Tag Archives: State of the Union


First of all, I thought last night’s State of the Union rivaled anything that Ronald Reagan did. It was just astonishingly effective. President Trump found specific individuals whose stories weren’t just important as wonderful human stories, but they each illustrated a part of the American tapestry in the American culture in a way that reminded all of us America is such a wonderful country.  I thought it was a very powerful and very effective speech.

Now, I came tonight in part because I think the Republican National Committee really matters. I’ll tell you candidly, I think without Reince Priebus and without the Republican National Committee, we would not have won in 2016 because we needed all of the extra effort, and we frankly needed Reince desperately holding the party together all through the spring when about a third of the party was certainly eager to commit suicide. And without that kind of effort and without the ground game of the fall, we would have lost. It’s just that simple.

Similarly, I believe the Republican National Committee under Ronna’s leadership is going to be decisive this year. So, I’m going to talk just a couple of minutes about where we’re at because I think it’s really important. And I know those of you who are on the committee are going to take it seriously and take it as a personal responsibility, and those of you who are friends of the committee are even going to take it seriously.

I’m going to start with a very simple model. How many of you noticed [during the State of the Union] that Nancy Pelosi wasn’t happy? Now, I have a ground rule, when the president won, I said to every conservative I would talk to, every time you start to get mad at Donald J. Trump, I want you to close your eyes and think: President Hillary Clinton. Well, I would say to every one of you, every day this year that you do not work for a Republican majority, I want you to think about Speaker Nancy Pelosi. I think this is a very grave threat.

I’m going to be very direct, and I hope it doesn’t get misinterpreted. I do not believe the traditional Republican Party could win this fall. And the fact is we’re at an edge of a wave election, and if we end up with a wave election on their side, you can’t raise enough money to win normal races against that kind of wave.

We saw it in 1994 when we did it. We saw it in 2006 when the Democrats did it. We saw it in 2010 when John Boehner came up with a very simple model: Where are the jobs?

If you start getting that kind of wave building, it’s very hard to be able to keep control. And our margin is not that big. In the great 62-year period of Democratic dominance of the House, they would start elections with 60-seat majorities. If they lost 25 or 30 seats, their margins would shrink, but they were still in control. We’ve never been in control with that size margin.

For us to maintain Speaker Ryan and the House GOP majority in 2018 there are bold things we have to do.

I’m going to draw a very deliberate distinction. Just so you understand this isn’t just some theory — get candidate Trump’s speech at Gettysburg in October of 2016, the president’s inaugural address last year, and the State of the Union you just watched Tuesday. Take those three and read carefully what President Trump says.

He is describing an American party that reaches out to every American, that makes the case that America is an idea worth fighting for.  He suggests that we have a model for success: the American model of limited government, lower taxes, less red tape, more entrepreneurship, more take-home pay, more local control, which means more local responsibility, and a foundation of rights that come from our Creator.

You take those three speeches, put them together, and look at them. What does that mean? What would a Trump Republican Party be like? We are not yet there. With Ronna’s leadership and the president’s leadership, we can get there. I think by 2020, we will get there.

I think President Trump will get re-elected almost without regard to what happens this fall. But remember, it’s one thing to spend 2019 and 2020 with Speaker Ryan and a Republican House getting things done. It’s another thing to spend 2019 and 2020 in a life and death struggle against Speaker Pelosi and a Democratic House that will automatically want to impeach the president while having every House Committee launch investigations of the administration. They won’t have any idea what they’re impeaching him for and or what they are investigating for and it won’t matter to them. In the majority, House Democrats will spend two years in hostile assaults on the administration.

You may have seen the Fox and Friends interview of the New York University students who they asked on Monday morning, “What did you think of the president’s State of the Union speech?” And these students said things like it was, “Hateful. It was racial language. I can’t believe he said that.” It didn’t even matter that President Trump hadn’t given the State of the Union Address yet. This is the unthinkingly hostile Left we’re dealing with.

What you saw at the State of the Union was the face of hate. I mean when people sit there, and you explain to them that there’s the lowest black unemployment in history, and they can’t applaud. There’s the lowest Hispanic unemployment in history, and they can’t applaud. You’re looking at people so consumed by their passions they can’t think. Those are the people who will be in charge of the House if they win.

So, these next few months are really important, and here are a couple of very simple principles for a Trump Republican Party as opposed to a traditional Republican Party. Now, a Trump party largely grows out of the Reagan party and out of the 1994 Contract with America majority.

First Principle: Go home and take on everyone. Don’t talk about safe seats, not safe seats, all this bologna. When we won control in 1994, we ran against every Democratic candidate except three.

