Tag Archives: IRS


The old boys network has given a pass to another lying government employee; this time it is the IRS stooge, Lois Lerner.  She took the 5th which by itself is a guilty plea. Our employee, your employee invoking the 5th Amendment, this is some one paid by our taxes who will not tell us what she did, what she knows and who told her to do it.

Our Justice Department has failed us once again.  One bet w9rth taking if Lerner was a Republican and she targeted Democrats the DOJ no doubt would have prosecuted her. You can put that in the bank.

Folks, we are on step closer to the 2nd American Revolution.  With criminals running our government, the honest paying, hard working taxpayer and honest citizen alike has no choice but to revolt. We cannot go on the way we are with Criminals in Washington D.C.

Wake up America.


We suffered as Lois Lerner invoked the 5th Amendment when question by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Now we have learned that the latest to take the fifth is the Hillary confidant responsible for setting up her illegal server. Bryan Pagliano will invoke the 5th Amendment when questioned by the the House Select Committee on Benghazi, the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the Senate Homeland Security Committee citing an ongoing FBI investigation.

And to top it off the IRS Commissioner has continued to withhold evidence which would support the facts that the IRS targeted Tea Party groups. Jason Chaffetz of the House Oversight Committee has called for his firing. The guy is an incompetent donkey carrying Barack Hussein Obama’s water. And then we come to Hillary Clinton who has stonewalled the investigation into her email server.

Folks the government is out of control; the only solution is REVOLUTION.  gadsdenflag


Tea Party entities were targeted under the direct order of Barack Hussein Obama; Lois Lerner knelt down in serving the master and his cause. Now it has come to our attention that the Holder justice department has given Lerner a free pass; they have eliminated the possibility of arrest.  This government employee, a servant acting under Obama’s auspices has spit at and trampled the Constitutional right of Freedom of the Press and Speech of the TEA PARTY.

A government employee who takes the 5th amendment is guilty as charged.  Clam up and you are guilty, go straight to jail. Government employees have no right to remain silent. They have taken an oath to obey the laws of the land. This did not happen.  They must be tried in the People’s court by We The People. Otherwise there is a conflict of interest when the government is the judge and jury. Therefore, without any reservations, this woman should be arrested by the Sargent at Arms, prosecuted and incarcerated.

What has happened here is unprecedented; an administration that targets its own citizens, stifles their freedoms and then dispenses goodies to criminal government employees. A REVOLUTION is the only answer to a lawless government. Join us in targeting every Democrat and Republican alike who has condoned this sorry chapter in our history.

The Obama Administration’s latest gift to the former IRS tax-exempt chief came recently when U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Ron Macheninformed the House of Representatives that he would not file charges on its formal contempt citation against Ms. Lerner. This absolution, which shields Ms. Lerner from a grand jury probe, came on Mr. Machen’s final day on the job.

An off shoot to this affair is the destruction of emails by government employees destroying their illegal actions which is prima facie evidence of their criminality.


Run by a government out of control with employees doing Obama’s dirty work by lying to Congress; this has energized an American populace against this Terrorist Organization. Targeting Tea Party groups leading up to the 2012 election by preventing them from soliciting funds for political purposes; this stymied advertising which could have prevented Obama’s 2nd term.

Lois Lerner, kept her mouth shut by invoking the 5th Amendment in testimony before Congress. IRS honcho Koskinen then told Congress that they would investigate, but did no such thing. Suddenly we are informed that 32,000 of Lerner’s emails have been located on back-up tapes. “We were lied to.”  We now wait to find out what incriminating evidence is in those tapes, but will not be surprised if Obama directed the cover-up and the targeting of Tea Party groups.

Lois Lerner, Obama’s IRS water carrying Tea Party vigilante, is receiving a pension of $100,000+.  Lerner is very depressed because she can’t find a job. You have got to be kidding. We have one for her. Time for the ankle bracelets.  We have seen a recent job posting at an all women’s prison, “Help wanted: no experience necessary; attention to detail cleaning latrines in a government institution; low pay but plenty of job security.”


IRS stooge, Lois Lerner, is one step closer to the gallows. Many of her so-called lost emails have been found. Although it will take weeks to decode them, we are of the opinion that they will provide enough rope to see that justice is done.

