Before Spain decided to loot the New World of its riches, the lands of Central and South America belonged to the Aztecs, Incas, Myans and other indigenous peoples. But all that changed in the 16th Century as the Conquistadors moved south from Mexico and Central America to the land of the Inca (Ecuador, Peru, Chile). Spain’s conquest was led by Francisco Pizzaro whose appetite was without limits. The domination of what was to be known as Latin America began.
It is important to note that the Spanish were well hardened having defeated the Moors – they held firm from challenges from neighboring countries. And they had weapons, so crude, that to pull the trigger of a rifle was more of shock to the holder than a sure shot. But the Spanish had the sword a killing machine all by itself waiting to take its toll on the Inca. Also on their side, the Spanish had the holy “Book.”
As the recent Ebola outbreak has taught us, diseases can permeate society faster than a bullet train. Viruses have been with us for thousands of years with catastrophic results. Only recently have we developed the technique of inoculation. However, down through the centuries the Europeans had become immune to diseases mostly carried by farm animals. This helped them in their conquest of the Americas.Virtually immune, they were able to march through countries with dispatch while infecting native populations.
As the Native American died from the spread of European diseases carried into the New World, it became apparent that a third weapon was in the Spanish arsenal. Like a wild fire torching everything in its path, diseases were unstoppable taking their toll on the majority of those who came in contact with them; viruses became the savage beast wrecking havoc on the native populations – estimates that up to 95% of local populations were decimated. Once their job was done, the march through the barren lands once inhabited by native populations continued. The Spanish carried the Cross converting the remaining pagans to Christianity. The conquest complete, Spain became the ruler of the Americas.
This brings us to the spread of the Spanish speaking populations and their torch and burn psychology as they move north from their countries of origin. Keep in mind that the vast majority heading north are of the indigenous populations that succumbed to the Conquistadors. The invasion continues with a no holds barred mentality as wave after wave crosses the Rio Grande. America must be reminded that Mexico is still under Spanish influence, not ruled by Spain, but by the Spanish. Mexican census does not break down populations by genetics, but estimates of those with 100% Spanish blood run as high as 20%.
It is telling and more importantly brings an understanding why these migrants run north. Opportunity for the indigenous peoples are far and few in between. Education and intelligence are partially to blame for their plight. Additionally, economic growth, once a saviour for the manual laborer is no longer the panacea it once was. The age of automation is upon us making the less skilled a cheap commodity. This is the rule, not the exception.
Spanish relatives of the Conquistadors to this day are the power behind the proverbial thrown. So, why then do we in the United States cater to this brutal geopolitical entity invading the United States? The weakness of political pandering and political correctness has penetrated the politician across the party lines. Speaking to the facts is a means necessary to understand why this invasion will continue unless the truth be told. The most recent election has put the country on notice that the welfare state is not going to be the welcome mat it once was.
From the Bell Curve, “Predicting the course of society is chancy, but certain tendencies seem strong enough to worry about:
- An increasingly isolated cognitive elite.
- A merging of the cognitive elite with the affluent.
- A deteriorating quality of life for people at the bottom end of the cognitive distribution.
Unchecked, these trends will lead the U.S. toward something resembling a caste society, with the underclass mired ever more firmly at the bottom and the cognitive elite ever more firmly anchored at the top, restructuring the rules of society so that it becomes harder and harder for them to lose. (p. 509). ”
To bring into focus we refer to the most recent Baltic schism, one has to look no further than Spain. Catalonia, a distinct and separate area of north eastern Spain is holding a referendum on declaring independence from Spain. This is just a referendum with no legal consequences. However, the people of Catalonia no longer want to be a party to the welfare state supplying the fuel that feeds the beast.