(click)”shithole countries” “Go back to where you came from.”

Trump administration to protected Salvadoran immigrants in US: It’s time to go home

The Trump administration said Monday that conditions in El Salvador have improved enough since a series of earthquakes hit the country in 2001 that 200,000 people who fled to the U.S. must now go home.

But advocates say revoking temporary protection status for Salvadorans – including an estimated 5,900 living in North Carolina – would be disastrous for those immigrants and their children who were born in the U.S., and would disrupt the U.S. economy by removing business owners, workers, homeowners and consumers who have become deeply invested in the places where they live.

Salvadorans are the largest group of TPS recipients. Announcing the decision on El Salvador, Kirstjen M. Nielsen, secretary of Homeland Security, said, “The decision to terminate TPS for El Salvador was made after a review of the disaster-related conditions upon which the country’s original designation was based and an assessment of whether those originating conditions continue to exist as required by statute. Based on careful consideration of available information, including recommendations received as part of an inter-agency consultation process, the Secretary determined that the original conditions caused by the 2001 earthquakes no longer exist. Thus, under the applicable statute, the current TPS designation must be terminated.”


The economic contributions of TPS holders, particularly their entrepreneurial skill, high employment levels and the taxes they pay to our government, are notable. If TPS for El Salvador is not extended, those financial impacts will be directly felt by our communities; (ALL LIES) certain industries, such as home health care and construction, will be directly and negatively affected. While the financial contributions of TPS holders are noteworthy, to me what is even more compelling is the fact that these Salvadoran TPS holders are parents to an estimated 192,000 U.S.-citizen children.

What is happening in America is the outright mass denigration condoned by the liberal excrement to bring our country down. 192,000 children are U.S. citizens by birth. This is an outrage. How does something like this happen?

Why the Supreme Court has to rule on and clear up the 14th Amendment. It was not meant to allow this from happening. We are outraged? And we hope you are too. America is home to 20 to 30 million anchor babies because of the criminals who broke into our country, crossing  the border and procreating.



“Birthright Citizenship”: Revisionism v Rule of Law

Started by Jim Delaney

We’ve all heard the stats: currently, only the United States grants birthright citizenship to illegal aliens and 8% of babies born in the US are so-called “anchor babies” born of illegal aliens. In and of itself, this doesn’t constitute a crisis, but, for many of us, it does illustrate how far we’ve strayed from the Constitution.

Like all babies, “anchor babies” too are sweet and cuddly, and deserving of mother’s love and society’s protection. But automatically conferring citizenship on babies of illegal aliens is an ideologically-motivated perversion not only of internationally accepted legal norms, but, much more importantly, of both the Constitution and the 14th Amendment as well.

By nimbly mischaracterizing the motives of birthright citizenship opponents, many in the media and blogosphere—to include attorneys who should know better– have irresponsibly misrepresented the framers’ intent and have reduced the level of discourse on this legitimate constitutional issue to that of ad hominem, race-baiting, specious legal citations, contrived legal justifications, and mindless pandering. Shamelessly seeking ideological and political supremacy, to these people the Constitution and the rule of law mean absolutely nothing. And for a nation which once prided itself as being a “nation of laws”, that is inexcusable.

During an interview with Mr. Trump last night, what annoyed me greatly was Bill O’Reilly’s characteristically bombastic–and wholly erroneous–claim that “the 14th Amendment says that any person born on US soil is a US Citizen. Period”.  Poppycock! He couldn’t have read the amendment at all to reach this specious conclusion. And the fact that even Judge Napolitano, a Libertarian jurist, a few days earlier asserted this revisionist and ignorant view is nothing short of bewildering and scary.  But, this does underscore just how flawed and fallible jurists and seemingly bright, well-informed talking heads can really be.

That said, for my own edification I decided to take the time to again review the actual words of the 14th’s framers, pertinent case law and the opinions of jurists and legal scholars on both sides of the question to determine the truth in this matter.

Here are my findings and conclusions:

First, while researching pertinent materials, I soon discovered that understanding the clear intent and meaning of the 14th Amendment was much simpler than anticipated. In fact, the meaning of the 14th was surprisingly straightforward. Lesson learned: if one simply abandons one’s ideological blinders for a moment and commit to an honest effort to objectively review a constitutional issue, clarity is nearly always one’s reward.

It also became apparent that from a strictly Constitutional standpoint, and despite assertions to the contrary from both the left and right, a constitutional amendment is NOT needed to deny US Citizenship to an “anchor baby”. In short, I was unable to find any convincing constitutional evidence that so-called anchor babies can legitimately and automatically acquire U.S citizenship. Thus, a simple act of Congress–and most certainly NOT an amendment to the Constitution—to restate the original intent and meaning of the 14th Amendment is all that is really needed.

Toward that end, introduced on April 2nd, 2009, and co-sponsored by 93 congressmen, inclusive of one lonely Democratic supporter, Mississippi’s Gene Taylor, HR 1868 (Birthright Citizenship Act of 2009) amends section 301 of the Immigration & Nationality Act to provide that a person born in the US is “subject to the jurisdiction” of the US for citizenship purposes if the person is born in the US of parents, one of whom is: 1) a US citizen or national; 2) a lawful permanent resident alien who resides in the US; or 3) an alien performing military service in the US Armed Forces.” And if one simply reviews the original meaning of the 14th Amendment one can easily see that there is absolutely nothing at all revolutionary about this bill’s language. In any event, the bill failed.

