Tag Archives: Hillary Clinton


Bernie Sanders is on a tear, (click) fund raising more than all Republican candidates put together. Bernie Sanders, the self-described socialist and most left-leaning presidential candidate, is surprising the whole field with unexpected fundraising prowess. Sanders’s campaign says it raised $26 million from July through September, which would be more than every single Republican candidate raised during the same period. The only person who pulled in more cash was Sanders’ fellow Democrat Hillary Clinton, who took in $28 million.

In the past week Hillary’s support from Democrats has imploded, losing 10 points in a week; down to 41% vs Bernie Sanders remarkable 28%. BTW Bernie was an unknown six months ago. Now he is on the clock, drawing SRO crowds across America. These days, Hillary only draws questions not crowds. Ladbrokes has Hillary at a 2 to 5 favorite, Bernie at 5 to 1 and Joe Biden at 7 to 2.



Hillary Clinton’s problems have multiplied this week. New information has revealed that Hillary Clinton’s left hand man, (click)Sidney Blumenthal, was tutoring Hillary on Libya; making recommendations etc. We point out that Mr. Blumenthal was given the hands down by the Obama administration when Secretary 0f Clinton wished to put him on the government payroll.  Time and time again Hillary has been caught in a lie, now it is revealed that she has received classified information.

Longtime Hillary Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal allegedly sent her an email with the name of a CIA source, further casting doubt on her claim she never sent or received classified information on her private email address, according to the Republican chairman of the committee investigating the 2012 Benghazi attack.


Bernie Sanders, the Jimmie Carter of 2015 has gained the MO. He came out of nowhere, Vermont is that place with  a half a million people; a just a small block in New York City. Suddenly the Clinton camp is being surrounded by Bernie’s injuns with bow and arrow in hand.

Sanders message, “the economy ain’t working for you.” His latest SRO crowd of 24,000 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center far surpassed the 10,000 that Obama drew back in 2008. This is not good news for Hillary Clinton as her campaign is stuck in the mud; all of her doing by the way. She has nobody to blame but herself for being mired in the email server/Benghazi controversy.

We predict the implosion of her campaign shortly after being grilled by Trey Gowdy’s House Committee in a couple of weeks. Don’t be surprised if Clinton takes the 5th on October 22. 


Hillary’s quest for the presidency has hit the proverbial rock and hard place, instead of visions of sitting on the throne she finds herself sitting on a bunch of thornes brought about by her game of lies. Counting them is an effort in stupidity because they continue ad infinitum.

All of a sudden, we were not shocked, comes news that there is a two month gap in the emails provided. Does this remind you of the Rosemary Woods 18 minute gap in the tapes that brought down Richard Milhous Nixon? Eighteen minutes is a sure lot different than two months. Clinton was using a private email address during that time. However, none of this matters to Hillary because she a egomaniac. Not knowing the fact from fiction she continues to blame others for her imploding campaign – this is to be expected.

The Hillary campaign of 2008 went kaboom when Obama hit the peddle to the metal leaving her in the dust. This time around Bernie Sanders has stepped into the void. Hillary’s comes out with an explanation, “we never expected it to be easy.”  Excuse us, but when Hillary stepped into the race, there was no one elsee else at the starting line. Supposedly she was to win by default. This does not appear to be the case.

Soon, Trey Gowdy, will have a piece of her; we can’t wait for her to self destruct when interviewed by the House Benghazi Committee. Our bet is that she will be drugged, most likely a dozen valium pills before Congress grills her.


Both convicted liars in the public opinion, we won’t go into the ex-President, Slick Willie’s transgressions, but Hillary’s are a different story. All of a sudden Hillary’s likability is dropping like the ruble, her poll numbers are plummeting, her campaign imploding and why? All because the public knows she is a bold face liar.

Look, nobody told her to have a personal server, she did this on her own knowing full well that this was wrong. Now, caught with her pants down, Slick Willie weighs in; his take, the press (get this the liberal press) is ganging up on her. And blame it on a Republican witch hunt. The blame game is becoming old hat, although expected from the Clintons, they have stepped over the line.

Hillary Clinton is responsible for the murder of our Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi, Libya. Three others were killed that day too. She did not protect our guys. She resorted to a cover up – initially she said the raid in Benghazi was due to a Muslim film, another lie.

The time has come for the FBI and State Department to be charged with a covering up, both are complicit for collusion.  Arrests are warranted, laws have been broken and no one has been charged. America demands justice now.


