Criminal pro gang Democrats go to bed with MS-13 gangs.PELOSI AND SCHUMER DEMOCRATS WANT TO RAPE AMERICA by condoning violence. We can shoot them at the ballot box on November 6, 2018, at the ballot box. Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, New York, Los Angeles, all crime invested cities taken over by the criminal illegal element from Latin America. Murderers, rapers, killers, drug pushers, gang bangers, they all have one thing in common, they are supported by Democrats. And that is not all these Democrat slime candidates up for reelection and those who collude with them are in violation of the law by not only condoning their action, but by supporting sanctuary cities. The cost to taxpayers is in the billions; we don’t even know how much it really cost, but if they were tossed out of our country, our bet is $100,000,000,000. One more Supreme Court Justice and the 14th Amendment will be history for these criminals and their anchor babies.
Since 1975, emigration from Hondurashas accelerated as economic migrants and political refugees sought a better life elsewhere. A majority of expatriate Hondurans live in the United States. A 2012 US State Department estimate suggested that between 800,000 and one million Hondurans lived in the United States at that time, nearly 15% of the Honduran population.The large uncertainty about numbers is because numerous Hondurans criminals having broke into our country and live in the United States without a visa. In the 2010 census in the United States, 617,392 residents identified as Hondurans, up from 217,569 in 2000.
Take the worst of the worst criminal socialist commies who want free health care, free food, free education (Governor Cuomo for one) free housing and voting for all, no matter if you are a citizen or not, they must be stopped in their tracks. Thousand of criminals from Honduras are on their way to trespass our borders. Trump is expected to bring in the army. And we sincerely hope that, as the Patriots did back in 1773) shoot when they see the whites of their eyes. This is the only way to teach a lesson; others will then be forewarned that the next drop of blood will be theirs.
Trump must set an example; open borders are not United States borders. Our borders are closed to illegal aliens and the crime they bring to America.
Two years after the Civil War, the Reconstruction Acts of 1867 divided the South into five military districts, where new state governments, based on universal manhood suffrage, were to be established. Thus began the period known as Radical Reconstruction, which saw the 14th Amendment, which had been passed by Congress in 1866, ratified in July 1868. The amendment resolved pre-Civil War questions of African American citizenship by stating that “all persons born or naturalized in the United States…are citizens of the United States and of the state in which they reside.” The amendment then reaffirmed the privileges and rights of all citizens, and granted all these citizens the “equal protection of the laws.”
Overwhelming evidence against the interpretation of “subject to the jurisdiction thereof,” or “not subject to any foreign power” as reaffirming the common law doctrine of citizenship by birth to aliens can be found following the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment. In 1867 George Helm Yeaman, United States Minister to Denmark, in his well received treatise on allegiance and citizenship, which was presented to Secretary of State William H. Seward, said: “But the idea of a double allegiance and citizenship united in the same person, and having reference to two separate, independent, and sovereign nations or governments, is simply an impossibility.”
In the year 1873 the United States Attorney General ruled the word “jurisdiction” under the Fourteenth Amendment to mean, which Justice Gray would recognize in Elk v.Wilkins years later:
The word “jurisdiction” must be understood to mean absolute and complete jurisdiction, such as the United States had over its citizens before the adoption of this amendment… Aliens, among whom are persons born here and naturalized abroad, dwelling or being in this country, are subject to the jurisdiction of the United States only to a limited extent. Political and military rights and duties do not pertain to them. (14 Op. Atty-Gen. 300.)
House Report No. 784, dated June 22, 1874, stated, “The United States have not recognized a double allegiance. By our law a citizen is bound to be ‘true and faithful’ alone to our government.” There is no way in the world anyone can claim “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” affirms the feudal common law doctrine of birth citizenship to aliens because such doctrine by operation creates a “double allegiance” between separate nations.
If there is one inescapable truth to the text and debates, it is this: When Congress decided to require potential citizens to first be subject to the complete jurisdiction of the United States they by default excluded all citizens of other nations temporarily residing in the U.S. who had no intention of becoming citizens themselves or, disqualified of doing so under naturalization laws. This was no oversight because it was too simple to declare the common law rule of jus soli if indeed that was truly the desired goal by these very competent lawyers (both Howard and Trumbull were lawyers).
Aaron Sargent, a Representative from California during the Naturalization Act of 1870 debates said the Fourteenth Amendment’s citizenship clause was not a de-facto right for aliens to obtain citizenship. No one came forward to dispute this conclusion.
Tens of thousand Hondurans are massing for a million man march through Latin America heading toward the United States. This is intolerable. Among them are rapists, criminals, killers and parole violators; many have tried before but been repelled. They have destroyed their country and are hell bent on destroying ours. They’re not coming here because they fear death, they are coming for their economic well being. They will tear down our country like their brethren have torn down theirs. Honduras is one of the poorest countries in the world.
The conquistadors conquered Honduras early on in the fifth century. It was Christopher Columbus and later on his brother Bartholomew who pilfered the Mayan. It was Herman Cortes who finished the job forcing the Maya capitulated. During colonization the majority of Honduras’ indigenous population was killed or died of disease resulting in a more homogenous indigenous population compared to other colonies.
The World Bank categorizes Honduras as a low middle-income nation. The nation’s per capita income sits at around 600 US dollars making it one of the lowest in North America.
In 2010, 50% of the population were still living below the poverty line. By 2016 more than 66% was living below the poverty line. Estimates put unemployment at about 27.9%, which is more than 1.2 million Hondurans.
