And President Obama will most likely help them do it. ISIS is on the run. Obama is still pressing for regime or inclusion change in Iraq; once that is completed may more help be on the way.


Sen. Lindsey Graham sounded the alarm Sunday about the growing threat of the Islamic State, the militant group formerly known as ISIS, launching an attack on American soil unless President Obama takes more decisive action to stop the terror group’s surge across Iraq and Syria.

Graham’s argument Sunday follows a Vice News video that appears to show an Islamic State militant saying, “We will raise the flag of Allah in the White House.” The video was released before Obama ordered the strikes, in addition to humanitarian-aid drops.



 The Yazidi are surrounded by ISIS ( the Islamic State of Iraq), they have reached the end of the road.  Having trecked from Mozul in northern Iraq, they are surrounded by a murderous Sunni killing machine hell bent on establishing a new caliphate. So far the insurgents have shown their muscle taking over huge swaths of Syria and Iraq.  In face of their charge the Iraqi army under al-Maliki fled rather than defend the homeland turf heading back to Baghdad without firing a shot.

Make no mistake about it, the Yazidi are the hunted, the blood thirsty hunter will leave no stone unturned in his quest to rape, pillage and kill every last soul.  Is there hope in turning the tide? Obama has a choice, go all in or watch the slaughter from afar.  Supposedly a Christian, but really this is a facade, there is no doubt he is a practicing Muslim Marrano which explains his actions.

So far Obama shoots out words when bullets are needed. Obama and his advisers don’t see the big picture, that soon the Middle East will be over run by warlords hell bent on destroying America. Listen to Obama here and you will soon realize that he channels the words of Neville Chamberlain who said, we have secured ” peace for our time.”  Of course World War II was a few seconds away.

Currently children are dying of thirst as temperature hover around 110 degrees, sucking the life out of every living thing ahead of the oppressive  heat cast by ISIS. Obama vacations on the Vineyard, sipping a cold one while the Yazidi bake on top of an Iraqi mountain top.

But who knows what will follow but the mighty Allah who gave the command 1400 years ago, “turn plowshares into swords” and kill those who attempt to question your authority.  This is a crusade to virtually wipe out Western Civilization and Christendom in one full swoop. The only thing that can stop it is a weapon that will turn them into glass. No wonder the Israelis are fearful of Iran.

Click here for the story reporting on some who are buried alive.

We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.

The New Boston Tea Party where “REVOLUTION IS THE SOLUTION”


May a Piece be With You


Ever since the word of Mohammad rose from the deserts of Arabia, Islam has been at war with the Christian world. Harboring ill will against Britain and France after WWII, the animosity has spread west to the United States. Support for Israel has brought the holy Jihad to our shores; 9/11 only amplified the cause. But America did not act with the force necessary when the time was ripe, leaving the clean up to POTUS; but what did he do? fled the scene like a chicken about to have his throat cut. Burning Christians at the stake is all the rage, spreading worldwide quicker than a California brush fire.

The Philippines, Nigeria, China, Egypt, Israel, Sudan, Syria and most of all Iraq are targets of Muslim terrorists. However, politicians of the liberal bent (Europeans included) have white washed the atrocities of these killers. Over 200,000 have met the Islamic sword of ISIS, neither it be Syria or Iraq. But the Christian world sits idly by praying, citing the bible – love thy neighbor and turn the other cheek, turn swords into plowshares. This is a plan of surrender, one that will end with Christian blood flowing the world over.

Israel is in the fight of their lives, they have seen what pressure from the west leads too; more rocket attacks, more kidnapping. They have no choice but engage the enemy on their home turf. To survive they must take the enemy out by whatever means necessary. And they will do it. But the real battle is being fought in Iraq where ISIS has chased hundreds of thousands from their homeland, killing and raping them while they fled. Today, fifty thousand Christians are crowded on to an Iraqi mountaintop waiting their ultimate demise.

Obama, the Christian hater, par excellence, throws them words instead of guns. They will suffer their own Massada if help does not come soon. While the Christian world burns our President takes to the knee five times a day praying to  Allah.

Political correctness from the liberal elite has rendered the United States a mere shadow of its former self. The time to take up arms is passing. Christians, how long and what will it take before you act?  Do you not remember the Holocaust?  Are you to become the next victim of mass slaughter?




Obama to send help, but is it too little too late?


President Obama’s ratings have sunk to 40% and are heading south faster than an imploding Russian satellite. Keep in mind that the President was highly recommended by the American people, once in 2008 and again in 2012. However, on his way to transforming America he found many road blocks on the proverbial path to messiahville. Of course this has been the case with all presidents, but Obama became discouraged; not in his DNA to compromise Obama has resorted to executive edict, dictating by fiat punctuated by a multitude of lies while trying to make hay with out a bailer.

