All posts by thenewbostonteaparty


Without mincing words Donald Trump has given the Republicans something to worry about – POLITICAL CORRECTNESS (PC). For years now the establishment has paid homage to progressive movement; little by little they have inserted their foot in the door.

This week the Donald has caused much ink to be spilled, the cause being his remarks concerning law breaking illegal aliens that have committed crime after crime while in the United States. Unfortunately a couple of days subsequent to Trump’s remarks a criminal from Mexico (five times this murderer was deported according to ICE) shot dead in cold blood an innocent young woman. Read about it here. The city of San Francisco is culpable to this murder. They released him knowing full well that he was to be handed over to ICE. icebadge

According to the Center for Immigration Studies, 23 percent, more than 43,000 illegal aliens, were convicted of drug offenses. The violent crime category of assault, robbery, sexual assault, and family offenses comes to 12 percent. The non-violent crime grouping of larceny, fraud, and burglary totaled seven percent, and on the list goes — equaling 100 percent of illegal aliens who have been through the criminal justice system and inflicted thousands to millions in cost per alien on the system, for issues having nothing to do with their illegal entry into the country.

An FBI crime study also shows heavy illegal alien involvement in criminal activity revealed these statistics:

  • 75 percent of those on the most wanted criminals list in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.
  • One quarter of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals, as are more than 40 percent of all inmates in Arizona and 48 percent in New Mexico jails.
  • Over 53 percent of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens.
  • 63 percent of cited drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that number, 97 percent are illegal aliens. 66 percent of cited drivers in New Mexico have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 66 percent, 98 percent are illegal aliens.
  • Click here to read more. Mexico has exported the drug violence, drug culture, criminal activity to the United States under the auspices of President Obama and political correctness. The time has come to call a spade a space. .muchasgraciasamigo Ten un buen dia amigo.
  • Look for politicians to come to the aid of the Latino community, pandering to them. Of course we know why? There is a Presidential election next year and without the Spanish vote no Republican will see the light of day. Jeb Bush weighs in on Trump’s remarks. One thing which is worth noting, Trump has not walked back his comments. Although they may hurt him financially he has been steadfast in telling it like it is.


For the past few year we have blogged on the criminal element that has saturated Greece, now comes a most lively book detailing the do’s of Greek society; they included a mind boggling number of swindles that would put most Russians to shame.

James Angelos’ The Full Catastrophe: Travels among the New Greek Ruins lays bare the corruption which filtered through all levels of society – from the islanders who pretended to be blind, to the families who forgot to register their parents’ death and the doctors who ‘earn’ just €12,000 a year – yet live in Athens’ most exclusive neighborhood.

It was the rumours of an ‘island of the blind’ which first bought Angelos, a journalist, to Greece in 2011.

He had heard that on Zakynthos, something like two per cent of the population were registered blind.

All was not quite how it seemed, however, and it transpired that 61 of the 680 ‘blind’ residents were quite happily driving around the island.

In fact, an astonishing 498 of those 680 were not blind at all – or even partially sighted.

But being ‘blind’ had its advantages – in particular, the €724 paid in benefits once every two months, and a reduction in utility bills.

It was a scam which could be traced back to one ophthalmologist and one official, which was estimated to have cost the country €9 million.

And, as Angelos discovered, it was only the tip of the iceberg.

How big is the problem of disability benefits fraud, Angelos asked the then-deputy health minister Markos Bolaris.

‘Very big,’ came the accurate, but short, reply.

Indeed, when those claiming disabilities were asked to present themselves at government offices so records could be updated, 36,000 failed to do so.

That translated to an immediate saving for the government of €100m a year.

But the fraud was certainly not confined to just disability benefits.

When the government chose to take a closer look at who they were paying pensions to, they found a slightly suspicious 8,500 pensioners had surpassed the milestone age of 100.

An even closer look revealed, 40,000 pension claims were fraudulent. It seems people were forgetting to register their loved ones’ deaths.

It’s not that these scams were not known about before, of course.

A Daily Mail investigation in 2011 revealed the subway system was essentially free for the five million residents of Athens – because, with no barriers, it relied on an honesty system which few were honest enough to use.

It described street after street of opulent mansions and villas, surrounded by high walls and with their own pools, which, on paper, were the homes of virtual paupers.

They were all allowed to declare their own income for tax purposes – and officially, they were only earning €12,000 – or a paltry £8,500 – a year, below the tax threshold.

Apparently, only 5,000 people admitted to earning more than £90,000 a year – prompting one economist to describe Greece as a ‘poor country full of rich people’.

The lengths these doctors, lawyers and businessmen would go to to hide their wealth from the government was, it has to be said, impressive.

According to official records, just over 300 homes in Athens’ most exclusive neighbourhood had swimming pools, and had paid the resulting tax for such a luxury.

But when the government decided to have a look on Google Earth, it became clear these residents hadn’t been totally honest.

The real figure for swimming pools in the area is believed to be closer to 20,000.