The proportion of the population below the age of 15 in 2010 was 36.8%, 58.9% were between 15 and 65 years old, and 4.3% were 65 years old or older.
Since 1975, emigration from Honduras has accelerated as economic migrants and political refugees sought a better life elsewhere. A majority of expatriate Hondurans live in the United States. A 2012 US State Department estimate suggested that between 800,000 and one million Hondurans lived in the United States at that time, nearly 15% of the Honduran population.The large uncertainty about numbers is because numerous Hondurans criminals having broke into our country and live in the United States without a visa. In the 2010 census in the United States, 617,392 residents identified as Hondurans, up from 217,569 in 2000.
The story line is that illegal aliens are a positive influence on the economy. Of course this is the shibboleth of the progressive lying liberal flunky. We all know that the illegal alien family will never pay a scintilla of federal income taxes let alone numerous other taxes that don’t even come close to the numerous benefits they receive from Uncle Sam or for state wide education. In many instances a majority of their earnings is sent back to their home country; no GDP effect here. See below for the facts.
The biggest factor of why Seniors are losing more and more benefits. They are getting blamed for part of our country’s increasing deficit.
It’s easy to dismiss individual programs that benefit non-citizens until they’re all put together and this picture emerges.Someone did a lot of research to put together all this data. Often these programs are buried within other programs making it difficult to find each of them. The following 11reasons should be forwarded over and over again until they are read so many times that the readers gets sick of reading them. Included are the URL’s for verificationof all thefollowing facts.1. $11 Billion to $22 Billion is spent on welfare to illegal immigrants each year by state governments.
About the Author Steven A. Camarota is Director of Research at the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, D.C. He holds a master’s degree in political science ..
About the Author Steven A. Camarota is Director of Research at the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, D.C. He holds a master’s degree in political science
4.$12 Billion dollars a year is spent on Primaryand secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!
5.$17 Billion dollars a year is spent for Education for theAmerican-bornChildrenof illegal immigrants, known as Anchor babies.
6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal immigrants.
7. 30% percent of all Federal PrisonInmates are illegal immigrants.
8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent onIllegalimmigrants for Welfare & SocialServices by the American taxpayers.
9. $200 Billion dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal immigrants.
10. In 2006, illegal immigrants sent home $45 BILLION in remittances to their Countries of origin.
> 11.The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One million sex crimes committed ByIllegal Immigrants In The UnitedStates ..
Are we THAT Stupid?
If this doesn’t bother you, then just delete the message.
If, on the other hand, it does raise the hair on the back of your neck, I hope you forward it to every Tax Payer in the United States!!!
A sanctuary state run by criminal democrats. Lock them up! BUILD THE WALL!Connecticut is not alone, other states provide financial aid to illegal aliens. (click)New Jersey just entered the fray. But now the “do you hear us now” campaign is getting some traction when those who will pay for these scheming dreamers realize they will be burdened with debt infinitum.
‘Incentives to Break the Law’: Student Rips ‘Absurd’ Bill Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Apply for Financial Aid’
A Rutgers University student blasted a new bill that allows illegal immigrants attending college in New Jersey to apply for and receive financial aid.
“It’s just absurd that we’re giving illegal immigrants more and more incentives to break the law. … I’m going to be paying for that debt after college,” Nick Knight said.
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) called the United States the “world’s melting pot” where people come “in the hope of a new life,” when he signed the legislation at Rutgers-Newark, according to
The Garden State became the ninth in the country to allow illegal immigrants to receive financial aid with the bill’s signing.
“The battle we are in over DACA has sought to punish children,” said Malloy. “It’s a toxic environment in which to exist and I hope the message to the world is that there is another way.”
He signed the bill surrounded by undocumented students lobbied at the Capitol for the bills’ passage for four years.
The House approved the proposal on Wednesday by a vote of 91-59, with 13 Republicans in support, following overwhelming support for the bill in the Senate. YES THIS IS CORRECT 13 REPUBLICANS VOTED TO BURDEN OUR CITIZENS INTO THE DISTANT FUTURE.
The legislation mostly follows the provisions of the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, policy, which allows young illegal immigrants to remain in the country if certain requirements are met.
The criminal Latino/Hispanic wave traveling through Mexico with vigor will be met with TrumpForce.These illegals are intent on crashing the United States. They bring with them Rap Sheets longer and wider than the Rio Grande. Once here, as Trump on numerous occasions repeated, they will rape, plunder and murder innocent United States citizens. Matter of fact, 80% of the women coming north have been raped. Not satisfied with building their own country, these malcontents want to destroy ours. They will be met at the border by the National Guard.
“The situation at our Southwest Border is unacceptable,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a statement announcing the policy. “Congress has failed to pass effective legislation that serves the national interest — that closes dangerous loopholes and fully funds a wall along our southern border. “
“As a result, a crisis has erupted at our Southwest Border that necessitates an escalated effort to prosecute those who choose to illegally cross our border,” he said.
The Trump administration says the number of attempted border crossings has increased by 203 percent since March 2017. In response, Trump this week signed a proclamation sending the National Guard to the border. He has said he would like to see 2,000-4,000 members sent to the border.
Beggars want to litter our streets, collect welfare, food stamps, use our hospital, rob, steal and loiter. Trump will stop this new wave Spanish Armada in its tracks.
