Tag Archives: Syria


Angela Merkel is the new propagation minister says German journalist.

  • A former news boss claims the media takes its orders from the government
  • Wolfgang Herles said reporters are told to write news to ‘Ms Merkel’s liking’
  • He described German media’s closeness to the government as a ‘scandal’
  • The country’s media has been pilloried for failing to report Cologne attacks
  • Mainstream media ignored the incident until several days after it occurred

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3429621/German-journalist-claims-government-tells-media-t-report-following-outcry-Cologne-sex-attack-news-blackout.html#ixzz3zPF9wqqX
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on FacebookWe thought Joseph Goebbels was dead and buried. Bundesarchiv Bild 183-1989-0821-502, Joseph Goebbels.jpg



DHS lost track of refugeeicebadge 1 million refugees not accounted for by DHS. DHS now to use social media to vet potential terrorists after the San Bernardino killings. Obama is responsible for this catastrophe, he did not allow the DHS or other agencies to cull social media; a secret policy put in place by the President himself; POTUS has blood on his hands. Since 2012 over 100,000 Syrians have been admitted to the United States.

A proposal to admit 10,000 Syrian refugees to the United States has ignited a bitter debate in Washington, but more than 10 times that number of people from the embattled country have quietly come to America since 2012, according to figures obtained by FoxNews.com.

Some 102,313 Syrians were granted admission to the U.S. as legal permanent residents or through programs including work, study and tourist visas from 2012 through August of this year, a period which roughly coincides with the devastating civil war that still engulfs the Middle Eastern country. Experts say any fears that terrorists might infiltrate the proposed wave of refugees from United Nations-run camps should be dwarfed by the potential danger already here.

“The sheer number of people arriving on all kinds of visas and with green cards, and possibly U.S. citizenship, makes it impossible for our counter terrorism authorities to keep track of them all, much less prevent them from carrying out attacks or belatedly try to deport them,” said Jessica Vaughan of the Center for Immigration Studies.


(click here for the story)The vetting process for Syrians entering Europe and the United States is somewhat of a joke. The recent revelation that ISIS has been printing thousands of counterfeit passports came as a surprise to DHS. However, counterfeiting has been a way of life for our enemies since time immemorial, Iran, USSR, North Korea, China have at one time or another supplied fake passports to those who surreptitiously entered the country. Iran and North Korea have continued to print $100 bills with abandon. To find out now that Syrians are the latest to take advantage of lax security here in the United States should have been expected by our security apparatus. However, as we all know, they are reactive not proactive.

This past November five Syrians were detained in Honduras for crossing the border with stolen passports. Honduras police confirm said that “these citizens will be taken away and will be investigated. We already have confirmation that they had passports that were stolen in Greece.” Greek authorities and Interpol were involved in Honduras detaining the men, Baca, a spokesman for the Honduras police unit said. Before the men had arrived, they had traveled to Lebanon, Turkey, Brazil, Argentina and Costa Rica, he said. He didn’t specify why authorities had been tracking the men. They will be presented to prosecutors to be investigated on charges of falsification of documents, he said.

However, Iran, according to the DHS, is counterfeiting passports, with covers printed in Russia, enabling terrorists to reach our shore. Fake Syrian passports aren’t exactly a dime a dozen, but they can be had for as little as $200, according to a report from the Department of Homeland Security that could call into question the ability to screen Middle East refugees fleeing to the West. Intelligence agencies have already flagged some 3,800 counterfeit Syrian passports, and will add data on another 10,000 fake Syrian passports recently intercepted in Bulgaria on the way to Germany. The sheer volume of fake passports flooding the market as refugees – or terrorists posing as refugees – pour into Europe has investigators on edge. The fake Syrian passports will add to an already challenging problem of vetting Syrian refugees, said Claude Arnold, a former DHS Investigations special agent in charge for Minneapolis and Los Angeles.

icebadge Click here for the marriage scam.

