Tag Archives: barry soetoro



Great speech from a Great Man.  One observation though; an independent observer most likely would have noticed that those on the left were afflicted by some extraordinary type of ailment, that being their hands were stuck together superglue preventing them from clapping. And the progressives also suffered from Super Glue action on the seat of their pants, stuck to their chairs, obviously failing to rise to this special occasion.

The august halls of Congress will be the scene tonight of the grandest spectacle on earth; to be seen by hundreds of millions. Donald J. Trump, President Trump, will address the body. Of course we have been there before, but this night will be different. Putting it on the line, no political speak, Trump will lay out his plan to “make America great again.”

We expect the Lying, Cheating, Criminal Louts, AKA Democrats, you know, the usual suspects, to go Yellow Pants. They will have their say, but most of all it will fall on deaf ears. For them to be flattened by a roller, in the horizontal position, is something they are not used to – they are not accustomed to be in the prone position. Their main man is gone and their wannabee Lying Criminal literally fell by the wayside. The defeat they suffered in November does not digest easily; they have no other way to express themselves so what do they do? go off with the mouth inciting protests. 

Schumer and Pelosi, two of the most evil sinners alive today are not only beside themselves, but can’t accept the horrific hit and run suffered at the hands of Donald J. Trump. Paving the way for the Trump Agenda was President Barry Soetoro, who obviously didn’t believe in compromise, but ruled by executive order. Trump is now taking the cue and running with it.  Democrats should be familiar with the term, “legislating from the bench.” A slippery slope was paved for the Trump landslide.

The bureaucrat bungler of Big Government will definitely feel the hand of “we the people.” The Tea Party is greatly responsible for the Trump Victory. Big government, the grotesque web of paper pushers, will suffer a bout of diarrhea. 

Largess had its day in the sun, the party is over.  The departments of Education, Energy, Commerce, Housing and Agriculture are on the cutting block. Their budgets will be cut to the bone. This possibility has sent shivers down the spine of the parasites.

Government workers, in all honesty, know that they get paid for doing little or no work; this is true in most countries. This grand theft in broad daylight is larger than the Madoff swindle plus all others combined. Violation of the honest service law are ubiquitous. Click here for the top 25 government blood sucking agencies. 

Employment by agency[edit]

Federal Government executive branch civilian employment,
except U.S. Postal Service, fiscal year 2016[20]
(Employment in thousands)
United States,
U.S. territories,
and foreign countries
Washington, D.C. United States,
U.S. territories,
and foreign countries
Washington, D.C.
Combined Total 2,096 173
Executive departments 1,923 132 Independent agencies 173 41
Defense, total 738 16.5 Social Security Administration 64 0.2
Army 251 2 NASA 17 1
Navy 207 12 Environmental Protection Agency 16 4
Air Force 169 0.5 Securities and Exchange Commission 5 3
Other defense 80 2 General Services Administration 12 4
Veterans Affairs 373 8 Small Business Administration 4 0.8
Homeland Security 192 24 Office of Personnel Management 5 2
Treasury 92 9
Justice 117
Agriculture 97 7 Executive departments (cont.)
Interior 71 4
Health/Human Services (HHS) 87 4 Energy 15 5
Transportation 55 8 State 13 10
Commerce 46 3 Housing/Urban Dev (HUD) 8 3
Labor 16 5 Education 4 3
SOURCE: U.S. Office of Personnel Management


IRS stooge, Lois Lerner, is one step closer to the gallows. Many of her so-called lost emails have been found. Although it will take weeks to decode them, we are of the opinion that they will provide enough rope to see that justice is done.

Remember that Lerner and her colleagues presumably on Obama’s order, targeted the TEA PARTY; limiting their ability to form 501-3c entities and thus stopping them from raising funds for the 2010 election. This stifled their 1st Amendment right to free speech enabling Barry Soetoro to survive a tough election and claim a 2nd term.