Hillary Clinton, is not going to heaven. The Pope, in his visit to the United States confirmed that only the doors to hell were waiting for Ms. Clinton. The motivation for the Pope to weigh in on the subject was Hillary’s wish to confess and ask for absolution. The Pope told Hillary, sorry, but there are not enough Hail Mary’s on earth that you can say. Repenting for your sins is out of the question. The latest of which involved her very close aide, Hume Abedin, to attain the status of a Special Government Employee (SGE). Despite denials of signing off on Abedin request, Clinton was once again caught red handed holding the pen.

Just a day or two before Clinton held another gun, so hot it left her scarred. In this instance Clinton repeated that the request for emails from the State Department were part and parcel of standard procedures. HRG said that this request went out to three other secretaries of state. Of course this was another lie. Hillary was contacted by the State Department months before the others. To top it off, we believe the State Department was involved in a cover up because the question arises why did it take so long in asking the others for their documentation. lies


Further investigation has revealed that Hillary’s private server may not have been wiped clean. “Like what with a cloth?” This revelation is sending shivers up and down the spine of HRC.  From her own words, ” I deleted 30,000 personal emails.” To her they were personal emails, but to investigators that has yet to be determined.

“She is trying to be transparent as she possibly can.” Please Ms. Clinton stop with your lies, the public is sick and tired of your cover up. The facts are these Ms. Clinton, you stole government property, you caused the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others in our embassy in Benghazi, Libya. We don’t care what you turned over, we care what is on the emails that were subsequently deleted, these emails are the smoking gun. And please, you never sent or received top secret or sensitive emails. You said that you were aware of what is and what isn’t. Apparently, this was not the case. How can you as Secretary of State not received or sent one classified email. Impossible?

The company in charge of the server, Platte River has no knowledge of the server being wiped,” company spokesman Andy Boian told The Washington Post. “All the information we have is that the server wasn’t wiped.”

And Ms. Clinton, don’t try the blame game and say this is politically motivated. You are the one who put yourself in this position and we want the facts. You say the facts are coming out, coming out of where? Your mouth.



Not mincing words here, the Clinton spokesman when queried by a reporter regarding the “disaster” in the making, when referring to HRC’s campaign said, “we always new this would not be easy.” Talk about putting a bright face on a DISASTER. A year ago Hillary was pitching a no hitter, now she is watching the bull pen where the call went out for the the relievers to start warming up.

You have to hand it to Hillary, no matter how many lies she utters, she continues to believe in herself. That’s funny because most of America, 61% at last count think she is untrustworthy. Speaking about the campaign, how many times has it been restarted? Four, five, six times. The honorable thing for her to do is drop out; as winter approaches it will become obvious that the long list of lies has finally caught up with her.

Believing her is in the same category as believing Obama. “We will put it on C-span.”  The latest poll reflects voters distaste for Hillary. As we near January 2016 expect the campaign to be floundering like a beached whale unable to get off the rocks.

But don’t put it past the press to surreptitiously promote candidates on the Republican side to counter the Trump surge. The media knows that Trump will easily be Clinton which they see is a major threat to the Obama agenda. By promoting less popualr candidates the media is gaming the system.

Trump’s key to winning the Presidency. African Americans have long been receptive to the anti-immigrant concepts behind Trump’s campaign. Simply put, the jobs, housing and other opportunities that immigrants take come largely at the expense of blacks who were born in the United States.


Hillary Clinton, the liar extraordinaire, is facing an unforgiving electorate going into the 2016 presidential election cycle. Her many transgressions include the Benghazi fiasco and her failure to protect our Ambassador Stevens, then the email server question. Voters have had it with HRC.

Isn’t it is about time she faced the facts. But it gets worse as she continues to run the Obama campaign theme, women’s issues, racism, spreading the wealth, path to citizenship, family leave, cost of education etc; but never talking about the failure, both economically, politically and global of the failed Obama administration.

The electorate has had with the pandering, the political correctness. Believe us when we tell you, a Hillary Clinton presidency will be a mammoth disaster never before seen replicated her non-foreign policy achievements while Secretary of State.


We suffered as Lois Lerner invoked the 5th Amendment when question by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Now we have learned that the latest to take the fifth is the Hillary confidant responsible for setting up her illegal server. Bryan Pagliano will invoke the 5th Amendment when questioned by the the House Select Committee on Benghazi, the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the Senate Homeland Security Committee citing an ongoing FBI investigation.

And to top it off the IRS Commissioner has continued to withhold evidence which would support the facts that the IRS targeted Tea Party groups. Jason Chaffetz of the House Oversight Committee has called for his firing. The guy is an incompetent donkey carrying Barack Hussein Obama’s water. And then we come to Hillary Clinton who has stonewalled the investigation into her email server.

Folks the government is out of control; the only solution is REVOLUTION.  gadsdenflag