Ask one who lives in a gated community if they are armed, what type of munitions do they have to protect life, liberty and happiness. What type of security detail is stationed at Gracie Mansion. We bet Cuomo’s Tonton Macoutes (a special operations unit) have automatic weapons. For What we may ask is the Governor afraid of? He is armed and we must be.
We would challenge the Governor to take a nightly tour of the deep crevices, the inner sanctums, the no-go zones and hoods of New York City, St Louis, Baltimore and Los Angeles without an armed security detail. He wouldn’t last a minute. Expect him goyellow pants, cry like a baby and get down on his kneesbegging for mercy. Not gonna happen though because the governor lack cajones!
But the set up for a breakdown of civil order is in place. Middle America, the Patriot, the 2nd Amendment advocate and those who love the country will not be intimidated by a YELLOW BELLY excrement liberal progressives who invite the illegal murderer, rapist and law breaker into our communities. Those who proffer sanctuary cities are as much a danger as the illegal. A destroyer of cities, states and country the governor is. Failure to obey the laws and protect the citizens of the New York and beyond is treason. Governors like Cuomo belong behind bars for their horrendous crimes against humanity.
The ignition switch is turned on, one push of the button and WE WILL TAKE AMERICA BACK. They say back from what? Back from the leech. Read the following blog post. When payments to those who are scamming the system are stopped expect civil war. Suburbia will not escape the humdrum implosion of the cities, but ostensibly will be the next target. The only way to survive is with automatic weapons, with AR-15 defensive type weapons.
Nut cakes like him will continue to give succor to the mentally deranged. The bureaucracy will fail time and time again because of political correctness and the lack of will to enforce the law. While Cuomo will be begging for his life we will taking out those who threaten us.
Sending money down a rat hole is a Democrat priority; we give Solyndra as the quintessential example. Seven Hundred Fifty Million Dollars ($750,000,000) up in solar flames. The Donkey party patronage system paved the way for one of the largest scams in the past twenty years, yet no one was indicted. Why? The answer is simple, those involved in the scam were, shall we say, WELL CONNECTED. Big doners to the Democrat party get access to funds that the average Joe only dreams about. Bloomberg reported in 2011 that Solyndra’s $733 million plant had whistling robots and spa showers, along with many other signs of extravagant spending – all of this was on our dime.
Continuing on the scheme to fleece America we advise any one of you to spend a day or two at your local Social Security Office. What to look for? Notice the people in line, do they look like you? The majority of which are there to run the Disability Scam. To collect Social Security Disability we advise you to check any numerous of these (click)websites out.
Depending on the severity of your medical condition, you may be eligible for permanent benefit payments if you have any of the following common impairments:
In other words, any person who breathes can collect SSDI. Scamming America has never been higher. The number of people collecting social security disability is over 10,000,000. Over 61,000,000 people are collecting social security benefits one way or another. The facts are these, those collecting social security has never been so easy.
The number of people on SSDI now exceeds the entire population of Greece. The aging of the population has nothing to do with the increase. In 1968 there were 51 workers for every person on disability. Today there are 13 workers for every person on disablity. Even the most pollyanna would agree that medical advancements since 1968 have been significant. These medical advancements would argue for less people being on disability and unable to work. Workplace safety measures have been increased exponentially since 1968, so that also argues for less disabled workers. The good old ADA law forced all workplaces to become disabled friendly. That argues for less people on disability. The country has transitioned from a manufacturing society to a service society. Workers don’t work on dangerous assembly lines anymore. Robots do the dangerous stuff. This should have dramatically reduced worker injuries and disabilities.
Everything I’ve pointed out is true. The tremendous increase in people on SSDI is nothing but a gigantic fraud, perpetuated by the Federal government and slimy lawyers. The government broadened the scope of disabilities to include stress, depression, and non-diagnosable things like aches and pains. I have stress, depression and pains too, but I get up at 5:15 every morning and go to work. The SSDI program is a joke. More than half the people on SSDI are lazy good for nothing leeches. They are sucking you and I dry while sitting around eating cheetos, watching Judge Judy on their government subsidized cable TV, and texting with other lazy fucks on their iPhones. And don’t forget, you get the added benefit of Medicare coverage after only two years of SSDI stress.
An 18-month investigation by a Senate subcommittee found that in more than 25 percent of cases reviewed, evidence confirming disabilities was “insufficient, contradictory or incomplete.” The staff reviewed 300 decisions in which individuals were awarded disability benefits by administrative law judges. A 2011 internal SSA report echoed the findings, showing a national error rate of 22 percent.
Going forward, it is essential that Congress take significant steps to rein in SSDI’s growth. To do nothing — to continue to prioritize the able bodied over the truly infirm — is far worse.
Some people in the United States have already filed their 2015 income tax returns — not because they are super-law-abiding, but because they want to get a check from Uncle Sam in the mail. Some savvy illegal aliens, since they can get substantial tax breaks, will have filed by now.
The first day that IRS accepted returns was January 19 this year — the deadline is two and a half months away, the usual April 15.
This year there is yet another tax break for illegals in the tax system. Unlike citizen and green card workers who are not participating in Obamacare or another qualifying plan, who will be paying a penalty of up to $695 per adult (with a family limit of $2,085) for not joining the system, illegals without coverage pay no penalties. None at all. These penalties were much smaller last year.
That is also true for the semi-illegals covered (for the moment) by the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program. (On the other hand, these illegals and semi-illegals cannot — legitimately — be covered by the insurance, though some must be beating that system.)
