Tag Archives: Obama


To guarantee the defeat of Donald Trump the FBI in coordination with the Democrat party infiltrated Trump’s campaign targeting individuals and Trump himself in order to hide the rogue DEEP STATE criminal activity. We all know what their plan was and is; we have seen it with liberal progressive judges superseding their authority, regulators and administrators writing regulations, rules and edicts stymieing individual freedom in violation of the Constitution. This has been going on for years and they, the Democrat liberal entrenched bureaucracy sought to keep it that way. The Swamp is deeper than we ever thought, but with evidence of such an “internal coup d’etat” coming forth by the day proves and substantiates that our Democracy was under siege.

The Obama Administration in stealth mode sought to undermine our Democracy. Surreptitiously they planted a mole in the campaign of Donald Trump. The mole, who has been outed, was to get dirt on dubious connections the Trump team had with Russians and other foreign governments. Then, under  the auspices of “cloak and dagger” their man would supply information to the FBI. How they did this was through a covert setup organized by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in coordination with the iconic sleuth organization.

The DNC paid an outfit named GPS Fusion who intern hired Richard Steele, a suspicious character if there ever was one. Using fake information, not verified, his pseudo intelligence was forwarded to the FBI. They in turn acted on it without verification; making arrests of small players and underlings who worked for Trump. Through it all these Democrat weasels spied on Trump Tower in a vain effort to propel “lock her up” Clinton onto the thrown. Appointing a special prosecutor with Democrat credentials is the last straw. We must halt this fishing expedition now. Fire Mueller, Rosenstein and Sesssions.

“This is just the beginning.”

– Former Trump aide Michael Caputo –

Donald J. Trump


Trump said Sunday he’d formally seek a Department of Justice probe into whether government agents surveilled the campaign for political purposes, and whether any such demands came from the Obama administration.

“Reports are there was indeed at least one FBI representative implanted, for political purposes, into my campaign for president,” Trump tweeted Friday. “It took place very early on, and long before the phony Russia Hoax became a ‘hot’ Fake News story. If true – all time biggest political scandal!”

Reports are there was indeed at least one FBI representative implanted, for political purposes, into my campaign for president. It took place very early on, and long before the phony Russia Hoax became a “hot” Fake News story. If true – all time biggest political scandal!

The question comes down to this, Americans voted for Trump, they knew what they were getting. He was elected to shatter the old ways of doing things; bringing in new thinking and vigor. Also, when electing Democrats we knew what would happen – socialistic policies across the board, pushing the envelope has hard as can be.
On the other hand Trump was an unknown quantity, but most of those who cast their ballot for him were anxious to see him take on the swamp. However, we must add, suppose a Maduro of Venezueala was running and elected over “Jail the Bird” and he initiated social systems akin to the Venezuealan swamp, no one and we repeat no one would be alarmed because that’s what they voted for. 
ADVICE TO TRUMP – “GO ROUGE – GO NUCLEAR” get your justices in place, laws passed and those who break the law jailed. 


Presidents come and go, but Judges go on forever and death do us part. The opportunity presenting itself to the conservative aficionado is numerous indeed. Trump is hell bent on filling vacant court positions with strict constructionists in the mold of Anton Scalia. His opportunity just rose with the appointment of  Michael Brennan.  The Senate voted Thursday to confirm Mr. Brennan to a lifetime seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit ― a vacancy that Republicans prevented President Barack Obama from filling for six years.

From the mouth of Mitch McConnell: “This is my top priority in the Senate,” McConnell told conservative radio show host Hugh Hewitt last week. “By appointing and confirming these strict constructionists to the courts who are in their late 40s or early 50s … I believe we’re making a generational change in the country.”

As the month of May dissipates into June we are patiently awaiting the next Mother of All Opportunities, that being a replacement of one and maybe two Supreme Court Justices. Bader Ginsburg is slowly gasping down her last breaths and Justice Kennedy inferred that the time has come for him to step down. We can’t wait for the fisticuffs to begin.


