Tag Archives: Donald Trump


Don’t be fooled by the criminals running today’s media. For instance CNN, better known now since Trump called them out as CFNN, the Cable Fake News Network. It is more than remarkable that the criminals running the Democrat party, including the DNC were given a free pass by the media. Better yet, Hillary Clinton, a criminal by any other word, has Slick Willie put the gun to Loretta Lynch who then tells Comey to call it a matter. Hillary is a criminal, there are no two ways about it. And what happened to her cabal?  Nothing!


Criminals all of them including PodestaHillary Clinton (don’t forget the $100,000 commodity scam), Mills, Rice, Samuelson, Rich, Loretta Lynch, Huma Abedin, and Slick Willie lawyer up, lie, forget and blame others for their crimes. So what else is new? They went after the Stevens in Alaska (APPEALED AND FOUND NOT GUILTY)McDonnell in Virginia (APPEALED AND FOUND NOT GUILTY) like hungry wildebeests,Blue wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus taurinus), male.jpg but Corzine of MS Global (NEVER INDICTED) went scot free. Folks remember WE are BELOW THE LAW, these narcissists know no law.

These tyrants need to be locked up; put a way for good, JAIL THE BIRDS for ever.  JAIL HOUSE ROCK.

CLICK HERE and watch liberal news anchors shocked by female Black woman giving them a lesson in stereotyping.

The Democrats will never live it down that HILLARY, lock her up, Clinton, suffered the Mother of all defeats on election eve. Now they are in revolt mode trying to bring Trump down. Sorry to say it won’t happen.


Americans are divided more than ever thanks to the race baiters that make up the bulk of the Democrat party. But most of all the insidious rhetoric was amplified by Obama during his eight years of inflammatory diatribe including biased comments on various incidents which we don’t need to go into. 

However, to understand what America is all about on this Independence day, please CLICK HERE and listen to the videos. They will uplift your heart at the same time will make you understand the compassion we have for those who died, not in vain, but in victory.

We live today because they died yesterday. They gave the ultimate for us to live our life to its fullest. Thank you Veterans for you will be in our hearts for eternity.

Thank Thomas Jefferson for his foresight in authoring the Declaration of Independence.




Both China and Russia are very good at their game, they have perfected every counter move surreptitiously sucking in their prey. The United States, starting from the drubbing they took from Uncle Joe, to the playing of Obama like a cheap violin are in good hands with Rex Tillerson; don’t expect him to fall victim to the Chinese or Russian ruse.

China for instance has global ambitions of which no stone will be unturned.  We turn your attention to the Spatly Islands for example proving that words do not overcome might. Chinese mandarins have not shot their way into the controversy; what they have done is dared others to stop them – of course no one wants to pick a fight in which they would inevitable lose. So Japan, Viet Nam, Philippines and Thailand in reality are paper tigers without the wherewithal to wage battle.© Fabian Hamacher

The Russian bear resorts to military force, as in the Crimea takeover because for them power is only exercised at the point of a gun. Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are in their sight. Keep in mind that the Baltics constantly look over their shoulder for an attack by a wild bear; a real possibility. Testing others in the ramp up to battle is a time honored technique. How far can the bravado go without any push-back is the true measure of their bravado.

Under Obama there seem to be no limit for an aggressor. Bashar al-Assad proved his meddle with Russian backing. Red lines were only words, powerless without force. For now the Russians and Chinese find themselves in intractable positions. But a new man in town does not so easily bend at the knees. The President of the United States Barack Obama greets King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.

Trump is no pushover like his predecessor. He is a hard nosed businessman whose learning curve in the ways of the powerful elite are much quicker than one expected. For example, Syria and Russia were sent a swift message via airmail destroying 20 of Assad’s aircraft. And a MOAB was unleashed in Afghanistan that targeted the ISIS underground network of tunnels. The GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast, sometimes grimly called the “Mother of All Bombs” or “MOAB” because of its acronym, was loaded onto a pallet, flown in a C-130 cargo plane, then dragged out the back of the plane — pallet included — by a parachute.Preliminary results indicated dozens of ISIS fighters meeting their maker, dead and buried for good.

