Early returns are in, Trump forecasted to sweep CT, MD, RI and PA by wide margins, thereby slamming the door in Cruz’s and Kasich’s face. Actually, those two contenders never had a chance. Trump’s message is getting across, the insiders are now outsiders, the outsiders are now insiders. As more returns come in we expect Trump to solidify his insurmountable lead. When the votes are fully counted look for Trump to break the 60% barrier.
Trump’s yet to be opponent in November, Sanders or Clinton, face a tough challenge. The press has thrown in the towel on Trump all but conceding a Democrat victory. But what do they know? Hillary Clinton is do disliked that many Democrats will sit out the election; they will be happy to see her lose. Punishing her for lying, cheating, scheming, killing, murdering, conniving, stealing and trafficking,
She has been pandering to those on the dole long enough. Hillary Clinton will get face slapped in November by the American Patriot. We can’t wait for her to step into the ring against Trump. A blood bath for sure.
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/04/26/fox-news-projects-trump-wins-md-pa-conn-clinton-wins-md.html?intcmp=hpbt1 (Republicans calling for CRUZ to give it up) Hillary Clinton has demanded that this photo be removed from the internet.
The Democrat race in the early going was too close to call. What was once to be a walk in the park, a given, has now turned into horse race. Bernie has torched Clinton to the point that she is now wondering what happened. Whacked by a socialist, gee wasn’t she the socialist, but whacked indeed by a 74 year old curmudgeon from Vermont via N.Y.
Just eight years ago she was whacked by a newcomer from Chicago. Again Clinton is on the defensive, spreading falsehoods, pandering and doing what she does best lying to the American people. According to the latest results, Clinton captured 57% of the vote to Sander’s 43%, but what is telling that Clinton lost most of the state, picking up New York City and the Island on her road to victory.
So what’s the big deal, she won the Black and Hispanic vote, this was expected. The rest of the state told her to go back where you came from.
Click here for both the Republican and Democrat voting map. Very telling when it comes to Clinton’s pyrich victory. The map spelled loser for Clinton.
Hillary Clinton is being trashed by Vermont’s seventy four year old Green Mountain Boy. “Man o Man how can this be” she thinks, “I am Hillary the Great” heir to the throne. “Only little people don’t vote for me.” But that does not seem to be the case in this tumultuous primary season; what was expected to be a cake walk for Hillary has now turned into a minefield.
A war of words has erupted. The more the America people follow her on the campaign trail they begin to recognize the vituperative personality she has. They have seen her responsible for Benghazi, but then had the audacity to say that “no one was killed in Libya.” Short memory or self induced amnesia. And the Email server, “I did not violate any laws.” In the background we see the Syrian takeover by Vlad the Russky and of course the rise of ISIS on Hillary’s watch.
However, the entertainment became more heated this week when Bernie and oh do we say that Hillary is feeling the Bern, said that Hillary is “UNQUALIFIED” to be President. Words like that coming from an Old Codger threw her into a tizzy. “I’m so sick of the Sanders campaign lying about me.” We are so sorry but in our zeal to inform, we forgot to tell you that only Hillary can lie.
Then Clinton said that the Vermont Socialist is a “relatively new Democrat” implying that she is a lifer. Sanders, however, piled it on. “Well, let me just say in response to Secretary Clinton: “I don’t believe that she is qualified if she is, through her super Pac, taking in tens of millions of dollars in special interest funds, ” “I don’t think you are qualified if you get $15 million from Wall Street through your super Pac.”
Fear has brought Europe to a standstill. Europeans are in the grip of Islamic Jihadists. Do they hide behind every bush? That is the question. Security in Europe is non existent. With the tsunami of Muslims infiltrating the Old Country it is inevitable that suicide bombers will exercise the will of Allah. Wave after wave of bombings have not hardened the minds of Merkel and Hollande.They fail to see the forest from the trees.
We are not an island until itself. Terrorists, invited to the United States by Obama and Clinton are in the planning stage seeking to spread fear and wreck havoc here in the United States. One lone wolf triggered by the call of Holy Jihad, is all it takes. And believe us, believe Trump, they will do the work of Allah with dispatch. On Obama’s watch 150,000 potential terrorists have been given the green light to come to America. They are everywhere, you see them, we see them. Wherever they are they make demands, they incite, they intimidate. They are not us folks, they are foreign to our nature, our culture and our way of life.
America should wise up to this extreme terrorist threat that has infiltrated our glorious country. On Obama’s watch another one million illegals have crossed the southern border alone, many of them from Jihadist Countries of Africa; such as Somalia, Yemen, Libya. Be vigilant, make sure your back is protected; watch for suspicious objects. Let us, with a shiv, jar your memory, that Ford Hood killer has not been called a Terrorist by Obama – “work place violence” is Obama’s definition of what happened. Obama has not protected us, what makes anyone think that Hillary Clinton will protect us. Did she protect our Four Brave Men in Benghazi. Wake Up America.