We beat the chairman of Ways and Means of downtown Chicago. We beat the first Speaker of the House to lose since 1862. We beat the chairman of the Judiciary Committee in the Houston suburbs. No Republican consultant would have recommended running against any of them.

We are in a similar situation this year because every Democrat went out idiotically and voted no on the largest tax cut in your lifetime, and they have to go home and explain that.

One example from the State of the Union : We are not tough enough, we’re not fast enough, we don’t think aggressively enough. Last night, they picked somebody to answer the State of the Union, Congressman Joe Kennedy.  He was symbolically perfect standing in front of a broken car because the Democrats can’t fix anything.

We should have been asking Kennedy, “How could you vote against tax cuts and job creation? The Ways and Means Committee has analyzed every congressional district in the country. You can go to the Ways and Means Committee website for your district. In Kennedy’s district a median-income family of four got a $5,800 tax cut. Now we should be all over him. How can he vote to take $5,800 away from a family of four in his district to send it to Washington bureaucrats? We should have used every social media tool so people watching his response were waiting for him to answer for his vote.

Now, he’ll give you a left-wing answer. If you’re one of the families, how many have gone to find families of four and say, “What can you do with $5,800 per year, which is, by the way, $58,000 over 10 years? Do you think it’s better spent by a bureaucrat or you?” I think we should take on every single member of the black caucus. Again, every single district in America, it turns out, has a net tax cut. Every single one of the Democratic members of the Black caucus voted against the tax cut for their own people and could not applaud the lowest Black unemployment in history.

Now, you can’t get much further distance from the traditional Republican consultants.  but the truth is, too many Republicans don’t have the nerve to go out to new neighborhoods and new voters. They talk in cost-benefit terms. Well, that’s not going to work if we are serious about growing a stable majority. I lost twice. And if we’d had that cost-benefit attitude toward my district, I’d never have gotten to Congress, and we wouldn’t have taken control in 1994.

We have to have the nerve to go nose-to-nose.

Second, don’t complain about the news media. The news media is a fact. The news media is the offensive wing of the other team. They are not the problem. They are a fact. What we do about them is the problem. So, we have to design a campaign plan, and we have to train our candidates assuming the worst about the news media. Whenever you interact with the news media you should assume you’re going into a war zone. You should plan to take the host head on and challenge their assumptions.

I read the transcripts every Sunday. You would be amazed how many of our folks are too slow, too untrained, and don’t know what they’re talking about. So, they walk in as though George Stephanopoulos is neutral. I mean not only was he the Clinton press secretary, who gave $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation, and we allowed him to chair a presidential debate in 2012. Now, you at least have a minimum rule. Nobody who’s completely on the Left is going to get to chair anything for this party’s good future.

Point One: Compete everywhere.

Point Two: Design strategies that win despite the news media because you overmatch them.

Point Three: We have to have the courage to fight. You have to be prepared. When someone gets up, the junior senator from New York, and says, “You know, if you talk about chain migration, it’s racist.” But we need to say: “You must be losing this debate on the facts so badly that you’re now reduced to scream ‘racism,’ which is, by the way, what you scream about virtually anything, unless of course that’s homophobia or something else.” The Left has no arguments left except to yell nasty names.

And we have to go nose-to-nose with them to knock them down mentally and psychologically.  It’s very important for us to understand this is a fight. We are in a cultural civil war with people who despise us. There’s no neutrality in there. And that’s why they dislike Trump so much, because Trump has the nerve to talk about MS-13 because they can’t answer it. The more he is right, the more enraged they are.

If you’re a left-wing Democrat and totally for open borders, you can’t actually go up and say, “Well, I think it’s okay for a few hundred MS-13 folks to come in.” You just can’t. So, then you get furious at Trump because he’s found the angle of attack you can’t defend.

I would say to every candidate: study Trump. Trump is one of the greatest articulators I have ever seen. He understands fighting. He likes to fight, and he is prepared to figure out how to go at you at an angle you can’t defend. And that’s what we have to do for this whole campaign starting now.

The most useful book I have read to better understand this year is Karl Rove’s book on “The Triumph of William McKinley.” That 1896 campaign may sound obscure, but it relates directly to our challenge.

McKinley was faced with the great charismatic Democratic leader, the youngest major party nominee in history at 36 years old, William Jennings Bryan. Bryan is such a great passionate articulator of demagogic populism and was so influential in the Democratic Party for two generations (nominated three times for president) that Elizabeth Warren is his direct emotional descendant.

