Thus far Hillary Clinton’s road to the White House has been as smooth as a scoop of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream.  The powers behind the thrown are all in, including the likes of Randi Weingarten‘s American Federation of Teachers (AFT) union. Unwavered support of them was a no brainer.

However, Richard Trumpka of the AFL-CIO has not handed over the expected endorsement. What troubles the AFL-CIO boss is Hillary’s stance on the recently passed trade legislation. Clinton has not made a decision on it. This is troubling to the union boss who is adamantly against the trade deal.  Also, another unanticipated speed bump in the name of Bernie Sanders has popped up; and he is picking up union support along the way. As of yet none of Hillary’s organizers have suffered agita, but sometimes it takes awhile before the stomach acids regurgitate.

If Hillary makes a “no”decision on trade she will risk Democrat support in the larger battle to come. Keep in mind that President Obama needed the support of a Republican Congress to pass the legislation. Hillary is in between the proverbial rock and hard place; Bernice Sanders is dead set against the trade deal. This put pressure on HRC to just say “no”, but the risks are many especially when it comes to the main bout.  Seen as anti growth, anti trade, Hillary will be pilloried throughout the campaign.

How she talks her way out of this one would be a sight to see.



The latest, the Pope calls greed,  “the devil’s dung.”  Guess he never heard of Gordon Gekko.


For Christians living in the United States, the majority, we hazard, respect the Ten Commandments, believe in the Constitution, worship freedom, liberty and the laws of nature, were shocked by the Pope’s terse anti capitalistic tirade while visiting Bolivia. The Latin American country is “ruled” by a ruthless dictator with a socialist bent, Evo Morales.  Many citizens have disappeared under his rule. Quoting him, “In Bolivia the gringos no longer rule, the Indians do, ” wearing a jacket with the image of Argentine revolutionary Che Guevara. So once again we have proof that a  picture is worth a thousand words.

We were not shocked by his invective,  in your face anti-colonial hate speech is expected from the miscreant dictator who rules over a decaying rubble of a country with an imploding economy. Blaming others for your own failures is common among dictators; no where else to turn for excuses, the entrepreneur can never escape the blame of a skilled orator who gives the poor a license to kill the successful.

But what came next was astonishing, not shocking as we know from the Pope’s earlier diatribes, that he has turned the cheek and embraced the ideology of Marx and Lenin. A pure Jesuit is he. The Pope, by the way, drank some coca leaf infused tea, but  as far as we know did not chew any coca leafs before speaking from the pulpit commanding the “globalization of hope” that would guarantee the needs of every person. And we might ask, guarantee by who? God!  We recommend that the indigenous of Bolivia continue the chewing of coca leafs and all of your dreams will come true.

So the Pope, with the skill of a failed orator, urged his audience to “say ‘no’ to an economy of exclusion and inequality.” Truly Marxist-Lenin stuff. “In favor of an economy of Christian inspiration,” then he goes off the deep end by saying, “which would guarantee everyone not only the basics of land, housing and employment, but also access to education, healthcare, new technologies, artistic and cultural manifestations, communications, sports and recreation.”

Where does the Pope think all of these things come from? Apparently, capitalism was a forbidden word in his Latin American travail. The Pope forgot to add the most important item to the list, ” dinero, dorado.  Perhaps the Pontiff forgot that these dreams of want are prevalent in capitalistic societies and they do come true. By his guarantee of them he sanctions violence in the “smash and grab thugs” that were let loose by Maduro in Venezuela. “Down with Capitalism is the Pope’s message.”

The initiated of this world would take immediate offense to the Pope’s Canonization of Hope. For those of us who live our life to the fullest endeavoring  improving our knowledge, embracing successes, embellishing the fruits of our labor we remind the Pope that countries such as Bolivia and Venezuela are mired in poverty of their own making; embracing socialism is the cause of their despair not the coca leaf elixir that lifts the spirits of the people.