Damn it, why so long, why hasn’t the book been thrown at Clinton. Where is the hold up; what is the holdup. To the average American they see “who you know” makes a difference in the equal application of the law. Like Teddy Kennedy in the Chappaquiddick incident; if it were you, forget about it.
Ted Stevens from Alaska is a perfect example, the Democrats wanted him out; presto – indicted and convicted. Not the end of the story, verdict thrown out, but it didn’t matter he lost his seat and his life. But this Hillary thing is wearing thin. She did not execute properly, she lied and this resulted in four brave Americans killed, including our Ambassador Chris Stevens. Yet she is running from the law while running for the presidency. Does this sound like a Latin American story to you? If she wins expect a Dictator in Chief, a Caudillo. Typically, the caudillos took it upon themselves to attain power over society and place themselves as its leader.
Cummings, the Democrat on the House Select Committee investigating Benghazi has refused a request by Trey Gowdy, “As recently as this afternoon, I offered Mr. Cummings total, unfettered access to, and control of, transcripts if he simply agreed he would not selectively leak them. He would not give me that assurance,” Gowdy said in a statement.
Hillary, the liar, Clinton has flown to close to the sun, today she will feel the scorching heat; by the end of the day 3rd degree berns will have enveloped her body. Bernie Sanders, socialist from Vermont, is the arsonist. Hillary has run out of water, extinguishing the Bernie bern is not going to happen.
Believe it or not world leaders are working behind the scenes to stop Trump in his tracks; it is obvious that they want to derail his run for the White House. He is a threat to the New World Order. In the United States we have seen the media excoriate him as his message begins to take hold.
First off Trump was thought to be an amusement, an unknown quantity, a joke, a laughing stock. He was underestimated, the voters were underestimated. As more people began to hear his message they flocked to it. This has caused great concern to the Hillary Clinton/Angela Merkel types, the United Nations, the politically correct and socialist elites who have taken upon themselves to rule over us; they are the masters we are the mastered.
Many of you may question the New World Order, but the fact is there is a world conspiracy. Open your eyes to the influx of immigrants, refugees and illegals across what was once defined borders, to countries that now welcome them with open arms. Their leaders don’t give a hoot what the mastered think. If this is not a conspiracy what is?
“Illuminati” refers to various organizations which claim or are purported to have links to the original Bavarian Illuminati or similar secret societies, though these links are unsubstantiated. They are often alleged to conspire to control world affairs, by masterminding events and planting agents in government and corporations, in order to gain political power and influence and to establish a New World Order. .
TRUMP’S THREAT IS REAL; World leaders from China, North Korea, Mexico are gravely concerned; what will happen after Trump is sworn in. A threat to the livelihood of many masters will not be illusory, revolutions eventually erupt. Their minions will be out for blood finally understanding the parasitic elite have caused them much misery. Expect unimpeded blood to flow in countries that have gone too far. China will most likely be the first to feel the pain, Mexico second.
A side note, Trump spoke about the 57 billion dollar deficit with Mexico and alluded to the (click here for any eye opener on the drug trade)drug trade which would increase the deficit a whole lot more. The fact is the Mexican cartel’s impact on the trade deficit with Mexico is so great that any estimate of it is dollar value is purely speculative.
The pundits are running around in a dizzying haze, wondering why they lost their vision, that is if they had one in the first place. The primary season was to be a done deal, Hillary vs Bush, a replay of the Old Man and Slick Willie, but the voters saw it differently. Yes they did. We now enter the battle ground states of Palmetto and Sage Brush with all hell breaking loose.
Hillary is feeling the Bern, this time for real, the voters are doing to her what the FBI and Loretta Lynch has failed to do, torch her. This time Clinton has flown to close to the sun, not tinged mind you, but she has suffered first degree burns. And Bush, Jeb Bush, the 100 million dollar man, has run out of cash they say. America has found out that Bush the Younger needed Mommy to stump for him. He brings out Barbara in a wheel chair and shouts to the top of his lungs, “don’t pick on my family.”
Personalities aside, we are talking about issues here, leadership, decisions, respect for the American people, Constitution; politics is a blood sport. If you can’t take the heat get the hell out of the kitchen.
Latest polls out do not bode well for Clinton and the rest of the Republican upsetters. We look for Trump to hold his own, capturing a solid 35% of the vote. Clinton on the other hand is about to suffer a humiliating defeat even if she scores a 1% win.