What setting an agenda it is wise to bring the other side into negotiations. They may not want to compromise but realpolitik requires it. And Obama will not admit it, but the cause of him losing Congress and “lock her upthe election can be partly attributed to Obamacare. When the shoe is on the other foot a schism is in the realm of possibility – we are beginning to see the fissures; wider than those on the Big Island.

For instance Obamacare and the Nuclear deal with the Mullahs was a one sided affair. Obamacare was shoved down Americas throat, no negotiations with the Republicans but a quick “take this” and shove it where the sun don’t shine. We all know how Obamacare turned out – being eviscerated by the Trump administration. Its carcass lies waiting for the rest of the vultures to pick it clean. And don’t say we didn’t warn you on the Nuclear bargain. Obama didn’t go to Congress because they were dead set against it. So again the Muslim in Chief once again shoved it down our throats. And to boot he greased their skids with $150 billion. ENTER DONALD TRUMP.


President Trump is withdrawing the U.S. from the controversial Iran nuclear deal and imposing greater sanctions on the Middle Eastern nation, he said from the White House on May 8.

Calling the 2015 landmark accord “decaying and rotten,” Trump said the U.S. would “not be held hostage to nuclear blackmail” and promised to reinstate the highest level of sanctions on Iran. For months, Trump left open whether he would move to officially scrap the agreement or renegotiate it.

The deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), had lifted most U.S. and international sanctions on Tehran as certain restrictions were placed on Iran’s nuclear program. The historic agreement was reached by Iran and several world powers, including the U.S., in 2015 under Barack Obama’s presidency.

Top Iran official says country will up $$$ on ballistic missile program after US exit from 2015 accord. 

The Iranians are good at threats, but they now face several dangers. Their execution of increasing the magnitude of the ballistic missile program faces several challenges – Israel, U.S. Saudi Arabia and others that are waiting in the wings.



Back yonder the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to none other than President Obama, who by the way was an unknown quantity at that point in time, but for some reason which we all know, was the greatest sham of the century . To quote the committee, “has attached special importance to Obama’s vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.” Have you ever heard of a bunch of garbage? Obama condoned the development of nuclear weapons in North Korea. He gave Iran the key to nuclear development by the mullahs. His foreign policy decisions were the white flag ticket to the Russians, Turkey and Isis in Syria. Don’t forget the 400,000 killed in this conflict. Obama is responsible for this blood letting; there is more blood on his hands then the local butcher.

Soon we shall see the Iran agreement that Obama agreed to come full circle under President Trump. May 12 is the date to watch. Foreign policy expert, John Bolton now part of the Trump administration, is not fooled by words, but sees the action on the ground in Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Lebanon as the long arm of Islamic terrorist organization known as the Revolutionary Guards spreading their hegemony across the Levant. However, he hasn’t turned a blind eye to eventual encounter Israel will have with Iran. Seal of the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution.svg

For sure we know that past is prelude; Israel took out a partially built Iranian nuclear reactor in 1981 – the same holds true for a partially built nuclear reactor site in Syria -constructed by the North Koreans. Israel cannot afford to see the spread of nuclear weapons in the Middle East. Their defense establishment has the plans and operations ready at the get go to repeat the 1981 mission. This is not hyperbole, but it will be coming to a theater near you. Russia, will not sit idly by when the conflict goes full bore, we guarantee it. Along with the destruction of Iran’s nuclear capability, Syria will suffer a destruction of their military establishment too.

Mattis: Iran-Israel clash is close, but US military focus shifts out of Syria to Iraq

The dangers we face today are the result of Obama’s White Flag, he lived in a Utopian world made up of bad actors. The hoax here is that Obama was their point man. Obama, the man of peace as the Nobel Committee designated was not one at all, but a criminal perpetrator of war.

Do the right thing Nobel Committee, take back Obama’s Peace Prize and awarded it to President Trump.


Census to ask “are you a citizen.”


Facebook reconsiders ‘unsafe for community’ tag on pro-Trump Diamond and Silk videos after Fox & Friends appearance

(click)Facebook is reconsidering classifying videos produced by Diamond and Silk, two of President Donald Trump’s most ardent supporters, as “unsafe to the community” after the dynamic duo went on Fox News’ morning show asking why the embattled social media giant had labeled them as such.