Intended to protect the rights of emancipated Negroes, the 14th Amendment specifically provided that “all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside.”

And as I very quickly learned, of central importance in this statement is the phrase “subject to the jurisdiction thereof”, something birthright citizenship proponents have consistently and very conveniently ignored.

To begin, Sen. Jacob Howard of Michigan, co-author of the 14th Amendment, expressly asserted that “this will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers.” And it is in this plain-spoken construction birthright proponents somehow discover ambiguity or a totally different meaning. Amazing!
Under Section 1992 of the US Revised Statutes, the same Congress which adopted the 14th Amendment confirmed that “all persons born in the United States who are not aliens, excluding Indians not taxed, are declared to be citizens of the United States.”

In 1873, the US Atty Gen ruled the word “jurisdiction” under the Fourteenth Amendment to mean the absolute and complete jurisdiction. Aliens, among whom are persons born here and naturalized abroad, dwelling or being in this country, are subject to the jurisdiction of the US but only to a limited extent. Political and military rights do not pertain to them.”

Sen. Trumbell noted during the drafting of the 14th Amendment that it was the amendment’s goal to “make citizens of everybody born in the US who owe allegiance to the US,” and if “the negro or white man belonged to a foreign government he would not be a citizen.”

On March 1, 1866, Rep. James Wilson of Iowa, House Judiciary Committee, added that “we must depend on the general law relating to subjects and citizens recognized by all nations for a definition, and that must lead us to conclude that every person born in the US is a natural-born citizen of such States, except that of children born on our soil (jus soli) to temporary sojourners or representatives of foreign governments.” This statement served to nicely clarify Sen. Howard’s construction above.

John Bingham, framer of the 14th Amendment’s first section, stated that Sec. 1992 of the Revised Statutes meant “every human being born within the jurisdiction of the US of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of the Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.”

And if we reach way back to our founders in search of a definition of citizens of a foreign power, Thomas Jefferson said “Aliens are the subjects of a foreign power.”

To a man, among the framers the premise behind “within the jurisdiction thereof” was that all children born to parents who owed no foreign allegiance were to be citizens of the US; thus, not only must a child be born on US soil (jus soli) but born of parents whose complete allegiance was to the US.

Subsequently, Sen. Howard further explained that “only thru expatriation, which could be accomplished thru law alone, and not thru any immigrant acting on his own outside the law—and certainly not by any act of birth alone—could an alien become a citizen.” This, of course, would mean that the alien/sojourner would need to affirmatively renounce his allegiance to his/her country of origin before s/he could be considered completely within the jurisdiction of the US.

Sen. Howard also stated the following: “…the word ‘jurisdiction’, as here employed, ought to be construed so as to imply a full and complete jurisdiction on the part of the US, coextensive in all respects with the constitutional power of the US, whether exercised by Congress, the executive, or the judiciary; that is to say, the same jurisdiction in extent and quality as applies to every citizen of the US now.” In effect, he was saying that an alien may, by treaty arrangements with his country of origin, avail himself of the protection of the US, much as sojourning US citizens in the alien’s country of origin would avail themselves of that country’s protection, but that an alien’s physical presence alone in the US would not render him/her under the “complete jurisdiction” of the US. Simple enough.

The rationale behind not granting automatic citizenship can be illustrated by the fact that American Indians could not be subject to the jurisdiction of the US because the US dealt with them through treaties. By logical extension, aliens sojourning in the US are extended privileges and protections by virtue of treaties in force with their countries of origin, much as American citizens are granted similar rights and privileges—but not citizenship–when sojourning in those countries. Logically, therefore, only if an alien voluntarily and affirmatively renounces his citizenship and expresses an intent to swear allegiance to the US may the alien, through operation of law (a formal naturalization process) be granted US citizenship. Thus, in a nutshell, since neither children of tourists/sojourners nor of diplomats born in the US can be US citizens, children of illegal entrants cannot be lawfully granted the privilege of US citizenship.

In 1867, George Yeaman, American Minister to Denmark, in his highly respected treatise on allegiance and citizenship and for whom the framers had great respect, asserted that “the idea of a double allegiance and citizenship united in the same person, and having reference to two separate, independent, and sovereign nations or governments, is simply an impossibility.” Thus, dual citizenship was also a no-no. (Take note, BHO.)

P. A. Madison, a modern day master of constitutional analysis, points out that “since illegal aliens are unlawfully in the US, their native country has a proper and primary claim of allegiance on the child. Thus, the completeness of their allegiance to the US is impaired, which therefore precludes automatic citizenship.” Slam dunk obvious, I’d say.

Also, Rep. Aaron Sargent, a representative from California during the Naturalization Act of 1870 debates, said the 14th Amendment’s citizenship clause was not a de-facto right for aliens to obtain citizenship. Significantly, none of his contemporaries disputed that assertion.

Adding to this mix, here is a little case law since the 14th’s ratification.

In the Slaughterhouse Cases(1873), the Supreme Court observed that the 14th Amendment overturned the Dred Scott decision by making all persons born within the United States and subject to its jurisdiction, citizens of the US; the ruling went on to point out “that [the 14th Amendment’s] main purpose was to establish the citizenship of the Negro” and that “the phrase ‘subject to its jurisdiction’ was intended to exclude from its operation children of ministers, consuls, AND citizens or subjects of foreign states born within the United States”, thus reinforcing Sen. Howard’s construction above. So, since they cannot be subject to US jurisdiction, children of citizens of foreign sovereignities and children of foreign ministers/consuls/ambassadors cannot be lawfully considered US Citizens. Makes perfect sense.

