Tag Archives: democrats
President Obama mounted the throne in 2008. There weren’t mass protests by Republicans. Yes there were some nasty remarks, but the vengeance slowly subsided, we don’t recall calls for impeachment and certainly no calls for his head. The Tea Party paved the way for Trump, their ideas took hold. And on November 8, 2016 a nuclear bomb hit the demagogues hard. Suddenly these progressive infantiles were bought to there knees. Accepting the results was not in the cards; they would let loose with everything in Alinsky’s arsenal.
‘He’s a Deranged Animal’: Ex-Obama Aide Rips Trump For ‘F***ing Lie’ About Her Boss
Michele Obama weighs in large. Click here. TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): Here’s my question, here’s the obvious question. So Michelle Obama sees her husband elected and tells us she’s proud of the country for the first time. now she sees his legacy repudiated, as it just was in November, and she says hope is gone. The message appears to be Barack Obama is the country and the country’s fortunes rise and fall with his. This is a cult of personality she’s describing, not a republic.
“The real story is that President Obama did NOTHING after being informed in August about Russian meddling,” he tweeted. “With 4 months looking at Russia… under a magnifying glass, they have zero ‘tapes’ of T people colluding. There is no collusion & no obstruction. I should be given apology!”
Last month, in the wake of CBS “Late Show” host Stephen Colbert describing President Donald Trump’s mouth as a “c— holster for Vladimir Putin,” I thought we might be on a slippery slope when it comes to media language, values and standards.
These days, following comedian Kathy Griffin’s photo shoot featuring a facsimile of a severed Trump head and CNN host Reza Aslan’s tweet calling the president a “piece of s—,” it feels like we are cascading head over heels down the side of the mainstream media mountain.
Saturday Rosie O’Donnell Speculated That Barron Trump Is Autistic. In a typically classy move, Rosie O’Donnell speculated that 10-year-old Barron Trump might be autistic on Twitter.
Night Live Writer Katie Rich Said Barron Trump Would Be America’s “First Homeschool Shooter.” I know that Donald Trump intimidates liberals, but do they have to take it out on his 10-year old-son by tweeting things like, “Barron will be this country’s first homeschool shooter?” Even Saturday Night Live thought that was over-the-line and suspended Katie Rich which of course, prompted liberals to publicly support her because adults bullying a 10-year-old kid is okay as long as his dad is a Republican.
MAXINE WATERS – “I will take out Trump tonight.” The one-note impeachment minstrel Maxine Waters promised a group that benefits “homeless LGBTQ youth” that she will “take out” the president — and the liberal audience wildly applauded.
“We face unprecedented challenges today in our struggle against HIV and AIDS and I want you to know those people in Congress on the opposite side of the aisle from me control every branch of our federal government,” Waters said. “And we have, unfortunately, an unstable, erratic person in the White House.”
“We don’t know what this president will do, or say, or tweet from one day to the next. Don’t forget, this is not a political event, but I’m heading toward impeachment,” Waters said with a snicker.
“Another challenge we face today is Republicans’ determination to repeal the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare,” Waters continued.
Of course we can go on and on, but what is the use. The attacks on Trump are attacks on those who voted for him, for those who voted for him and for those who respect him. Remember that he is not politically correct and sometimes he shoots from the hip, but this is better than the typical politician who parses words so not to offend anyone. GO TRUMP!
The old saying, “what goes around comes around” has suddenly bit the Democrats and their cohorts in the butt. Democrat governors and their attorney generals have gone to court over Trump’s executive order halting subsidies to insurance companies; these subsidies lower the premium cost to those who purchase health insurance through exchanges. The subsidies are illegal; the courts have ruled on that. No appropriation by congress to allow the government legally to make these payments exists. But this didn’t matter to Obama who violated the law. About 6 million Americans benefit from the subsidies.
Trump weighed in six months ago, “I’ve been saying for the last year and a half that the best thing we can do politically speaking is let Obamacare explode,” Trump said. “It is exploding right now.”
Experts said the ACA wasn’t “exploding,” but that it needed fixes to help incentivize insurers to stay in marketplaces.
But now, six months later, Obamacare may actually be on the road to “exploding” – catalyzed by an accelerant poured over it by President Trump.