An added fact, newspapers that exist must tow the socialist Morales line or they are shut down in an authoritarian minute. Tea with Morales confirmed the Pope’s philosophy of transfer the wealth.  We at the Tea Party do not know of any poor person to give one a job; we wonder if the Pope does.



Pollsters are nothing more than blabber mouths, akin to rumor mongers looking for suckers who will give them a hint on what way the political winds will blow. Their prognostications in most cases are nothing more than wild guesses. Take the latest vote in Greece; up to the vote the tally was expected to be a 50-50 affair to be decided by a razor’s edge. We can also cite the Eric Cantor whupping in 2014 by a virtual unknown as another example. The results of these two races were nothing like the fortune tellers bleep. That brings us to the 2016 presidential race.

Currently, the statistics cited are not too favorable for any Republican because they can’t win without more Black and Hispanic vote; their white vote in the last election was 59% and that too will be hard to increase. Check out the numbers here. However, a well run campaign can attain 75% of the White vote and increase the margin to double of that of the Black vote while picking up another 10% of the Hispanic vote. How can the Republicans break out of the proverbial statistical jail they are in? The path is fairly simple, but so far no Republicans are aware of the gains that can be had by soliciting unions, Blacks and Latinos to their cause.

Republicans can follow the Democrat strategy to win. Old line Republicans will have nowhere else to turn in 2016, but to pick off independents and Reagan Democrats is easier than one might think. Republicans must bring their message to the union masses, convincing them that to vote Republican is not to vote anti union but pro work, pro growth, less taxes, more freedom, more stability, safer pensions, enforcement of labor violations such as when companies higher illegal workers.

Point out today’s Republicans are similar to yesterday’s Democrats. That today’s Democrat’s are similar to yesterday’s socialists and Communists combined. For instance, the seizure of property without due cause, the fight against individual freedom to bear arms. Republicans are not anti-Black nor are they anti-Hispanic, they are against criminals who violate the laws of the land.

Dukakis had Willie Horton and now the Democrats have  the illegal alien Francisco Sanchez the killer of Kate Steinle, Plaster his face next to all Democratic candidates with the phrase under his name, Killer; this could happen to your child, your streets, your neighborhood is not safe, don’t count on the Democrats to protect you. Continuing on with the message can include themes such as “education is local” the Republicans will not interfere. Or the next Attorney General will bring those people to justice who violated the law, no matter what their political persuasion. For instance bankers and their ilk; send fear into the Jon Corzines of the world, they are not too big to fail or go to jail.

There are literally dozens of issues that will convince Independents and borderline Democrats to move to the Republican side of the aisle. Tell it like it is, afterall the Democrat party has become a rubber stamp for radical socialist, the EPA is their lackey. This is manifested in the damage they did to the union labor who work deep in the mines of VA, PA and OH. Republicans can easily cut these union men from the Democrat herd. And what starts in the West can travel East with lightning speed, press hard on the environmentalists who went all in on the snail darter/delta smelt killing jobs for Mexican farmers and landscapers. The wedge is there, use it. All they need to do is get the message across.


In light of Donald Trump’s disparaging remarks regarding illegal immigrants, either Mexican or Latin American, the news has bared him out. Exhibit 1 was the killing in San Francisco, exhibit 2 is the illegal activity of criminal license applications in New Mexico. But no subject is without controversy, the progressive politician who condoned the sanctuary city and provided fodder by inviting more illegals into the country – think Obama not enforcing the borders – leading to the United States becoming a sanctuary country;  mass violations of the law have resulted.

Hypocrites at best, lying swine at worst. Presidential contender and former Secretary of Hate Hillary Clinton, Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer are the worst of the worst. However it even gets worse as the Obama administration’s talking puppet Josh Ernest blames the Republicans for not passing immigration reform. That is beyond the pale. More diatribe coming from the White House is expected. Loretta Lynch is not doing her job by enforcing the law. Wait for more killings, rapings and thefts by illegals. This controversy is not over.