Then, in Elk v Wilkins (1884), the Supreme Court ruled that the 14th Amendment did not even confer citizenship on Indians—because they were subject to tribal jurisdiction, not U.S. jurisdiction. In effect, the court essentially stated that the status of the parents determines the citizenship of the childand not merely the fortuitous birth of that child on American soil. (Note: not until the Citizens Act of 1924 was U S citizenship granted to American Indians. As with many whimsical court rulings over the years, I was unable to understand the legal grounding for this reversal. Thus, it would seem that judicial arbitrariness is not an affliction peculiar to modern day American courts alone.)

In US v Wong Kim Ark (1898), the courts held that children born in the US of parents of foreign descent who, at the time of the child’s birth are subjects of a foreign power but who have a permanent domicile and residence in the US and are carrying on business in the US, and are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity under a foreign power, and are not members of foreign forces in hostile occupation of US territory, become a citizen of the US at the time of birth. As expressed in the minority opinion, this decision violated the 14th Amendment. But, in any case, how many new illegal aliens have permanent domiciles in the US and how many of them are carrying on business in the US at the moment of their child’s birth on US soil? I suspect precious few. 

In Steel v Citizens for a Better Environment (1998), the court stated that “jurisdiction is a word of many, too many, meanings.” However, and as can be clearly seen above, Sen. Trumbell and, yes, Sen. Howard, 14th Amendment co-authors, had long ago provided a definition by declaring that “the provision is, that all persons born in the United States, and ‘subject to the jurisdiction thereof’’, are citizens. That means ‘subject to the complete jurisdiction thereof. What do we mean by ‘complete jurisdiction thereof’? Not owing allegiance to anybody else. That is what it means.” And this from the framers’ themselves! (Clearly, majority jurists in the Steel v Citizens court didn’t bother to research the framers’ clear intent and meaning. And one must wonder if a neophyte, such as I, can easily deduce original meaning, why can’t trained jurists? Could it be incompetence or do political agendas get in the way of constitutional law?)

Despite the clear meaning and intent of the 14th’s framers, we fast forward to the somewhat enigmatic ruling in US ex rel. Hintopoulis v Shaughnessy (1982), which some bloggers have used to justify birthright citizenship. In that case, and out of whole cloth, somewhere in the ruling it asserted, almost unconsciously/unwittingly, that although a child born in the US to two illegal aliens was a US Citizen (????) that, nonetheless, “suspending the alien parents’ deportation based upon “the accident of birth in the US of their son would be to deprive others, who are patiently awaiting visas…” Thus, since the glancing allusion to the legality of birthright citizenship, though gratuitous—and erroneous—was woven into this suspension of deportation decision, birthright proponents often blithely and excitedly cite this case to substantiate the legality of birthright citizenship. Grabbing at straws, I’d say.

Then, true to activist form, in Plyler v Doe (1982) the court, apparently without access to the 14th framers’ erudition and written words, mysteriously ruled 5-4 that there is “no plausible distinction” with respect to “jurisdiction” between resident aliens who entered the country lawfully and those resident aliens who entered unlawfully. Wowee! Clearly a yawning divergence from the framers’ clear meaning and intent. Seems judicial activism was as alive and well in 1982 as it is today.

To me, these two rulings which capriciously and arrogantly turned Thomas Jefferson and the framers of the 14th on their heads are clearly unlawful at worst, convenient contrivances at best.

When I explained all this on-line to an attorney who is also a strong proponent of birthright citizenship, this was her reply: “I disagree with your interpretation of the phrase ‘subject to the jurisdiction thereof’. The first rule of statutory construction is that we don’t look to the drafters’ intent if the words are plain and unambiguous…If the drafters meant to include some allegiance test, they would have. They didn’t.” That sort of revisionism, gobbledeg***, willful ignorance and dishonesty is, folks, what this country is up against. My rejoinder was civil, but to the point: “It wasn’t MY lowly interpretation. It was the framers’ interpretation. But, ignore original intent and meaning? A living constitution is like having no constitution at all. We can merely make it up as we go along and continue to hand-off an increasingly irrelevant document to the next generation. While I sincerely hope this isn’t what you have in mind, at this juncture I can see there’s really nothing more to discuss with you on this or any other constitutional issues. How very sad.”

Finally, based upon what I now understand, we must be faithful to the 14th Amendment framers’ clear intent and meaning—surely a tall order with so many activists and social engineers infesting our courts these days. In the case of “birthright citizenship”, Congress is constitutionally empowered to re-assert the original meaning of the the 14th Amendment, and that’s precisely what it should do.


 January 4
(Update: Republican Yancey picked in random lottery; declared winner of pivotal Va. House race Click here for the drawing to determine the winner. CLICK HERE TO END AND WATCH DEMOCRAT SORE LOSER STORM OUT OF ROOM. HA HAControl of Virginia’s legislature hung in limbo Wednesday after a three-judge panel declined to certify the recount of a key House race, saying that a questionable ballot should be counted in favor of the Republican and tying a race that Democrats thought they had won by a single vote.