This decision has fired up the mouths of Pelosi and Up-Chuck Schumer who are fiercely blowing smoke into the wind and some other place. It was OK for Obama to issue numerous executive orders when he felt necessary; the executive order was Obama’s prime legislative weapon. If congress didn’t pass the law, he “the anointed one” would get it done; for instance the dreamers putsch. So he went E.O.
Now the shoe is on the other foot. The Democrats think they have a winning hand; yeah right – didn’t they think that on November 8, 2016? Please bring in the clowns.
The White House argued the subsidies are illegal, because they are not appropriated by Congress. House Republicans sued the Obama administration hoping to stop the payments. As noted above the court ruled the payments to be illegal.
That’s not all the Trump administration has done that could pull the rug out from under the ACA — it has also shortened the sign-up period for health care; closed the federal exchange on Sundays; and cut the budget for marketing efforts, including ending advertising to urge sign ups.
Don’t be fooled by biased opinions and sleazy editorials, Trump has the winning hand, even if the Republicans balk and the Democrats look to the debt ceiling as a bargaining chip. The bottom line is this, the Democrats won’t negotiate – their feeble effort to blame Trump and the Republicans will go nowhere but up in ashes like the hundreds of homes in Santa Rosa.
If the government shuts down won’t have the slightest effect on most Americans, in fact this will be a good thing. They realize that a bloated government is not too big to fail. GO TRUMP 
Pondering the latest news which has been splattered across social media including tabloids bleeding ink, we can conclude that millions of our citizens belong in an insane asylum. Without any psychiatric examination the full extent of their stay will be unknown. But don’t despair, we have full confidence in the our institutions, for in most part they are run by Democrat psychos.
Filling their beds is a top priority and we must admit, Job Security too. Understanding their plight, the new inmates, well we can call them clients, will be right at home. We say with this with most joy and confidence because they will be joining who else, but their brethren; cuckoos themselves.
They are perfect examples of today’s coastal society, spoiled brats brought up on ecstasy, heroin, marijuana, cocaine, LSD, opioids and the rest of the hallucinogenic chemicals that blow their minds. The most telling thing here is this, a Rorschach test is not called for, neither is a Freudian psycho to do an analysis; what separates these individuals from a normal human being is their voting preference – most are registered Democrats, socialists and anarchists. This makes it a SNAP to round up the Kool-Aid drinkers.
The important take here is most obvious, not that the media has come to terms of the new beginning. On November 8, 2016, Donald J. Trump beat the living daylights out of those who belong in the Cuckoos nest and they, being under the influence of whatever, find reality hard to digest. Sit back and enjoy the “CHANGE WE ARE COUNTING ON.”
The Democ-rats are not about to recover from their almost fatal wounds anytime soon. Suffering the shocking defeat of November 8, the infliction of bruises from head to tow caused a near death experience. Their beliefs shattered; for instance, they thought they were on the way to kingdom-come. However, even worse and to their dismay, they are becoming the party of YELLOW PANTS. Trump’s goal is to liberalize, streamline and free us from the BUREAUCRATIC system that so burdens all of us; levied by Democrats and Republicans alike, regulators and judges. This is the beginning of the end for Big Government.
Trump will make it happen. As he said, “I am the President of the United States, not the World.” Obama and the Clinton axis were One World type globalists, a world without borders where your neighbors and government were dictated by the New World Order. WRONG, we will never bow our heads and serve any master but ourselves. Patriots know all too well that the Democrats are the party of ISIS, out to destroy America and its founding values by self inflicted suicide.
On Obama’s watch the children of the world acted like children – fighting among each other, with neighbors and so called friends alike. Others like North Korea filled the Obama void by intimidation, threats and bellicose rhetoric. However, General Mattis is not one to back down from degenerates whose threats beckon a strong response.
At one time the Christians were berated as fools – believers of a foreign God bent on secret rituals. Paganism still ruled the land of Caesar. Anti-Christian policies in the Roman Empire occurred intermittently over a period of over two centuries until the year 313AD when the Roman Emperors Constantine the Great and Licinius jointly promulgated the Edict of Milan which legalised the Christian religion. The persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire was carried out by the state and also by local authorities on a sporadic, ad hoc basis, often at the whims of local communities. Starting in 250, empire-wide persecution took place by decree of the emperor Decius. The edict was in force for eighteen months, during which time some Christians were killed while others betrayed their faith to escape execution.