His point man, Harry Reid, no more a road block than his lackey counter part Nancy Pelosi are the water boys and girls of Obama’s transformation team. Compromise is not in fashion, but obstructionism is; Harry Reid has failed to allow bipartisan legislation to be advanced.  Over the past, almost six years, nothing of any magnitude has been accomplished. In fact a law suit brought by the Republicans question Obama’s disobeying the laws as written; “faithfully execute” as Obama promised. From immigration, IRS, Benghazi, Obamacare, the tabloids and lame stream media have spilled gallons of ink covering Obama’s many transgressions.

With all of that being said we question how POTUS still has a 40% (doing a good job) rating. Looking behind the scenes though gives us a clear picture of who the 40% are. And we are not shocked by this. Click here for the poll results. As illustrated below – 40% are of the Democrat ideology, this is what we expected all along.

Strong Democrat ………………………………………… 20
Not very strong Democrat ……………………………. 11
Independent/lean Democrat…………………………. 9
Strictly Independent ……………………………………. 16
Independent/lean Republican ………………………. 15
Not very strong Republican ………………………….. 10
Strong Republican ……………………………………… 12
Other (VOL) ………………………………………………. 4
Not sure ………………………………………………….. 3


CLICK HERE FOR THE LATEST. The United States can learn a thing or two from Israel about border patrol, but for our Border Patrol Agent Javier Vega Jr. it is too late. Shot in cold blood by two Mexican thugs right in front of his family, who by the way were deported several times only to cross the border once again; this cost the life of our border patrol agent Javier Vega Jr.

The shocking thing here is that the two criminals were previously apprehended  for crossing the border illegally. Both returned to the United States after wading across the Rio Grande. Failure of our courts and to protect the border by Obama with force have led to his death. Obama surely has blood on his hands, liberal judges have just as much blood on their hands.

“Shoot to kill” is the best and only way to stop these varmints from entering our country. The rule of law is paramount, without its enforcement more of these wanton murders will occur. It is noteworthy that illegals account for up to 45% of the crimes in California. muchasgraciasamigo


One suspect has been arrested no fewer than four times for entering the U.S. illegally, according to federal court records. The other has been deported twice after entering the U.S. illegally, sources said.


All of our efforts were not in vain, Milton Wolf put up a gallant fight against heavy odds, losing by a scant 7% (48-41),. The important thing to remember is that he set the agenda that his 78 year old  opponent must follow for the next 6 years. Although the TEA PARTY put a lot of effort into this nationally watched race, the word around town is that we are a force to be reckoned with as we continue to march toward our ultimate victory.

All eyes will be on Kansas tonight. Hopefully the Wizard of Oz will show up. A real twister is in store pitting Republican Milton Wolf a second cousin of Obama (he is white) no less is running on the Tea Party banner against an entrenched three term Republican. Senator Roberts is expected to win, so this is a long shot, but sometimes longs shots come in;  we think Eric Cantor can tell you something about that.WIZARD OF OZ ORIGINAL POSTER 1939.jpg But this will be no yellow brick road for Roberts who carries the RINO water for President Obama. Stay tuned for tonight’s results.


A woman from Sierra Leone who was a passenger on a Gambian Jet that  landed Saturday at London’s Gatwick airport began to sweat and vomit before crashing in the terminal; was taken to the hospital where she later died. Tested for ebola proved negative, but that may not be the last of it . 

Ebola man? walks into New York Hospital; a returnee from West Africa. Test results to be announced later today.


Through the Broken Looking Glass

The Mad Hatter has become violently psychotic, the Red Queen has converted to Islam, the Looking Glass is broken and we may never be able to get home again. Indeed, our beloved country and the world appear to have tipped over an evil edge and no one with any power or authority is doing a thing to drag it back. It’s as if God put LSD and meth in the world’s drinking water and filled the air with angel dust instead of pollen.

Barack Hussein Obama, along with his gang of leftist co-conspirators and puppet-masters, has been ramping up his imposition of the policies of the old New Left – the destructive strategies and tactics of Saul Alinsky (http://www.frontpagemag.com/2013/jack-kerwick/6-saul-alinsky-rules-that-explain-obamas-words-and-deeds/) and Cloward and Piven (http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/11/clowardpiven_government.html; http://humanevents.com/2014/06/09/cloward-piven-at-the-border/). They are overwhelming middle-class America with poverty and unemployment, massive illegal federal regulations, an unsustainable and growing tax burden, rampant inflation, and a vicious and growing attack on traditional religion, morals, values, and culture. With the control of the major media in their hands, they have turned what used to be relatively balanced news coverage into blatant propaganda and indoctrination, aka, brainwashing. Thus, most Americans don’t even know what’s happening to them, much less why. They know something is wrong, but are incessantly lied to about what it is, and who is doing it to them.