Officials presiding over the five-hour recount on Tuesday had discarded that ballot en route to a historic reversal of the original election outcome. Yancey had emerged from Election Day with a 10-vote lead in the 94th District, but the recount uncovered enough additional ballots for Simonds to give her a one-vote victory.

That seemed to set up the House for a rare 50-50 split between Republicans and Democrats, ending 17 years of GOP dominance and making headlines nationwide.

This is the ballot that was scrutinized in the race for the Virginia House of Delegates 94th District in Newport News, Va. (City of Newport News, Virginia)

But Republicans challenged that decision in court Wednesday, saying the voter had selected every other Republican on the ballot and intended to vote for Yancey.

The judges — all of whom were elected by a Republican-
controlled legislature — agreed, leaving the race tied at 11,608 votes each for Yancey and Simonds. The balance of power in the House stands at 50-49 in favor of Republicans until the Newport News race can be resolved.

State law says the winner of a tied House race will be determined by lot — leaving the fate of the chamber to what is essentially a coin toss.


Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely. Think Putin, think what would have been if Hillary mounted the thrown. With President Trump now in charge our corrupt government has been exposed. Inside the beltway where career criminals and Democrat apparatchiks plied their trade we were one step away from totalitarianism.

How do we know this? One look at the faces of the feeble minded progressive liberal malcontent will give you a clue. Washington got hit by an asteroid named Trump. The status quo flying liberal, those who collect a paycheck for doing nothing, the career employee who hates with a passion anything that will rearrange their life style is now in destruct mode. They have been out at Justice and State.

Any day now we can accept the hammer to come down on the guilty. The inside the beltway attorneys are licking their jobs as the likes of Clinton and company will be lawerying up. Bring in clown for dozens will be marching to a different tune. For instance, will Huma Abedin turn on her mentor? Where are the transcripts from Tarmacgate? Loretta Lynch, a liar first rate, will be deposed. And James Comey, expect him to be fitted for a new suit. And don’t be Surprised is Susan Rice starts to peel her lip.

For the most part there will be a massive investigation in all areas of government. Those who are trusted to act independently of political persuasion are in cover-up mode. But we know there are those who will ultimately turn on their fellow associates. We call them moles, rats, mice; the ones who squeal when push comes to shove. Some are honest brokers no doubt, they are straight and narrow, do their job without question.

A quote form Ayn Rand, “Potentially, a government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims.” Precisely, this was the quest of the Democrats, to disarm the nation and turn it into their own gulag archipelago. Also, “We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.” 

The two quotes noted above are most applicable to Deep State. If Hillary Clinton was elected you could bet your bottom dollar that Tonton Macoutes would be unleashed across America.  For this is the very reason the Democrat elite, media organizations and Big Government employees have gone berserk. 



Fake Fire and Fury

The leftist propaganda machine has hit an absolute new low with Fire and Fury, the supposed “exposé” of the Trump White House. It appears to be nothing but malicious, libelous lies, totally made up, that try to undermine our legally and duly elected President, and to portray Donald Trump as something that no human being could possibly be. The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines libel as, “…(1) : a statement or representation published without just cause and tending to expose another to public contempt (2) : defamation of a person by written or representational means (3) : the publication of blasphemous, treasonable, seditious, or obscene writings or pictures…” a definition that indeed seems to fit Fire and Fury like a glove. For a more detailed legal definition, see http://dictionary.law.com/Default.aspx?selected=1153.

Who, one wonders, do they expect to believe these outrageous lies? The answer should be obvious: the not too bright, the gullible, the intellectually lazy, the mentally ill, the perpetually angry victim class, in other words, Democrats. As long as it’s an attack on Trump, who for Democrats epitomizes the conservative Right, it’s become a given that they’ll believe just about anything that the “mainstream” media – and this includes books – feeds them. And how, one might also wonder, has this come about?

The left has spent the past 100 years scheming and working hard to bring about the destruction of America as a free, capitalist, constitutional republic, hoping to replace it with a totalitarian, collectivist police state along the lines of Mao’s China and communist East Germany. By being content with incremental progress, they have been far too successful. They’ve taken command of nearly all of our educational systems and institutions, and have turned out several generations of brainwashed, dumbed-down, emotionally stunted and damaged useful idiots who depend on government to tell them what, when, how, and with whom to do just about everything. These are the groups mentioned above: the not too bright, the gullible, the intellectually lazy, the mentally ill, the perpetually angry victim class.

What we need to understand is that these unfortunates comprise a large portion of our population. Consider, if you will, the concept of “average intelligence”. We all know people of average intelligence, and they get along just fine. They can do their jobs, handle their finances, have good family lives. They just are not particularly creative and rarely think outside the box. But do you ever think about that word, “average”? Average means, “in the middle”. In this case it means that fully half the population is below average, or put another way, flat out stupid. This, folks, is the main source of the Democrat base.

The shameless exploitation of these easily manipulated and molded folks, people unequipped intellectually and emotionally to defend themselves, has indeed made them victims of cruel abuse, but from the very people and institutions who claim to represent and protect them. They have been bent and twisted by the left until they can no longer distinguish reality from the fiction manufactured and foisted on them by their cynical, often vicious, Machiavellian masters. It’s even doubtful that most of the elected Democrat politicians are aware of what has been, and is being done, because most of them come from that other side of average.

