All posts by thenewbostonteaparty


Obama’s security force, in an (video)act of intimidation, is set to train across seven western states; upwards of one hundred thousand servicemen are expected to participate. They have been specially culled by their allegiance to POTUS. This is an act of intimidation. Republican Governors are alarmed by such “in your face” show of force.

Do not believe anything that the administration or the military tells you; they are all lies. What worries us is that the administration is down playing concerns that they are attempting to be proactive in invoking martial law.

On Tuesday, Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert also released a lengthy statement saying his office has been “inundated” with calls on the matter.

“This military practice has some concerned that the U.S. Army is preparing for modern-day martial law,” he said. “Certainly, I can understand these concerns.”


Texas was the scene of an attempted murder of security personnel at a cartoon festival featuring depictions of the prophet. Security was tight. Gert Wilders, the Dutch politician, who has warned the world about Islamization was also there. Wilders has called for a ban on the Muslim holy book, the Koran, and has been quoted as saying, “I don’t hate Muslims, I hate Islam.”


Pam Geller’s American Freedom Defense Initiative  hosted the event, offering $1o,000 for the best cartoon featuring Mohammad. Extra security was on hand. Two terrorist tried to disrupt the proceedings, but met their master before they executing their scheme.  The wanna bees took aim while existing their vehicle shooting a security officer, but the wounds were non life threatening. Garland Texas police officers promptly entered the fray killing the amoebas on the spot. Free speech lives.


Remember Obama’s blind justice department, the one that let the New Black Panther Party thugs go scott free although they were harassing voters. Well Loretta Lynch is doubling down on the bet. She will continue to be unjust when it comes to the equal application of the law. America now has two justice systems as it returns to the day of yesteryear’s Jim Crow in reverse.

With Obama pandering to his legions of parasites, America is going down in flames. Words do no stop violence, only law enforcement does. To prevent the kind of hooliganism that we have seen in Baltimore, “Shoot to kill should be the message” -this will stop a looter in his tracks serving as an example when the next brother decides to snatch some booty. This kind of law enforcement will send a loud and very clear message to the trash and burn crowd.

Loretta Lynch, the new attorney general, succeeding Eric Holder, has an agenda far worse than Holders. Her past record speaks loudly to that. But what outrageous us is that ten Senators of the Republican persuasion voted for her confirmation. Our memories are long and we shall savior the day when the true uncompromising Patriot votes the turncoats out of office.

The Senate voted 56-43 Thursday, finally, to confirm Loretta Lynch as attorney general, with eight Republicans voting to confirm her. Five had already committed themselves to support her: Republicans Orrin Hatch (UT), Jeff Flake (AZ), Lindsey Graham (SC), Mark Kirk (IL), and Susan Collins (ME).

Not too surprisingly, embattled incumbent Kirk was joined by three others who have potentially tough re-elections in 2016 in purple states: Kelly Ayotte (NH), Rob Portman (OH), and tea partier Ron Johnson (R-WI). But a couple other of the yes votes are a surprise: Thad Cochran (MS) and particularly Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the guy who made AG Lynch wait for five months for a vote.


Hillary Clinton is guilty of premeditated destruction of government property. All emails Clinton sent on her private server was the property of the United States government. We demand her immediate arrest including the handover of her passport. Her whole career has been a lie, obfuscation the paradigm. Liberals who condone this type of behavior are also guilty of perpetuating the political in-class that has virtually destroyed the America of what it once was. But they should not dismiss a Black Swan type event that will turn the tables against them.

An election is taking place in Britain, a revolutionary election, that bears watching. What this election is about is echoing here in the United States. What one voter said was, “1000 villages have undergone a change from what they were.” And voters don’t like it one bit. There is an under current that brings to fore the Tea Party awakening of political corruption and political correctness and expediency; don’t let a crisis go to waste!

So in the end if Hillary is the nominee, America will know for sure who are enemy is.


They ripped the cities apart, murdered each other like there was no tomorrow. Not a word was said about the killings, not a peep, just one more gang banger to pay tribute too; mourners were there only to show that they live to see another day. Glowing words from the clergy: “he had high hopes.” But now the kiss of death of living in the hood brings home the ugly reality of the liberal ghetto built brick by brick and as we see in Baltimore, destroyed brick by brick by the liberal hood mentality.

In the aforementioned cites over one thousand murders last year, yet no riots ’cause it was black on black. But when a black man dies at the hands of a white man – in this case 3 white and 3 of color, the town erupts in a volcanic display akin to barbarism. Yet the liberals condone such behavior because it is them who built the society of the ghetto. We all know that the liberals can do no wrong nor do they ever admit so. However, as we see the world in a state of destruction, urban ghettos breed flame throwers with abandon, The truth is that the welfare society has bred decades of generations of degenerates who are inbred to hate whitey. Any black man worth his salt who speaks otherwise is a target. Until more speak out, the continuation of urban riots will be with us for years to come.


Despite the recent violence Baltimore is a testament to the liberal ideology; the city had 233 murders in 2013 placing it just a notch or two below Detroit. So the outbreak of  violence in the hood is no surprise – 37.4 murders per hundred thousand placed Baltimore in the top five. In the mayor’s words: “Too many people have spent generations building up this city for it to be destroyed by thugs who, in a very senseless way, are trying to tear down what so many have fought for,” she added. “It’s idiotic to think that by destroying your city, you’re going to make life better for anybody.”


OBAMA has done it again. Not only did he have a ceremony celebrating the deserting Muslim extremist  (exchanged for five Jihadists) lovers parents, the Bergdahls, he has gone one better by paying for the scum of humanity, the Boston Marathon killer’s parents to attend Tsarnaev the younger’s Boston trial.

Click here for a bird’e eye view of the excrement mother’s bellicose tirade at America.

Our money, your money is paying for the accommodations at $200 per night plus security; in total the bill is estimated at $100,000.  Obama AUTHORIZED this.

Every American is outraged; this is beyond the pale, an outright insult.  Obama has thrown American Patriots under the bus. Not only did this horrible mass murder occur on Patriots day during the Boston Marathon the home of the American Revolution, it occurred because Obama’s administration did not follow up on previous intelligence provided by Russia warning that the brothers were extreme Islamists.

Iranian negotiations are ongoing supposedly wrapping up by the end of June 2015. We had to insert the 2015 because when they say June, is it 2015, 16 or 20120. Remember they have been negotiating for nine years. However, and we are not the first to bring this to your attention, the Chief negotiator for the Iranians is John Kerry who takes his orders directly from our first Muslim President, Barack Hussein Obama who takes his orders from Iran’s Ayatollah. To do things right Obama should have the signing on July 4 (hey why not wait for four extra days); the Rose Garden is recommended for its sublime environment.  And at the same time the Israelis should light up the skies over Iran like never before.

Obama is guilty as charged for providing support to America’s enemies. His Jihad against the greatest nation on the face of the earth continues.


Like weed creep, infestation by varmints intent on spreading disease eating organisms  across vast amounts of planted acreage have dessimated huge swaths of America’s farmland.  Pesticides, for instance Round Up, generically modified organisms and such, have saved farmers billions of dollars by increasing crop yield with an exponential savings in labor. But a new animal has arrived with the intention of doing farm work that has traditionally been done by imported and illegal labor.

Little notice has been given to the fledgling automation of the agriculture industry; although they have been mechanizing for many years, for instance tree shakers cause fruit, such as apples, peaches and plumbs, to drop into basket type devices where they are harvested, washed, quality controlled, boxed and marketed eliminating the need for manual labor. Strawberry farmers are now using video sensors attached to robots to pick the ripe berry without human interventions. Whole fields are picked in a matter of hours that once took days. Planting seeds by machines has replaced the human hand,

The heady days of Cezar Chavez’s army of Mexican grape pickers is over.  As labor demands have increased, farmers have explored new ways of doing things by eliminating what has been previously done by hand. Automation is now doing jobs what were once handled by the immigrant farm hand. Emerging across the landscape robots are now picking the pockets of farm labor while at the same time picking fruits and vegetables as well.

This does not bode well for those with less skills as we enter a new era in food production. This microcosm manifests the new paradigm where high tech will bring forth a revolution in all aspects of human endeavor. Automation has gained traction faster than a speeding bullet, evolving quickly by replacing mundane tasks done by the less skilled. This is a sign of the times where the unemployable will rot in the fields of despair.  Look for more revolutions to come as the machine replaces manual labor at a frantic pace.


Depends on what the meaning of “is is.” “I never had sex with that women.” “I deleted only my personal emails.” “Under penalty of law our tax returns are correct.” “I believe that lesbians and gays can marry.” And we can go on and on. But the latest upheaval is the Quid Pro Quo donations to the Clinton Foundation in return for securing uranium rights by the Russians.

This is a cloak and dagger affair which included the “usual suspects.” This has put America at risk because the Russians control 50% of America’s uranium supply; but for a $31,000,000 donation and a pledge for another $100,000,000, security was the last thing the Clinton’s thought of.

Oh we forgot to mention that Clinton said he never met with Frank Giustra, a Canadian, who made his wealth by betting on the resources extracted from the bowels of the earth.  Despite denials by the Clinton brain trust that Frank Giustra never met Slippery Bill at their bomb shelter in Chappaqua the facts proved otherwise.CHAPPAQUAlies Clinton’s modus operandi will not change once Hillary mounts the thrown. Because the difference between lies and the truth is only what you can get away with. And the Clinton’s certainly have taken advantage, with the help of the lame stream media, to lie their way into positions of power.