President Obama was a “no nothing – do nothing” Senator before he ascended to the throne. Subsequently he has continued to do nothing, but stir the pot one way then the other. At times he has shown empathy, but that was just another one of the charades of this two face wanna-be.

He was introduced to drugs during his teen years; actively seeking attention by telling fairy tales, the drugs gave him the feeling of invincibility. “I can walk on water” type of mentality as President continues showing through on numerous occasions; the shield I wear deflects all criticism. His actions are akin to a drug addict on “angel dust.” PCP can do this, make you feel like a God  hallucinations filling the cerebrum void.

Known as a recreational drug PCP fits in with Obama’s character of giving the high five – thumbs up feeling; can’t do any wrong because I am thee “MAN.” Always a step behind the fray causes him to jump into it, speaking when listening is called for.  Wishful thinking warped by the sense of past wrongs distorts the visibility with hate and malice. A finger on the trigger and a mouth to boot is a sign of rage, one that was indelibly branded by father figures, mentors of the firebrand school of radicalism.

Using a charismatic aptitude to exploit any situations wears thin and so we find out that the charlatan has no clothes, but a hippo like trap. Now that the emperor has been outed the call for regime change here in the United States is a must. we can’t let Rome burn any more. President PCP has inhaled the drug of misery; detachment and estrangement giving him a sense of strength and invulnerability; that explains his persona.


By now the indictment of Texas Governor Rick Perry has triggered numerous reactions across the country. What at stake here is a rouge prosecutorial team with a vengeance against Republicans. Their record speaks for itself having most of their high profile cases overturned on appeal. They have obviously thrown down the gauntlet as Governor Perry prepares himself for a run at the presidency again in 2016.

The telling nature of this case speaks volumes as a high profile Democrats, yes David Axelrod and Alan Dershowitz, have come to Perry’s defense. What Perry did was exercise his 1st Amendment right of free speech by saying he would veto the $7.5 million budget for the Public Integrity Unit if District Attorney Lemhberg did not step down. By the way she was smashed when picked up by police.


When it comes to out dueling Quick Draw McGraw, Michael Bloomberg fails the test. We suggest he go back to New York’s highly acclaimed Police Academy where he can up his skills at hitting a moving target. What at issue here is that the ex-Mayor has traveled to Wisconsin to confront Sheriff David Clarke Jr.


This pitted Bloomberg who belched up $150,000 in support of Clarke’s opponent in the highly contested primary for sheriff.

Outside forces from both sides entered the fray. Clarke, who is Black, is a strong advocate for the 2nd Amendment where as his opponent was weak on crime. The end result, the Joe Arpaio of Wisconsin was the last man standing.

Lesson learned by Bloomberg, stay in New York, your money can’t buy elections here. 


They are as ubiquitous on city streets as a common panhandler.newhavenpeople We have seen them cruising the supermarket aisles whizzing by like a bat out of hell; no “excuse me” during their hit and run escape. Say something to them and you get the  look of a gazing gang banger. “Watch out Mister, next time you will be road kill.” But many taxpayers who stand on their own two feet wonder who paid for these future demolition derby machines.

Click here for the full story as detailed by the Washington Post.

Since 1999, Medicare has spent $8.2 billion to procure power wheelchairs and “scooters” for 2.7 million people. Today, the government cannot even guess at how much of that money was paid out to scammers.

She said he would actually take pictures at each stop — the chair and the person together — to keep in their files as proof of receipt. Legally, this was not a great idea. Mainly because many of the photos showed recipients standing up. Right next to the chair that Medicare had bought them because they couldn’t stand up.


You don’t hear the Washington D.C. Green crowd shouting at the top of their lungs this summer; why would they? Temperatures in the Nations Capitol are trending down making this summer the coldest since 2004; so far there have been only 16 days above 90 degrees. This is welcome relief to those seeking shelter from the heat of politics including the alarmists who see a catastrophe behind every carbon atom.

In fact the electric utility industry has warned of weak earnings, weather cooperation is to blame. We are at a loss for words of why the Global Warmer/Change crowd has not chimed in. Is it because their paradigm has evaporated in the heat of the moment as the prediction of a steamy summer failed to heed the message ?  On the other hand less utility usage mean less pollutants; a win win situation. The consumer saves a bundle on the electric bill, a breath of fresh air awaits his or her’s every breath.

We have heard this before, but it is worth repeating; Why not become a weather forecaster, right or wrong you get paid either way. And when it comes time to predict those world changing events their predictions fall short of accuracy big time. In most cases their algorithms turn out to be nothing but hot air, a 50-50 proposition at best.


The Khmer Rouge led by Pol Pot were responsible for the killing 1-3 million people. A ruthless socialist with a dictatorial passion for human blood was he. Pol Pot was deemed the Hitler of Cambodia, a genocidal tyrant whose thirst for death was only overwhelmed by his desire to rule with the iron fist of dictator’s past.

Kim Ill Sung, the North Korean executioner killed 1.5 million political adversaries. Joseph Stalin was another cult figure who worshiped the socialist creed, but this led to the mother of all famines; in its wake approximately 1.7 million perished – a good many of them were Ukrainians. Although official figures are fluid we can estimate that the total number of deaths during the Stalin reign was close to 10 million.

Barreling ahead like the killing machines referenced above, ISIS takes no prisoners. You either submit to their demands or feel the point of their sword pierce your heart; instantaneous death.  Raping, killing are these savages modus operandi leaving a trail of blood as they make their way to the next town; scorching a path through Syria and Iraq accumulating munitions and recruits. Their brutality is beyond the pale;  point blank to the head or beheadings are their prime methods. Murders beyond comparison they justify their terror through a demonic view of Islam.

Failure to stop them will eventually lead to mass murder of epic proportions not unrivaled in the past two decades. The world watches with horror as videos track their victims. Butchers, thugs, murderers all in one, they have attracted minions who believe in their cause. Fired up on the gains they have made so far gives them incentive to conquer more. Without anyone to stop them they will continue on to their objective of establishing a caliphate in all of the Middle East.

The question at large is: who will intervene? Obama does not have the will to intercede bowing to the demands of the liberal of wings. Intervention is a non starter to them, but soon ISIS will be on our shores, pillaging, raping and murdering Americans. If not now when? Time has come for the Generals to garner support for intervention.


Gun grabbing RINO John McKinney suffered a fatal blow in Connecticut’s Republican primary at the hands of Tom Foley; setting up a rematch with the gun grabbing Governor Malloy.

For those of you aren’t familiar with John McKinney, he believes that the state’s citizens should pay for the healthcare of illegal aliens. He believes that citizens don’t have a right to defend themselves, he believes that the average citizen is not fit to make decisions regarding their own future. Those are the reasons McKinney was soundly beaten.

The stage is set this time for the main event. The polls favor Foley who lost by a measly 6000 votes four years ago. Since then the Connecticut economy has turned into the nation’s laughing stock. The $1.5 billion in new taxes are hard to swallow by most of the state’s citizens, Democrats included; but the real bombshell will be felt in 2016 because of the pending $2 billion dollar deficit. If Malloy is reelected tax increase of monumental proportions are in the cards. Foley on the other hand is expected to ax many of the state’s excesses.

We can’t wait to turn Connecticut RED.


It is not often that a top rated United States General calls for – in a more subtle way – regime change, but that is what General James Amos of the Joint Chiefs called for. In discussing the Iraq meltdown General Amos criticized the administration for their lack of leadership (this refers to Obama).

We may think we’re done with all of these nasty, thorny, tacky little things that are going on around the world — and I’d argue that if you’re in that nation, it’s not a tacky, little thing for you. We may think we’re done with them, but they’re not done with us.

Insubordination – let’s see if Obama reacts to the General’s speech. Civilians of the Patriot bent are encouraged by the General’s words; following the script and breaking rank takes guts . This is telling because there must be more military personnel who are fed up with the policies of the Obama administration. We see more top military personnel stepping up and coming forward which obviously will have severe repercussions.

However, although slim the chance, it is not beyond the realm of possibility of a coup d’etat. Think about it, these men have sworn to obey the Constitution which is not something Obama believes in; to create the atmosphere of an Egyptian style takeover here is not impossible. A President who flaunts his executive power, spits on the Constitution and talks down to the Supreme Court is enough ammunition to provoke the military into action.

We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.

The New Boston Tea Party where “REVOLUTION IS THE SOLUTION”


May a Piece be With You


Jiggs McDonald, NHL Hall of Fame broadcaster speaking in Ontario, says, “I am truly perplexed that so many of my friends are against another mosque being built in Toronto. I think it should be the goal of every Canadian to be tolerant regardless of their religious beliefs. Thus the mosque should be allowed, in an effort to promote tolerance.”

“That is why I also propose that two nightclubs be opened next door to the mosque; thereby promoting tolerance from within the mosque. We could call one of the clubs, which would be gay, “The Turban Cowboy,” and the other, a topless bar, would be called “You Mecca Me Hot.”
“Next door should be a butcher shop that specializes in pork, and adjacent to that an open-pit barbecue pork restaurant, called “Iraq of Ribs.”

“Across the street there could be a lingerie store called “Victoria Keeps Nothing Secret,” with sexy mannequins in the window modelling the goods.”
“Next door to the lingerie shop there would be room for an adult sex toy shop, “Koranal Knowledge,” its name in flashing neon lights, and on the other side a liquor store called “Morehammered.”

“All of this would encourage Muslims to demonstrate the tolerance they demand of us.”


The Real Crisis

The world appears to be falling down faster than London Bridge, and Barack Hussein Obama’s dainty little fingerprints are all over a lot of it. It’s likely, too, that B. Hussein is going to take a fall that will rival Humpty Dumpty’s. It seems in creating “good crises” to take advantage of, both at home and abroad, he and his puppet masters have gone too far and are being overwhelmed by their own poorly thought out and incompetently executed handiwork.

At home mostly, but not always, a common theme in what has become the New Crisis of the Day is that most involve Barack Hussein Obama or his appointees blatantly, and with malice aforethought, violating the Law of the Land – the Constitution of the United States of America. Multiple violations have been noted by members of Congress from both parties, members of the media, including on rare occasions even the “mainstream” media, and members of the public, though most of them have a tough time getting heard and are usually marginalized and ignored. And this brings us to what is the REAL crisis.

Clearly, the current administration is out of control, violating laws left and right and in ways that have directly caused the deaths of two Border Patrol agents, an ICE agent, and hundreds, if not thousands of Mexican nationals, both in Mexico and here. They are responsible, too, for dozens, if not hundreds of Americans killed by drunken, drugged illegal invader drivers. The blood of many others, murdered, raped, and/or robbed by drug cartel or gang members, is on their hands, too. And to add injury to insult, thousands of illegals carrying infectious, sometimes deadly diseases, are knowingly being sent all over our country.

So, what has been the reaction to all the outrages committed by Obama and his co-conspirators over the past six years? A lot of cheap talk, and a lawsuit. Period.

In spite of the fact that there is now general agreement that the “President” has committed high crimes and misdemeanors, the misleaders of the “loyal opposition” have “taken impeachment off the table”. What they want us to believe is they are merely dithering and caving, when actually it appears to be collusion. We have seen this, beginning in the Bush years with the push by Congress for raising the debt ceiling and the attempts to impose amnesty for illegal invaders, regardless of massive opposition by We, the People, to both. It continued with Obamacare, imposed on us even though as with amnesty, the vast majority of the public adamantly opposed it. The fact that it was/is manifestly unconstitutional notwithstanding, the majority Democrats rammed it through, using procedures that were totally unethical, if not downright illegal. Though many Republicans were elected/re-elected on the promise to repeal Obamacare, there is virtually no one left lifting a finger to do so.


We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.

The New Boston Tea Party where “REVOLUTION IS THE SOLUTION”


May a Piece be With You

"Where Revolution is the Solution" Taking back the Empire