It’s telling, though, that the left has become so arrogantly confident – or panic-strickenly desperate – that they put out a book as blatantly subversive and libelously false as Fire and Fury. In either case, the hard-core, big money fascists who control today’s left have plainly lost sight of reality. They clearly have come to believe that our entire population is like their Marx-bot, below average base. They forget that the majority of those who elected President Trump are above average, clear-thinking individuals, who can, and do, use critical thinking and logic on a regular basis, and are not all that easy to fool.

The piece of vitriolic, subversive trash, Fire and Fury, is in reality nothing but, to quote Wm. Shakespeare, “…a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” Instead of wasting money buying it, or even talking about the lies in it, write or email (https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/) a letter to the President. Tell him what you think of the job he’s done in the short time he’s been President. Tell him what you hope he’ll do next. His snail mail address is:

President Donald Trump

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

Washington, DC  20500


He’ll appreciate it.



DOJ is hot on her trail. Pay to play, the Clinton Foundation scam machine calls for a RICO investigation. Under Secretary of State the foundation was sourcing millions around the world; from Saudi princes to oligarchs and political apparatchiks. Favors, access and contracts flowed like the juice that was supposed come from Solyndra. Of course they want you to forget about the three quarter billion burn suffered by the Obama administration in that demonic catastrophe that is still haunting them today.

Federal authorities are actively investigating allegations of corruption related to the Clinton Foundation, the charity of Bill and Hillary Clinton, according to a US official briefed on the matter.

The FBI and federal prosecutors are looking into whether donors to the foundation were improperly promised policy favors or special access to Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state in exchange for donations to the charity’s coffers, as well as whether tax-exempt funds were misused, the official said.
The investigation, led by the FBI field office in Little Rock, Arkansas, is being overseen by the US attorney’s office in the state, according to the source.
The inquiry was first reported by the The Hill, which cited law enforcement sources and a witness who was interviewed.
It’s unclear precisely what, if any, new evidence ignited the current federal investigation, after initial inquiries had stalled prior to the 2016 election.

Back to the facts and only the facts – they spell be trouble for Hillary (wanna be – two time loser for president) who had counted on the win. But to her surprise it didn’t work out that way. Now we are finding out the insidious relationship which played out during and after the campaign with the Department of State and Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Now it is coming out on who did what in Deep State to stymie the Trump presidency. Career insiders had their hands on the levers of power throwing up gauntlets to prevent the Trump administration from finding out the truth. However, as the leaks start to accumulate there will be deals made to get those involved to talk. And the will talk.

The former assistant FBI director who oversaw the bureau’s office in North Carolina said “nothing about the [Hillary Clinton] investigation was right.” Chris Swecker said that the FBI always uses grand juries and search warrants to obtain information about suspects or witnesses. “It doesn’t take a Congressional investigation [to show that] nothing about that investigation was right,” Swecker said.


Tucker Carlson noted that James Comey’s FBI began drafting Clinton’s exoneration document before all evidence had been gathered and before all witnesses were interviewed.

“That’s not how a real, thorough… investigation is conducted,” Swecker said, adding that the FBI normally doesn’t go to witnesses and ask “mother, may I?” to obtain information.

Swecker said that when he ran the FBI criminal division and Comey served on the corporate fraud task force, both men “played hardball.”

Swecker suspected Comey let his “inner circle” dictate the Clinton and Trump investigations, which led to them being allegedly tainted by political actions like Agent Peter Strzok’s text messages.

He said Comey’s “inner circle” had “predetermined opinions” about Clinton and Trump.

“That’s not the FBI that I know,” he said.



From a letter to the Editor of the Wall Street Journal published December 30, 2017.

“If I forget you, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill. May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do not consider Jerusalem my highest joy.” These words in Psalm 137: 5-6 written long before the birth of Muhammad, attest to the reality that Jerusalem has been Israel’s capital for millennia. I did not vote for President Trump, but I applauded his willingness to put his money where past presidents have only put their mouths in relations to Jerusalem.

Signed, Linda K. Gragg

Kennewick, Washington

Below is an article from Mitchell Bard, written many years ago when Arafat and Sharon were still living.

Today, the Palestinians could be enjoying their 54th year of independence, or their 52nd, or their 19th, or their 3rd or the eve of their 2nd. That’s right, by my count they have had at least five opportunities to have a state beside Israel if that was their real objective, but they have chosen to hold out for a Palestinian state instead of Israel. Even today, under that “hardline, right-wing” Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, the opportunity for emancipation exists, but the Palestinians stubbornly cling to their dreams of a Palestinians state replacing Israel rather than accepting the offer to establish a state beside Israel.

The first chance for statehood was in 1947 when the UN actually created an Arab state in Palestine. It was not perfect, it was not what they wanted, but it was a state. The Zionists accepted partition even though it was a truly rotten deal for them too. Think about it. Like the Arabs, the Jews believed they were entitled to all of Palestine, and not just what was then called Palestine, but the 80% of what had been Palestine that the British lopped off and turned into Transjordan. True, the UN gave the Jews more land, but most of it was the Negev desert. The borders were indefensible, and Jerusalem was not only excluded from the Jewish state, it was to be internationalized and surrounded by the Arab state.

So why did the Jews accept such a lousy deal?

David Ben-Gurion and the other Zionist leaders recognized it was the best deal they would get. They also understood that the international community was offering legal recognition for the establishment of a Jewish state. And most important, they would now have an independent state that could be a haven to Jews from around the world, and they could build it into something greater.

