Monthly Archives: August 2018
Mueller is the capo di tutti capi. The boss of all bosses. He answers to no one, his code is omerta; the code of silence. He is the BLACK HAND.
A New York Police Department wanted poster for Black Hand activity, 1910.
The Black Hand was a type of Italian and Italian-American extortion racket. It was a method of extortion, not a criminal organization as such, though gangsters of Camorra and the Mafia practiced it.
The Democratic shill continues to look under every rock, pebble and boulder, but comes up empty handed. And WHY? Because there is nothing there. Not a parking violation has been found. Time to end this travesty. This illegal investigation must end. It is none other than an FBI-Democrat incestual cabal. Time to Fire the bastard.
Although the financial crisis is long gone, the affect it had on Greece still lingers. And it will for decades to come. Over 400,000 Greeks have left the country, heading toward more fertile pastures. Lack of jobs and opportunity is the reason. Those leaving aren’t common olive oil mongers, but the well educated professionals who seek a better life in their new environs. Today, to put it mildly, “Greece is in the Poor House” never fully recovering from the financial implosion. In fact their economy is laboring 25% below what it was in 2008. Half dead and half alive, Rigor Mortis staring them in the face.
The Big Boys came to the rescue and with very harsh terms indeed. The European Union had strict demands, cut wages and raise taxes if you want to stay in the Euro. This was to be a suicide pact. Economist will tell you that doing so is a path to economic hell. What got Greece initially into this mess was their propensity and proclivity to spend other peoples money. The wall came quick and they hit it hard. For the past two decades the Greeks drank Ouzo, partied into the night, enjoyed the comforts of a spend all government, but most of all lied through it all by cooking the books. Now they are paying for their truancy by hard labor.
By Samuel Chamberlain | Fox News
Two linked to ‘extremist Muslim’ New Mexico compound wanted to attack hospital, prosecutors say
A couple accused of training children to carry out mass shootings at an “extremist Muslim” compound in the New Mexico desert singled out an Atlanta hospital as one target before police arrested them, according to court documents filed Friday.
Prosecutors in Taos County, citing interviews with the 11 children found at the compound earlier this month, claimed in the filing that Jany Leveille wanted to “confront ‘corrupt’ institutions or individuals … and reveal the ‘truth’ to these corrupt institutions or individuals.”
In addition to charges of child neglect against her, Leveille also is being held on accusations by federal immigration authorities that she overstayed her non-immigrant visitor visa after arriving 20 years ago in the United States from her native Haiti. She was returned Thursday to Taos from a federal holding facility in Texas.
On July 29, 1967, McCain was a lieutenant commander when he was near the epicenter of the USS Forrestal fire. He escaped from his burning jet and was trying to help another pilot escape when a bomb exploded; McCain was struck in the legs and chest by fragments. The ensuing fire killed 134 sailors and took 24 hours to control. With the Forrestal out of commission, McCain volunteered for assignment with the USS Oriskany, another aircraft carrier employed in Operation Rolling Thunder. Once there, he would be awarded the Navy Commendation Medal and the Bronze Star Medal for missions flown over North Vietnam.
John McCain has passed, (CLICK)the country morns a hero who by his own standards would not agree to be freed while spending treacherous days in the Hanoi Hilton unless his men were freed before him. During the Vietnam War, he was almost killed. While McCain was on a bombing mission during Operation Rolling Thunder over Hanoi in October 1967, he was shot down, seriously injured, and captured by the North Vietnamese. He was a prisoner of war until 1973. McCain experienced episodes of torture and refused an out-of-sequence early repatriation offer.
FROM WIKIPEDIA: He secured the presidential nomination in 2008 after coming back from early reversals, but was defeated by the smooth talking previously unknown Democratic nominee Barack Obama in the general election, losing by a 365–173 electoral college margin. On September 24, McCain said he was temporarily suspending his campaign activities, called on Obama to join him, and proposed delaying the first of the general election debates with Obama, in order to work on the proposed U.S. financial system bailout before Congress, which was targeted at addressing the subprime mortgage crisis and liquidity crisis.
During and after the final debate, McCain compared Obama’s proposed policies to socialism and often invoked “Joe the Plumber” as a symbol of American small business dreams that would be thwarted by an Obama presidency. McCain barred using the Jeremiah Wright controversy in ads against Obama, but the campaign did frequently criticize Obama regarding his purported relationship with Bill Ayers. McCain’s rallies became increasingly vitriolic, with attendees denigrating Obama and displaying a growing anti-Muslim and anti-African-American sentiment. During a campaign rally in Minnesota, Gayle Quinnell, a 75-year old McCain supporter said she did not trust Obama because “he’s an Arab”, McCain pointedly replied to the woman, “No ma’am. He’s a decent family man, citizen, that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues.”