But the big attraction for filing early is not the new Obamacare tax break, which simply reduces the amount owed, it is the Old Faithful of tax breaks that illegal aliens can access: the Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC). Illegals filing their income taxes can claim the ACTC if they have (or claim to have) children in the United States. This tax credit, unlike virtually all others, can result in a negative income tax payment. That means that no taxes will be collected from the individual, but he or she will get a check in the mail for all taxes withheld plus a bonus for the credit, as my colleague Jim Edwards has reported in the past.
The ACTC is well worth filing for; it can be as high as $1,000 per child claimed and proving the existence of a child is all too easy, with an ID number issued all too casually by the IRS, as we reported a couple of years ago. This is now called the TIN (tax identification number) and, in the immediate past at least, it was issued in such a sloppy way that the process was roundly criticized by the inspector general of taxation for the Department of the Treasury.
There are at least three kinds of children that an illegal can claim for the ACTC: actual citizen kids living in this country; actual children living abroad, but claimed to be living in the United States; and, at the bottom of the ladder, nonexistent children. The IRS has created a system that makes it very hard to distinguish between these three classes.
A somewhat similar tax program, the Earned Income Tax Credit, requires a Social Security number for the claimed children, and thus is a bit harder for illegals to misuse.
IRS earned income credit or EIC is another one of frauds committed by illegal aliens.
IRS Corruption Fuels Billions in Fraudulent Payments to Illegal Aliens
I am sorry to report that the IRS practice described in this recent FORBES headline is not new. It’s an old story that continues to shock most — but not all — Americans:
“IRS admits it encourages illegals to steal Social Security numbers”
Imagine my surprise when I found a pile of IRS 1040 tax returns among the tons of trash at a “lay-up site” used by illegal border jumpers near the Mexican border west of Douglas, Arizona. There are dozens of such places where the thousands of border invaders change clothes, discard trash and wait to be taken by their “coyote” to their pick-up location for moving on to Phoenix or El Paso or Houston.
The IRS 1040 forms were filled out and had been used. Hey, who says illegal aliens don’t pay taxes?
I collected the 1040 forms and we noticed all had claimed Earned Income Tax Credits and all also had claimed around nine deductions for children. The average refund was around $4,000. It occurred to me only much later that the American taxpayer may be funding the coyote’s $1,500 fees for smuggling poor Mexicans, Salvadorans — and Iraqis and Vietnamese — across our southwest border.
When I sent the 1040 forms to the Social Security Administration and the IRS, I was told that the practice described in the FORBES article was the one being followed in dealing with these returns. I tried to amend the appropriations bills for the IRS to be the practice, but I got nowhere. My Republican colleagues didn’t want to hear about it and were ticked at me for bringing it up.
Illegal aliens use “the system” to report income and also gain every possible “refund” the tax law — and IRS collusion — allows. Who can blame them when the welcome sign is in bright green neon letters?
This FORBES headline should not shock anyone. The IRS collusion with illegal alien tax fraud is not a secret. Over the past decade, there have been regular news stories exposing tax fraud by illegal aliens– and IRS indifference to the scandal.
The shocking thing is that the FORBES headline is not an exaggeration. The IRS knows illegal aliens are using stolen Social Security numbers and is glad they are doing it. But that is only the tip of the iceberg called illegal alien tax fraud.
IRS Commissioner John Koskinen made the revelation in congressional testimony this past week, but no one was really shocked. The IRS wants illegal aliens working illegally to file tax returns and pay taxes on their illegal earnings like everyone else. So, the government figures it is a smart thing to make it easy for them to do so. The government doesn’t care whether the Social Security number used is stolen or not, it’s the tax filing itself that is important to the IRS.
When asked why the agency has a policy to ignore notifications from the Social Security Administration that a number does not match the name used on the tax filing, the agency replies, literally, “That’s not our job.”
The IRS deliberately and unapologetically avoids telling you when your SSN is being used unlawfully by another person — or ten or twenty other people.
Efforts in Congress to fix that problem are criticized as “racist.”
But as I said, that IRS scandal is only the beginning of the story of tax fraud by millions of illegal aliens. Millions of illegal workers are filing tax forms not to pay their taxes but to claim and then receive refundable tax credits– that is, cash refunds– and those cash payments run into the billions annually.
It’s politically correct in Washington, DC, to say that illegal aliens are willing, even anxious, to “pay their fair share of taxes.” It’s part of the mythology of the noble “undocumented worker” seeking the American dream. Even the Republican National Committee believes it.
This week the RNC sent a fundraising letter to a few million prospective donors using the tired gimmick of a “poll” on critical issues. One question asked voters if they support legalization for illegal aliens if they meet a number of tests, one of them being “paying back taxes.” We all know illegal aliens are anxious to do that to prove they have earned the right to stay here and contribute to the economy.
The problem is they already have a way to pay back taxes if they want to do it, but millions are doing just the opposite. Millions of illegal aliens are collecting refundable tax credits– that is, cash — by filing fraudulent claims. And the IRS doesn’t care.
An April 2012 investigative report by an Indiana television station found numerous cases of tax fraud in the Child Tax Credit and Additional Child Tax Credits programs.
Four illegal alien tax filers had used the same address and claimed a total of 20 children for refundable tax credits of up to $1,000 for each child. Only one child actually lived at the address, and the other 19 lived in Mexico and had never even visited the United States.
That aspect of the fraud is in fact not really illegal: the child you claim on the tax form does not have to live in the United States. the child can be living with Aunt Rosa in Peru or Grandpa Felix in Algeria.