Most Palestinian Arabs, on the other hand, believed Palestine really was just southern Syria. They were convinced by their Arab brethren that they had no need to compromise because the Jews would be driven into the sea and they would have the entire country. The whole refugee issue is proof that most Palestinian Arabs were not even prepared to fight for their independence; they chose to flee instead. And so their chance for statehood was squandered.

The Palestinians actually had 19 years to demand statehood during the Jordanian occupation from 1948-1967. Jordan annexed the West Bank in 1950 rather than grant the Palestinians independence. What is remarkable is that there were no Hanan Ashrawis demanding the end to Jordanian occupation and the creation of a Palestinian state for all those years. Ask a Palestinian today about that and you’ll hear a lot of hemming and hawing. They only discovered a passion for independence after Israel captured the territories in 1967.

The third opportunity for statehood was presented by yet another “fanatical, right-wing” Prime Minister, Menachem Begin. In fact, when the Palestinian state comes into being, as it inevitably will some day, Begin should be regarded as its true founder. Begin was the first one to offer the Palestinians control over their own affairs. Yes, the autonomy plan that came out of the Israeli-Egyptian peace negotiations was limited, and did not offer immediate statehood, but there is no question that once the Palestinians began to control their own affairs, it would be impossible for Israel to stop them from ultimately becoming totally free of Israeli control. From about 1983 on, it was no longer a question of if there would be a Palestinian state, but when. Had the Palestinians accepted Begin’s offer, however, they would have had their state long ago.

The Oslo agreements were specifically geared toward an Israeli withdrawal from the territories and the creation of a Palestinian state. According to the timetable, the last remaining issues should have been resolved by 1999, but the Palestinians never lived up to the commitments they made, starting with the recognition of Israel and renouncement of terrorism that Arafat declared in September 1993 that was the basis for the entire Oslo process. Had Arafat ended the violence and complied with his treaty commitments, the Palestinians would be completely under Arafat’s control today (as it is 98% of the Palestinian people are under his autocratic control).

Finally, the Palestinians were offered a state by Ehud Barak in the negotiations at Camp David and the White House in 2000. Today, they could be living in a Palestine comprised of 95% of the West Bank, 100% of the Gaza Strip, and most of Arab east Jerusalem. They would have greater control of the Temple Mount and an unimpeded highway between Gaza and the West Bank. Instead, most of their cities are under curfew and surrounded by Israeli forces because Arafat rejected Barak’s offer and waged a war of terror in hopes of achieving his dream of liberating all of “Palestine.”

The best chance for the Palestinians to achieve statehood in the short-run would be to tell Ariel Sharon they are now prepared to end the violence, replace Arafat, and negotiate. They should offer to accept whatever deal Sharon offers even if it means a Palestinian state the size of a postage stamp. Why? For the same reason the Zionists accepted a state that was little more than a postage stamp.

Think about it. After agreeing to make peace with Israel, within a nanosecond of declaring statehood, the United States will recognize the new state. The rest of the world will follow suit. Within a few minutes, the Americans and Europeans will begin throwing so many dollar bills at the Palestinians that they’ll think that it’s a plague of locusts. If the Palestinians truly wish to live in peace, they can spend the next 50 years building their state, developing an economy, infrastructure, governmental institutions, and all the rest, and the world will cheer and do everything to help them. Israel will be first in line with assistance.

The great thing from the Palestinian perspective is that they don’t even have to give up their goal of destroying Israel. They just need to exercise some patience. As soon as they’re independent, they can have Karine-A’s docking nonstop at Gaza port bringing in tons of weapons. In 50 years, then, they may be strong enough to drive the Jews into the sea.

But Israel won’t allow this, you say. Even the far left in Israel has only been willing to allow the Palestinians a demilitarized state. This shows how naive they truly are. Once Palestine is independent, Israel cannot enforce this. Sure, Israel will do everything possible to prevent the large scale importation of weapons, and will interdict shipments of arms, and maybe have to conduct an Osirak type raid if necessary, but there will be a limit to what Israel can do. I still believe Israel can defend itself, because it will do whatever is necessary to insure its security, as will the Jordanians, by the way, who have just as much incentive as Israel to insure the Palestinian state is as small and weak as possible to insure the Palestinians don’t repeat their 1970 effort to take over their country.

President Bush has now offered the Palestinians a sixth opportunity for statehood. Will they finally abandon their dreams of liberating all of Palestine and choose the path of compromise rather than extremism? Will they devote their energy to building a state of their own rather than try to destroy the state of the Jews?

What do you think?

FROM TIP:Posted by Tip Staff – December 28, 2016

In a speech at the State Department on Wednesday, Secretary of State John Kerry cast the majority of the blame on the lack of Israeli-Palestinian peace on the Israelis, ignoring Israel’s history of repeatedly making risky overtures for peace with the Palestinians, only to receive terrorism in response.
Israelis voted in Labor’s Ehud Barak to the premiership in 1999 specifically because he promised to make peace with the Palestinians; in 2000, he met with then-PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat at Camp David and offered the Palestinians 92% of the West Bank, all of the Gaza Strip, and eastern Jerusalem as its capital. Israel even proposed that a maximum of 100,000 refugees would be allowed to return to Israel on the basis of humanitarian considerations or family reunification, and an international fund would be created to compensate the Palestinians. Arafat rejected the offer. Sweetening the deal, the Clinton administration suggested that the Palestinians control 97% of the West Bank and the entirety of the Gaza Strip, with a land-link between the two, as well as a capital in East Jerusalem. Barak endorsed the Clinton Parameters; again, Arafat rejected them. After having rejected Israeli peace offers at Camp David with no counter-offers of his own, Arafat chose to launch the murderous Second Intifada, killing more than 1,500 Israelis between 2000 and 2005.
In 2005, Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip, only for that territory to be taken over by Hamas in a Palestinian civil war in 2007. Ever since, Hamas has used the Strip as a base from which to launch attacks on Israelis, using rockets and underground tunnels, and Gazans live under the grip of Hamas’ authoritarian rule.
In 2008, then-Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert offered Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas 93.7% of the West Bank; the remaining 6.3% would be made up with land swaps. He also offered to take in 5,000 refugees over five years; an international committee to oversee Jerusalem’s holy sites; and an international fund consisting of billions of dollars, administered by Norwegians, to compensate Palestinian refugees. In a May 2009 interview with The Washington Post, Abbas admitted that he had turned down the offer and said, “The gaps were wide.”
The government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to an unprecedented 10-month freeze in settlement construction in November 2009 only for the Palestinians to say it was insufficient and then call for an extension when it expired. Netanyahu said he would do so if the Palestinian Authority recognized Israel as the Jewish state; the PA refused.
When the Obama administration proposed a framework for a peace agreement in 2013, the Netanyahu government accepted it, while the Palestinians turned it down. Even still, Israel was willing to talk with the Palestinian Authority, until Fatah and Hamas announced a unity government in April 2014. Hamas refuses to reject violence and terror against Israel and Israel refuses to negotiate with it. The Palestinians adopted a policy of trying to skirt direct negotiations and internationalizing the conflict via the United Nations and other international fora.



There’s Something Wrong Here”… The Legend of Dr. Henry C. Lee

TO WIT: human beings not on life support wonder why not one Democrat have been charged with a crime. Impossible! Why is it the case? It is easy to understand when relevant facts are known. Those who do the charging are Democrats. It is their sacred obligation to help the guilty any way they can. Is this justice? Not by a long shot. Most red blooded Americans are fed up with two legal systems. One for the rich, one for the plebeian.

Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton (killed our guys in Benghazi), Donna Mills, Susan Rice (who pimped her out?), Debbie Wassermann Schultz, Loretta Lynch, Lois Lerner and the list goes on and on. All guilty of felonies of one kind or another but none have been charged. However, Republicans have been charged, tried and incarcerated for lesser crimes. And in many instances have been found innocent on retrial. So what goes. INJUSTICE JUSTICE SYSTEM. The fix is in when a Democrat is involved. To preserve the Deep State the status quo must be preserved. Therefore, those who hold the legal power will do what they can to preserve there little game, which is to keep the strings of Big Government in the hands of Democrats.

Evidence of collusion with Russia is slimmer than finding life on the moon.  Fusion GPS, a Democrat collusion operation was caught flat footed. They fabricated, manufactured and touted non existent evidence in a plan to catch Trump colluding with Vladimir.  Obama had a word to say to him in the OPEN MIKE EPISODE he had with comrade Medvedev.  Anyway, in cutting to the chase the FBI has found nothing. But the beat goes on because Fusion GPS is friends with the FBI and the Justice Department.



Tens of thousands of federal employees earn more money than any U.S. governor, according to a new report that reveals some eye-popping stats on government spending for the federal workforce.

The 40-page report, titled “Mapping the Swamp” and released by government watchdog group OpenTheBooks, focused on the “size, scope and power” of the federal government — and found salary spending for high-paid employees on the rise.

“The number of highly compensated federal employees is growing,” the report said, describing six-figure salaries as increasingly common.

According to the report, the number of federal employees making $200,000 or more increased by 165 percent between fiscal 2010 and 2016. Federal employees making $150,000 or more grew by 60 percent, with the number making more than $100,000 increasing by 37 percent in the same time period.

The group put its figures in context by comparing these plush payment packages with those of America’s governors.

“Nearly 30,000 rank-and-file federal employees who received more than $190,823 out-earned each of the 50 state governors,” the report said.

Currently, the top gubernatorial earners are Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf, who makes $190,823; Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam, who makes $187,500; and California Gov. Jerry Brown, who makes $182,971. The lowest-paid governor is Maine Gov. Paul LePage, making just $70,000, according to numbers from Ballotpedia.

According to the “Mapping the Swamp” report, a total of 406,960 federal employees made six-figure incomes in fiscal 2016 – that’s roughly one in five federal employees.

“There is a new ‘minimum wage’ for federal bureaucrats – at 78 departments and independent agencies, the average employee made $100,000 or more,” OpenTheBooks said in a statement.

In fiscal 2016, the United States Postal Service and the Department of Veterans Affairs employed more than half of federal employees. USPS employed 32 percent of all disclosed federal employees, totaling 621,523 people on the payroll; and the VA employed the second-most employees with 372,614.

The analysis is incomplete, however, as there are a number of federal employees who have not disclosed their salaries.