McCain was a true servant of the United States; a remarkable career serving her. Always putting service first above all others. However, his political career took a different path, that of MAVERICK. Whenever he could McCain went his way. The quintessential example is his vote which allowed Obamacare to live another day. As a soldier his ultimate commander was the President; as a Senator, McCain’s ultimate commander was himself. No president was about to tell him what to do. This caused great tension between him and President Trump. This feud continued to the end. CLICK here for the background music between the two. Additionally, CLICK here for the facts concerning McCain’s extramarital affairs. – sounds a little bit like Trump to us. But in the end, Trump became Commander in Chief. And when it came to the Republican agenda, McCain went AWOL. The feud never subsided.
In the end it wasn’t about the Republican Party, It was all about John McCain, a war hero to many; one who proudly served his country in war and peace. God Bless Senator John McCain, may he rest in peace.
One second after President Trump’s surprising win, the Democrats activated the the “low road” and went on the warpath. These malcontents were not a wee bit pleased that a Republican, one who engineered his own train, one who would soon be breaking all the rules as he did in the campaign won. This did not sit well with socialist welfare leach, the brainwashed college student, the state and local government libs looking for a handout. “WAR IT MUST BE” was their position. And so it was from day one.
When you have nothing to offer but “CRUMBS” and “DEPLORABLE REMARKS” you antagonize the enemy, you bring hate to the table, you character assassinate, you do anything you can to destroy the opposition. On the other hand, if you have a plan, an agenda “you win for America.” And that is what Donald J. Trump is doing, winning for America.
Trump is no archetype, no yes man, Trump does not fit the traditional mold as a double talking head let lose out of both sides of his mouth political hack. So, the Democrats in a tizzy fit are raging with hate filled vitriol.
The Democrats and their allies in the media will continue to berate the President. No truth from them, but only liberal propaganda and lies. More media personnel have been fired over the past year for falsifying information including not revealing exculpatory evidence. And why do they do this? To protect the guilty! Trump is outing the criminals in government, the takers, the deal makers and those donors who have their handout for contracts or access. This is what the other side is afraid of. Don’t let the media circus of Cohen and Manafort blind you, these guys were small potatoes in the scheme of things.
We will not sleep until Tony Podesta and Hillary Clinton are locked up. BOTH WERE THE HEADS OF A CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE.
Once again, we don’t have to remind you, but like a bomb going off somewhere in the world, an educated guess is that the perpetrator is without a doubt a Muslim Jihadist, a member of ISIS; so it has come to pass once again in a different venue.
The murder of Kate Steinle by an illegal alien brought to light the disaster of illegals crossing our border with impunity. This focused on the disastrous policies of prior administrations. And we know now that the Steinle case was not an isolated incident. So it was inevitable more killings by illegals was to come. And it did. Molley Tibbetts was to be the latest victim – tracked and murdered in cold blood by an Illegal Alien who crossed the border from Mexico.
These beautiful young girls could be your sister, your daughter, your mother. Don’t forget them and don’t ever forget who is responsible for their deaths.
The broad contours of Tibbetts’s death are reminiscent of the case of Kate Steinle, a 32-year-old white woman whose 2015 death, after she was struck by a bullet in a popular area of San Francisco, has become a cri de coeur for Trump and other conservatives and proponents of harsher immigration laws. An undocumented immigrant, Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, was later convicted on a gun charge related to Steinle’s death. Zarate had already been deported from the United States five times.
But don’t tell this to the pundits. For example Chris Cuomo defends the illegals by his satirical bull shit, saying that illegals commit less crimes. CLICK HERE FOR A VENOMOUS MOUTH SUPPORTING ILLEGALS WHO COMMIT MURDER AND NUMEROUS OTHER CRIMES. CUOMO AND HIS BROTHER LOVE TO SEE MS-13 DO THEIR WORK. JUST ASK THOSE WHO LIVE IN LONG ISLAND.
Chicago, “the windy city”, “the deadly city”, “Chitown”, “the Daly City”, “an all American city”, “butcher to the world”, ” “my Home Town.” They do things different in Chicago, DON’T THEY? Democrat run city blistering with bullets whizzing by. Killings are an hourly occurrence, deadly neighborhoods, the South side seeing the bulk of the driveby hits. But wait, isn’t Chicago run by Democrats? You mean they can’t protect their citizens from crime? Why not?
Gang warfare is eliminating many criminals who most likely would be arrested sometime in the future. Frontier justice sometimes works for the good.
The Mayor of Chicago, none other than the quintessential liberal, Rahm Emanuel, is under fire from the liberal mob. What did he do to deserve their wrath. HE TOLD THE TRUTH. Gee that is something lacking in the progressive circles. Blaming ones own for a sellout is tantamount to heresy. CLICK HERE FOR THIS YEARS STATISTICS. CLICK HERE FOR 60 YEARS OF CHICAGO HISTORY – 39,000 MURDERS.
pictures and story below from FOX NEWS
As Chicago braces for another bloody weekend, Mayor Rahm Emanuel is once again coming under fire for blaming a lack of morals in predominantly black and Hispanic neighborhoods for the recent spate of violent crime.
Emanuel, who has been mayor since 2011 and is facing growing calls to resign from members of his own party, urged locals to “be a neighbor” and “speak up” to help law enforcement pursue killers, gang members and drug dealers.
After one particularly violent weekend earlier this month when more than 70 people were shot, Emanuel deflected questions about police staffing and strategy. Instead, he ignited a firestorm when he said there needs to be a politically incorrect conversation about character and values.
RAHM LET US GIVE YOU SOME ADVICE, for God’s sake “Don’t talk that way in the hood” – you could be the next HIT, not by gang member, but by a member of your own party. Sometimes the truth hurts.
BRUCE OHR is an operative who like many “cloak and dagger” guys keeps out of the limelight; a shady character – that is till now.
Who is Bruce Ohr?
Ohr wrote that Christopher Steele, the ex-British spy who wrote the salacious dossier, was “very concerned (abt) about [former FBI Director James] Comey’s firing — afraid they will be exposed.”

The Ohr documents shed more light on Steele’s activities before the presidential election. While Steele shopped the dossier to multiple media outlets, he also appeared to ask Ohr for help with a Russian oligarch — Oleg Deripaska — after rumors the U.S. might impose sanctions.
Ohr had a conflict of interest during the presidential campaign and transition, congressional investigators say, because his wife Nellie worked for Fusion GPS. Steele, an ex-British spy, was a key source cited by the FBI and Department of Justice to obtain a FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) warrant to monitor Page.
After the FBI dropped Steele as a source in November 2016 over his contacts with the media, the Republican-led House Intelligence Committee found that Steele had maintained contact with government officials by effectively using Ohr as a back channel.
During recent congressional testimony, now-fired FBI agent Peter Strzok confirmed that “the FBI received documents and material from Mr. Ohr.”
On Wednesday, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders announced that President Trump had terminated former CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance, and was reviewing the clearances of several other former officials. Sanders read a statement from Trump that cited what he described as Brennan’s misleading testimony before Congress and his increasingly partisan rhetoric, saying Brennan improperly traded on his access to classified information.
“For this reason, I’ve also begun to review the more general question of the access to classified information by government officials,” Trump’s statement read. “As part of this review I’m evaluating action with respect to the following individuals: James Clapper, James Comey, Michael Hayden, Sally Yates, Susan Rice, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and Bruce Ohr.”
Ohr is the only official on that list still working in the U.S. government.
During closed-door congressional testimony last year, the co-founder of Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson, claimed he had no contact with Ohr until after the presidential election. But Ohr’s work emails conflict with Simpson’s testimony, and show contact months earlier.
Ohr’s notes also indicate that in December 2016, there was a meeting in Washington, D.C.’s Chinatown between Fusion GPS’ Simpson and Ohr, with Ohr writing, “Glen(n) gave me a memory stick.”
Reacting to the news late Thursday, President Trump suggested the disclosures were more proof of a “witch hunt” against him.
“DOJ’s Emails & Notes show Bruce Ohr’s connection to (phony & discredited) Trump Dossier,” Trump wrote. “A creep thinking he would get caught in a dishonest act. Rigged Witch Hunt!”
FROM THE The Washington Post
Fusion GPS was started by investigative reporter Glenn R. Simpson among others. They started investigating Trump under a contract with the Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website financially supported by GOP megadonor Paul Singer in 2015. That assignment ended once Trump was on track to win the nomination. But in April 2016, Fusion was hired by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee to keep funding the research. Look at this another way; a lawyer represents a husband in a divorce proceeding then turns around and represent the wife once the divorce is settled. Is that legal? Is there a code of ethics addressing these types of situations? However it is apparent that no code of ethics exists in the blood sport of politics.
Steele, a former British intelligence officer with ties to the FBI and the U.S. intelligence community, was hired by Fusion to examine Trump’s ties in Russia. Steele was the author of the “dossier” alleging ties between Trump and Russia; the dossier is actually several memos, based on conversations with Russian sources, that were written between June and December of 2016.
The probe into the Trump campaign originally was sparked by a separate matter that Steele never wrote about — a tip from an Australian diplomat that a Trump campaign aide, George Papadopoulos, appeared to know Russia had obtained damaging emails on the Democrats. Ohr, head of Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF) was associate deputy attorney general until late 2017, when the DOJ learned of his contacts with Steele.
Ohr’s wife, Nellie, is a consultant and Russia specialist who has done some work for Fusion GPS. The majority report of the House Intelligence Committee said she was “employed by Fusion GPS to assist in the cultivation of opposition research on Trump. Also, Bruce Ohr and Steele knew each other, apparently because of organized-crime issues. Simpson knew Ohr as well,
In testimony before the House Intelligence Committee, Simpson said Steele suggested he speak to Ohr after the “very surprising” victory by Trump. But on July 1, 2016, shortly after Steele filed the first report for Fusion and only a few days before he met with an FBI agent to discuss his findings, Steele wrote to Ohr: “There is something separate I wanted to discuss with you informally and separately. It concerns our favorite business tycoon!”
On July 30, Steele met Bruce and Nellie Ohr for breakfast in Washington. And Bruce Ohr apparently spoke to Simpson on Aug. 22, according to phone logs reviewed by York.
The House majority report pointedly notes: “In September 2016, Steele admitted to Ohr his feelings against then candidate Trump when Steele said he ‘was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.’”