In a statement to Fox News, a Facebook spokesperson said: “We have communicated directly with Diamond And Silk about this issue. The message they received last week was inaccurate and not reflective of the way we communicate with our community and the people who run Pages on our platform. We have provided them with more information about our policies and the tools that are applicable to their Page and look forward to the opportunity to speak with them.”


(click)Controversy continues to swirl around how the consulting firm Cambridge Analytica obtained personal data from over 50 million Facebook users without their knowledge and used it to target ads to individuals in an effort to help Donald Trump be elected president in 2016.

But a more serious case of apparent misconduct involves Facebook data going to a different presidential campaign – this time in 2012. In this case, which is getting far less attention, Facebook reportedly voluntarily provided data on millions of its users to the re-election campaign of President Obama.

 If true, such action by Facebook may constitute a major violation of federal campaign finance law as an illegal corporate campaign contribution. The matter should be investigated by the Federal Election Commission – an agency I am quite familiar with, because I served as one of its commissioners from 2006 to 2007. The commission enforces campaign finance laws for congressional and presidential elections.

A federal law bans corporations from making “direct or indirect” contributions to federal candidates. That ban extends beyond cash contributions to “any services, or anything of value.” In other words, corporations cannot provide federal candidates with free services of any kind. Under the Federal Election Commission’s regulations, “anything of value” includes any “in-kind contribution.”

Whether or not the Obama campaign and Facebook violated this ban is an open question. It should be investigated by the Federal Election Commission and potentially the U.S. Department of Justice.

For example, if a corporation decided to offer a presidential candidate free office space, that would violate federal law. Corporations can certainly offer their services, including office space, to federal campaigns. But the campaigns are required to pay the fair market value for such services or rental properties.

According to Carol Davidsen, the former media director for Obama for America, Facebook gave the 2012 Obama campaign direct access to the personal data of Facebook users in violation of its internal rules, making a special exception for the campaign. The Daily Mail, a British newspaper, reported that Davidsen said on Twitter March 18 that Facebook employees came to the campaign office and “were very candid that they allowed us to do things they wouldn’t have allowed someone else to do because they were on our side.”

The type of data that the Obama campaign was mining from Facebook is a more sophisticated version of the type of data that has long been provided by professional direct mail marketers – something pioneered by Richard Viguerie. Viguerie, for example, has detailed personal data on “12 million conservative donors and activists” to whom his company sends letters and emails on behalf of his clients. He provides information to campaigns looking for votes and money, and to nonprofit and advocacy organizations raising funds.

Political campaigns must pay for these services. Under a Federal Election Commission regulation, giving a mailing list or something similar to a campaign is considered an “in-kind contribution.”

So if Facebook gave the Obama campaign free access to this type of data when it normally does not do so for other entities – or usually charges for such access – then Facebook would appear to have violated the federal ban on in-kind contributions by a corporation. And the Obama campaign may have violated the law by accepting such a corporate contribution.

What about the story currently in the news about Cambridge Analytica using Facebook data for the Trump campaign? The important legal distinction may be in the way the data were obtained. Fox News reported that the Trump campaign hired Cambridge Analytica to do political research on voters and reportedly to “help the campaign target specific voters with ads and stories.”

The real controversy now involving the Trump campaign deals with exactly how Cambridge Analytica obtained the data it used for the campaign. A CNBC report says that Cambridge Analytica bought the data from Aleksandr Kogan and his company, Global Science Research, which obtained the data through an app and a psychological test taken by Facebook users.

The amounts paid by the Trump campaign to Cambridge Analytica for its services – and the use of the Facebook data – are listed in its spending reports filed with the Federal Election Commission. This proves that the Trump campaign paid for services in the same way that campaigns routinely hire and pay direct mail marketers. So the Trump campaign did not get an illegal corporate contribution from Cambridge Analytica or Facebook when it received free access to very valuable data.