“We found small and large agencies across the federal government gaming the system for personal gain – and it’s expensive for the taxpayer,” OpenTheBooks.com CEO and founder Adam Andrzejewski said in a statement. “Congress should hold hearings to bring transparency to all the information we’re still missing, including performance bonuses and pension payouts. It’s time to squeeze out waste from compensation and stop abusive payroll practices.”

The report said the federal government pays its disclosed workforce $1 million per minute and more than a half-billion dollars per day.

Federal employees also are given considerable paid-time-off. According to the report, on average, federal employees are given 10 federal holidays, 13 sick days, and 20 vacation days per year.

“If each employee used 13 sick days and took 20 vacation days in addition to the 10 federal holidays, it would cost taxpayers an estimated $22.6 billion annually,” the report said.



Enemies Domestic

By Michael Oberndorf, RPA

A whole lot of us Deplorables, who had the unmitigated temerity to vote for the interloper, Donald Trump, have served in capacities which required us to take an oath to uphold the Constitution and protect it not only from foreign enemies, but domestic ones as well. Over the 229 years that have elapsed since the Constitution was ratified in June of 1788, we have endured and overcome numerous attempts by foreign nations to defeat us militarily, and some economically. However, domestic threats have been rare. Other than the occasional traitor, we have had no serious, well organized threats internally, the Civil War being the obvious exception, until the communists. However, the Soviet Union collapsed, and the “mainstream” media declared the Cold War over and communism defeated, and thus, all the communists in the U.S.A., aka, Stalin’s Useful Idiots, magically disappeared. Poof.

However, there is a problem with this. As more and more organizations are springing up espousing classic, radical communist ideology and tactics, we who make up the unenlightened, unwashed masses are becoming more and more aware that something is deeply and dangerously wrong in America, and that our Constitution is, indeed, under attack by well-funded, organized enemies domestic. We are learning that it’s not just corrupt unions like the SEIU that have become openly communist, it’s Academia, Hollywood (which includes most TV), a significant portion of the Democrat Party, and perhaps most dangerous of all, the “mainstream” media.

Communist strategist, Antonio Gramsci (pronounced gram-shee), wrote extensively in the 1930s about how to attain communist revolution without war, in other words, by subversion. This could be achieved, he said, by taking over education, entertainment, and the news media. Hmmmm…Gramsci has been required reading for hard-core (rather than knee-jerk) leftists ever since, and we can see that they’ve done a damn fine job of putting his theories into practice.

As bad as it is that public “schools” and institutions of “higher education” are churning out an endless stream of brainwashed, intolerant, often violent Marx-bots, with no understanding of their history or culture, and that the entertainment industry’s constant underlying message is that traditional American culture, capitalism, and white people are all evil things to be vanquished by any means necessary, and that drugs, unbridled promiscuity, and gun violence are all just A-OK, we find that the media today make sure that as few as possible critical or dissenting voices are allowed to be heard.

It’s true that we Bitter Clingers have Internet news sites and some talk radio programs we can access that provide alternatives to the “mainstream” liars. However, on the Internet, leftist sites like MSN and Yahoo dwarf the online presence of conservative sites, as the network TV news programs do with Fox News. They ignore, spin, and distort, and in the last few years, outright lie about just about everything, convincing the gullible and the intellectually lazy that conservative white people are responsible for ALL the problems in the entire world. This needs to change.

For decades, We, the People, have sat quietly and endured rule by these fascists and communists. A sort of exception to this was the Silent Majority, which rose up and elected Ronald Reagan, twice, but then settled silently once more into the background. This again began to change with the rise of the Tea Party and then the election of The Donald. Outspoken and adamant about what We, the People want for America. Not fooled by the lies that gush on a daily basis from the left. Americans in the mold of the Patriots of 1776, ready to stand fast against the Enemies Domestic.

I, and a lot of others like me, am sick to death of watching the left, especially those in elected office, relentlessly attack and undermine our country, the Constitution, Christianity, Judaism, our morals, our values, the way we live and work. Its time to get active – very active – and throw out the trash, using whatever means are available. We can start recall drives, press for impeachment of judges and corrupt congressmen and senators, and get genuine constitutional conservatives to run. We can donate time and money to all of these activities. We can also support conservative student organizations – there are lots of them, but most people have never heard of them since the “mainstream” media never covers them.

Each of us needs to think of something, no matter how small it might seem to us, that we can do or contribute. The Enemies Domestic have begun what can only be seen as a Second Civil War for control of America. I took an oath, and I will NEVER give up, NEVER surrender. How about you?


On January 1, 2008 our first blog entry was published, it was among the ten thousand more that were blogged out to America and the world. We posed a simple question back then, can we change the political landscape, can we change America? Many of the uninitiated thought not, but we proved them wrong in 2016.

These entries have enriched, informed and inspired many Patriots to action. In some instances contributory individuals had their say. But to all of you out there, our readers who await our unbiased and informative narrative, WE THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS FOR GETTING THE WORD OUT.    

Our logo has come full circle – public unions have been outed, Democrats imperiled, Big Government and the Deep State exposed, the FED challenged and entitlements are now on the chopping block.

WE HAD IT RIGHT BACK THEN AND WE HAVE IT RIGHT TODAY. It took nine years of hard work to out the liars, cheats of Deep State and enemies within, but the election of President Trump is a confirmation of the pent up dissatisfaction with the enemies of freedom and proponents of Big Government. We won’t get rid of them overnight, but we are hot on their tail. Washington will never be the same.