The IRS response to the fraudulent payments? They refused to comment or to confirm any investigation and refused to meet with reporters to answer questions.
IRS refusal to act on documented fraud by illegal aliens is legendary. For a decade the agency’s own Inspector General has complained of inaction by agency managers.
According to reports of the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA), millions of illegal aliens are filing tax forms in order to claim refundable tax credits and receive billions in tax dollars — even if they have never paid one dollar in federal income taxes.
Illegal aliens are accessing not only the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) but the Child Tax Credit (CTC) and Additional Child Tax Credit ACTC) to the tune of billions annually.
And according to testimony of the Treasury Department’s Inspector General, the IRS has refused to take steps to curtail illegal aliens cashing in on these programs.
You may be thinking that the government surely would take action if the tax fraud is costing the Treasury millions of dollars. It’s fraud on a small scale, right? Nope. It’s costing billions, not millions.
While I was in Congress back in 2007, I tried to blow the whistle on this IRS partnership with schemes costing taxpayers billions.
A brave IRS employee in one of the agency’s Western regional offices called my office and met with my staff clandestinely at a restaurant in the capital of one of our southwestern states. He offered concrete, credible information and internal reports that showed there was a huge problem– and that it was being ignored by agency management.
His regional office team had studied a random sample of Child Tax Credit claims by tax filers using “ITIN” numbers– tax ID numbers given lawfully to persons who do not qualify for Social Security numbers but are employed and need to file tax returns.
Their sample revealed a high rate of fraud which suggested widespread fraud involving hundreds of millions of dollars. But he and his regional colleagues could get no action from headquarters to investigate it further.
Can you guess who blocked any congressional action to demand the IRS investigate illegal alien abuse of these “refundable tax credit” programs? The Congressional Hispanic Caucus threatened massive protests against “discriminatory practices” if the IRS pursued the issue.
At that time, Democrats were in the majority in the House and the Senate and thus controlled the committees, so no investigation was ever conducted. But did Republicans undertake to clean up the mess when they gained the majority in the 2010 election? No.
There is no evidence the problem of tax fraud by illegal aliens is something the IRS cares about.
A December 2014 report by revealed that an IRS audit documented a 24 percent error rate in claims made under the EITC — a loss of $14.2 billion in unlawful tax refunds in the year 2012.
A similar audit of the Additional Child Tax Credit program in 2012 revealed erroneous payments in the range of 25 percent to 31 percent.
But did the audits result in corrective actions? No.
Adding all of the fraud rates together from three separate refundable tax credit programs suggests total tax fraud in the realm of several billion dollars. Of course, not all of the fraud is by illegal aliens. But the lack of IRS interest in curtailing illegal alien abuse of these tax credit programs tells us the problem will only get worse in the years ahead.
Let’s add the shameful, willful taxpayer-funded philanthropy toward illegal workers to the many reasons why IRS Commissioner Koskinen should be impeached and a new management team put into the agency to conduct a thorough house cleaning.
What are the odds of that happening under President Hillary Clinton? Or President John Kasich?
Americans at large are a very empathetic lot. Most have given their all, building this country. They fought in foreign wars protecting others from tyranny, braved ice cold winters and burning summers in defense of liberty, volunteered their time and money when no else would, but most of all they gave their hearts in making a world a better place. But some Americans, you know who they are, Democrats, don’t give a hoot about our sacrifices. To them the White Man is a devil, responsible for what ails the world. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Their ultimate objective is to denigrate and decimate all the hard work that has gone before. Case in point, the Democrats find it repulsive to protect our borders from illegal aliens; they want open borders allowing more criminals into the country. They fail to take responsibility for the murders and crime perpetrated by illegals. Sanctuary cities are harbors for the illegal criminal element.
Democrats are adamant against the WALL. You may ask why? Simply stated the Liberal-Progressive mind will not be happy until the country is minority based. White racists are the progressives enemy. However, the important point here is that the 11 million illegal aliens here have anchored 30 million babies, all are United States citizens. Letting the Democrats have their way will ensure that another twenty million will team up with those already here. The bottom line here is simple; the Supreme Court must rule on the anchor baby syndrome regarding the 14th Amendment. SEE BELOW.
These numbers are serious because in 30 years or less the White man will be at the beck and call of the minority who will then be the majority. Increases in crime, murder and social demands will no doubt make America Venezuela. As noted before, in 20 years, 70% of the people will be living in 15 states with 30 Senators and 30% of the people will be living in states with 70 Senators. The Demoperverts don’t like these statistics. And they will do everything in their power to stop the White majority in those 35 states to stymie their efforts to totally control the country. Will a Civil War erupt? That is the question.
But today, the Supreme Court gave a thumbs up to President Trump in a TRAVEL BAN WIN.
Handing the White House a huge judicial victory, the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday ruled in favor of President Trump’s travel ban affecting residents of six majority-Muslim countries.
Two years after the Civil War, the Reconstruction Acts of 1867 divided the South into five military districts, where new state governments, based on universal manhood suffrage, were to be established. Thus began the period known as Radical Reconstruction, which saw the 14th Amendment, which had been passed by Congress in 1866, ratified in July 1868. The amendment resolved pre-Civil War questions of African American citizenship by stating that “all persons born or naturalized in the United States…are citizens of the United States and of the state in which they reside.” The amendment then reaffirmed the privileges and rights of all citizens, and granted all these citizens the “equal protection of the laws.”