Whether or not Global Science Research and Cambridge Analytica violated any Facebook rules regarding this data is not the responsibility of the Trump campaign. From the standpoint of federal campaign finance law, the Trump campaign met its obligation to pay for and report this spending and did not violate the ban on corporate contributions.

However, whether or not the Obama campaign and Facebook violated this ban is an open question. It should be investigated by the Federal Election Commission and potentially the U.S. Department of Justice. The commission handles most routine violations of the law, which are civil matters. The Justice Department is responsible for investigating knowingand intentional violations of the law, which are criminal matters.

Although the statute of limitations may have already run out on this conduct by the Obama campaign, one thing seems certain: Carol Davidsen’s admissions should provide a sufficient basis for opening a federal investigation of what may have been a serious violation of the law by the Obama campaign.


Liberal leaders called out for ties to Nation of Islam chief

More than a week after Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan delivered a blistering speech in Chicago in which he said “powerful Jews are my enemy” and “white folks are going down,” calls are growing louder for Democratic leaders and Women’s March founders with ties to denounce him or step down.

Among those in the line of fire are several members of Congress and Women’s March co-chairwoman Tamika Mallory, who attended the Nation of Islam’s national convention late last month, There, Farrakhan delivered the controversial address and Mallory, who has expressed admiration for him in the past, posted Instagram photos from the Chicago event.

“Here’s the problem: Farrakhan does have an audience and still has widespread popularity among his devoted followers,” Jonathan Greenblatt, the national director of the Anti-Defamation League, wrote in a blog published on Thursday. “Because of Farrakhan’s reach and influence and his broad name recognition and something like celebrity status, some public officials, politicians and hip-hop entertainers are still willing to meet with him, still willing to have their pictures taken with him.

They seemingly have a blind spot when it comes to his anti-Semitism,” he added.

President Obama was recently criticized when a photograph of him with Farrakhan, taken before his 2008 election, surfaced. The photographer said he buried the picture on orders from tthe Congressional Black Caucus, which believed it would hurt Obama’s election chances.

Seven members of the Congressional Black Caucus have had ties with Farrakhan, according to The Daily Caller, which said it had reviewed videos and witness accounts to create the tally.


Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Sponsored by: Chain Store Guide, Retail Market Data That Delivers.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove. 

By comparison, President Obama earned 43% approval on this date in the second year of his presidency.


“We’re blown away,” Binion said in an interview. Trump, he said, “is very active, very conservative, and very effective.”

What’s more, he said, Trump hasn’t just focused on one agenda area, but he and his team has pushed through administrative moves on foreign policy, deregulation, immigration, tax reform and health care, moves often ignored by the media.

“It is a huge volume that his administration has worked on and it is a huge spectrum of issues,” said Binion.

His report card jibes with one from the West Wing which showed at the end of the year that the administration has scored 81 major achievements slashed at least 11 major legacy items of former President Barack Obama.

Together, the policy wins are adding up to a reelection agenda. “It is absolutely a winning agenda,” said Binion.

Trump very early in his presidency signed reelection papers and on Tuesday he began to set up his reelection team, naming is digital advisor Brad Parscale as his campaign manager.

Heritage has been a partner with Trump and his administration since the transition from the Obama administration.

Their “Mandate for Leadership” was first produced for Reagan in 1981. Reagan handed out a copy of the single book to every cabinet member. For Trump, Heritage produced five books and the president has embraced them.

“He has been very, very active,” said Binion. “He is moving the ball in the conservative direction,” he added.

In Heritage’s review of Trump’s moves so far, they highlighted these actions:

  • Leaving the Paris Climate Accord: In August 2017, Trump announced the U.S. was ending its funding and membership in the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.
  • Repealing Net Neutrality: In December 2017, Trump’s Federal Communications Commission chairman proposed ending the 2015 network neutrality rules.
  • Reshaping National Monuments: Heritage’s recommendation to prohibit Land Acquisition (Cap and Reduce the Size of the Federal Estate) was adopted by Trump when he issued two executive orders effectively shrinking the size of national monuments in Utah.
  • Reinstating the Mexico City Policy: This executive order prevents taxpayer money from funding international groups involved in abortion and ending funding to the United Nations Population fund. On Jan. 23, 2017, in his first pro-life action, Trump signed an executive order today reinstating the Mexico City Policy.
  • Increasing Military Spending: Trump’s budget calls for a $54 billion increase in military spending to improve capacity, capability, and readiness of America’s armed forces.
  • Reforming Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program (TANF): The Trump administration adopted and is in favor of strengthening existing work requirements in order to receive benefits.
  • Allowing Development of Natural Resources: The Trump administration opened off-shore drilling and on federal lands. Executive Order 13783 directed Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to commence federal land coal leasing activities.
  • Reforming Government Agencies: Trump tasked each of his Cabinet secretaries to prepare detailed plans on how they propose to reduce the scope and size of their respective departments while streamlining services and ensuring each department runs more efficiently and handles tax dollars appropriately.
  • Withdrawing from UNESCO: In October 2017, Trump announced he was putting an end to U.S. membership in the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner’s “Washington Secrets” columnist, can be contacted at [email protected]


We’ve been waiting for the bombshell to fall, but none has – Mueller has babbled long enough; yeah he has tagged some of Trump’s hanger-ons with petty crimes like fibbing, spitting on the sidewalk and jaywalking, big f’n deal. These minor violations are all he’s got to show for spending so far $50,000,000. If there were any sharks waiting to be lampooned he would have reeled them in by now. What is the next step for Trump?

Constitutional law expert and former Reagan administration official (click) Mark Levin said Americans have been subjected to a “massive propaganda campaign” to protect Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama.  Levin said a new memo from Sens. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) shows a connection between those involved in the dossier and the Hillary Clinton campaign, as well as the Obama State Department. 

Click here for more from Mark Levin.

Levin stated in 2013 that “the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our government” and called President Obama a Muslim Brotherhood “sympathizer”

In February 2015, Levin stated that President Obama of “seeking to destroy Israel” because “Obama has an affinity for Islam far more than Christianity or Judaism.” Levin also blamed Obama for the Ebola crisis, saying “the political policies of this administration which opens the door wide to people from the poorest parts of the world. We don’t know who they are, we don’t know if they have diseases.”

Wiretap claim

In March 2017, Levin alleged that the Obama administration had used “police state” surveillance tactics against the Donald Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election. The Associated Press said that Levin “voiced without evidence the idea that Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower”. Levin protested the AP report vigorously, demanding a retraction and an apology on the grounds that his sources for the statement included The New York Times and other newspapers.His statement was reprinted by Breitbart News and reportedly became the basis of President Trump’s unfounded Trump Tower wiretapping allegations. In September 2017, reports emerged of a court-ordered Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) wiretap on Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort; while certain Trump supporters alleged that this surveillance vindicated Levin and Trump’s unsupported assertions, David A. Graham of The Atlantic noted: “This is not true – Trump claimed he had been the subject of Obama-ordered, politically motivated surveillance, for which there remains no evidence.”

“Deep State”

Levin has claimed that there is an-going “coup” occurring against the presidency of Donald Trump waged by Obama loyalists. Levin’s coup claim was referring to investigations of the Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections and of alleged obstruction of justice by Trump. Levin responded that “I’m not arguing to the Trump base. I am making the point that what’s taking place here is coup activity” and that Robert Mueller‘s Grand Jury was trying “to destroy the constitutional system. It is the use of the law to subvert the election.”

Trump must take action now! This folly has gone on long enough.

Obama and company have usurped the legal system in the United States. This is a fact. First of all his team spied on Americans by submitting to the FISA court a false document that was paid for by Hillary “lock her up” Clinton. Why no investigation into the Democrats who have or tried to sabotage the election process. One answer, “Robert Mueller.” What can he do about it? Fire him!

Trump must go Trump, address the nation, lay out the evidence in clear concise language. Present it to the American people. 

Mueller was the head of the FBI when the plan to subvert Trump and the election process took place. It was under his guise that the scheme was rolled out.

Fire Mueller and bring in Christy, fire Sessions and bring in Trey Gowdy. Enough with the amateurs.

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