Adding to the problem, Homeland Security Investigations believes the police force in Deir ez-Zour, Syria, may be involved in issuing and distributing counterfeit passports, because a forged Syrian passport that turned up in Turkey in July displayed the signature of Zuhair Hamad saad Al deen, head of the Deir ez-Zour Police.image


Obama Wants to Defeat America, Not ISIS By Daniel Greenfield November 26, 2015 , 11:00 am Last year at a NATO summit, Obama explicitly disavowed the idea of containing ISIS. “You can’t contain an organization that is running roughshod through that much territory, causing that much havoc, displacing that many people, killing that many innocents, enslaving that many women,” he said.

Instead he argued, “The goal has to be to dismantle them.” Just before the Paris massacre, Obama shifted back to containment. “From the start, our goal has been first to contain them, and we have contained them,” he said. Pay no attention to what he said last year. There’s a new message now. Last year Obama was vowing to destroy ISIS. Now he had settled for containing them.

And he couldn’t even manage that. ISIS has expanded into Libya and Yemen. It struck deep into the heart of Europe as one of its refugee suicide bombers appeared to have targeted the President of France and the Foreign Minister of Germany. That’s the opposite of a terrorist organization that had been successfully contained.

Obama has been playing tactical word games over ISIS all along. He would “degrade and ultimately destroy” ISIS. Or perhaps dismantle the Islamic State. Or maybe just contain it. Containment is closest to the truth. Obama has no plan for defeating ISIS. Nor is he planning to get one any time soon. There will be talk of multilateral coalitions. Drone strikes will take out key figures. And then when this impressive war theater has died down, ISIS will suddenly pull off another attack.

And everyone will be baffled at how the “defeated” terrorist group is still on the march. The White House version of reality says that ISIS attacked Paris because it’s losing. Obama also claimed that Putin’s growing strength in Syria is a sign of weakness. Never mind that Putin has all but succeeded in getting countries that were determined to overthrow Assad to agree to let him stay.

Weakness is strength. Strength is weakness. Obama’s failed wars occupy a space of unreality that most Americans associate with Baghdad Bob bellowing that there are no American soldiers in Iraq. (There are, according to the White House, still no American ground forces in Iraq. Only American forces in firefights on the ground in Iraq.)

There’s nothing new about any of this. Obama doesn’t win wars. He lies about them. The botched campaign against ISIS is a replay of the disaster in Afghanistan complete with ridiculous rules of engagement, blatant administration lies and no plan for victory. But there can’t be a plan for victory because when Obama gets past the buzzwords, he begins talking about addressing root causes. And you don’t win wars by addressing root causes. That’s just a euphemism for appeasement. Addressing root causes means blaming Islamic terrorism on everything from colonialism to global warming.

It doesn’t mean defeating it, but finding new ways to blame it on the West. Obama and his political allies believe that crime can’t be fought with cops and wars can’t be won with soldiers. The only answer lies in addressing the root causes which, after all the prattling about climate change and colonialism, really come down to the Marxist explanation of inequality.

When reporters ask Obama how he plans to win the war, he smirks tiredly at them and launches into another condescending explanation about how the situation is far too complicated for anything as simple as bombs to work. Underneath that explanation is the belief that wars are unwinnable. Obama knows that Americans won’t accept “war just doesn’t work” as an answer to Islamic terrorism. So he demonstrates to them that wars don’t work by fighting wars that are meant to fail.

In Afghanistan, he bled American soldiers as hard as possible with vicious rules of engagement that favored the Taliban to destroy support for a war that most of the country had formerly backed. By blowing the war, Obama was not only sabotaging the specific implementation of a policy he opposed, but the general idea behind it. His failed wars are meant to teach Americans that war doesn’t work.

image: https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/wp-content/uploads/useful_banner_manager_banners/222-

The unspoken idea that informs his strategy is that American power is the root cause of the problems in the region. Destroying ISIS would solve nothing. Containing American power is the real answer. Obama does not have a strategy for defeating ISIS. He has a strategy for defeating America.

Whatever rhetoric he tosses out, his actual strategy is to respond to public pressure by doing the least he can possibly do. He will carry out drone strikes, not because they’re effective, but because they inflict the fewest casualties on the enemy. He may try to contain the enemy, not because he cares about ISIS, but because he wants to prevent Americans from “overreacting” and demanding harsher measures against the Islamic State.