Overwhelming evidence against the interpretation of “subject to the jurisdiction thereof,” or “not subject to any foreign power” as reaffirming the common law doctrine of citizenship by birth to aliens can be found following the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment. In 1867 George Helm Yeaman, United States Minister to Denmark, in his well received treatise on allegiance and citizenship, which was presented to Secretary of State William H. Seward, said: “But the idea of a double allegiance and citizenship united in the same person, and having reference to two separate, independent, and sovereign nations or governments, is simply an impossibility.”
In the year 1873 the United States Attorney General ruled the word “jurisdiction” under the Fourteenth Amendment to mean, which Justice Gray would recognize in Elk v.Wilkins years later:
The word “jurisdiction” must be understood to mean absolute and complete jurisdiction, such as the United States had over its citizens before the adoption of this amendment… Aliens, among whom are persons born here and naturalized abroad, dwelling or being in this country, are subject to the jurisdiction of the United States only to a limited extent. Political and military rights and duties do not pertain to them. (14 Op. Atty-Gen. 300.)
House Report No. 784, dated June 22, 1874, stated, “The United States have not recognized a double allegiance. By our law a citizen is bound to be ‘true and faithful’ alone to our government.” There is no way in the world anyone can claim “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” affirms the feudal common law doctrine of birth citizenship to aliens because such doctrine by operation creates a “double allegiance” between separate nations.
If there is one inescapable truth to the text and debates, it is this: When Congress decided to require potential citizens to first be subject to the complete jurisdiction of the United States they by default excluded all citizens of other nations temporarily residing in the U.S. who had no intention of becoming citizens themselves or, disqualified of doing so under naturalization laws. This was no oversight because it was too simple to declare the common law rule of jus soli if indeed that was truly the desired goal by these very competent lawyers (both Howard and Trumbull were lawyers).
Aaron Sargent, a Representative from California during the Naturalization Act of 1870 debates said the Fourteenth Amendment’s citizenship clause was not a de-facto right for aliens to obtain citizenship. No one came forward to dispute this conclusion.
Trump scored a major Supreme Court victory on Tuesday. The
unanimous decision handed down by SCOTUS was a WIN for Trump and all patriotic Americans. Although we can’t take down our guard, rest assured that Trump will do what has to be done to protect us. If Clinton was on the thrown vicious Jihadists would have been welcomed into our country with abandon. We are grateful to the President for standing up against those who wish us harm.
Additionally, the House passed Kate’s law throwing a blow against sanctuary cities. The other bill, which would deny federal grants to sanctuary cities, passed with a vote of 228-195 with 3 Democrats voting yes and 7 Republicans voting no.
House Republicans took action Thursday to crack down on illegal immigrants and the cities that shelter them.
One bill passed by the House would deny federal grants to sanctuary cities and another, Kate’s Law, would increase the penalties for deported aliens who try to return to the United States.
Kate’s Law, which would increase the penalties for deported aliens who try to return to the United States and caught, passed with a vote of 257 to 157, with one Republican voting no and 24 Democrats voting yes.
Kate’s Law is named for Kate Steinle, a San Francisco woman killed by an illegal immigrant who was in the U.S. despite multiple deportations. The two-year anniversary of her death is on Saturday.
President Trump called the bill’s passage “good news” in a tweet, adding “House just passed #KatesLaw. Hopefully Senate will follow.”
Somalia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Ahmed Isse Awad said previously the number of Somalis the Trump Administration is looking to deport is at least 4,000, with the vast majority not being currently held in immigration detention centers.
Officials deported a total of 77 illegal immigrants to Somalia this month, according to a report by Midnimo Information Center. Of the 77 illegal immigrants, 72 were Somali foreign nationals, while five of the illegal immigrants were from Kenya.
Trump’s division of Homeland Security is not wasting anytime in rounding up the illegals from Africa and Latin America. Most if not all of these criminals come here not for some fear back home, but come hear to take American jobs. Their paychecks are sent back to family in the home country where relatives purchase estates, businesses and companies. Effectively they are pillaging America. We must be vigilant on the asylum seekers who come here for economic opportunity not from persecution back home.
Sending money down a rat hole is a Democrat priority; we give Solyndra as the quintessential example. Seven Hundred Fifty Million Dollars ($750,000,000) up in solar flames. The Donkey party patronage system paved the way for one of the largest scams in the past twenty years, yet no one was indicted. Why? The answer is simple, those involved in the scam were, shall we say, WELL CONNECTED. Big doners to the Democrat party get access to funds that the average Joe only dreams about. Bloomberg reported in 2011 that Solyndra’s $733 million plant had whistling robots and spa showers, along with many other signs of extravagant spending – all of this was on our dime.
Continuing on the scheme to fleece America we advise any one of you to spend a day or two at your local Social Security Office. What to look for? Notice the people in line, do they look like you? The majority of which are there to run the Disability Scam. To collect Social Security Disability we advise you to check any numerous of these (click)websites out.
Depending on the severity of your medical condition, you may be eligible for permanent benefit payments if you have any of the following common impairments:
In other words, any person who breathes can collect SSDI. Scamming America has never been higher. The number of people collecting social security disability is over 10,000,000. Over 61,000,000 people are collecting social security benefits one way or another. The facts are these, those collecting social security has never been so easy.