Remember that Lerner and her colleagues presumably on Obama’s order, targeted the TEA PARTY; limiting their ability to form 501-3c entities and thus stopping them from raising funds for the 2010 election. This stifled their 1st Amendment right to free speech enabling Barry Soetoro to survive a tough election and claim a 2nd term.


Executive Produced by John Sullivan who co-directed America and 2016: Obama’s America , he is releasing a new film playing in 674 theaters Tuesday night ONLY, 7 PM.

Title: UnFair: Exposing the IRS
UnFair takes audiences on a tour across the country to explore the alleged cover-ups and abuses of power at the Internal Revenue Service. Additionally, this one night event will not only allow you to hear from the experts, but give you the chance to sit in on a panel discussion, hosted by Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.

This is an amazing film. Very well done with top talent behind-the-scenes. Gov. Huckabee interviewed the producer Craig Bergman on his Saturday, 11 Oct Fox News Channel program -> http://www.rightsightings.com/targeted-by-the-irs/

You can buy tickets in advance here: http://www.fathomevents.com/event/unfair/buy
Main site: http://unfairmovie.com/
Tuesday, 14 Oct, 7:00 PM

CT Theaters

Digiplex Bloomfield 8, Buy



Branford 12, Buy



Danbury 16 with IMAX, Buy



Enfield 12, Buy



Lisbon 12 Theatres, Buy

Jewett City


Buckland Hills 18 IMAX, Buy



Connecticut Post 14 with IMAX, Buy



North Haven 12, Buy

North Haven


Stonington 10, Buy



Digiplex Torrington, Buy




A quick update. Lois Lerner, Obama’s IRS water carrying Tea Party vigilante, is receiving a pension of $100,000+.  Lerner is very depressed because she can’t find a job. You have got to be kidding. We have one for her. Time for the ankle bracelets.  We have seen a recent job posting at an all women’s prison, “Help wanted: no experience necessary; attention to detail cleaning latrines in a government institution; low pay but plenty of job security.”


To give lift off to Clinton’s political ambitions and Obama’s reelection plans accusative reports by witnesses on the ground and commanders in the Benghazi theater confirmed that incriminating evidence has been shredded; neutralized to protect the guilty. Clinton, we all know is a liar of the first rank only to be out done by Obama, the opportunist and liar of the first degree. Both of them are guilty of treason, lying to the American public and involved in a cover-up that far surpasses anything that we have ever seen.

Not only Benghazi, but keep in mind that this is a pattern of the administration, add to it the IRS targeting the TEA PARTY, suppressing their first amendment right to free speech; the result being the reelection of a swindler, worse than a Madoff or a Ponzi. The rage in the eyes of the American public has reached Code Red stage.

And to add insult to injury, Eric Holder, our chief law enforcement officer has been complicit, lying to Congress, failing to produce requested documents – the guy will not come clean on Fast and Furious. A ruthless killer, Holder is attempting to suppress the investigation of his culpability, which borders on murder for the killing of our Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, that will implicate him.

The time has come for all three to be fitted with ankle bracelets. America has had it with the triumvirate of evil.


We have a criminal on the loose. Her name is Lois Lerner. She had previously taken the 5th after she read a prepared statement. But now we learned that she crashed her Blackberry when ordered not too. This is tantamount of espionage against the American people; treading on the Constitution by a government employee is ground for the chair.  Justice must be served. We will accept no less. Remember, Obama owes his second term to the IRS, a bought election, unheard of since the Kennedy landslide in 1960.

Protected by the thug in the White House for now, but the buzzards are swarming around the soon to be dead carcass. Darryl Issa must be licking his lips right about now, getting ready to swoop down like the hungry bird he is.

As we suspected all along the emails exist, they were backed up live on a fail safe system. We demand the emails in no uncertain terms. America wants the emails. All excuses given why Lerner’s hard drive crashed and the emails lost were out right lies. This IRS is an extension of the Obama regime, politicized to the max to target conservative speech.

Obama the liar in chief is behind the IRS Tea Party shakedown. Our 1st Amendment rights were abridged leading to Obama’s 2nd term.

Holder is behind the Fast and Furious fiasco that led to the killing of Brian Terry, Hillary Clinton is responsible for our Ambassador behind murdered in Benghazi.

The Obama administration is the most corrupt in history. The American people must demand the truth now. We cannot wait any longer; a corrupt government leads to tyranny. Day be day we come one step closer to authoritarian rule by a maniac who must be put into a straight jacket.