He literally – and I mean this as a tribute to Bryan – h e imprinted the Democratic Party with a negative, anti-elite, anti-city, anti-modernity kind of populism, a populism of anger. He talks about mankind being crucified on a cross of gold. He says at one point that he wants grass to grow on the streets of the cities. McKinley realizes he’s going to lose the election unless he breaks the heart of Bryan’s argument. McKinley understood in 1896 what Margaret Thatcher said in the 1970’s when she warned: “First you win the argument. Then you win the election.” And so, McKinley created the most thorough educational campaign in American history.

They printed 18 brochures for every American. That’s a scale of organization that’s unimaginable. And Karl, who’s a great professional, really walks you through it. The first part of the book most of it you won’t find all that exciting, because it’s about how he got the nomination – although it’s very useful. But the second half of the book is amazing and is the campaign we need this year.

We need a campaign that is going right at the philosophical basis of the modern Democratic Party. We need a campaign, for example, to say, “How many Americans do you think want to abolish the Medicare trust fund?” That’s actually what’s in the Sanders bill that could create national health care. You know, to the average 65-year-old or 55-year-old say, “Hi, would you like to help Sanders in abolishing the Medicare Trust Fund? All it requires is that you trust politicians.”

You know, you could probably win that argument and keep them on defense all the time. So, I think it’s tremendously important. I think what Ronna is doing is extraordinarily important. She needs your help and every state in the country. I need your help talking to every incumbent and every candidate, and you need to understand, this is where we’re going. This is what we have to accomplish, and my last point is this: 50 percent should be spent on the tax cuts.

I mean literally, 50 percent of our effort should be explaining the tax cuts and their impact at multiple levels.  At a cultural level, it puts America back on the road to being an entrepreneurial society. At the large economy level, it’s going to lead to growth – and at a personal level. When I talk about the example of reaching out to everyone, would you like to guess among all the Wal-Mart employees who just got bonuses what percent are African American? What percent are Latino?

Now today, they have no mechanism to say to them: “By the way, that was a Republican idea that just got money in your pocket.” That’s our job. It’s not their fault they don’t know it, and it’s certainly not NBC News’ fault. NBC News is the other team. So, we have to learn, and I would urge all of you to think about this literally. Fifty percent of our effort from now to election day should be very simple. We want you to have money in your pocket, a better job, a greater future, more money in your 401k for retirement. They want all of that money for their bureaucrats and their giveaways. You pick which team you like. You think it’s better to have Washington spend your money, you have a great party: The Democrats.  If you think it’s better for you to have the money, you have a great party, the Republicans. The two parties are this far apart.

As RNC members, if you’ll do your job, if you’ll help convince every single candidate and every single incumbent, we’ll change history just the way Trump changed history.

So, when reporters and analysts say, “Well, it’s the first term off-year election. The average losses are X.” My first thought is, “How do you think President Clinton is doing?”

The truth is we are led by somebody who breaks the records. We ought to join in this fall to break the record, and next year if we have won control of the House altogether – if we’ve picked up six or eight Senate seats – President Trump and the Republicans will be able to say, as Ronald Reagan used to say, “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”

Newt Gingrich is a Fox News contributor. A Republican, he was speaker of the United States House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999. Follow him on Twitter @NewtGingrich. His latest book is “Understanding Trump.”


With the economy going full steam ahead tonight’s State of the Union address will emphasize the accomplishments of the Trump administration. However, don’t expect the rebuttal Democrats to confirm the vigorous Trump economic engine as it powers all sectors of the economy. Think back of the lethargic (on purpose) economic policies of Obama. He, by the way, wanted to bring down America like Chavez and now Maduro have done in Venezuela. 

See below why the WALL is imperative for our safety. Of course the Democrats are a party of obstruction and destruction.

Trump might also highlight the recent Supreme Court decisions which have struck down the socialist attack on our freedoms. Regulations put in play by the Obama administrations are unraveling faster the excuses put forth by the Democrat criminals. Pelosi and Schumer are two birds of the same feather; obstructionists, liars, criminals all in one. Two socialists who do the bidding for illegal aliens, criminals in their own right, subversives who at any chance they get berate the Constitution of the United States and in so doing put the safety of American citizens at risk.

Two Dreamers who were living in the U.S. under the Obama-era DACA program were arrested last week on suspicion of human smuggling in separate incidents, federal officials reportedly said.

The San Diego Union-Tribune reported Monday that one of the men was in the country under the program and the other’s program had expired.

The report said that one incident occurred last Wednesday when a resident near Torrey Pines State Beach observed what looked like human smuggling.