The number of people on SSDI now exceeds the entire population of Greece. The aging of the population has nothing to do with the increase. In 1968 there were 51 workers for every person on disability. Today there are 13 workers for every person on disablity. Even the most pollyanna would agree that medical advancements since 1968 have been significant. These medical advancements would argue for less people being on disability and unable to work. Workplace safety measures have been increased exponentially since 1968, so that also argues for less disabled workers. The good old ADA law forced all workplaces to become disabled friendly. That argues for less people on disability. The country has transitioned from a manufacturing society to a service society. Workers don’t work on dangerous assembly lines anymore. Robots do the dangerous stuff. This should have dramatically reduced worker injuries and disabilities.
Everything I’ve pointed out is true. The tremendous increase in people on SSDI is nothing but a gigantic fraud, perpetuated by the Federal government and slimy lawyers. The government broadened the scope of disabilities to include stress, depression, and non-diagnosable things like aches and pains. I have stress, depression and pains too, but I get up at 5:15 every morning and go to work. The SSDI program is a joke. More than half the people on SSDI are lazy good for nothing leeches. They are sucking you and I dry while sitting around eating cheetos, watching Judge Judy on their government subsidized cable TV, and texting with other lazy fucks on their iPhones. And don’t forget, you get the added benefit of Medicare coverage after only two years of SSDI stress.
An 18-month investigation by a Senate subcommittee found that in more than 25 percent of cases reviewed, evidence confirming disabilities was “insufficient, contradictory or incomplete.” The staff reviewed 300 decisions in which individuals were awarded disability benefits by administrative law judges. A 2011 internal SSA report echoed the findings, showing a national error rate of 22 percent.
Going forward, it is essential that Congress take significant steps to rein in SSDI’s growth. To do nothing — to continue to prioritize the able bodied over the truly infirm — is far worse.
Some people in the United States have already filed their 2015 income tax returns — not because they are super-law-abiding, but because they want to get a check from Uncle Sam in the mail. Some savvy illegal aliens, since they can get substantial tax breaks, will have filed by now.
The first day that IRS accepted returns was January 19 this year — the deadline is two and a half months away, the usual April 15.
This year there is yet another tax break for illegals in the tax system. Unlike citizen and green card workers who are not participating in Obamacare or another qualifying plan, who will be paying a penalty of up to $695 per adult (with a family limit of $2,085) for not joining the system, illegals without coverage pay no penalties. None at all. These penalties were much smaller last year.
That is also true for the semi-illegals covered (for the moment) by the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program. (On the other hand, these illegals and semi-illegals cannot — legitimately — be covered by the insurance, though some must be beating that system.)
But the big attraction for filing early is not the new Obamacare tax break, which simply reduces the amount owed, it is the Old Faithful of tax breaks that illegal aliens can access: the Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC). Illegals filing their income taxes can claim the ACTC if they have (or claim to have) children in the United States. This tax credit, unlike virtually all others, can result in a negative income tax payment. That means that no taxes will be collected from the individual, but he or she will get a check in the mail for all taxes withheld plus a bonus for the credit, as my colleague Jim Edwards has reported in the past.
The ACTC is well worth filing for; it can be as high as $1,000 per child claimed and proving the existence of a child is all too easy, with an ID number issued all too casually by the IRS, as we reported a couple of years ago. This is now called the TIN (tax identification number) and, in the immediate past at least, it was issued in such a sloppy way that the process was roundly criticized by the inspector general of taxation for the Department of the Treasury.
There are at least three kinds of children that an illegal can claim for the ACTC: actual citizen kids living in this country; actual children living abroad, but claimed to be living in the United States; and, at the bottom of the ladder, nonexistent children. The IRS has created a system that makes it very hard to distinguish between these three classes.
A somewhat similar tax program, the Earned Income Tax Credit, requires a Social Security number for the claimed children, and thus is a bit harder for illegals to misuse.
IRS earned income credit or EIC is another one of frauds committed by illegal aliens.
IRS Corruption Fuels Billions in Fraudulent Payments to Illegal Aliens
I am sorry to report that the IRS practice described in this recent FORBES headline is not new. It’s an old story that continues to shock most — but not all — Americans:
“IRS admits it encourages illegals to steal Social Security numbers”
Imagine my surprise when I found a pile of IRS 1040 tax returns among the tons of trash at a “lay-up site” used by illegal border jumpers near the Mexican border west of Douglas, Arizona. There are dozens of such places where the thousands of border invaders change clothes, discard trash and wait to be taken by their “coyote” to their pick-up location for moving on to Phoenix or El Paso or Houston.
The IRS 1040 forms were filled out and had been used. Hey, who says illegal aliens don’t pay taxes?
I collected the 1040 forms and we noticed all had claimed Earned Income Tax Credits and all also had claimed around nine deductions for children. The average refund was around $4,000. It occurred to me only much later that the American taxpayer may be funding the coyote’s $1,500 fees for smuggling poor Mexicans, Salvadorans — and Iraqis and Vietnamese — across our southwest border.
When I sent the 1040 forms to the Social Security Administration and the IRS, I was told that the practice described in the FORBES article was the one being followed in dealing with these returns. I tried to amend the appropriations bills for the IRS to be the practice, but I got nowhere. My Republican colleagues didn’t want to hear about it and were ticked at me for bringing it up.
Illegal aliens use “the system” to report income and also gain every possible “refund” the tax law — and IRS collusion — allows. Who can blame them when the welcome sign is in bright green neon letters?
This FORBES headline should not shock anyone. The IRS collusion with illegal alien tax fraud is not a secret. Over the past decade, there have been regular news stories exposing tax fraud by illegal aliens– and IRS indifference to the scandal.