But instead of coming clean, there was a boom in sales of camouflage tarpaulins to conceal their existence from the tax inspectors flying over the gardens.

And then there are the tales which seem to be more down to incompetence, rather than actual fraud.

In particular, there is the tale of treasury employee Savvas Saltouridis, who used an Uzi submachine gun to murder the mayor of his Greek mountain town in 2009, who remained on the municipal payroll for years afterwards – even though he was languishing in jail.

He was taking advantage of the complex disciplinary system

Angelos, then working for the Wall Street Journal, was told by retired clerk Apostolos Tsiakiris, who took over as mayor after the killing: ‘You can’t be a murderer and keep getting paid.

‘That doesn’t happen in any other government.’

But what do when so many are cheating the system? It is estimated tax evasion alone might be costing the country as much as €20billion a year in lost revenue, while years of benefit fraud will certainly have added up.

But when Angelos suggested punishing those who tried to play the system, he was given a straight forward – if depressing – answer.

‘If you start putting people in jail, maybe you’ll have to put half of Greece in jail,’ an official said.

Tax evasion: But it is not just people claiming benefits when they shouldn't. Some of the richest people in the country go out of their way to avoid paying tax - claiming they only earn £8,500 a year

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Quotes form the progressive anti-Constitution zealots:

Nancy Pelosi: referring to the Tea Party “We call it astroturf

Janet Napolitano: referring to 2nd Amendment aficionados as Terrorists

Harry Reid: called Tea Party folks “Anarchists”

We remind those who call those in the Tea Party insidious names of the following facts. The Tea Party is glad to stand in the shoes of past terrorists, past anarchists, past astroturf, to name three, they are John Adams, Sam Adams, John Hancock, all brave men who stood for liberty at a time of tyranny. Today we carry on their tradition as the Sons and Daughters of Liberty. We will never give up the fight to be free and live our lives without government intervention.

If they can call us insidious we have every right to call them Criminals and they reside in Washington D.C. 

Have a Happy 4th of July. Celebrate Independence Day. gadsdenflag


As ISIS continues their crusade establishing a Salafi CaliphateSelimiye Camii ve Mavi Gökyüzü.jpg in the Levant, the world ponders. As it stands now, the West cannot  deal with the surge in violence.. Although a major attack on a western country has not yet occurred the expectation of one is real; as ISIS has its designs on more lucrative territory.

For instance they are raising havoc in countries that are far removed from the fight. Daily, we have seen recruits from Australia, England, France, Canada and the United States join the marauding armies of ISIS. So far this has not caused a code red, but rest assured one will be hoisted in the very new future. Thousands will join together when called upon by a twitter flash mob to wreck a havoc Middle East style; a suicide bomb here, a beheading, a police station attack will call into question the West’s readiness to up the fight.

President Obama will once again yellow pants at the first attack on the homeland. We have seen this time and time again. The Kurds are in the fight of their lives, but what does Obama do, he withholds the weapons necessary for them to defend themselves. They have nowhere to turn for weapons now but to Saudi Arabia. The fight is on.

The United States foreign policy channels Neville Chamberlain, “peace of our time.”  Obama is not a man; his failure to take up the fight manifests his inner desire to exchange spit with Czar Putin. Proof of this is weak fight against Syria’s Bashar al-Assad . Most of all Obama extends diplomatic relations with the Castro’s who by the way have killed thousands of innocents over the past five decades. Additionally, he lambastes Israel and serves up a filet mignon nuclear agreement with the Ayatollah dirt bags.

An attack on the homeland will come sooner rather than later and when it does the 2016 Presidential race will turn on a dime. Watch out America, you have seen nothing yet; 9-11 will look like gang violence compared to what is to come.


As we celebrate Independence Day on July 4 it is important to remember the days leading up to our break from Great Britain. Click here for the story of the 4th of July.  fireworksindc2


WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.

WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The History of the present King of Great-Britain is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To The Declaration of Independenceprove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid World.

Those of us know that we are closer to the “abolish” the present government than most people realize. God only know what event will trigger the 2nd revolution. But we do know that “REVOLUTION IS THE SOLUTION” to the tyranny we now live under.


The Democrat hierarchy is beginning to sweat bullets, Bernie bullets. What seemed to be a shoe-in, a coronation in kind, a reward for past transgressions an odds on favorite no less, a lead pipe cinch to slide into glory has now turned into something like a mad scramble. We like this; for it will require debate.

The powers to be do not want a debate, they expected an easy campaign rolling into victory night. Well, well, well. Think of the way the Republicans tore each other apart like carnivorous dogs in 2012; wasn’t it a pleasure seeing their blood flowing; “can you help me with that?”

A bloody spectator sport is politics and it ain’t gonna get easy for Ms. Foggy Bottom. In case you haven’t noticed Bernie Sanders is on a roll, crowds are starting to swell, these aren’t the old fart types who idol HRC, but a new generation of enthusiasts, a coalition brought together to say no to politics as usual, they are that is sick and tired of being pushed to accept the smoked fill room candidate. A challenge to the old guard may be in the cards.