A high-profile case in 2012 saw five Albuquerque residents federally indicted in a multi-state license distribution scheme. Federal investigators said 30 people from five states were involved in the ring that provided false documents to illegal immigrants who had resided in South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia to fraudulently obtain 164 New Mexico driver’s licenses.


They voted “NO” (oxi) to the terms demanded of the ECU, thumbing their face to their gullible creditors. Greeks have chose to go it alone and eventually will live the paupers life.  They are not too big to fail so let THEM.  Out of the Euro with the Drachma being the currency of the realm the party will begin with Ouzo flowing, Metaxa toasts and high fives.

However, as all who have come before them, the printing presses will be stretched to the limit, operating 24/7. On the way to socialist pie in the sky hyperinflation will raise its ugly head, just like Germany during the Weimar Republic. It was the best of times it was the worst of times. Germany learned their lesson, now the time for the Greeks to eat cake.  They will soon learn that their Drachma is worth nothing more than wallpaper.


One third – 33% of Puerto Rico’s population is on food stamps costing the United States over $2 billion per year.  Puerto Rico had a higher public assistance participation rate (5.9 percent) than the national average (2.9 percent), this means that twice as many per capita receive welfare. For those who stay, rich welfare benefits provide a disincentive to work. A household of three can receive $1,743 per month in food stamps, Medicaid, utility subsidies and welfare compared to minimum-wage take-home pay of $1,159. Employers are required to provide 15 days of vacation and 12 sick days annually and a $600 Christmas bonus. Government employees make up a quarter of the island’s workforce.

A more appropriate name should be Puerto Welfare.


Without mincing words Donald Trump has given the Republicans something to worry about – POLITICAL CORRECTNESS (PC). For years now the establishment has paid homage to progressive movement; little by little they have inserted their foot in the door.

This week the Donald has caused much ink to be spilled, the cause being his remarks concerning law breaking illegal aliens that have committed crime after crime while in the United States. Unfortunately a couple of days subsequent to Trump’s remarks a criminal from Mexico (five times this murderer was deported according to ICE) shot dead in cold blood an innocent young woman. Read about it here. The city of San Francisco is culpable to this murder. They released him knowing full well that he was to be handed over to ICE. icebadge

According to the Center for Immigration Studies, 23 percent, more than 43,000 illegal aliens, were convicted of drug offenses. The violent crime category of assault, robbery, sexual assault, and family offenses comes to 12 percent. The non-violent crime grouping of larceny, fraud, and burglary totaled seven percent, and on the list goes — equaling 100 percent of illegal aliens who have been through the criminal justice system and inflicted thousands to millions in cost per alien on the system, for issues having nothing to do with their illegal entry into the country.

An FBI crime study also shows heavy illegal alien involvement in criminal activity revealed these statistics:

  • 75 percent of those on the most wanted criminals list in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.
  • One quarter of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals, as are more than 40 percent of all inmates in Arizona and 48 percent in New Mexico jails.
  • Over 53 percent of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens.
  • 63 percent of cited drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that number, 97 percent are illegal aliens. 66 percent of cited drivers in New Mexico have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 66 percent, 98 percent are illegal aliens.
  • Click here to read more. Mexico has exported the drug violence, drug culture, criminal activity to the United States under the auspices of President Obama and political correctness. The time has come to call a spade a space. .muchasgraciasamigo Ten un buen dia amigo.
  • Look for politicians to come to the aid of the Latino community, pandering to them. Of course we know why? There is a Presidential election next year and without the Spanish vote no Republican will see the light of day. Jeb Bush weighs in on Trump’s remarks. One thing which is worth noting, Trump has not walked back his comments. Although they may hurt him financially he has been steadfast in telling it like it is.


For the past few year we have blogged on the criminal element that has saturated Greece, now comes a most lively book detailing the do’s of Greek society; they included a mind boggling number of swindles that would put most Russians to shame.