Border agents pulled over a vehicle and found the driver—who was the 20-year-old DACA recipient whose status expired. He reportedly admitted to smuggling after two Mexican nationals in the country illegally were found in the car.


Associated Press

LAREDO, Texas (AP) — Authorities say a semitrailer driver is in custody after he was found to be transporting 76 immigrants in Texas.

The U.S. Border Patrol said in a statement Monday that the immigrants were discovered Friday at a checkpoint on U.S. 83, about 35 miles (56 kilometers) north of Laredo in South Texas. The semitrailer stopped in the checkpoint’s primary lane where the driver, a U.S. citizen, was questioned about his immigration status.

His rig was kept for further inspection, and agents found the immigrants inside the trailer.

The immigrants are from Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. Thirteen were unaccompanied minors. The Border Patrol says all of them are in good health.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokeswoman Nina Pruneda says the driver’s identity and other details about the case are being withheld at this time.



Great speech from a Great Man.  One observation though; an independent observer most likely would have noticed that those on the left were afflicted by some extraordinary type of ailment, that being their hands were stuck together superglue preventing them from clapping. And the progressives also suffered from Super Glue action on the seat of their pants, stuck to their chairs, obviously failing to rise to this special occasion.

The august halls of Congress will be the scene tonight of the grandest spectacle on earth; to be seen by hundreds of millions. Donald J. Trump, President Trump, will address the body. Of course we have been there before, but this night will be different. Putting it on the line, no political speak, Trump will lay out his plan to “make America great again.”

We expect the Lying, Cheating, Criminal Louts, AKA Democrats, you know, the usual suspects, to go Yellow Pants. They will have their say, but most of all it will fall on deaf ears. For them to be flattened by a roller, in the horizontal position, is something they are not used to – they are not accustomed to be in the prone position. Their main man is gone and their wannabee Lying Criminal literally fell by the wayside. The defeat they suffered in November does not digest easily; they have no other way to express themselves so what do they do? go off with the mouth inciting protests. 

Schumer and Pelosi, two of the most evil sinners alive today are not only beside themselves, but can’t accept the horrific hit and run suffered at the hands of Donald J. Trump. Paving the way for the Trump Agenda was President Barry Soetoro, who obviously didn’t believe in compromise, but ruled by executive order. Trump is now taking the cue and running with it.  Democrats should be familiar with the term, “legislating from the bench.” A slippery slope was paved for the Trump landslide.

The bureaucrat bungler of Big Government will definitely feel the hand of “we the people.” The Tea Party is greatly responsible for the Trump Victory. Big government, the grotesque web of paper pushers, will suffer a bout of diarrhea. 

Largess had its day in the sun, the party is over.  The departments of Education, Energy, Commerce, Housing and Agriculture are on the cutting block. Their budgets will be cut to the bone. This possibility has sent shivers down the spine of the parasites.

Government workers, in all honesty, know that they get paid for doing little or no work; this is true in most countries. This grand theft in broad daylight is larger than the Madoff swindle plus all others combined. Violation of the honest service law are ubiquitous. Click here for the top 25 government blood sucking agencies. 

Employment by agency[edit]

Federal Government executive branch civilian employment,
except U.S. Postal Service, fiscal year 2016[20]
(Employment in thousands)
United States,
U.S. territories,
and foreign countries
Washington, D.C. United States,
U.S. territories,
and foreign countries
Washington, D.C.
Combined Total 2,096 173
Executive departments 1,923 132 Independent agencies 173 41
Defense, total 738 16.5 Social Security Administration 64 0.2
Army 251 2 NASA 17 1
Navy 207 12 Environmental Protection Agency 16 4
Air Force 169 0.5 Securities and Exchange Commission 5 3
Other defense 80 2 General Services Administration 12 4
Veterans Affairs 373 8 Small Business Administration 4 0.8
Homeland Security 192 24 Office of Personnel Management 5 2
Treasury 92 9
Justice 117
Agriculture 97 7 Executive departments (cont.)
Interior 71 4
Health/Human Services (HHS) 87 4 Energy 15 5
Transportation 55 8 State 13 10
Commerce 46 3 Housing/Urban Dev (HUD) 8 3
Labor 16 5 Education 4 3
SOURCE: U.S. Office of Personnel Management


So much bull crap gushed out of the anointed one’s mouth last night that an emergency call was made to the EPA. Clean up in aisle “hope for change.” For our President to not understand the word “no” is telling. In 2010 the Republicans took the House, in 2014 they took both the House and Senate; in between BO emerged the victor securing a second term. In Obama’s mind this is a winning hand, the implosion of the Democrats (can’t blame it on Bush this time)  in both years is meaningless, but what makes it more remarkable is the fact that Obama still believes in his ascendancy, when in fact his star is crashing to earth;  or we can put it another way, he has flown to close to the son.