Next on the agenda is North Korea – Trump’s military are standing by, a red alert has been issued. Any moment now we expected North Korea to take one from the home team. One MOAB won’t do the job because Pyongyang has numerous assets on land and sea ready, willing and able to go into action. However, Trump will endeavor to destroy the Chinese puppet masters in an all-out surprise attack. This will be coming to a theater near you. We know it will happen soon because the Boy Leader is egging for a fatal engagement. Trump, we are certain gave Xi the ultimatum, stop nuclear ambitions of Kim Jung-un.  Don’t expect this to happen on Trump’s watch. Threats do not intimidate a psychopath. So let it be written, let it be done is Trumps counter to Xi. Kim Jong-Un Photorealistic-Sketch.jpg

Waiting in the curtain is IRAN and TURKEY.


UPDATE: SUSAN RICE caught in a bunch of lies. Now we discover that it was she who ordered the UNMASKING of NAMES in the OBAMAGATE surveillance of the Trump Tower. CLICK HERE for the Hannity video and more.   Rand Paul calls for Susan Rice to testify under oath. 

ANALYSIS/OPINION: from the Washington Times

Sen. Rand Paul followed a bomb-blaster of a tweet about Susan Rice’s supposed “spying on [the] Trump campaign” with a call for her to come to Capitol Hill, take the oath and testify.

She won’t. But she should. At the very least, it’d be good for the former Barack Obama national security adviser to explain just why she wanted to “unmask” the names of those in intelligence reports tied to President Donald Tr

Remember that this is the same Susan Rice who was pushed out to give the false narrative on Benghazi. 



Think of the Plumbers of Watergate fame, a rag-tag cloak and dagger ensemble put together by members of the Nixon administration. Nixon was elected to be the 37th President of the United States. He took office in January 1969.  In August 21, 1971: Nixon’s Enemies List is started by White House aides (though Nixon himself may not have been aware of it); to “use the available federal machinery to screw our political enemies.”

September 3, 1971: “White House Plumbers” E. Howard Hunt, G. Gordon Liddy et al. break into the offices of Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist Lewis Fielding looking for material that might discredit Ellsberg, under the direction of John Ehrlichman or his staff within the White House. This was the Plumbers’ first major operation.

The Pentagon Papers, officially titled United States – Vietnam Relations, 1945–1967: A Study Prepared by the Department of Defense, is a United States Department of Defense history of the United States’ political-military involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1967. The papers were released by Daniel Ellsberg, who had worked on the study; they were first brought to the attention of the public on the front page of The New York Times in 1971. A 1996 article in The New York Times said that the Pentagon Papers had demonstrated, among other things, that the Johnson Administration “systematically lied, not only to the public but also to Congress”.

More specifically, the papers revealed that the U.S. had secretly enlarged the scale of the Vietnam War with the bombings of nearby Cambodia and Laos, coastal raids on North Vietnam, and Marine Corps attacks, none of which were reported in the mainstream media.

For his disclosure of the Pentagon Papers, Ellsberg was initially charged with conspiracy, espionage, and theft of government property, but the charges were later dropped after prosecutors investigating the Watergate Scandal discovered that the staff members in the Nixon White House had ordered the so-called White House Plumbers to engage in unlawful efforts to discredit Ellsberg.

June 17, 1972: The plumbers are arrested at 2:30 a.m. in the process of burglarizing and planting surveillance bugs in the Democratic National Committee offices at the Watergate Building Complex.

Early August 1974: A previously unknown tape from June 23, 1972 (recorded a few days after the break-in) documenting Nixon and Haldeman formulating a plan to block investigations, is released. This recording would later become known as the “Smoking Gun”.

Does all of the above smell like something in the Obama administration. Foreign intelligence, domestic surveillance, false stories, rumors, innuendo targeting the Trump campaign. There is no doubt that members of the Obama administration ran a covert operation to discredit the Trump run for the White House. Operatives in the FBI, CIA, NSA and others were involved at the request of Obama. Similar to the Lois Lerner targeting the TEA PARTY, these agencies were directed to target and discredit Trump at every turn.