James Angelos’ The Full Catastrophe: Travels among the New Greek Ruins lays bare the corruption which filtered through all levels of society – from the islanders who pretended to be blind, to the families who forgot to register their parents’ death and the doctors who ‘earn’ just €12,000 a year – yet live in Athens’ most exclusive neighborhood.

It was the rumours of an ‘island of the blind’ which first bought Angelos, a journalist, to Greece in 2011.

He had heard that on Zakynthos, something like two per cent of the population were registered blind.

All was not quite how it seemed, however, and it transpired that 61 of the 680 ‘blind’ residents were quite happily driving around the island.

In fact, an astonishing 498 of those 680 were not blind at all – or even partially sighted.

But being ‘blind’ had its advantages – in particular, the €724 paid in benefits once every two months, and a reduction in utility bills.

It was a scam which could be traced back to one ophthalmologist and one official, which was estimated to have cost the country €9 million.

And, as Angelos discovered, it was only the tip of the iceberg.

How big is the problem of disability benefits fraud, Angelos asked the then-deputy health minister Markos Bolaris.

‘Very big,’ came the accurate, but short, reply.

Indeed, when those claiming disabilities were asked to present themselves at government offices so records could be updated, 36,000 failed to do so.

That translated to an immediate saving for the government of €100m a year.

But the fraud was certainly not confined to just disability benefits.

When the government chose to take a closer look at who they were paying pensions to, they found a slightly suspicious 8,500 pensioners had surpassed the milestone age of 100.

An even closer look revealed, 40,000 pension claims were fraudulent. It seems people were forgetting to register their loved ones’ deaths.

It’s not that these scams were not known about before, of course.

A Daily Mail investigation in 2011 revealed the subway system was essentially free for the five million residents of Athens – because, with no barriers, it relied on an honesty system which few were honest enough to use.

It described street after street of opulent mansions and villas, surrounded by high walls and with their own pools, which, on paper, were the homes of virtual paupers.

They were all allowed to declare their own income for tax purposes – and officially, they were only earning €12,000 – or a paltry £8,500 – a year, below the tax threshold.

Apparently, only 5,000 people admitted to earning more than £90,000 a year – prompting one economist to describe Greece as a ‘poor country full of rich people’.

The lengths these doctors, lawyers and businessmen would go to to hide their wealth from the government was, it has to be said, impressive.

According to official records, just over 300 homes in Athens’ most exclusive neighbourhood had swimming pools, and had paid the resulting tax for such a luxury.

But when the government decided to have a look on Google Earth, it became clear these residents hadn’t been totally honest.

The real figure for swimming pools in the area is believed to be closer to 20,000.

But instead of coming clean, there was a boom in sales of camouflage tarpaulins to conceal their existence from the tax inspectors flying over the gardens.

And then there are the tales which seem to be more down to incompetence, rather than actual fraud.

In particular, there is the tale of treasury employee Savvas Saltouridis, who used an Uzi submachine gun to murder the mayor of his Greek mountain town in 2009, who remained on the municipal payroll for years afterwards – even though he was languishing in jail.

He was taking advantage of the complex disciplinary system

Angelos, then working for the Wall Street Journal, was told by retired clerk Apostolos Tsiakiris, who took over as mayor after the killing: ‘You can’t be a murderer and keep getting paid.

‘That doesn’t happen in any other government.’

But what do when so many are cheating the system? It is estimated tax evasion alone might be costing the country as much as €20billion a year in lost revenue, while years of benefit fraud will certainly have added up.

But when Angelos suggested punishing those who tried to play the system, he was given a straight forward – if depressing – answer.

‘If you start putting people in jail, maybe you’ll have to put half of Greece in jail,’ an official said.

Tax evasion: But it is not just people claiming benefits when they shouldn't. Some of the richest people in the country go out of their way to avoid paying tax - claiming they only earn £8,500 a year

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