The Torches of Nero, by Henryk Siemiradzki. According to Tacitus, Nero used Christians as human torches.
But what goes around usually comes around. The Christians of yesterday are the Jews of today. They have been ostracized for millennia for their faith. At last count there were only 12 million who believed in Judaism. However, small their lot they continue to be blamed for the world’s problems. Let it be said that the Holy Bible is well documented. It records biblical history in minute detail, spelling out who occupied the Holy Land from time immemorial till 70 A.D. when the Romans sacked Jerusalem and ran the remaining Jews out of the country.
However, there were always Jews living there surreptitiously. And History records Judah and Israel as the map shows. Click here for more maps of ancient Israel. It is very important to mention that when the Ottoman Turks controlled the Levant (Palestine – in actuality Israel and Judah) there was never a cry by the Muslim population for statehood. It wasn’t until the Jews pressed for their right did the pseudo Palestinians demand blood.
“To Moses We [Allah] gave nine clear signs. Ask the Israelites how he [Moses] first appeared amongst them. Pharoah said to him: ‘Moses, I can see that you are bewitched.’ ‘You know full well,’ he [Moses] replied, ‘that none but the Lord of the heavens and the earth has revealed these visible signs. Pharoah, you are doomed.'”
“Pharoah sought to scare them [the Israelites] out of the land [of Israel]: but We [Allah] drowned him [Pharoah] together with all who were with him. Then We [Allah] said to the Israelites: ‘Dwell in this land [the Land of Israel]. When the promise of the hereafter [End of Days] comes to be fulfilled, We [Allah] shall assemble you [the Israelites] all together [in the Land of Israel].”
“We [Allah] have revealed the Qur’an with the truth, and with the truth it has come down. We have sent you [Muhammed] forth only to proclaim good news and to give warning.”
[Qur’an, “Night Journey,” chapter 17:100-104]
I trace the origin of today’s war against the west to the post World War I period, 1918-1921. This was a time when new sovereign nations were emerging in Europe and the winds of freedom and hope were sweeping across a Middle East that had been suppressed for centuries by the recently defunct Ottoman Turkish Empire.
In those heady years, many Arabs and Muslims reverently hoped that new and modern sovereign Arab nations would develop alongside a Jewish State existing in the ancestral homeland promised to the Jews by the almighty in a Torah that was, and is, considered to be divine by Muslims and Christians as well as by Jews.
In fact, like the Christian New Testament, the Koran, the holy book of Islam, recognizes Israel as a Jewish State in the following passages:
…. “the words of Moses to his people. He said: “Remember, my people, the favors, which Allah has bestowed upon you…. Enter, my people, the holy land which Allah has assigned for you.” (Sura V) …. “When the promise of the hereafter cometh to pass (at Judgment Day) we shall bring you as a crowd gathered out of various nations.” (Sura XVII: 104)
CLICK HERE for more information on the 1919 peace agreement.
When the British took over the land of Israel, suddenly the dream of a homeland for the Jews became a real possibility as opposed to a fervent hope.
By this time, there were between 85,000 to 100,000 Jews living in the Land of Israel, of a total population of 600,000. (See History of the Jews by Paul Johnson, p. 430.) Most of the Arabs living in the land had migrated there only in the previous thirty years attracted by the jobs created by the Jews who were building and farming. (Note that when Jews began to immigrate to Palestine in large numbers in 1882, fewer than 250,000 Arabs lived there.
To capture the essence of the conflict the Jews don’t have use hyperbole to validate their point. The facts going back five thousand years are well documented and support the Israeli position. This does not sit well with the Arabs who in most case fail to accept history.
Bluntly stated the Jewsish Democrats who got succered in backing Obama for the past eight years, they no who they are, must be defeated in their reelection bids.
If these Jews were Catholic, there is no doubt they would be asking the Priest for absolution, for they COMMITTED A MORTAL SIN AGAINST ISRAEL AND GOD.