Instead of fighting to win wars, he seeks to deescalate them. If public pressure forces him to go beyond drones, he will authorize the fewest air strikes possible. If he is forced to send in ground troops, he will see to it that they have the least protection and the greatest vulnerability to ISIS attacks. Just like in Afghanistan. Obama would like ISIS to go away. Not because they engage in the ethnic cleansing, mass murder and mass rape of non-Muslims, but because they wake the sleeping giant of the United States.

And so his idea of war is fighting an informational conflict against Americans. When Muslim terrorists commit an atrocity so horrifying that public pressure forces him to respond, he lies to Americans. Each time his Baghdad Bob act is shattered by another Islamic terrorist attack, he piles on even more lies. Any strategy that Obama offers against ISIS will consist of more of the same lies and word games.

His apologists will now debate the meaning of “containment” and whether he succeeded in defining it so narrowly on his own terms that he can claim to have accomplished it. But it really doesn’t matter what his meaning of “containment” or “is” is. Failure by any other name smells just as terrible. Obama responded to ISIS by denying it’s a threat. Once that stopped being a viable strategy, he began to stall for time. And he’s still stalling for time, not to beat ISIS, but to wait until ISIS falls out of the headlines.

That has been his approach to all his scandals from ObamaCare to the IRS to the VA. Lie like crazy and wait for people to forget about it and turn their attention to something else.

This is a containment strategy, but not for ISIS. It’s a containment strategy for America. Obama isn’t trying to bottle up ISIS except as a means of bottling up America. He doesn’t see the Caliph of the Islamic State as the real threat, but the average American who watches the latest beheading on the news and wonders why his government doesn’t do something about it.

To the left it isn’t the Caliph of ISIS who starts the wars we ought to worry about, but Joe in Tennessee, Bill in California or Pete in Minnesota. That is why Obama sounds bored when talking about beating ISIS, but heats up when the conversation turns to fighting Republicans.

It’s why Hillary Clinton named Republicans, not ISIS, as her enemy. The left is not interested in making war on ISIS. It is too busy making war on America.

Read more at https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/54745/obama-wants-to-defeat-america-not-isis-opinion/#KwAhFlc3zpsec4cF.99

Tony Passaro
[email protected]
Bel Air Tea Party Patriots
Alliance of Americands Patriots
Campaign For Liberty
American for Prosperity
Maryland Fair Tax




It seems as if it’s at least once a week over the past seven years that one conservative columnist or another, and often several, lists the crimes and blundering of Obama and his administration. Everything these radicals have done has served to undermine the Constitution, the Rule of Law, our traditional culture, Christianity, our economy, our sovereignty, and our national security. Had they been white conservatives, any one of these actions would have gotten them, a) impeached; b) investigated by a Special Prosecutor; c) indicted; or, at the least, d) driven to resign. But since We, the People no longer have any real representation in Washington, none of this has occurred.

Our government has been taken over in a silent coup by radical Marxists, neo-fascists, and self-serving con men, posing as elected representatives from both parties. Over and over and over and over,  the ruling “elite” has ignored the fact that 60 to 90% of the American people have opposed the laws and policies that they have gone ahead and shoved down our throats, anyway. These have been discussed in excruciating detail time and again in the past, so I will not repeat what you should already know.

Instead, I want to look at what’s happening today, right now. The free world, aka, the civilized West, is being overrun by a barbarian invasion (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44vzMNG2fZc). It is being passed off as “refugees”, but the vast majority of the invaders are military age, single, Muslim males. Obama has sneeringly mocked those who have voiced concerns over this fact – repeat: FACT! – accusing them of being afraid of “widows and 3-year-olds”. However, he fails to acknowledge that there are almost zero of these among the invaders. Instead he tries to tell us, Americans who, unlike him, were raised in this country, by freedom-loving parents with the Judeo-Christian values that have made America a bastion of freedom, that not allowing him to foist 100,000 or more of these potential violent, Muslim terrorists on us is “not who we are.


Indeed, it is his policies in the Middle East that have created ISIL/ISIS and allowed dozens of other Islamic jihadist organizations to arise and/or expand exponentially. And though after years of attacks, he still refuses to admit that nearly all the acts of terrorism worldwide are by Mulsim zealots (https://www.facebook.com/AussieLanguage/videos/vb.213358308795914/671460799652327/?type=2&theater).

The “mainstream” media, in blatant collusion with him, also refuses to call it Islamic terrorism, and is complicit in aiding him in covering it up at home (http://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/11/22/a-list-of-islamic-terror-attacks-planned-andor-accomplished-in-the-us-that-hussein-obama-has-covered-up/).

Many in America are convinced that Obama is a closet Muslim and his actions over that past eight years have done nothing to disabuse us of this notion (https://www.facebook.com/Gallagher.Mike/posts/10150459723149943).

In fact, as we speak, Obama is touring Asia, bad-mouthing America in Muslim countries as he has done before, trying to make it look like those who resist his pro-Islamic jihadist policies are an ignorant, bigoted minority. In addition, his attempt to force 100,000 Muslims into American communities – mostly in Republican areas – is clearly – repeat: CLEARLY! – an attack on our freedom unprecedented (there’s that word again that the “mainstream” media love to apply to his actions) in the entire history of OUR country.


The time has come for We, the People, who make up the clear majority of the citizens of America, to stand up and demand that Barack Hussein Obama resign from office, immediately. It’s obvious that no one in Congress will live up to their sworn Oath of Office to do their mandated duty and impeach him. Thus, it is up to us, the ones suffering most under his oppressive, dangerous, destructive, and totally unconstitutional and un-American policies, to take back the power we mistakenly delegated to the cabal occupying our capitol and the White House.

We need to take to the streets, declare a general, nationwide strike if necessary, and not stop until he steps down. We have seen the left force out dozens of conservatives over the years, including a Republican president, so what we would be demanding is not in the least extreme. And since the left will hysterically scream “racism”, merely cite what has been pointed out in the column above. Tell them, “It’s his actions, not the color of his skin,  stupid!”

This, of course, is not to say that if any of the Republican candidates want to support us in the demand for Obama’s immediate resignation that they would not be welcome. But this needs to be ours. We don’t need another self-proclaimed “leader” to make this happen. America is OUR country. We, the People are the owners, and it’s time we acted like it.



Gay Paree was shown much love by ISIS on Friday night, actually a kiss of death before setting off their suicide vests and unloading their AK-47s. What would perturb them enough to let loose on the city of love? We are hell bent to find an answer, other than these are Islamic terrorists.

Their goal is to send fear into the very bones of their victims. And they certainly did a good job. President Obama, a member of the JV team, doesn’t appear fazed by the threat; in fact POTUS didn’t think much of it.  Apparently the killing of 140 innocent civilians is a daily occurrence in Chicago.

But we can’t stop thinking of this because ISIS said their next target –God Willing– is Washington D.C. Certainly this is a threat that must be taken seriously. For them to take out a plane killing 224 and now bringing mayhem and death to Paris, any sane person would have to wonder when not if they will hit us. Again, we repeat the words of President Obama, this is only a minor setback.

Now members of the liberal establishment are second guessing their outreach to the  Muslim criminals coming into the United States from Syria. It is important to note that Obama has opened the flood gates to hundreds of thousands of what may turn out to be a whole division of ISIS suicide bombers. We just don’t know, as France did not know either. Stolen, fabricated and counterfeit passports are easily gotten in today’s world.

The government said that there is an adequate vetting process. They think that most Americans are so stupid that they could pull the wool over their eyes. Apparently many governors think differently. The resistance at the state level is coalescing at a rapid clip. So far, governors in at least 16 states have moved to suspend or restrict the refugee resettlement, including Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia,  Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas and Wisconsin.

Listen to Obama in the video one has to wonder what is he thinking. POTUS gave birth to ISIS, it is he who gave them the go ahead to form a Caliphate. Expect more bombs, more fear and more government denial. The Jews who voted for Obama must be beside themselves as the Muslim Jew haters saturate major cities in our country. We begin to wonder how many Jews will be voting for Liberal candidates in 2016.


Poland has had enough of the European Union push to absorb more immigrants from Syria and other countries including those in Africa, Afghanistan and the Middle East. Poland cannot accept migrants relocated under a European Union quota system after the attacks in Paris without security guarantees, its incoming European affairs minister said on Saturday, in a sign that the attacks may seriously undermine EU refugee policy.

From a November 8th very prescient post:

The salute which defined the Hitler era is about to return, but in reverse. Germans are demanding the resignation of Angela Merkel.

The anti-mass migration Alternativ für Deutschland (AfD) party held a rally in the German capital Berlin this afternoon, demanding the resignation of Chancellor Angela Merkel and calling for the country to adopt a strong policy on immigration.

The AfD has seen its popularity surge as Germany struggles to deal with the huge influx of migrants, and is currently campaigning in local elections in the Saxony-Anhalt region that will be seen as an indicator of public sentiment on the issue.

German paper Handelsblatt estimates that 5,000 people joined the rally this afternoon, calling for the immediate closure of Germany’s borders and introduction of Visa requirements from migrants from the Balkan states, including Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro.

Click here for the latest on Syrian refugees.


From Fox News:

Belgium authorities conduct raid after tracing license plate of mystery car seen near concert hall to apartment

AUTHORITIES IN BELGIUM CONDUCT RAIDS in Brussels and make several arrests in connection with yesterday’s bloody terror assaults in Paris that killed at least 129. An official says the arrests came after a mysterious car with a Belgian license plate was spotted outside the Bataclan concert hall before the attack. Reports of the arrests came as France and other countries increase security measures and vow to take new measures to confront ISIS.

News from Turkey:

Turkish soldiers killed four suspected Islamic State militants Saturday and authorities detained 11 people demonstrators a day before leaders of the G-20 group of economic powerhouses meet for a summit overshadowed by the slaughter in Paris.

The Anadolu Agency said two cars believed to be carrying IS militants approached an armored military vehicle, ignored warnings to stop and opened fire on the soldiers. The soldiers responded, killing four militants inside one of the cars; the second car escaped, Anadolu said.


This is a Canadian commentary.
Syria has had a civil war for almost 5 YEARS. Why all the “refugees”
NOW and why so all of a SUDDEN and why in such VAST NUMBERS?
With an Honors degree in History and a lifelong student of the
subject, I smell a rat.
This is a highly organized, well oiled, mobilized invasion of Muslims
and Jihadists into the Western World. It’s been in their plan for a long
time. Momar Gadhafi predicted and explicitly stated that Muslim domination
of Europe would happen without a conventional war and he said it 30 years
ago. 95% of these economic “refugees” many who have cell phones are men
between the fighting ages of 20 and 40. Very few women and children from
everything I’ve seen.
Odd that he 5 wealthiest Arab States including Saudi Arabia, Qatar,
Bahrain and Kuwait are taking “no refugees” thanks and feel quite self
righteous about it. No guilt what so ever? They are even laughing at us
for doing so.
Ask yourself, why would Germany, Belgium, Holland, France, Sweden, and
others want to destroy their own cultures from within?  It doesn’t make any
sense? If this keeps up Europe will be burning daily within a very short
few years if not months. Civil war in the streets between civilizations.
Muslims vs Kefirs, that is to say, everyone who is not a Muslim.
Unfortunately, the reality is that Muslims are just not like any
other immigrants. They don’t want to assimilate, they want to set up
separate enclaves and implement Sharia Law. Another problem is that while
the civilized West rightly abhors violence, conversely Muslims daily
display their love of violence. They live it and embrace it. In many
Muslim countries public be-headings and stoning to death for adultery for
example. It’s a part of their culture precisely because Islam is – dare I
say it – a death cult.
Islam is a supremacist, totalitarian, bigoted, fascist political
ideology masquerading as a religion. It literally means “submission”. The
Quran MANDATES death for blasphemy, for adultery, for apostasy, for family
honor, for being gay, Jewish or a Kafer as well as ten other “crimes” many
not even considered to be so in the West. Death for drinking alcohol or
taking illegal drugs for example.
Why let in vast numbers of these brainwashed people especially men of
that age when past experience has already demonstrated the tragedy, not to
mention the financial, social, and political costs of rampant
multiculturalism in Europe. Ordinary citizens are against this immigration
but strangely, their governments are not?
Someone or some organization is pulling some strings here is what I
see. Is this invasion part of the New World Order’s plan to depopulate the
planet? Maybe there’s not even any such an organization but it’s all over
U-tube and other social media.
The major media are implicit in selling gullible citizens of the West
the righteousness of the “refugees” cause and openly siding against
Western culture. One drowned child’s picture in the right places sparks
outrage and sympathy world wide for the movement and resettlement of vast
numbers of Muslims.
However the implementation of Sharia Law, No Go Zone ghettos in most
countries in Europe and Muslim rape gangs go unreported. In radical
Islamist countries honor killings, be-headings, stoning’s, cutting off
limbs, whipping and torture, pedophilia, child bride marriages, rape and
misogyny go unreported DAILY and are dismissed as culturally ingrained.
Where is the indignity and the outrage over people doing this every
day to their own populations? Yet a staged picture a drowned baby on a
beach sparks a world outcry?
  Muslim birthrates are 8 children per family while Europeans average
1.4. When these current millions bring in their multiple wives, children
and extended families 85% of whom live on state benefits (England’s
experience) you can multiply their number by at least 10x, maybe 20x or
even more.
By 2050 Europe will be Muslim dominated just by demographics alone.
When their numbers are sufficient they will legally vote in their own kind
and then Sharia Law.
Europe as we know it will be lost forever. Two thousand years of
civilization will be destroyed by the same fanatical bearded, bigoted,
brutal, boneheaded, belligerent bastards who are now slaughtering their
own kind and blowing up ancient and irreplaceable world heritage
buildings, monuments, books, manuscripts and other historically
significant art treasures in Iraq, Syria and other conquered territories.
Canada should not get sucked into this quagmire of political
correctness just to show how polite, civilized. politically correct and
Canadian we are. We should learn a lesson from our Australian
This email was sent from John V. Foster, Ph.D. to
Bethesda Christian Church | 2210 Basse Rd, San Antonio, tx, 78213, United States


 American Renaissance

The proliferation of other races dooms our race, my race, irretrievably to extinction in the century to come, if we hold fast to our present moral principles.

—Jean Raspail, The Camp of the Saints, 1973

Forty-two years ago, the great French author Jean Raspail wrote a deeply prescient novel. A flotilla of rusty ships packed with beggars sets sail from the Third World. They head for the French Riviera, where a million wretched, brown-skinned people hope to storm the beaches and feed on the wealthy white West. Will the French army fire on the invaders or welcome them as refugees? In the end they do neither; soldiers throw down their weapons and run away as the mob stumbles ashore. Millions more follow, and Europe is snuffed out.

The Camp of the Saints has never gone out of print, and has been translated into all major European languages–and yet the coverage of the European “migrant” crisis goes on as if it had never been written. The masses pouring in from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and a host of African countries are doing exactly what Mr. Raspail predicted they would and, tragically, so are the Europeans.

The underlying problem–and one that cannot be solved–is that whites have built the most pleasant places to live in human history while, with only a few exceptions, everywhere else is a dung heap. In some cases, such as Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, Western meddling has made things worse, but even without that, hundreds of millions of non-whites in a hundred different countries would move to Europe or America if they could.

And now, they can.CampOfSaints


Our first Muslim president, Barack Hussein Obama has extended greetings to millions of fellow Muslims. As reported by Breitbart News, hundreds of thousands have been allowed to enter the United States annually.

A Breitbart News review of State Department and Homeland Security data reveals that the United States already admits more than a quarter of a million Muslim migrants each year. President Obama intends to add another 10,000 Syrian migrants on top of that.

In 2013 alone, 117,423 migrants from Muslim-majority countries were permanently resettled within the United States— having been given lawful permanent resident status. Additionally in 2013, the United States voluntarily admitted an extra 122,921 temporary migrants from Muslim countries as foreign students and foreign workers as well as 39,932 refugees and asylees from Muslim countries.

"Where Revolution is the Solution" Taking back the Empire