The really pathetic part of this is our “leaders” think they are a truly enlightened elite, superior to our once free middle-class in all things, but their performance clearly shows that they are anything but. Like most knee-jerk Marxists, Obama and his illegal appointees have no understanding of economics, either capitalist or, ironically, socialist. Like the vast majority of “revolutionaries” they only know how to destroy, not create. Thus, we see Obama’s economic policies creating poverty to get people on federal government welfare, but at the same time rapidly shrinking the number of people providing the taxes that pay for the welfare programs. Thus, those working must pay more and more of what they earn in taxes, having less and less to spend on the consumer goods whose prices are rising all around them, causing businesses to stop hiring or close, creating a vicious cycle that won’t stop until the house of cards collapses completely.

The current assault on the system and the middle-class consists of enticing tens of thousands of ignorant, desperately poor Hispanic parents to send their children off on insanely dangerous journeys across international borders to enter America illegally over out once secure southern border. Obama and his fellow criminals in the State Department have sent the message that if they come, we will shower them with what to them seem riches, and allow them to stay forever. The reality is that they are spreading disease amongst themselves and us, and are being exploited and manipulated, used as pawns in an incredibly ugly and cynical game, in which they will ultimately be the losers.

The far-left dominated State Department, currently presided over by knee-jerk leftist and unindicted traitor, John Kerry, who took over from Saul Alinsky-worshipping Hillary Clinton (http://www.crossroad.to/Quotes/communism/alinsky.htm), has been totally unsuccessful in becoming the vanguard of the world left that Obama and his toadies imagined themselves to be. They completely botched the attempt to be equals and partners with Putin’s neo-fascist Russia, instead, enabling Russia to overwhelm Georgia and Ukraine and expand their naval presence in the Black Sea. They were helpless – feckless, is probably a more accurate description – in preventing Russian support of Syrian dictator Assad, and instead, chose to support the “rebels” who have turned out to be savage, evil barbarians of a sort not seen in a thousand years (http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/07/islamic-state-creates-river-of-blood-butchers-1500-innocent-people/). Obama’s support of these people and unwillingness to do anything to stop them has allowed them to overrun much of Iraq. Libya, too, has fallen to the Islamist extremists whom Obama appears to love so much.

In addition, he and his State Department refused to sell the Iraqi government, who they claim to support, jet fighters to defend themselves, forcing them to turn to the Russians. They have completely bungled the talks with Iran, unfreezing billions in assets and allowing them to continue building their nukes, unimpeded. And to top it off, the traitors Obama and Kerry have taken the side of radical, Jew and Christian-hating Islamist Hamas which has poured thousands of rockets into residential Israeli neighborhoods, rather than that of long-time ally Israel which is only defending itself. As usual, the list could go on and on, but space limits us. In the meantime, the Destroyer-in-Chief is off on another lavish, multi-million dollar, taxpayer-paid-for vacation. Destroying the free world is ever-so-tiring.

Obama’s lawlessness and disdain for our Constitution and his illegal, dictatorial actions and orders is clear to everyone but the most willfully blind. To destroy, one needs to hate, and this is something that Obama is consumed by – hatred of America, freedom, Christianity, and America’s white, hard-working, capitalist middle-class. To create, one needs to love, but Obama loves only himself. Please ask yourself, how much more of this wanton destruction of America and the world are you willing to allow?



Vultures pluck the eyes out of a human coyote before they inhale their last breath. Trained by the drug cartels, teenagers bring a new angle in the importation of illegal drugs.  The coyote 2009-Coyote-Yosemite.jpgcarries contraband for sale in the United States. Making the long trek over barren ground, with water scarce the risk becomes even greater; if the heat doesn’t get you, hunger and thirst will. To rest is to become a road kill  victim for the scavenger in wait.

This brings us to catastrophe taking place on our southern border, one of Obama’s own doing. Bringing in diseases by the thousands, spreading the black plague and denuge fever which is prevalent in Central and South America including Mexico.World map showing the countries where the Aedes mosquito is found (the southern US, eastern Brazil and most of sub-Saharan Africa), as well as those where Aedes and dengue have been reported (most of Central and tropical South America, South and Southeast Asia and many parts of tropical Africa).

The liberals are guilty of spreading this foreign manure across urban fields. So far there hasn’t been an outbreak on par with the African Ebola pandemic, but wait a few months when tuberculosis and scabies go viral. Be prepared, buy a face mask for protection against a still unseen enemy.

But wait the real cost will come when we spend upwards of $500,000 per individual for education. Educating them is a myth. It will find minor successes, but overall a failure of magnitude on par with Obamacare.

We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.

The New Boston Tea Party where “REVOLUTION IS THE SOLUTION”


May a Piece be With You

"Where Revolution is the Solution" Taking back the Empire