Democrat despair covers the land due to the mug job they took on November 8. However, January may offer them some solace. Although many will be on the dole, medical insurance through the exchanges is available thanks to Obamacare. Overcoming their sense of grief will take thousands of visits to psychologists and brain surgeons. Frontal lobotomies and pre-orbital lychotomies are not out of the question.
The cause of their malady has been well known for many of years – they suffer from the worst disease known to man, socialism. There is no known cure other than death by guillotine. It’s a chronological disorder that metastasizes quicker than the zita virus.
For those who have yet stepped into the great divide, we say look out below. Two years from now a whole bunch of progressive Senate Democrats will be subject to more intense scrutiny by their subjects; 2008 will given them pause. Beware of snakes in the grass DINOs who change colors like a chameleon, telling you one thing but voting liberal once reelected. Bet your bottom dollar they will distance themselves from the Warren/Sanders/Clinton ideology. Ten out of twenty three up for reelection are from states that Trump won handily. This is a cause of concern for the wretched lot. Not only do they have to deal with double down Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren for the next two years, but you can bet that President Trump will campaign for their opponent. A site to behold for sure.
If the Republicans can knock off six die-hard lunatics they will be in the driver’s seat. Sixty Republican Senators will push back on years of progressive in your face regulations, executive orders and bureaucratic largess. Two Thousand Eighteen can’t come quick enough.
Why Democrats are against voter ID laws? Because they know illegals vote and other legal voters vote twice,; once under their own name and then under their name again with a slight twist, for instance, Johnson vs Johnston, Miranda vs Muranda or O’Malley vs Malley. Any way you cut it there are very few instances if any where Republicans are snared in a voter sting, where the case against Democrats is well documented. To top it off, liberal judges in most cases side with the liberals regarding the implementation of voter ID laws.
How many non-citizens participate in U.S. elections? More than 14 percent of non-citizens in both the 2008 and 2010 samples indicated that they were registered to vote. Furthermore, some of these non-citizens voted. Our best guess, based upon extrapolations from the portion of the sample with a verified vote, is that 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010.
President Obama has condoned illegal voting. In fact he has recommended that they vote.
A Live Fox Coast to Coast presenter was left stuttering and gob-smacked after hearing #President Obama tell an illegal it is fine to vote and nobody will know, on live TV no less! This leads people to wonder if this was the reason the Democrats opposed Voter ID for the elections 2016. In the video clip, we hear a woman say, “I call (illegals) citizens as they contribute to this country….they are fearful of voting, so if I vote, will Immigration know where I live?” Then she asked, “Will they come for my family and deport us?”
Obama’s stunning reply when asked if illegals will get caught if they vote!
Obama did not shake a hair loose off his head as he replied. He stunning reply was to say, “This is not true, and the reason is first of all when you vote ….there’s not a situation somehow where voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential.”
Donald Trump dared to go where angels fear to tread. But what a firestorm it brewed. Democrats called it a publicity stunt. Wrong! These liberal lying patronizing hypocrites are afraid to face their own music; the songs of bullets, killings, murders, decay and lives lost because of the progressive agenda which keeps Blacks on the plantation.
Trump has a better plan, one which flies in the face of today’s failing public schools, one which will give priority to charter schools and most of all one which will bring those out of the workforce into it. The Democrats can’t counter with this. These Democrat criminals act like a criminal gang starting a turf war akin to the Crips and the Bloods fighting over inner city neighborhoods.
If the criminal element running our country had any concern for the HOOD they would have eliminated the gangs many moons ago, but no, they find it to their advantage to see chaos reign in the HOOD. Without chaos, the Democrats offer absolutely nothing to the lives of Inner City Blacks.
America knows all to well that the central cities have pockets where most crime takes place. Black on Black, Hispanic on Hispanic are the main course. As long is it does no spill over to the burbs everything is hunky dory. But we must step back and analyze the cost to society. Educating failing students cost twice as the norm, police and firemen predominantly are hired to fight crime in the inner city costing billions a year. Arson is a daily occurrence costing lives and property damage.
It’s about time America puts a stop to the Largest Criminal Gang in America – THE DEMOCRATS