By the way, Iowa still has not come clean. Cigar smoked room stuff that has angered the voters this year. They are fed up due to the lack of transparency and double dealing among the intelligentsia. Double Dealing is Hillary Clinton’s middle name. But let’s refrain from calling people names, the American public has had it with the status quo. That is why Sanders and Trump are on the threshold of the big payoff.
Hillary Clinton revealed a new talent on the campaign trail this week: She can bark like a dog.
At a rally Monday in Reno, Nevada, the Democratic presidential front-runner jokingly discussed how her GOP rivals could be called out whenever they bent the truth, Time Magazine reports.
And she recalled one of her “favorite, favorite” political ads that aired on the radio station when she lived in Arkansas.
“The announcer said, ‘Wouldn’t it be great if somebody running for office said something, we could have an immediate reaction as to whether it was true or not? Well we’ve trained this dog and the dog, if it’s not true, he’s going to bark,'” Clinton told her supporters.
“And so people were barking at each other for days after that. I’m trying to figure out how we can do that with the Republicans, you know? We need to get that dog and follow him around and every time they say things, like, ‘Oh, the great recession was caused by too much regulation’ — Arf! Arf! Arf! Arf! I think we could cut through a lot of their claims.”
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Clinton is the second presidential candidate to reference Man’s Best Friend during the 2016 campaign.
Last December, Carly Fiorina who has since dropped out of the race, was seen in a video, playing with a small army of puppies and informing one of them, “Ya know, President Obama ate one of your cousins.”
The bizarre remark was a reference to the commander-in-chief’s confession that he ate dog meat as a young boy in Indonesia.
In the same video, titled “Why Dogs Are Better than Cats with Carly Fiorina,” the former Hewlett-Packard CEO is seen chewing on a bone, telling another dog, “I always used to eat Milk-Bones as a kid. I thought they were very good.”
Breaking News at Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/Hillary-Barks-Dog-Campaign-Trail/2016/02/16/id/714548/#ixzz40Q9MFATq
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The Republican Debate was all bare knuckles, no pulled punches, but Trump hit Jeb Bush in the jaw. Jeb said, “stop attacking my family.” The audience was stuffed with Bush supporters as the video portrays. The pundits say Trump had a bad night, but listen to the content rather than the one liners. But according to recent polls Trump is front by a large margin. Cruz and Rubio went at like cats spitting in each others face. The people in America know that Donald Trump means business; he is the only Republican who can win the Presidency by pulling Democrat voters to vote for him.
By Anthony Salvanto, Fred Backus, Jennifer De Pinto, Sarah Dutton
The CBS News Battleground Tracker poll shows that Donald Trump keeps a large lead in South Carolina, bolstered by support from conservatives and also from evangelical voters, who make up a large share of the electorate here.
Ted Cruz is in second place, but well behind Trump. Cruz has the support of those who consider themselves very conservative, but trails Trump among all conservatives as well as moderates.
John Kasich has gotten a little bounce out of his surprisingly strong showing in New Hampshire, but he may be limited here by the fact that evangelical voters are not as strongly in support of him as non-evangelicals.
For Trump voters, who have been relatively steadfast in their support over the last few months, the percentage who say they’ve firmly decided on Trump has increased. Trump’s lead among evangelicals is up from January, and he has widened his lead among conservatives, too.
In a contest marked by divisions among so-called “insiders” and “outsiders,” South Carolina Republicans show a strong preference for campaigns running as the latter, and this poll helps illustrate why. By four to one, South Carolina Republicans describe the “establishment” as a bad thing, and few describe it as a group that knows how to get things done.
On the metric of being “prepared” to be president, Trump and Cruz do well, and Jeb Bush and John Kasich do relatively well, but Marco Rubio trails in this regard, suggesting that last week’s debate in New Hampshire may have had an impact.
Hillary Clinton keeps her large lead in South Carolina, which has narrowed only slightly from last month, and she is bolstered by strong support from the African American voters who comprise most of the Democratic electorate here.
Hillary thinks she is doing good; well folks for a 100% shoe-in six moths ago with 59% support that is not doing good, it is pathetic.
GREENVILLE, South Carolina — The chairman of the local Republican Party here confirmed to local television that 2016 frontrunner billionaire Donald Trump’s concerns—and those of his closest competitor Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)—with the Republican National Committee (RNC) allocation of debate audience tickets are well-placed.
Vox even admits that Trump’s claim on stage that the odd—and unrepresentative of the party’s voting base—audience was made up of “Jeb’s special interests and lobbyists” was really not “that far-fetched.”
“Prior to the debate, the Republican Party decided not to use a lottery system to decide who should be in the audience,” Lopez wrote. “Instead, most tickets went to elected Republican officials, donors, and other workers for the party picked by local, state, and national party officials. The result, it seems, is the room was packed with Republican voters who overwhelmingly dislike Trump.”