In his 6 years in office Obama has pissed off one group after another – his campaign style is divisive,  a divide and conquer mentality where hard working Americans, those who have succeeded without a government handout are to be demonized. Never  will POTUS accept the conclusion that some people don’t have a job  for a reason. Taking from the rich and giving to the parasite is Obama’s modus operandi, starting a cultural war is his cup of tea. Class warfare the coin of the realm. “We are the victim and the rich are to blame.”

One of the main issues pitting Republicans and a handful, possibly more, Republicans is the ongoing negotiations with Iran. One deadline was not met, another is set to expire in June. The Senate is adamant on passing legislation which would once again punish Iran with more sanctions if the negotiations fail. However, Obama says no, do this and Iran will be mad enough to walk away from the table,  they will not negotiate with a hammer over their head.  Why is Obama is in Iran’s corner touting their position?  Why is he  their advocate; for what reason?  It is still fresh in our mind,  Obama’s vigorous and unwavering support for the Muslim Brotherhood. That too is very suspicious.

Taxes, Obama loves that word more than any other in the English language; without them his socialist utopia collapse. So he must tax more in order to spend more, a financial nuclear reaction. And we can go on and on, but what is the use. Perhaps the Senate will give him a good kick in the butt with his first override. Humble pie is hard to digest – can’t wait to see the snake lash out and Democrats after that happens. Stay tune!

In passing, the price of gold has not responded the way many pundits have prognosticated. On the way to $700 the gold has surged to $1300. What has inspired many to hop on the gold wagon is the continued debasement of world currencies. Venezuela and Russia have seen their currencies lose 50% of their value in short order. their citizens have learned their lessons well, many have purchased gold as insurance for just sort an event. But Europe is  approaching the abyss, printing fiat money like it is going out of style – we have to believe that many of the EU’s citizens are buying as well, for the Euro has dropped 15% too. What is surprising is that the dollar run up vs these currencies, typically not good for gold, has not had the usual effect. One other item worth mentioning, deflation is not good for gold too, then why is it going up? Our guess, “somebody big knows something.”

Through out history gold has been the medium of exchange; the store of value. Paper money displaced gold early in the 17th century; first used in Massachusetts then by the states during the Civil War. The banking industry’s genesis was initiated early on by warehouses which issued a receipt – thus a warehouse receipt – entitling the holder to redeem the receipt for the said amount of gold as defined in the receipt. As the industry blossomed it became apparent that the holders of receipts very rarely requested the physical gold; they only transferred the receipts. Thus the warehouses evolved into lenders realizing that a call for 100 percent of the gold at any one time was not a probability.

The 18th through the 21st century became the glory days of gold. Banks became behemoths lending more gold than they had in inventory. When a run on a bank occurred, which it ultimately did, culminating in bankruptcy and ruin. As the United States entered the 20th century as the world’s big money player the world treated the dollar as if it was good as gold.

This was true up until 1971.  Not dismissing the illegal taking of individuals gold by FDR back in 1933 (see executive order 6102).  The world was on the path of becoming a dynamic and risky adventure from 1971 on; the dollar was no longer convertible to gold, the dream of El Dorado became a reality by inventing paper gold on a scale never seen before. The physical gold window had closed, the dollar pyramid scheme began.  Hence the printing of paper money on a scale never seen before. Economies were on financial cocaine, a euphoria that is still manifested by governments gone wild. More printing enabled the exalted to exert control of economies, countries and world politics. But good times don’t last forever.

Entering the 21st century has proved that the dollar panacea has a long reach, but things can changes in a quant moment. Across the globe one country after another has defaulted; Greece and Argentina head the list. Is it possible that the United States is next?  A probability that cannot be counted out. What brings us to that conclusion is the loss of faith in the United States. We are no longer control world events – Obama saw to it.

Future obligations are the tail wagging the dog and that is about to become the albatross under our neck for the next two decades. Obligations are coming due. And the question remains, who will be responsible to pay them. for sure you can’t count on today’s youth to hand over their hard earned cash.   17 Trillion and counting is a gargantua number, that is just debt, counting social security, medicate obligations and interest on the debt we are looking at a google type number closer to 100 trillion. $100,000,000,0000,0000.

Another relevant question to ask a politician of the goldbrick variety is:  Will we ever be able to pay back the money we owe?   Don’t expect a straight answer.  The next question is, Will gold provide a solution to political largesse?