However, like DEEP THROAT in the Watergate caper spilling the beans, we now have Obama’s Deep Throat in the name of Evelyn Farkas. Unsurprisingly, President Donald J. Trump was correct. Though he originally spoke, or tweeted, clumsily, the gist of his claim was correct: The administration of his predecessor, Barack H. Obama, had indeed been surveilling Trump and those close to his campaign.

Yet, notice, Farkas never said that the intel proved anything so much as resembling “collusion” between Putin or “the Russians” and Trump. Had there been anything there, she would have done what no one has yet to do and offer at least a scintilla of evidence to substantiate this charge.

We now wait for those responsible, the ones who spied on American citizens to be outed, to be brought up on charges and convicted of breaking the law. As in the Watergate affair, we know that many were involved. Farkas, a screaming liberal, has opened the door. Trump and his team have been given a golden opportunity to ascertain not only the culprits but the Kingpin, who ordered the operation. We know who he was, Ex President Obama.

Rooting them out will take more than Roto Rooter. Roto-rooterlogo.PNGIt will be necessary to bring in Mr. Dynamite.  James Brown Live Hamburg 1973 1702730029.jpg



John Gotti was crowned the head the Gambino Crime Family becoming the “King of the Volcano” by knocking off those who did not know the way of the street. You could say that Donald Trump knows the way of the street better than all of the Republican and Democrat challengers he faced in 2016. The street is composed of regular people, not those elitists who who dictate to them.

November 8 turned out to be a wake-up call to those mental midgets. Many Republicans failed to grasp the Trump movement, some of them are sore losers, such as Kasich from Illinois. Others now find themselves not in the backseat but on the running board. Democrats on the other hand are now living in fear and they should be. These pollywog buffoons no how to destroy a good thing; America. And they have paid for it in spades. Congratulations to their self immolation. We enjoyed their flameout. They can protest until hell freezes over, but it won’t do them any good. Instead of working with moderate Republicans during the past eight years, they snubbed them. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi armed themselves to the teeth, pulling every trick in the book to pass Obamacare. Obama in a rage stood down at the United Nations when the stakes for Israel were the highest. John Kerry, another lying snake in the grass, tries to explain the United States stance against Israel and their rightful place in Jerusalem. History records the facts not Obama’s pipe dream.

Friday will come, but it will not be gone. It will be a day that lives in infamy; Washington will be turned upside down. 


RONALD REAGAN‘s warning of future Obamas.



President-elect Donald Trump’s pledge to build a U.S.-Mexico wall has touched off a fierce debate in the U.S. border towns that would be most affected – with local Democrats vowing to fight Trump tooth and nail if he proceeds.

“Mexico is an ally, not an enemy,” Rep. Filemon Vela, D-Texas, told FoxNews.com. “It is our second-largest trading partner, and building a wall between two countries with such important ties is a senseless and wasteful exercise.”

Vela is a colorful Trump critic. He made headlines after calling the president-elect’s illegal immigrant policies “hateful, dehumanizing, and frankly shameful.” In a public letter, he also advised Trump to “take your border wall and shove it up your ass.”


Dear President Trump,

We wish you well as President. Americans want you to succeed. We suggest a few items that should be first and foremost on your agenda. Thank you for considering them, but implementing them will ensure the continuation of your legacy.

  1. Require all schools receiving Federal Dollars to conduct their lessons in English only. This will accomplish two things. First it will instill patriotism and second it will bring foreigners into a cultural alliance with those who are already English proficient. The end result being cultural simulation.
  2. Require proof of citizenship to vote in Federal and State elections; proof to be submitted are the following: naturalization papers, birth certificate or United States Passport. For once and for all this will eliminate election fraud and the stealing of elections. Along with this requirement the voter must physically cast a ballot, therefore the election period shall be increased from one day to one week. Absentee ballots will be allowed with valid excuses. For instance being out of the country, permanently disabled, unable to physically get to the voting venue. In a Presidential election the results must be announced in tandem. Allowing early results from Eastern states have the possibility of influencing voters in Western states.
  3. Require the immediate resignation of all employees of the Department of Education. – no exception allowed. Leave education to the states
  4. Require the elimination of all subsidies, farm, energy, commercial, automotive and environmental. This will level the playing field expected of competitive markets.
  5. Require that new members of the administration refrain from nepotism. Immediately cull those relatives of Congressman and Senators from government. Let them get jobs in the private sector and find out how it is to work for a change.
  6. Require all members of Congress and employees of the Federal Government to pay into Social Security. The result will be the elimination of government pension benefits enriching those who live off the rest of us taxpayers.
  7. At a minimum one or perhaps two Supreme Court Justices will be appointed by President Trump. Their charge should be to immediately rule on the ANCHOR BABY QUESTION.The Citizenship Clause is the first sentence of Section 1 in the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which states that “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” This clause represented Congress’s reversal of a portion of the Dred Scott v. Sandford decision which had declared that African Americans were not and could not become citizens of the United States or enjoy any of the privileges and immunities of citizenship. PLEASE NOTE THE “subject to the jurisdiction thereof”, this must be adjudicated. An illegal alien is not subject to our jurisdiction when in fact they are citizens of another country. See below in red. 