The shocking thing is that the FORBES headline is not an exaggeration. The IRS knows illegal aliens are using stolen Social Security numbers and is glad they are doing it. But that is only the tip of the iceberg called illegal alien tax fraud.
IRS Commissioner John Koskinen made the revelation in congressional testimony this past week, but no one was really shocked. The IRS wants illegal aliens working illegally to file tax returns and pay taxes on their illegal earnings like everyone else. So, the government figures it is a smart thing to make it easy for them to do so. The government doesn’t care whether the Social Security number used is stolen or not, it’s the tax filing itself that is important to the IRS.
When asked why the agency has a policy to ignore notifications from the Social Security Administration that a number does not match the name used on the tax filing, the agency replies, literally, “That’s not our job.”
The IRS deliberately and unapologetically avoids telling you when your SSN is being used unlawfully by another person — or ten or twenty other people.
Efforts in Congress to fix that problem are criticized as “racist.”
But as I said, that IRS scandal is only the beginning of the story of tax fraud by millions of illegal aliens. Millions of illegal workers are filing tax forms not to pay their taxes but to claim and then receive refundable tax credits– that is, cash refunds– and those cash payments run into the billions annually.
It’s politically correct in Washington, DC, to say that illegal aliens are willing, even anxious, to “pay their fair share of taxes.” It’s part of the mythology of the noble “undocumented worker” seeking the American dream. Even the Republican National Committee believes it.
This week the RNC sent a fundraising letter to a few million prospective donors using the tired gimmick of a “poll” on critical issues. One question asked voters if they support legalization for illegal aliens if they meet a number of tests, one of them being “paying back taxes.” We all know illegal aliens are anxious to do that to prove they have earned the right to stay here and contribute to the economy.
The problem is they already have a way to pay back taxes if they want to do it, but millions are doing just the opposite. Millions of illegal aliens are collecting refundable tax credits– that is, cash — by filing fraudulent claims. And the IRS doesn’t care.
An April 2012 investigative report by an Indiana television station found numerous cases of tax fraud in the Child Tax Credit and Additional Child Tax Credits programs.
Four illegal alien tax filers had used the same address and claimed a total of 20 children for refundable tax credits of up to $1,000 for each child. Only one child actually lived at the address, and the other 19 lived in Mexico and had never even visited the United States.
That aspect of the fraud is in fact not really illegal: the child you claim on the tax form does not have to live in the United States. the child can be living with Aunt Rosa in Peru or Grandpa Felix in Algeria.
The IRS response to the fraudulent payments? They refused to comment or to confirm any investigation and refused to meet with reporters to answer questions.
IRS refusal to act on documented fraud by illegal aliens is legendary. For a decade the agency’s own Inspector General has complained of inaction by agency managers.
According to reports of the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA), millions of illegal aliens are filing tax forms in order to claim refundable tax credits and receive billions in tax dollars — even if they have never paid one dollar in federal income taxes.
Illegal aliens are accessing not only the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) but the Child Tax Credit (CTC) and Additional Child Tax Credit ACTC) to the tune of billions annually.
And according to testimony of the Treasury Department’s Inspector General, the IRS has refused to take steps to curtail illegal aliens cashing in on these programs.
You may be thinking that the government surely would take action if the tax fraud is costing the Treasury millions of dollars. It’s fraud on a small scale, right? Nope. It’s costing billions, not millions.
While I was in Congress back in 2007, I tried to blow the whistle on this IRS partnership with schemes costing taxpayers billions.
A brave IRS employee in one of the agency’s Western regional offices called my office and met with my staff clandestinely at a restaurant in the capital of one of our southwestern states. He offered concrete, credible information and internal reports that showed there was a huge problem– and that it was being ignored by agency management.
His regional office team had studied a random sample of Child Tax Credit claims by tax filers using “ITIN” numbers– tax ID numbers given lawfully to persons who do not qualify for Social Security numbers but are employed and need to file tax returns.
Their sample revealed a high rate of fraud which suggested widespread fraud involving hundreds of millions of dollars. But he and his regional colleagues could get no action from headquarters to investigate it further.
Can you guess who blocked any congressional action to demand the IRS investigate illegal alien abuse of these “refundable tax credit” programs? The Congressional Hispanic Caucus threatened massive protests against “discriminatory practices” if the IRS pursued the issue.
At that time, Democrats were in the majority in the House and the Senate and thus controlled the committees, so no investigation was ever conducted. But did Republicans undertake to clean up the mess when they gained the majority in the 2010 election? No.
There is no evidence the problem of tax fraud by illegal aliens is something the IRS cares about.
A December 2014 report by revealed that an IRS audit documented a 24 percent error rate in claims made under the EITC — a loss of $14.2 billion in unlawful tax refunds in the year 2012.
A similar audit of the Additional Child Tax Credit program in 2012 revealed erroneous payments in the range of 25 percent to 31 percent.
But did the audits result in corrective actions? No.
Adding all of the fraud rates together from three separate refundable tax credit programs suggests total tax fraud in the realm of several billion dollars. Of course, not all of the fraud is by illegal aliens. But the lack of IRS interest in curtailing illegal alien abuse of these tax credit programs tells us the problem will only get worse in the years ahead.
Let’s add the shameful, willful taxpayer-funded philanthropy toward illegal workers to the many reasons why IRS Commissioner Koskinen should be impeached and a new management team put into the agency to conduct a thorough house cleaning.
What are the odds of that happening under President Hillary Clinton? Or President John Kasich?
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