UPDATE: SUSAN RICE caught in a bunch of lies. Now we discover that it was she who ordered the UNMASKING of NAMES in the OBAMAGATE surveillance of the Trump Tower. CLICK HERE for the Hannity video and more. Rand Paul calls for Susan Rice to testify under oath.
ANALYSIS/OPINION: from the Washington Times
Sen. Rand Paul followed a bomb-blaster of a tweet about Susan Rice’s supposed “spying on [the] Trump campaign” with a call for her to come to Capitol Hill, take the oath and testify.
She won’t. But she should. At the very least, it’d be good for the former Barack Obama national security adviser to explain just why she wanted to “unmask” the names of those in intelligence reports tied to President Donald Tr
Remember that this is the same Susan Rice who was pushed out to give the false narrative on Benghazi.
Think of the Plumbers of Watergate fame, a rag-tag cloak and dagger ensemble put together by members of the Nixon administration. Nixon was elected to be the 37th President of the United States. He took office in January 1969. In August 21, 1971: Nixon’s Enemies List is started by White House aides (though Nixon himself may not have been aware of it); to “use the available federal machinery to screw our political enemies.”
September 3, 1971: “White House Plumbers” E. Howard Hunt, G. Gordon Liddy et al. break into the offices of Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist Lewis Fielding looking for material that might discredit Ellsberg, under the direction of John Ehrlichman or his staff within the White House. This was the Plumbers’ first major operation.
The Pentagon Papers, officially titled United States – Vietnam Relations, 1945–1967: A Study Prepared by the Department of Defense, is a United States Department of Defense history of the United States’ political-military involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1967. The papers were released by Daniel Ellsberg, who had worked on the study; they were first brought to the attention of the public on the front page of The New York Times in 1971. A 1996 article in The New York Times said that the Pentagon Papers had demonstrated, among other things, that the Johnson Administration “systematically lied, not only to the public but also to Congress”.
More specifically, the papers revealed that the U.S. had secretly enlarged the scale of the Vietnam War with the bombings of nearby Cambodia and Laos, coastal raids on North Vietnam, and Marine Corps attacks, none of which were reported in the mainstream media.
For his disclosure of the Pentagon Papers, Ellsberg was initially charged with conspiracy, espionage, and theft of government property, but the charges were later dropped after prosecutors investigating the Watergate Scandal discovered that the staff members in the Nixon White House had ordered the so-called White House Plumbers to engage in unlawful efforts to discredit Ellsberg.
June 17, 1972: The plumbers are arrested at 2:30 a.m. in the process of burglarizing and planting surveillance bugs in the Democratic National Committee offices at the Watergate Building Complex.
Early August 1974: A previously unknown tape from June 23, 1972 (recorded a few days after the break-in) documenting Nixon and Haldeman formulating a plan to block investigations, is released. This recording would later become known as the “Smoking Gun”.
Does all of the above smell like something in the Obama administration. Foreign intelligence, domestic surveillance, false stories, rumors, innuendo targeting the Trump campaign. There is no doubt that members of the Obama administration ran a covert operation to discredit the Trump run for the White House. Operatives in the FBI, CIA, NSA and others were involved at the request of Obama. Similar to the Lois Lerner targeting the TEA PARTY, these agencies were directed to target and discredit Trump at every turn.
However, like DEEP THROAT in the Watergate caper spilling the beans, we now have Obama’s Deep Throat in the name of Evelyn Farkas. Unsurprisingly, President Donald J. Trump was correct. Though he originally spoke, or tweeted, clumsily, the gist of his claim was correct: The administration of his predecessor, Barack H. Obama, had indeed been surveilling Trump and those close to his campaign.
Yet, notice, Farkas never said that the intel proved anything so much as resembling “collusion” between Putin or “the Russians” and Trump. Had there been anything there, she would have done what no one has yet to do and offer at least a scintilla of evidence to substantiate this charge.
We now wait for those responsible, the ones who spied on American citizens to be outed, to be brought up on charges and convicted of breaking the law. As in the Watergate affair, we know that many were involved. Farkas, a screaming liberal, has opened the door. Trump and his team have been given a golden opportunity to ascertain not only the culprits but the Kingpin, who ordered the operation. We know who he was, Ex President Obama.
Rooting them out will take more than Roto Rooter.
It will be necessary to bring in Mr. Dynamite.