    The Civil Rights Act of 1866 had already granted U.S. citizenship to all persons born in the United States not subject to any foreign power“. The 39th Congress proposed the principle underlying the Citizenship Clause due to concerns expressed about the constitutionality of the Civil Rights Act during floor debates in Congress. The framers of the Fourteenth Amendment sought to entrench the principle in the Constitution in order to prevent its being struck down by the Supreme Court or repealed by a future Congress.

    the jurisdiction thereof.”

    Overwhelming evidence against the interpretation of “subject to the jurisdiction thereof,” or “not subject to any foreign power” as reaffirming the common law doctrine of citizenship by birth to aliens can be found following the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment. In 1867 George Helm Yeaman, United States Minister to Denmark, in his well received treatise on allegiance and citizenship, which was presented to Secretary of State William H. Seward, said: “But the idea of a double allegiance and citizenship united in the same person, and having reference to two separate, independent, and sovereign nations or governments, is simply an impossibility.”

    In the year 1873 the United States Attorney General ruled the word “jurisdiction” under the Fourteenth Amendment to mean, which Justice Gray would recognize in Elk v.Wilkins years later:

    The word “jurisdiction” must be understood to mean absolute and complete jurisdiction, such as the United States had over its citizens before the adoption of this amendment… Aliens, among whom are persons born here and naturalized abroad, dwelling or being in this country, are subject to the jurisdiction of the United States only to a limited extent. Political and military rights and duties do not pertain to them. (14 Op. Atty-Gen. 300.)

    House Report No. 784, dated June 22, 1874, stated, “The United States have not recognized a double allegiance. By our law a citizen is bound to be ‘true and faithful’ alone to our government.” There is no way in the world anyone can claim “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” affirms the feudal common law doctrine of birth citizenship to aliens because such doctrine by operation creates a “double allegiance” between separate nations.

    If there is one inescapable truth to the text and debates, it is this: When Congress decided to require potential citizens to first be subject to the complete jurisdiction of the United States they by default excluded all citizens of other nations temporarily residing in the U.S. who had no intention of becoming citizens themselves or, disqualified of doing so under naturalization laws. This was no oversight because it was too simple to declare the common law rule of jus soli if indeed that was truly the desired goal by these very competent lawyers (both Howard and Trumbull were lawyers).

    Aaron Sargent, a Representative from California during the Naturalization Act of 1870 debates said the Fourteenth Amendment’s citizenship clause was not a de-facto right for aliens to obtain citizenship. No one came forward to dispute this conclusion.

    Perhaps because he was absolutely correct. What do you think about that TED CRUZ?

The above are starters.


From the liberals of course, but it can also mean a pull back from adventure or on the other hand a more aggressive foreign policy that brings us back to the days of carrot and stick. The most important thing though is the throwing overboard of the Obama legacy, which by the way turned into a big fat zero, nothing accomplished in eight exhausted years.

And let’s not stop there,  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, ” was a disaster according to Trump”, “bad experience did not Trump good experience .  The microscopic focus on Trump’s pick for Secretary  of State is turning into a soap opera. The pundits weighing in on experience of the potential wannabees. Please tell us what experience Hillary Clinton had. Excuse us for asking, we forgot she was the first lady, then a useless carpetbagging senator with a big mouth. Believe us when we tell you that Russ Tillerson will be a great addition to the cabinet and an asset to the Trump Team.