold-overs and their running-dog accomplices in the federal bureaucracy to remain in their positions of power and influence.
These so-called Deep State people are incredibly dangerous enemies of our individual freedom, of the liberty granted by to us by God, as explained in our Declaration of Independence and codified in our Constitution. Their actions have, as the exposure in the now-unclassified memo on the FISA fraud has shown, were not simply more Democrat dirty tricks, but an all-out attempt to undermine the Republican opposition and in 3rd World totalitarian fashion steal a presidential election, and when that failed, to attempt to undermine, and thus, overthrow our legally and duly elected president. In other words, they attempted a coup d’état. Every one of the people involved, in the FBI, the Department of Justice, the Congress, and the media, and those trying to cover it up or justify it, top to bottom, needs to be brought to justice. What they have done amounts to no less than treason.
No more hands-off or wrist-slaps. We, the People demand justice. At long last.