Imagine a debate where Hillary slips and slides in the mud, her tarnished reputation will certainly be the focal point and why not? The lady can’t be trusted; she will say anything, do anything, kill anyone if it results in her “moving forward.” Although Hillary has raised $45,000,000 million last quarter. This was expected.

Going back in time to 1968 LBJ (Lyndon Baines Johnson) was thought to be a shoe-in but his reelection was contested by Eugene McCarthy in the early primaries. Obviously the time was very controversial due to the Viet Nam war. Johnson decided to pull the plug announcing he would not run. The ground swell surge that McCarthy, the anti Viet Nam war candidate, was a factor in Johnson’s withdrawing from the race. Could it be that we are seeing a similar pattern here?\

The public is fed up with the Hillary obfuscation regarding Benghazi, the Clinton foundation payola scheme, her appearance fees fees, the E-mail boondoggle to name a few. Also, the nuclear deal which Obama is about to sign has Hillary written all over it. Don’t be surprised if history repeats itself in a Hillary withdrawal.


The words sited in the above title were dispensed by the Governor of Puerto Rico. This is thug talk. To suggest shared sacrifice between debt holders and the parasites who lied, cheated, swindled their way to government free-bees is a non starter. Think of the moxie here, the debt holders came to the rescue time and time again, they might be stupid but they were saviors. No one else would give them credit.

To set the record straight Puerto Rico is a leach paradise, government dispensed lies continued for decades. No politician has survived by telling it like it is. A country that relies on the credit of others is not a country. And so it goes for Puerto Rico a disaster both financially and of the human kind. For the past three decades they have committed themselves to sustainability by borrowing more than they could pay back, filling holes in their budget by borrowing to fill the gaps. In other words, “they lived beyond their means.”

The solution is to accept the bitter medicine to revive the cadaver, but no, Puerto Rico wants the debt holders to swallow hard and accept the proverbial haircut. Obama has weighed in and so has the do-gooders in Congress who say that a helping hand is just a stone’s throw away. This is obfuscation, the underlying message is that the tax paying citizens of the United States will once again be forced to bailout out the parasites.

Needless to say that 9 out of the 10 zip codes with the most people on Social Security Disability are in Puerto Rico; debt per capita is higher than any of the fifty states. Only one solution exists – a military one – a debt holder take over by force. Shark infested waters would relish the human blubber of those fleeing the island.


The socialist government of Greece was responsible for close to $1 trillion tailspin in worldwide stock markets yesterday, June 29 2015. The Greeks need to answer for this. A lesson learned by the parasitic government will set an example for others. To exact the punishment we recommend a complete boycott of all Greek products and visitations to Greece. The tactic will be a teachable moment and send the economy into a final death spiral.

If this boycott is successful and Greece becomes moribund, then and only then will they understand true depression. Thus far we know that Greeks have an aversion to paying taxes, after all it is a national sport, they have an aversion to work relying on the government and are untrustworthy. The world knew this, but gave them time to mend their wayward ways. It never works out that way, once a dam liar always a dam liar.

Tsipras will not come to terms with the profligate spending on pensions, he fought the Europeans who demanded austerity which was no surprise. The time has come to drop the heaviest weights onto the Hellenic liars, exact the punishment to fit the crime. BOYCOTT ALL GREEK PRODUCTS INCLUDING VISITATIONS. Then we will see how they like eating cake.

A protester waves a Greek flag during an anti-austerity rally in Athens, Greece, on 29 June 2015. Click here for a new offer from the thugs.


The Greek debacle has been the focus of late on its on again-off again debt restructuring, but that doesn’t mean that the troubles in Puerto Rico are playing second fiddle. Puerto Rico is on the hook for close to $100 billion. That is a boat load of pina coladas. SoBe Smooth Pina Colada Drink - 20-Fl. Oz. Bottles (Pack of 12)Just in case you haven’t been initiated in the Puerto Rico way of doing business we bring you their number one life saver, welfare and social security.  Puerto Rico is a disability fraud paradise. The top 10 U.S. zip codes tied to people receiving disability benefits, nine are in Puerto Rico. Flag of Puerto Rico

The sharks are circling the waters in the hope of default if and when it happens. The rich island has a dark journey ahead, tourism is in the tank, the economy is in a perpetual depression, drugs are rampant and most of all the government will not do what needs to be done; cut bait.

But Puerto Rico is part of the United States and is a metaphor for liberal bastions like Illinois and Connecticut, both drowning  the sea of debt. Utmost on the minds of the Puerto Rican is not the rising sea levels, but their share of the islands IOU’s. By the way, in case you didn’t notice, Puerto Rico has a population similar to Connecticut, 3,5 million or simply put a debt of $22,000 for each of its citizens. And true to form the Commonwealth’s economy has slowly reached the point of no return being sucked down by a giant whirlpool, even Captain Nemo can’t save this one.Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne