The expected cratering event produced but a whimper. We knew all the stuff before it came out. So what happens now. Since the carniverous dogs have let loose on Trump, the time has come to reverse the process. “Lock Her Up” is the first step. 

But others must walk in lock step with this murderer of our Benghazi Four. “Nobody is above the law.” Clinton’s beating was unexpected by the FBI. Her illegal fund raising, emails, lies and whatever else she did must come full circle. Indictments, indictments and more indictments. Yes, this is not a tit for tat or retribution, this is the law. The FBI and Congress can’t abrogate the law and due process.  Americans can’t let her get away with spitting at them; this is contemptible. Calling us deplorable will have consequences. One way or another Trump has to bring in the those who will exact justice.



Examine carefully the words used to describe the Lynch-Clinton tarmac take down. 


Why hasn’t the pay for play scheme” under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, where foreign money was fed into the Clinton Foundation,not on the radar. The three impediments to what happened during the Clinton tenure regarding the uranium deal, Benghazi, email whitewash investigation by the FBI where no records were kept, interviews not taped and cell phones disposed of, Loretta Lynch going down on the tarmac when Slick Willie made her an offer she couldn’t refuse, the DNC GPS Fusion escapade paid by none other than Lock Her Up Clinton (WHAT DID OBAMA KNOW ABOUT THIS? WAS HE INVOLVED?) and last but not least the influence Huma Abedin had on Middle East policy, all leads us to Rod Rosenstein, Wray and Sessions. All shills for the Democrats. Trump must act now and fire Jeff Sessions, Christopher Wray and Rod Rosenstein.

Lets see what information is released today by the  internal investigation completed by Inspector General Michael Horowitz.


Imagine if you will, a voting roll with 5000 potential voters, but on election day for the past five years only 500 of those on the roll voted. Others signed up the day before or at the venue – provisional voters for the time being. Letters were sent out to those who didn’t vote in the past two years asking for their status. And low and behold only 550 were returned.

In the interest of efficiency 4500 voters were delisted. This action torched the liberals. And why? For one thing, a no show voter gives the  lying cheating thug progressives the opportunity to take on someone else’s identity. Yes, voter fraud! They then cast a ballot for the liberal Democrat. WAIT A MINUTE SAYS THE SUPREME COURTOHIO HAS THE RIGHT TO PURGE THEIR ROLLS OF NO-SHOW VOTERS. This has enraged those of the Progressive persuasion.

In a 5-4 decision written by Justice Samuel Alito, the Supreme Court ruled Monday that Ohio and other states are allowed to purge voters from their rolls who are inactive and do not respond to requests to confirm their residency. 

Ohio has removed more than two million voters from its rolls since 2011, with black voters more likely to be purged than white voters. A number of civil rights groups argued that the decision would likely aid Republicans but hurt Democrats and voters of color. Republicans typically have an advantage in low-turnout races.

Still, Alito wrote in his decision that Ohio had done its due diligence and “removes registrants only if they have failed to vote and have failed to respond to a notice.”

Of course the expected wailing will continue, but one fact remains; nothing in the decision is preventing an eligible citizen from voting. Re-register is all there is to it. That is the twist.  A BIG WIN FOR OUR SIDE, THANKS GUYS!


A private rescue ship carrying 629 migrants remained at sea Sunday evening after more than a day of not receiving permission to dock in either Italy or the small Mediterranean island nation of Malta.

Italy’s firebrand interior minister, Matteo Salvini, who leads the anti-immigrant League party in the governing coalition, has long railed against what he depicts as Europe’s failure to show solidarity with Italy during the migrant crisis in recent years.

“Starting today, Italy, too, begins to say NO to the trafficking of human beings, NO to the business of clandestine immigration,” Salvini tweeted Sunday.


Give the man a Toni award for his extemporaneous lines.  Gee wiz, we thought civility was coming to Hollywood after the Harvey taken out. But, we were wrong once again.

The Hollywood set is far removed from the rest of us; of course we know that, why else did Trump Win? You see Hillary shares the gutter with the human excrement that saturates Hollywood. Did you notice the SRO crowd, they were cheering like it it was no tomorrow. Of course they lead miserable lives and to liven it up they put on the black tie, thinking that the world revolves around them, show up, stomp their feet, clap their hands and then wrap up the night with some white powder and a joint. They are worlds away from mainstream America. We are definitely glad about that.



Barack Hussein Obama, the fraudulent ex-president of the United States, a Muslim Brotherhood life member, hid from the American people and Congress the secret deals, the under the table schemes, the back door collusion and most of all the selling out the United States of America. These lies, deceptions and deceits are High Crimes and Misdemeanors and they placed America in great peril for the foreseeable future.

President Trump has spent valuable time in his pursuit to right the wrongs of Obama’s lies which undercut the safety of American citizens.  The Iran deal, which was not approved by Congress and never would have, was a traitor type of act. Now it is up to President Trump to right a wrong; one that should never have taken place.

The Mullah regime is hated by the majority of Iranians. Trump’s plan is to create the atmosphere for them to manifest their disdain for this illegal theocracy. Once critical mass is attained the revolt against tyranny will come full circle. This is the plan. Bring the Mullah trouble makers to their knees and they will beg for mercy. Will it happen? Time will tell.

We be that these Mullahs are watching the Singapore negotiations with their eyes peeled.


This must stop immediately; (click) pervert TSA agents getting their revenge on innocent Americans by feeling them up. These TSA A-holes have been investigated before for hiring illegal aliens; many have skirted the system to attain employment at the TSA. A good deal of them can’t speak English and even if they do can’t understand it. Conversing with them is like speaking to a pet rock. Fuggetaboutit!

But now they have gone too far by raping a 96 year old woman in a wheel chair. Watch closely as the agent feels her breasts. This could be your grandmother! This is nothing but ROAD RAGE BY THE TSA PERVS. You all know what we are talking about here. The officers said they are trained to do this. Something must be done about their handbook procedures; if you know what we mean.

Look closely at the TSA agent? We want to know her visa status, how she got the job in the first place, is she here illegally.  These questions must be answered. The TSA handbook needs revision yesterday. 

Critics have described the TSA’s search of LaBrier as “totally disgusting,” “horrible”, “unbelievable” and “uncalled for,” while supporters of the search say that the agents were simply following policy.


“THE DONALD” has surprised his friends and foes alike in ways that they could not imagine. Not a politician by a long shot, but a fighter for what’s right just the same, President Trump has said what needs to be said. No political flunky this President, but a tactical brawler who knows trench warfare. Globalism, Agenda 21, World without borders are non-starters for him. He knows the ultimate road these far flung philosophies, programs, dictates will take us. And that is the road to self destruction.

Remember back to yesteryear, the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s when a visit to a foreign country brought excitement, exploration, intrigue and happiness? Yes, what a joy it was to see how others lived in real time; to explore their culture, life style, behavior was so educational.

No more! Visit London today, or should we say “Londonstan”. Hit some of the outskirt neighborhoods, no Englishmen in sight. Robes proliferate, call to prayer, hijabs are ubiquitous. Makes one wonders what is going on? We don’t have to tell you, do we? Well there is a push back in the air. Little by little the locals are being vocal; they are concerned on their way of life being diluted by foreigners who don’t respect their ways and their culture. There is an air of revolution spreading from country to country. Questions arise, can the Euro survive?

Hungary is manifesting disgust with the ways of E.U. dictates. Other countries are now seeing the light And this revolution of a cultural clash will ramp up in the coming years as others will attempt to dictate their ways and in so doing try to destroy our culture. Austria’s right-wing government plans to shut seven mosques and could expel dozens of imams in what it said was “just the beginning” of a push against radical Islam and foreign funding of religious groups that Turkey condemned as racist.  The moves follow a “law on Islam”, passed in 2015, which banned foreign funding of religious groups and created a duty for Muslim organizations to have “a positive fundamental view towards (Austria’s) state and society”.

Can you imagine that Pip Squeak Erdogan farting with the mouth once again. Can’t wait to see him carried out on the horizontal. 


Please be advised that this will not happen in Russia or other members of the communist bloc. We will learn that the culture we celebrate ( the Christian-Judaic ethic is not shared by certain members of society. Those are the ones that are most dangerous. Imagine if Clinton were elected, your life style will be obliterated by a new affirmative action regime giving priority to those who want to destroy us.



International protests on behalf of UK political prisoner Tommy Robinson gain momentum as Dutch MP Geert Wilders announces he will join the June 9th demonstration in London.

Wilders, an outspoken critic of the Islamization of Europe, risks a hostile reception from both Islamists and a British government that has denied him entry to the country in the past.

In a manifesto published by Breitbart London, Wilders praised Robinson for his courage in speaking out on behalf of the silent majority of Brits who are watching their homeland descend into an Orwellian, pseudo-Islamic tyranny.

“Tommy Robinson is a working-class man, who can no longer stand how the original population of England is oppressed by Islam,” Wilders wrote. “The latter enjoys the protection from the multiculturalist politically-correct Islamophile ruling class. Tommy Robinson wants to break the taboos this class imposes on society, and he was punished for it.”

“But Tommy embodies the hope of many, whose voices are not heard. That is why I stand with him. Tommy is a hero. It is a disgrace that he is still in jail. I have been invited to a major protest demonstration in London next week, and I will be coming. Free Tommy now!”

Wilders will join prominent UK politicians, journalists and activists – and likely thousands of Brits at the June 9 event.

“Working on some very big names for next weekend’s #FreeTommy rally,” announcedpolitical commentator and author, Raheem Kassam. “You are NOT GOING TO WANT TO MISS IT.”

The London demonstration will serve as the epicenter of a burgeoning movement in support of Robinson and all his plight symbolizes in the battle for free speech across the West.

Parallel rallies have been taking place in cities around Europe, the US, and Australia, and are expected to continue.

“#FreeTommy last weekend, this weekend and next weekend with Geert Wilders in London 9th June,” tweeted MEP Janice Atkinson. “Oh, with a little help from cities around the world.”

In the wake of Robinson’s arrest, Wilders delivered a statement in front of the British Embassy in The Hague, where he condemned the UK government, comparing it to those of Saudi Arabia and North Korea, and called for Robinson’s immediate release.

“I stand here in solidarity with Tommy Robinson,” Wilders said. “We will no longer be silent. Our future is at stake, and we will protect it. Free Tommy Robinson.”